Please help with Kayak purchase
Hi, Chris I do not want to be mean spirited, but You have a large task ahead of
you and plenty of disappointment, trying to use your budget of $500.00 for a
boat that will have to be safe enough for 2 to 4ft waves.
May I suggest, SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. then next year you can buy that sea kayak. You
will have al winter to save and research your DREAM Kayak, eh?
There many good used sea kayaks on the market, it takes some surfing.
Good Luck, I will keep my eyes open for a bargain, check out Ebay and all Kayak
Calssifieds our on a daily basis, by doing this you will not be spending any
money, so SAVING will happen, Go, Go.
Good Luck again,
"Keep a Paddle in the Water at All Times"