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Bertie the Bunyip
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Default Eastman's guide to exposing the 9-11 mass-murder frameup to justify world-domination to an otherwise isolationist American public

(Gleed) wrote in

(Gleed) wrote in message
. com...
"Ralph Nesbitt" wrote

You & your fellow travelers are, by your posts have
reasonably well shown, engaged in a "Dis-information

You have to admire Nesbitt's nerve -- the consumate conniving you know
what. No wonder so many of them are named after the wolf.

Now, not only can't Eastman post to this thread through googlegroups,
his yahoogroup e-list postings are not going up either, even though
Yahoogroups shows that his account is still good (not cut because of
bouncing e-mails etc.)


From: "David ........
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Subject: We Must Investigate Paul Wellstone's Death

I suspected foul play from the beginning and pulled together some
evidence that I thought was pretty provocative. The media coverage
that followed Wellstone's death reeks of conspiracy. See my Paul
Wellstone page at and tell me what
you think.

I was interested in this passage of your Wellstone site:

The pilots called the Eveleth-Virginia airport to get
clearance for landing when they were about seven
miles out and reported no problems. Gary Ulman
(an owner of Taconite Aviation at the airport, a private
aviation firm) was on duty at the airport. When air
traffic control in Duluth notified him that the plane
hadn't checked in, Ulman took off in another plane
and began to search. A column of smoke he
suspected was just a chimney fire led him to the crash
scene, about 1 to 2 miles off the normal approach to
the runway, indicating the pilot veered off course for
some reason.

The plane was still burning when sheriff's deputies
arrived shortly after 11 a.m. and it continued to burn
until at least 3:30 p.m. Carol Carmody, NTSB acting
chairwoman, told reporters, "There's evidence of an
intense post-crash fire." She said only the tail section
was intact.


Check this old message/article of mine from October or November 2001:


by Dick Eastman

There have been other incontrovertable cases of remote-control
crashjackings that were uncovered, but then forgotten in the
distraction of the U.S. -Northern-Alliance-Druglord invasion and
conquest of Taliban Afganistan and by the four small anthrax attacks
on media and government and daily-predicted but large-scale anthrax
attack that never happened.

Here are the other "remotejack"cases:

MIAMI 1999

American Airlines Airbus A300 in 1999: As it prepared to land
in Miami the rudder moved back and forth several times
on its own causing the jet to move violently from side to
Then it just stopped on its own. "Rudder movements extreme"
reported the NTSB. Never explained.

EgyptAir 990 JFK to Cairo

Crashed Egypt Air 990 Boeing 767 10/31/99 JFK to Cairo,
Egypt.Top Egyptian military aboard. A half hour out of
New York the pilot left the cockpit to go to the toilet. A
voice, in English (not the pilot or co-pilot) is heard on
voice recorder saying "Control it." --then the plane begins
flying countrary to the auto-pilot where it had been set to
the appropriate course.. The co-pilot uttering prays to Allah
disbelief, turns off the auto-pilot in an attempt to restore
control of the plane. But instead, the plane then goes into a
The co-pilot is again heard calling on Allah for help. The
returns to the cockpit 16 seconds into the dive, asking,
happening?" Both work to pull up the nose. The engine
full throttle while still in a dive. The co-pilot cuts the
fuel lines,
to stop the engines. Then the right and left elevators move
opposite directions.
The ailerons on both wings move full up. The pilot orders
The co-pilot replies: "They're shut." The last words from
cockpit are of those of the pilot exhorting the co-pilot in
Arabic: "Pull! Pull! Pull!" Suddenly the voice recorder is
simply shut off, just like in Flight 587.
(Presumably the remote-controlling crash-jacker has
heard enough to know that his mission crashjacking
mission has succeeded.

Flight 587 Downed over Queens, NY

Flight 587 on 11/12/01, an Airbus A 300 after taking
off in New York suddenly has its vertical stabilizers
begin to sway back and forth on their won, beyond
the normal range that even the cockpit controls permit.
Flight data record "unuslual sideways movments
[called yawing], that violently slammed passengers
back and forth" -- working the rudder in the
stabilizer as if someone were trying to wear down
the material as one breaks wire through metal fatigue
by working it back and forth. When the stabilizer
finally broke off under this pounding rudder was gone
the plane might still have been able to land with a
skilled pilot under otherwise normal conditions,
except that now the remote crashjacker began
playing with the flaps, the ailerons and the elevators
all at the same time. The strain on the plane was
terrific. As the recorder indicates, the plane turned
a full ten degrees in one second. (A feat well beyond
the normal range of operation.) The plane banked left,
even though the blackbox recorder indicates that at the
same time pilot and co-pilot were working controls
to move the plane in the opposite the
opposite direction. Then the remote crashjacker goes
for the kill as the recorder indicates that the nose drops
and the cockpit voice record is cut off (and that means
both the plane's normal power source and the emergeny
battery source on a different circuit.). The stresses
caused by these crashjacking maneuvers -- the full
throttle dive followed by the sudden dropping of the
flaps -- caused the in-high-momentum engines to break
off as the braces fail to hold them back with the slowing
flap-down wings.

Note: The cockpit conversations of these crashes
have not been released, merely portions of cockpit
conversation being paraphrased. Note also that
the NTSB (Director Marion Blakey a recently appointed
D.C. lobbyist with no experience in the field) -- blames
both the Flight AA-587 crash and the EgyptAir 990
crashes on the pilots (pilot error in the AA case and
a suicide in the EgyptAir case -- both totally
inconsistent with any and all available
evidence -- both determinations together in the face of
all contrary blackbox flight data being entirely to
improbable to leave room for any other conclusion
than that the National Transportation Safety Board
is involved in the 911 frame-up cover-up.


