On 3/13/2014 8:55 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 20:40:11 -0400, F*O*A*D wrote:
On 3/13/14, 8:14 PM, KC wrote:
F*O*A*D wrote:
Less able? No one I know in the real world is *less able* than you
are. Hell, man, you've never been able to hang onto a real job anywhere.
I do wish you success with your web design business...just make sure
potential clients don't consider proper use of the English language
that important.
I am really not too worried harry... If there were any real issues left
one of the others here would chime in. I am sure your "observations"
here on this matter are no more informed than your opinion on the
software I used to draw the site
Your opinion harry, really is
completely useless, and uninvited, but at the same time completely
predictable and expected... You are just a worthless little piece of
****, not worth the time folks here give you.
Your web page, unless you've changed it drastically since you last
posted the URL, has a good number of grammar errors and style
inconsistencies. I did not look close enough to see if there were
spelling errors, too. That you don't see any of these is not surprising,
and since your client's native language isn't English, he isn't likely
to notice, either. If I were in your shoes and trying to pass myself off
as a professional-level web guy, I'd find someone who has
professional-level knowledge of "English as she is written," because you
don't have such knowledge.
Style inconsistencies are *extremely* important to a guy who has a
tree that needs to come down.
harry not understanding that it doesn't matter what my ESL customer
thinks, it's what the folks coming to spend money at his business
think... it's not hard to see why he has two bankruptcies
I took a similar approach (sell the sizzle) with a little website called
smallboats.com about 15 years ago. The style went over well with folks
"feeling like they know me" after reading the site, and sending me
thousands of dollars from hundreds of miles away, for a boat I was to
build for them in the future....
I still get all the emails sent to them cc to me from testing the site
and such. They are getting a great response but I have to add more
"firewood" to the front page now so I am going to fit in a seasonal area
there somewhere eventually... but I have seen no complaints really other
than that. I am looking at simplifying the front page at some point but
the customer likes it so far so.......