paddles on airlines
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John Fereira
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paddles on airlines
(doug) wrote in
American Airlines provides a list of sports equipment they allow
without additional charges. Kayak paddles is not on the list.
Contacting AA, they indicated they set policies based on the needs of
the "Large group " of airline passangers. They will review their
policies when enough travelers request a change.
Why travel with a paddle? Kayak tour companies currently provide
boats, but expect one to bring their own paddles.
I've rented kayaks lots of times and have never seen an outfitter that
required you to bring your own paddle. Where did you encounter this? That
said, I've always brought along my own paddle because the quality of rental
paddles often leaves much to be desired. Usually, I've just broken down my
two piece paddle, taped the shaft together, and put it in the overhead
compartment. The only time anyone from the airline or flight crew said
anything about it was the when the flight captain stopped me as I was
getting off the plane. He was a kayaker too and asked me where I was going,
about my kayak, etc.
If you ever consider
taking a toured trip which requires air travel please contact the
airlines now and request a policy change. AA may be contacted through
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