A retrospectively amazing letter received August 7 about Sharon's
plans for a general mid-east war.

Here is a letter I received from an economist in Sweden on August 6 or

Combine this with what you already know to draw your own conclusions.

Ariel Sharon seems more and more to be near the center of this
war-provoking crash-bomb frame-up.

On Monday, 9 July, Robert sent this from Gideon Levy: "What would
happen if the Palestinian cabinet were to meet and afterward press
reports spoke of the existence of a list of 26 to 30 senior officers
of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) who were being targeted for
liquidation? . . . What would happen is that Israel would stir up a
tremendous world-wide fuss. We would brand that cabinet a 'regime of
terror' - and rightly so. In the middle of last week (Israel) decided
to extend 'the strikes against Palestinian terror activists'. The
decision was made public, as was the list of between 26 and 30 names
of people who are targeted for liquidation . . . Admitting to carrying
out liquidations and their transformation into official policy are
another stage in Israel's moral deterioration."

And on Wednesday Robert sent news items from the Middle East about
Iranian troops targeting rockets on Israel from positions in southern
Lebanon; and about Syria and Israel being on a 'warpath'.

Now today I hear from friends at the Shiller Institute's Stockholm
office [this is the think tank of the LaRouche organization --DE]
-- that the Institute has reliable insider
information that Ariel Sharon came to power with a war plan to use
Hamas as a tool for destabilizing Jordan, ultimately overthrowing King
Abdullah II and establishing Jordan as a 'Palestinian homeland' under
Hamas control. "To this end, Sharon, who was instrumental in the
launching of the Hamas movement earlier in his career, has dispatched
his son as a personal back-channel emissary to the Islamist group. Key
Hamas personnel have already been infiltrated into Jordan, in
preparation for Sharon's provocation of a new general Mideast war--in
the days or weeks ahead, the sources said."
end of letter of August
[Here is my commentary on the above of over a year ago.]

It seems this terror-frame-up-provoked war had its
Versailles-type-carve-up outcome pre-settled. The druglords would
get their opium back, the oil companies their pipeline,
and Ariel Sharon his solution to the Middle East problem. Certainly,
they apparently thought, 7,000 lives and some obsolete skyscrappers
were a small price to pay for these great objectives.

My guess is that only when Americans take to the streets with specific
demands for investigations -- will the terror subside. Any Anthrax
will be coming from Ariel Sharon - my prime suspect for ordering the
murderer of Yitzhak Rabin.

Isreal and Israelis are not served by this kind of defense. Israel is
not to blame. Israel is victim just as Yitzkh Rabin was victim.
Sharon and organized economic criminals are responsible for the terro
and the war.

"Milosevic, move on over, a BIG DOG is movin' in."

Now where is the cop big enough to put the cuffs on them?

(I'd sure like a little chat with the prosecutor before the trial.)

Dick Eastman (You think I hate your group? Then come and kill me.)
223 S. 64th Avenue
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.


Here is a letter I tried to post today to yahoogroups I subscribe to,
but failed in two mailings!!
(Aug. 20, 2003)

What would have been the motive for targeting US Naval Intelligence?

Since the Clinton years, intelligence, especially in reference to the
CIA, has been divided into the so-called "Red Team" of
internationalists (giving the store away to China etc.) and the
"Blue" team (more nationalistic and loyal to the Constitution) --
like the difference between George C. Marshall (elitist and China
sellout) and MacArthur (anti-Communist, not of the secret aristocracy
that is the eastern establishment power elite like the Rockefellers,
Harrimans, Bush Familty etc.)

Naval Intelligence had a degree of autonomy -- the idea was that if
one intelligence center was compromised there would be a second
intelligence center to detect the treason and give the warning --

Naval Intelligence was not on the same teams of Rumsfeld and
Wolfowitz, the political leadership believe in ends-justify-the-means
Machiavellian crimes that the cloak of secrecy allows them to get away
with, whereas the organizational leadership of Naval Intelligence
would not go along with killing over 2000 of our own people in order
to light a fire of war fever under the American public.

If not destroyed, Naval Intelligence would have detected the truth and
acted in the appropriate way -- the way you and I are reacting just in
the capacity of alert ordinary citizens -- but they would have been
listened to because of who they were.

Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz had not fired, killed, re-assigned all the many
patriotic Defense workers who would have given them trouble by the
time they were ready for the 9-11 frameup -- they found it easier to
order them all to attend a secret meeting at the specified room where
they were all caught and killed by the combination of missile and jet
fighter that tunneled through the first floor and got them A dive
from above would not have worked as the concrete floors of the five
story building would have limited dammage to people on the first
floor -- the fireball going up from the upper floors and not down.

No question about it.

Sorry people. You have to choose. Either Rivero, Vialls, Jaret
Israel, Jeff Rense and Mike Ruppert are right about the Pentagon and
I am a disinformation agent, or they are the disinformation agents
keeping you from the truth that can hang all the Neo-cons because of
their intimate involvement in the faked Boeing crash at the Pentagon.

I am sick of dealing with "friends" who are two stupid or too
cowardly to look at the evidence and take sides when it is a matter
of life and death to identify your enemy and his disinformation.

Rivero himself fully understands that they is no neutral ground
between his cause and mine:

From: Michael Rivero
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 2:51 PM
Subject: Please answer this one. Why are you so sure? Something
has to be clarified here fast -- for the good of us all.

Dick, it is now obvious that your agenda is to try to keep the
public's attention on the bogus missing plane story as long as
possible, because while people are arguing over whether there was a
plane or not they are not paying attention to the Israeli spy scandal
and their connections to the attacks on the World Trade Towers.

