On 3/10/14, 10:28 AM, KC wrote:
Posted this about a week ago was hoping at least for a comment or two. I
spent about a month learning the types of coding necessary to put all
the different scripts together... It's one reason I have been so quiet
Anyway, last try... http://www.newenglandtreemasters.com ...
I know a couple links are still dead. I spent the last two weeks
building the "Portfolio Page" and putting in the controls.. The
"Equipment" page took a while too but it has a display script, inside of
another display script. The Flash presentation on the front page is
"stock" but I did add my own objects and actions to in for another
website I am working with, doing that in Macromedia Flash... Most of the
adjustments to the site are border and background colors and making
things line up with the Cascading Style Sheets that are the basic layout
and feel of the site etc... Anyway, the customer really likes the color
scheme but I still have to do a new logo... And ironically, like I said
before the customer speaks English as a second language and hired me to
"communicate" to the customers for them
Hire someone who knows English as a first language, have that person
work on the spelling, grammar, and stylistic errors and inconsistencies,
and then get back to us.