Putin says...
On 3/11/2014 7:21 PM, HanK wrote:
On 3/11/2014 10:12 AM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:36:26 -0400, F*O*A*D wrote:
The idea of spending a lot of time in exotic locations waiting for
to fix a broken down old trawler with failing generators,
et cetera, has little appeal to me.
It's for sure that 'sitting on the hard' will be much easier on the
generator, transmissions, et
cetera. You really should crank those Volvo diesels up every couple
of years, just to move the oil
And, if you're in an exotic location, what the hell's wrong with
spending some time there while
waiting for a new generator to arrive? Sounds ideal to me....planned
that way, maybe, eh?
You seem to think that what might appeal to you is of universal appeal.
Oh, and typically, you're not waiting for a new generator to arrive,
you're waiting for a part on your existing generator to arrive.
I get a kick out of you "full-time retirees." You've got nothing of
consequence to do all day long, all week long, all month long, so you
have to find a zillion little hobbies to fill out your dance card. Golf,
model airplanes, RV'ing, firearms, motorcycling, bluegrass festivals,
guitars. What's next, line dancing?
Those grapes must really be sour this morning.
Harry is a perfect example of not financially preparing for his golden
years. Unfortunately there are many more like him who will eventually
end up on the public dole because of poor planning.
For some it's not for not trying... Some work really hard all their
lives and just don't make it as well as others... but it doesn't mean
they gotta' give up and bitch about what others have.