Putin says...
On 3/12/14, 6:48 PM, Tim wrote:
On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:03:15 PM UTC-5, F*O*A*D wrote:
On 3/12/14, 5:31 PM, Tim wrote:
On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 7:21:09 AM UTC-5, F*O*A*D wrote:
Sorry, I'm not into conversions, religious or political.
Sure you are, Harry. That's why you continually start threads on politics and occasionally 'religious'
No, Timmy, you are wrong. I have no interest in converting anyone here
to or from religious beliefs or in changing political parties or affinities.
In fact, the words and actions of *most* of those here who claim to be
religious belie their true beliefs. Anyone can twist or interpret the
new testament anyway he or she likes, but to state directly or
indirectly you favor taking food, medicine, shelter, clothing or decent
free public schooling away from kids in impoverished households sends a
clear signal: if you believe in doing that, you are NOT a follower of
There y'go. Talking religion already.
But, to address your prior claim, no intent to convert.