On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:17:05 PM UTC-4, F*O*A*D wrote:
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:57:07 -0400, F*O*A*D wrote:
On 3/10/14, 10:23 PM, KC wrote:
On 3/10/2014 6:32
Reads like you are using old, clunky, outdated software.
Um, no... I used HTML5 with CSS. Nothing beyond that in mainstream
use at this time. So, like I said. You can spell, big ****ing deal..
I am out here making a paycheck, you are sitting around bitching
cause you don't have enough stuff...
What? Gee, I've not had problems lining up copy and art and photos.
Gosh. I must be doing something wrong.
LOL, I guess.. More Zimmerman like Lobsta' boats?? Macromedia Flash 8,
Dreamweaver CS6, HTML 5 with CSS that you are calling "old, clunky,
outdated software"
.. HTML 5 isn't even being used universally yet,
much less clunky idiot
Perhaps you should "invest" in a bootlegged spell checker, grammar
checker, and context checker, or hire someone with a working familiarity
of the English language.
If you had windoze you could just open the text in Word and let Bill
take a look.
There you go. Of course, a speeeeeeel czecher won't help the
functionally illiterate with context or even in some cases with
You babble on but you still can't back up your very first statement here that my CS6, Macromedia 8, HTML 5 and CSS are "clunky" and "old"...

You obviously don't know anything about building sites or coding so why not just say I spell badly and leave it at that?