That you continue to try to keep focus on this missing plane story
despite photographic proof and witnesses to the presence of the
aircraft illustrates that you are not really interested in the facts,
only in how long you can use this story as a distraction.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot
tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified
information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News
report on the Israeli spy ring.

Dick, please remove me from your mailing list.


All of the above I have conclused are sellout traitors, except for
jared israel, who is, I am guessing, too concerned with what may
happen to world opinion of Jews once it is known with such certainty
that Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Perle, Kissinger, Meyer and a dozen others
who were key figures in the planning and exceution of the 9/11
mass-murder black op are found out -- to the where point he covers
for their mass-murdering conspiracy, stiffing the small-plane findings
and offering immediatly transparent bogus "refutations" for doing so
on his website.


Remember this story? (You need to.)

US Military Opposes Spraying
Afghan Opium Poppies
By Bill Gertz

The U.S. military is opposing Bush administration plans to conduct
crop eradication in Afghanistan, where poppy cultivation in the coming
weeks will net millions of dollars for Taliban and al Qaeda drug
runners, U.S. officials say.

The military officials, including representatives of the U.S. Central
Command, have argued in interagency meetings that attacking
Afghanistan's poppy fields is a nonmilitary function that should be
left to others.


In otherwords Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle (who is an agent of the
Rothschilds) wanted that opium be grown and harvested and delievered
to China where it is processed into Chinses heroin and sold worldwide
for about $2 trillion a year, that money laundered into the big
investment banks including (or perhaps especially)
Rothschild-affiliated banks that Perle so well serves. Get the
picture of who and what our "military officials" are really working


Now remember this one (remembering that Flight 77 took off from Dulles
and, after overflying the crash in progress) landed at Reagan National
only one mile ahead -- head for the 14th street bridge and turn right.


More Than 100 DC-Area Airport Employees Arrested

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100 employees at two major
Washington-area airports have been arrested on fraud charges in
obtaining restricted airport security badges, government sources said
on Tuesday.

The arrests will be announced by Attorney General John Ashcroft later
in the day in Alexandria, Virginia, officials said.

The arrests marked a continuing post Sept. 11 crackdown by U.S. law
enforcement and transportation authorities on airport security lapses.

Many of the charges -- including those being brought against workers
at Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles
International Airport outside the capital -- involve allegations that
suspects violated immigration and Social Security laws.

Also, the government alleges that many arrested on Tuesday in the
greater Washington area lied about criminal records while applying for
security badges, the sources said.

It was unclear initially what jobs those employees performed.

As of last week, more than 250 people had been arrested at 11 U.S.
airports on charges they fraudulently obtained credentials for access
to sensitive airport areas, like ramps, gates and aircraft.

Roughly half have pleaded guilty or have plea agreements pending,
authorities said. More than 70 have been deported or are awaiting
deportation proceedings, authorities said.


Henry Kissinger in an address to the super secret Bilderberg
meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 said the following as
from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates:

"Today American's would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles
restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true
they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this
scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the
of their well being granted to them by their world government."


"You have to understand. Future wars will be
fought by capitalists and anti-capitalists as society polarises. When
happens, control of information will be as important as control of
territory used to be in conventional conflicts. If you can stop your
from destroying your information, then you have a good chance of
the war."

Major General Smedly D. Butler headed the Marine Corps for
many years when he wrote this article in Common Sense in the
November,1935 issue:

"There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military
gang is blind to. It has its 'finger men" (to point out enemies),
its "muscle men" (to destroy enemies), its "brain guys" (to plan
war preparations), and a "Big Boss" (supernationalistic capitalism).

"It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a
comparison. Truthfulness compels me to do so. I spent 33 years
and four months in active military service as a memeber of our
country's most agile military force -- the Marine Corps. I served
in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General.
during that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle
man for
Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a
racketeer, a gangster for captialism.

"I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure
it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an
thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in
animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is
typical with
everyone in the military service.

Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil
interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and CUba a decent place for
National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the
raping of
half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall
Street. The
record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the
international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought
to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In
in 1927 I helped see to it that the Standard Oil went its way

"During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a
racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals and promotion. Looking
back on
it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he
could do
was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on


13 June 2001

Top Firms Retreat into Bunker to Ward off Anarchists

By Steve Boggan

June 11, 2001

Some of Britain's biggest companies are running their internet
on systems installed in a 300ft-deep nuclear blast-proof bunker to
customers from violent anti-capitalist campaigners.

They are renting space in hermetically sealed rooms capable of
withstanding a one Kiloton explosion, electro-magnetic "pulse bombs",
electronic eavesdropping and chemical and biological warfare.

Hundreds of companies have already installed systems in The Bunker -
formerly known as RAF Ash, outside Sandwich in Kent - and dozens more
understood to be queuing up for space. They have been driven
by the IRA bombings of Canary Wharf and Bishopsgate in London and,
increasingly, by concerns over the operations of anarchists behind
sophisticated protests such as the May Day anti-capitalist rallies.

At stake is billions of pounds worth of business conducted over the
internet. Companies are concerned that while electronic security -
increasingly sophisticated encryption codes - is gradually making
customers feel more confident about conducting credit-card
over the internet, the physical side of e-business is still
The fear is that servers, the small electronic boxes through which
customer traffic and business transactions on the web are channelled,
could be physically vulnerable to theft, damage or sabotage.
(end of excerpt)

Charles Lindberg, excerpted from Of Flight and Life, 1948:

Our survival, the future of our civilization, possibly the existence
of mankind, depend on American leadership -- upon the wisdom of our
policies and action. On the one hand, we know that peace has never
existed for long where some great power has not enforced it by
military strength. On the other, we have seen that military strength
is like a flame which consumes the very stuf from which it springs.
Great military peoples have conquered their known world time and time
again through the centuries, only to die out in the inevitable ashes
of their fire. Well over two thousand years ago, the Chinese
philospher, Laotzu, concluded that:

"Weapons often turn upon the wielder,
An army's harvest is a waste of thorns."

We may have to resort to arms in the future, as we have in the past.
We may have to use them to prevent atomic war from being launched
against us. But let us have the wisdom to realize that the use of
force is a sign of weakness on a higher plane, and that a policy based
primarily on recourse to arms will sooner or later fail.


Kristen Breitweiser:
"I don't understand, with all the warnings about the possibilities of
Qaeda using planes as weapons, and the Phoenix Memo from one of your
agents warning that Osama bin Laden was sending operatives to this
for flight-school training, why didn't you check out flight schools
Sept. 11?"

Senior FBI agent:
"Do you know how many flight schools there are in the U.S.?
Thousands," a
senior agent protested. "We couldn't have investigated them all and
these few guys."

"Wait, you just told me there were too many flight schools and that
prohibited you from investigating them before 9/11. How
is it that a few hours after the attacks, the nation is brought to its
knees, and miraculously F.B.I. agents showed up at Embry-Riddle flight
school in Florida where some of the terrorists trained?"

"We got lucky."

[Kristen then asked the agent how the F.B.I. had known exactly which
in Portland, Me., would yield a videotape of Mohammed Atta, the leader
the attacks. The agent got some facts confused, then changed his

Senior Agent:
"What are you getting at?"

"I think you had open investigations before Sept. 11 on some of the
responsible for the terrorist attacks."

This shows how once Americans have been jolted by personal loss of a
loved one by a Neo-con Fascist black op, they can, in fact, see and
think very clearly and even find courage to confront the covert
two-faced sociopathic traitors to their faces.

That's the greatness of motherhood in action. (Not all mothers are
like that, however. Mine listen's to Limbaugh and Hannity every day
and calls me a stupid ass for not supporting "our President" -- my
wife feels the same way, except by her it is the family I am a stupid
ass for not supporting as I should. .But I know if someone were to
bump me off it would be different. The question is how to motivate
people BEFORE the event.

Questions I would like these mothers to ask the next time they get the

Q: Mr. Robert Mueller III, you are now saying that a major terrorist
event is inevitable and sooner rather than later. Then why have we
given up so many of our freedoms and spent hundreds of billions of
dollars of homeland security and wars on terrorism around the world?
Do you think the current threat of terror to the American people is
greater or less than it would have been had we not conquered
Afganistan and Iraq and sent hit squads around the world and set up a
devil's island at Guantanamo where men are tortured and will be
executed after kangaroo court proceedings outside American and
international law? Do you really think this remedy has helped reduce
the changes of more terror?

Q: Mr. Bush has given the order that President Saddam Hussein is to
be shot without trial -- that if he is taken alive he is to be
secretly interrogated and then shot on the spot -- and that this
order has been issued now that we know that there were no real grounds
for the accusation that Saddam was violating the proscription of
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and long-range missiles --
that he was indeed cooperating with investigators and had even invited
in the CIA to freely inspect anywhere in his country they liked? So
if we see that what he was being accused of was unfounded, WHY PUT A


al Qa'eda can't be anything but a front -- like the Democratic,
Rebuplican, Tory and Labour Parties are fronts, with deceived rank
and file, but double-agent leaders (put there by superior money power
the connections big money affords). but the top steering the
for purposes antithetical to all that the rank and file think their
organization is championing.

al Qa'eda is a boogey man to scare us into parting with freedom, money
the lives of our military age sons and daughters -- and it needs ot
exposed as such


From: "David ........
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Subject: We Must Investigate Paul Wellstone's Death

I suspected foul play from the beginning and pulled together some
evidence that I thought was pretty provocative. The media coverage
that followed Wellstone's death reeks of conspiracy. See my Paul
Wellstone page at and tell me what
you think.

I was interested in this passage of your Wellstone site:

The pilots called the Eveleth-Virginia airport to get
clearance for landing when they were about seven
miles out and reported no problems. Gary Ulman
(an owner of Taconite Aviation at the airport, a private
aviation firm) was on duty at the airport. When air
traffic control in Duluth notified him that the plane
hadn't checked in, Ulman took off in another plane
and began to search. A column of smoke he
suspected was just a chimney fire led him to the crash
scene, about 1 to 2 miles off the normal approach to
the runway, indicating the pilot veered off course for
some reason.

The plane was still burning when sheriff's deputies
arrived shortly after 11 a.m. and it continued to burn
until at least 3:30 p.m. Carol Carmody, NTSB acting
chairwoman, told reporters, "There's evidence of an
intense post-crash fire." She said only the tail section
was intact.


Check this old message/article of mine from October or November 2001:


by Dick Eastman

There have been other incontrovertable cases of remote-control
crashjackings that were uncovered, but then forgotten in the
distraction of the U.S. -Northern-Alliance-Druglord invasion and
conquest of Taliban Afganistan and by the four small anthrax attacks
on media and government and daily-predicted but large-scale anthrax
attack that never happened.

Here are the other "remotejack"cases:

MIAMI 1999

American Airlines Airbus A300 in 1999: As it prepared to land
in Miami the rudder moved back and forth several times
on its own causing the jet to move violently from side to
Then it just stopped on its own. "Rudder movements extreme"
reported the NTSB. Never explained.

EgyptAir 990 JFK to Cairo

Crashed Egypt Air 990 Boeing 767 10/31/99 JFK to Cairo,
Egypt.Top Egyptian military aboard. A half hour out of
New York the pilot left the cockpit to go to the toilet. A
voice, in English (not the pilot or co-pilot) is heard on
voice recorder saying "Control it." --then the plane begins
flying countrary to the auto-pilot where it had been set to
the appropriate course.. The co-pilot uttering prays to Allah
disbelief, turns off the auto-pilot in an attempt to restore
control of the plane. But instead, the plane then goes into a
The co-pilot is again heard calling on Allah for help. The
returns to the cockpit 16 seconds into the dive, asking,
happening?" Both work to pull up the nose. The engine
full throttle while still in a dive. The co-pilot cuts the
fuel lines,
to stop the engines. Then the right and left elevators move
opposite directions.
The ailerons on both wings move full up. The pilot orders
The co-pilot replies: "They're shut." The last words from
cockpit are of those of the pilot exhorting the co-pilot in
Arabic: "Pull! Pull! Pull!" Suddenly the voice recorder is
simply shut off, just like in Flight 587.
(Presumably the remote-controlling crash-jacker has
heard enough to know that his mission crashjacking
mission has succeeded.

Flight 587 Downed over Queens, NY

Flight 587 on 11/12/01, an Airbus A 300 after taking
off in New York suddenly has its vertical stabilizers
begin to sway back and forth on their won, beyond
the normal range that even the cockpit controls permit.
Flight data record "unuslual sideways movments
[called yawing], that violently slammed passengers
back and forth" -- working the rudder in the
stabilizer as if someone were trying to wear down
the material as one breaks wire through metal fatigue
by working it back and forth. When the stabilizer
finally broke off under this pounding rudder was gone
the plane might still have been able to land with a
skilled pilot under otherwise normal conditions,
except that now the remote crashjacker began
playing with the flaps, the ailerons and the elevators
all at the same time. The strain on the plane was
terrific. As the recorder indicates, the plane turned
a full ten degrees in one second. (A feat well beyond
the normal range of operation.) The plane banked left,
even though the blackbox recorder indicates that at the
same time pilot and co-pilot were working controls
to move the plane in the opposite the
opposite direction. Then the remote crashjacker goes
for the kill as the recorder indicates that the nose drops
and the cockpit voice record is cut off (and that means
both the plane's normal power source and the emergeny
battery source on a different circuit.). The stresses
caused by these crashjacking maneuvers -- the full
throttle dive followed by the sudden dropping of the
flaps -- caused the in-high-momentum engines to break
off as the braces fail to hold them back with the slowing
flap-down wings.

Note: The cockpit conversations of these crashes
have not been released, merely portions of cockpit
conversation being paraphrased. Note also that
the NTSB (Director Marion Blakey a recently appointed
D.C. lobbyist with no experience in the field) -- blames
both the Flight AA-587 crash and the EgyptAir 990
crashes on the pilots (pilot error in the AA case and
a suicide in the EgyptAir case -- both totally
inconsistent with any and all available
evidence -- both determinations together in the face of
all contrary blackbox flight data being entirely to
improbable to leave room for any other conclusion
than that the National Transportation Safety Board
is involved in the 911 frame-up cover-up.


A retrospectively amazing letter received August 7 about Sharon's
plans for a general mid-east war.

Here is a letter I received from an economist in Sweden on August 6 or

Combine this with what you already know to draw your own conclusions.

Ariel Sharon seems more and more to be near the center of this
war-provoking crash-bomb frame-up.

On Monday, 9 July, Robert sent this from Gideon Levy: "What would
happen if the Palestinian cabinet were to meet and afterward press
reports spoke of the existence of a list of 26 to 30 senior officers
of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) who were being targeted for
liquidation? . . . What would happen is that Israel would stir up a
tremendous world-wide fuss. We would brand that cabinet a 'regime of
terror' - and rightly so. In the middle of last week (Israel) decided
to extend 'the strikes against Palestinian terror activists'. The
decision was made public, as was the list of between 26 and 30 names
of people who are targeted for liquidation . . . Admitting to carrying
out liquidations and their transformation into official policy are
another stage in Israel's moral deterioration."

And on Wednesday Robert sent news items from the Middle East about
Iranian troops targeting rockets on Israel from positions in southern
Lebanon; and about Syria and Israel being on a 'warpath'.

Now today I hear from friends at the Shiller Institute's Stockholm
office [this is the think tank of the LaRouche organization --DE]
-- that the Institute has reliable insider
information that Ariel Sharon came to power with a war plan to use
Hamas as a tool for destabilizing Jordan, ultimately overthrowing King
Abdullah II and establishing Jordan as a 'Palestinian homeland' under
Hamas control. "To this end, Sharon, who was instrumental in the
launching of the Hamas movement earlier in his career, has dispatched
his son as a personal back-channel emissary to the Islamist group. Key
Hamas personnel have already been infiltrated into Jordan, in
preparation for Sharon's provocation of a new general Mideast war--in
the days or weeks ahead, the sources said."
end of letter of August
[Here is my commentary on the above of over a year ago.]

It seems this terror-frame-up-provoked war had its
Versailles-type-carve-up outcome pre-settled. The druglords would
get their opium back, the oil companies their pipeline,
and Ariel Sharon his solution to the Middle East problem. Certainly,
they apparently thought, 7,000 lives and some obsolete skyscrappers
were a small price to pay for these great objectives.

My guess is that only when Americans take to the streets with specific
demands for investigations -- will the terror subside. Any Anthrax
will be coming from Ariel Sharon - my prime suspect for ordering the
murderer of Yitzhak Rabin.

Isreal and Israelis are not served by this kind of defense. Israel is
not to blame. Israel is victim just as Yitzkh Rabin was victim.
Sharon and organized economic criminals are responsible for the terro
and the war.

"Milosevic, move on over, a BIG DOG is movin' in."

Now where is the cop big enough to put the cuffs on them?

(I'd sure like a little chat with the prosecutor before the trial.)

Dick Eastman (You think I hate your group? Then come and kill me.)
223 S. 64th Avenue
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.


Here is a letter I tried to post today to yahoogroups I subscribe to,
but failed in two mailings!!
(Aug. 20, 2003)

What would have been the motive for targeting US Naval Intelligence?

Since the Clinton years, intelligence, especially in reference to the
CIA, has been divided into the so-called "Red Team" of
internationalists (giving the store away to China etc.) and the
"Blue" team (more nationalistic and loyal to the Constitution) --
like the difference between George C. Marshall (elitist and China
sellout) and MacArthur (anti-Communist, not of the secret aristocracy
that is the eastern establishment power elite like the Rockefellers,
Harrimans, Bush Familty etc.)

Naval Intelligence had a degree of autonomy -- the idea was that if
one intelligence center was compromised there would be a second
intelligence center to detect the treason and give the warning --

Naval Intelligence was not on the same teams of Rumsfeld and
Wolfowitz, the political leadership believe in ends-justify-the-means
Machiavellian crimes that the cloak of secrecy allows them to get away
with, whereas the organizational leadership of Naval Intelligence
would not go along with killing over 2000 of our own people in order
to light a fire of war fever under the American public.

If not destroyed, Naval Intelligence would have detected the truth and
acted in the appropriate way -- the way you and I are reacting just in
the capacity of alert ordinary citizens -- but they would have been
listened to because of who they were.

Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz had not fired, killed, re-assigned all the many
patriotic Defense workers who would have given them trouble by the
time they were ready for the 9-11 frameup -- they found it easier to
order them all to attend a secret meeting at the specified room where
they were all caught and killed by the combination of missile and jet
fighter that tunneled through the first floor and got them A dive
from above would not have worked as the concrete floors of the five
story building would have limited dammage to people on the first
floor -- the fireball going up from the upper floors and not down.

No question about it.

Sorry people. You have to choose. Either Rivero, Vialls, Jaret
Israel, Jeff Rense and Mike Ruppert are right about the Pentagon and
I am a disinformation agent, or they are the disinformation agents
keeping you from the truth that can hang all the Neo-cons because of
their intimate involvement in the faked Boeing crash at the Pentagon.

I am sick of dealing with "friends" who are two stupid or too
cowardly to look at the evidence and take sides when it is a matter
of life and death to identify your enemy and his disinformation.

Rivero himself fully understands that they is no neutral ground
between his cause and mine:

From: Michael Rivero
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 2:51 PM
Subject: Please answer this one. Why are you so sure? Something
has to be clarified here fast -- for the good of us all.

Dick, it is now obvious that your agenda is to try to keep the
public's attention on the bogus missing plane story as long as
possible, because while people are arguing over whether there was a
plane or not they are not paying attention to the Israeli spy scandal
and their connections to the attacks on the World Trade Towers.

That you continue to try to keep focus on this missing plane story
despite photographic proof and witnesses to the presence of the
aircraft illustrates that you are not really interested in the facts,
only in how long you can use this story as a distraction.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot
tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified
information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News
report on the Israeli spy ring.

Dick, please remove me from your mailing list.


All of the above I have conclused are sellout traitors, except for
jared israel, who is, I am guessing, too concerned with what may
happen to world opinion of Jews once it is known with such certainty
that Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Perle, Kissinger, Meyer and a dozen others
who were key figures in the planning and exceution of the 9/11
mass-murder black op are found out -- to the where point he covers
for their mass-murdering conspiracy, stiffing the small-plane findings
and offering immediatly transparent bogus "refutations" for doing so
on his website.


Remember this story? (You need to.)

US Military Opposes Spraying
Afghan Opium Poppies
By Bill Gertz

The U.S. military is opposing Bush administration plans to conduct
crop eradication in Afghanistan, where poppy cultivation in the coming
weeks will net millions of dollars for Taliban and al Qaeda drug
runners, U.S. officials say.

The military officials, including representatives of the U.S. Central
Command, have argued in interagency meetings that attacking
Afghanistan's poppy fields is a nonmilitary function that should be
left to others.


In otherwords Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle (who is an agent of the
Rothschilds) wanted that opium be grown and harvested and delievered
to China where it is processed into Chinses heroin and sold worldwide
for about $2 trillion a year, that money laundered into the big
investment banks including (or perhaps especially)
Rothschild-affiliated banks that Perle so well serves. Get the
picture of who and what our "military officials" are really working


Now remember this one (remembering that Flight 77 took off from Dulles
and, after overflying the crash in progress) landed at Reagan National
only one mile ahead -- head for the 14th street bridge and turn right.


More Than 100 DC-Area Airport Employees Arrested

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100 employees at two major
Washington-area airports have been arrested on fraud charges in
obtaining restricted airport security badges, government sources said
on Tuesday.

The arrests will be announced by Attorney General John Ashcroft later
in the day in Alexandria, Virginia, officials said.

The arrests marked a continuing post Sept. 11 crackdown by U.S. law
enforcement and transportation authorities on airport security lapses.

Many of the charges -- including those being brought against workers
at Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles
International Airport outside the capital -- involve allegations that
suspects violated immigration and Social Security laws.

Also, the government alleges that many arrested on Tuesday in the
greater Washington area lied about criminal records while applying for
security badges, the sources said.

It was unclear initially what jobs those employees performed.

As of last week, more than 250 people had been arrested at 11 U.S.
airports on charges they fraudulently obtained credentials for access
to sensitive airport areas, like ramps, gates and aircraft.

Roughly half have pleaded guilty or have plea agreements pending,
authorities said. More than 70 have been deported or are awaiting
deportation proceedings, authorities said.


Henry Kissinger in an address to the super secret Bilderberg
meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 said the following as
from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates:

"Today American's would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles
restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true
they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this
scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the
of their well being granted to them by their world government."


"You have to understand. Future wars will be
fought by capitalists and anti-capitalists as society polarises. When
happens, control of information will be as important as control of
territory used to be in conventional conflicts. If you can stop your
from destroying your information, then you have a good chance of
the war."

Major General Smedly D. Butler headed the Marine Corps for
many years when he wrote this article in Common Sense in the
November,1935 issue:

"There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military
gang is blind to. It has its 'finger men" (to point out enemies),
its "muscle men" (to destroy enemies), its "brain guys" (to plan
war preparations), and a "Big Boss" (supernationalistic capitalism).

"It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a
comparison. Truthfulness compels me to do so. I spent 33 years
and four months in active military service as a memeber of our
country's most agile military force -- the Marine Corps. I served
in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General.
during that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle
man for
Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a
racketeer, a gangster for captialism.

"I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure
it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an
thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in
animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is
typical with
everyone in the military service.

Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil
interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and CUba a decent place for
National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the
raping of
half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall
Street. The
record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the
international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought
to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In
in 1927 I helped see to it that the Standard Oil went its way

"During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a
racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals and promotion. Looking
back on
it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he
could do
was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on


13 June 2001

Top Firms Retreat into Bunker to Ward off Anarchists

By Steve Boggan

June 11, 2001

Some of Britain's biggest companies are running their internet
on systems installed in a 300ft-deep nuclear blast-proof bunker to
customers from violent anti-capitalist campaigners.

They are renting space in hermetically sealed rooms capable of
withstanding a one Kiloton explosion, electro-magnetic "pulse bombs",
electronic eavesdropping and chemical and biological warfare.

Hundreds of companies have already installed systems in The Bunker -
formerly known as RAF Ash, outside Sandwich in Kent - and dozens more
understood to be queuing up for space. They have been driven
by the IRA bombings of Canary Wharf and Bishopsgate in London and,
increasingly, by concerns over the operations of anarchists behind
sophisticated protests such as the May Day anti-capitalist rallies.

At stake is billions of pounds worth of business conducted over the
internet. Companies are concerned that while electronic security -
increasingly sophisticated encryption codes - is gradually making
customers feel more confident about conducting credit-card
over the internet, the physical side of e-business is still
The fear is that servers, the small electronic boxes through which
customer traffic and business transactions on the web are channelled,
could be physically vulnerable to theft, damage or sabotage.
(end of excerpt)

Charles Lindberg, excerpted from Of Flight and Life, 1948:

Our survival, the future of our civilization, possibly the existence
of mankind, depend on American leadership -- upon the wisdom of our
policies and action. On the one hand, we know that peace has never
existed for long where some great power has not enforced it by
military strength. On the other, we have seen that military strength
is like a flame which consumes the very stuf from which it springs.
Great military peoples have conquered their known world time and time
again through the centuries, only to die out in the inevitable ashes
of their fire. Well over two thousand years ago, the Chinese
philospher, Laotzu, concluded that:

"Weapons often turn upon the wielder,
An army's harvest is a waste of thorns."

We may have to resort to arms in the future, as we have in the past.
We may have to use them to prevent atomic war from being launched
against us. But let us have the wisdom to realize that the use of
force is a sign of weakness on a higher plane, and that a policy based
primarily on recourse to arms will sooner or later fail.


Kristen Breitweiser:
"I don't understand, with all the warnings about the possibilities of
Qaeda using planes as weapons, and the Phoenix Memo from one of your
agents warning that Osama bin Laden was sending operatives to this
for flight-school training, why didn't you check out flight schools
Sept. 11?"

Senior FBI agent:
"Do you know how many flight schools there are in the U.S.?
Thousands," a
senior agent protested. "We couldn't have investigated them all and
these few guys."

"Wait, you just told me there were too many flight schools and that
prohibited you from investigating them before 9/11. How
is it that a few hours after the attacks, the nation is brought to its
knees, and miraculously F.B.I. agents showed up at Embry-Riddle flight
school in Florida where some of the terrorists trained?"

"We got lucky."

[Kristen then asked the agent how the F.B.I. had known exactly which
in Portland, Me., would yield a videotape of Mohammed Atta, the leader
the attacks. The agent got some facts confused, then changed his

Senior Agent:
"What are you getting at?"

"I think you had open investigations before Sept. 11 on some of the
responsible for the terrorist attacks."

This shows how once Americans have been jolted by personal loss of a
loved one by a Neo-con Fascist black op, they can, in fact, see and
think very clearly and even find courage to confront the covert
two-faced sociopathic traitors to their faces.

That's the greatness of motherhood in action. (Not all mothers are
like that, however. Mine listen's to Limbaugh and Hannity every day
and calls me a stupid ass for not supporting "our President" -- my
wife feels the same way, except by her it is the family I am a stupid
ass for not supporting as I should. .But I know if someone were to
bump me off it would be different. The question is how to motivate
people BEFORE the event.

Questions I would like these mothers to ask the next time they get the

Q: Mr. Robert Mueller III, you are now saying that a major terrorist
event is inevitable and sooner rather than later. Then why have we
given up so many of our freedoms and spent hundreds of billions of
dollars of homeland security and wars on terrorism around the world?
Do you think the current threat of terror to the American people is
greater or less than it would have been had we not conquered
Afganistan and Iraq and sent hit squads around the world and set up a
devil's island at Guantanamo where men are tortured and will be
executed after kangaroo court proceedings outside American and
international law? Do you really think this remedy has helped reduce
the changes of more terror?

Q: Mr. Bush has given the order that President Saddam Hussein is to
be shot without trial -- that if he is taken alive he is to be
secretly interrogated and then shot on the spot -- and that this
order has been issued now that we know that there were no real grounds
for the accusation that Saddam was violating the proscription of
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and long-range missiles --
that he was indeed cooperating with investigators and had even invited
in the CIA to freely inspect anywhere in his country they liked? So
if we see that what he was being accused of was unfounded, WHY PUT A


al Qa'eda can't be anything but a front -- like the Democratic,
Rebuplican, Tory and Labour Parties are fronts, with deceived rank
and file, but double-agent leaders (put there by superior money power
the connections big money affords). but the top steering the
for purposes antithetical to all that the rank and file think their
organization is championing.

al Qa'eda is a boogey man to scare us into parting with freedom, money
the lives of our military age sons and daughters -- and it needs ot
exposed as such

I see.

You really believe you can discredit Ralph in the eyes of anyone but one of
your fellow loons?


  #2   Report Post  
Bertie the Bunyip
Posts: n/a
Default Eastman's guide to exposing the 9-11 mass-murder frameup to justify world-domination to an otherwise isolationist American public

Hit1Hard wrote in

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 01:24:05 -0400, Bertie the Bunyip wrote:

(Gleed) wrote in

(Gleed) wrote in message
. com...
"Ralph Nesbitt" wrote

You & your fellow travelers are, by your posts have reasonably
well shown, engaged in a "Dis-information Campaign"

You have to admire Nesbitt's nerve -- the consumate conniving you
know what. No wonder so many of them are named after the wolf.

Now, not only can't Eastman post to this thread through
googlegroups, his yahoogroup e-list postings are not going up
either, even though Yahoogroups shows that his account is still good
(not cut because of bouncing e-mails etc.)


al Qa'eda can't be anything but a front -- like the Democratic,
Rebuplican, Tory and Labour Parties are fronts, with deceived rank
and file, but double-agent leaders (put there by superior money
power and the connections big money affords). but the top steering
the organization
for purposes antithetical to all that the rank and file think their
organization is championing.

al Qa'eda is a boogey man to scare us into parting with freedom,
money and
the lives of our military age sons and daughters -- and it needs ot
be exposed as such

I see.

You really believe you can discredit Ralph in the eyes of anyone but
one of your fellow loons?

I don't think that Ralph needs help from anyone in that aspect.

Btw, I think Gleed will thank you for helping to get his message pass
a lot of filters in your 1,379 lines reply...

Glad to be of service.

I guess they find out that a witty reply's come with a price.

Oh yeah, It cost me deep in the purse, that did.



  #3   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Eastman's guide to exposing the 9-11 mass-murder frameup to justify world-domination to an otherwise isolationist American public

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 01:24:05 -0400, Bertie the Bunyip wrote:

(Gleed) wrote in

(Gleed) wrote in message
. com...
"Ralph Nesbitt" wrote

You & your fellow travelers are, by your posts have reasonably well
shown, engaged in a "Dis-information Campaign"

You have to admire Nesbitt's nerve -- the consumate conniving you know
what. No wonder so many of them are named after the wolf.

Now, not only can't Eastman post to this thread through googlegroups,
his yahoogroup e-list postings are not going up either, even though
Yahoogroups shows that his account is still good (not cut because of
bouncing e-mails etc.)


al Qa'eda can't be anything but a front -- like the Democratic,
Rebuplican, Tory and Labour Parties are fronts, with deceived rank and
file, but double-agent leaders (put there by superior money power and
the connections big money affords). but the top steering the
for purposes antithetical to all that the rank and file think their
organization is championing.

al Qa'eda is a boogey man to scare us into parting with freedom, money
the lives of our military age sons and daughters -- and it needs ot be
exposed as such

I see.

You really believe you can discredit Ralph in the eyes of anyone but one
of your fellow loons?

I don't think that Ralph needs help from anyone in that aspect.

Btw, I think Gleed will thank you for helping to get his message pass a lot
of filters in your 1,379 lines reply...

I guess they find out that a witty reply's come with a price.



An Osho Zen Tarot rated email :
The Lovers
Major Arcana VI

The national interest is not to protect individual American firms but
to preserve a system of business ... The American empire expresses its
presence and exercises its influence through the capitalist mode of
operation for which it keeps as much of the world open a possible. --
Henry Pachter

Spam Shredder Block
%) respuestas (la respuesta podra estar mucho mejor pero apenas digmosl
a es solamente 0,2%). Tambin mucha gente enviar centenares de millares
Spam Shredder Block
  #4   Report Post  
Ralph Nesbitt
Posts: n/a
Default Eastman's guide to exposing the 9-11 mass-murder frameup to justify world-domination to an otherwise isolationist American public

"Bertie the Bunyip" wrote in message
Dirty Dirty Bomber wrote in
news:Xns93DF664327D8Cspamspamspamspamspam@bedoper. com:

Bertie the Bunyip wrote in

I see.

You really believe you can discredit Ralph in the eyes of anyone but
one of your fellow loons?


Ralph, the mindless, drunken, rambling nut?

He doesn't need any help. If he did, he has you, littlest handicap.



Seems like I have hit a "Nerve" with those that are "Fellow
Travelers/Supporters of those that are supporters of Terrorism/Terrorists.
Now they "Whimper like Whipped Dogs" because they don't want to face the
reality of having been "Outed as a Supporter/ Fellow traveler of those that
support Terrorism/Terrorists..

IMHO anyone that answers yes/can be shown to have engaged in any of the
following are supporters/Fellow Travelers of those that support

1. Those that support the Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios of Dick Eastman
the events of 9/11/01.
2. Those that defend the Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios of Dick Eastman
the events of 9/11/01.
3. Those that attack those who have shown how Preposterous/Twisted the
Scenarios of Dick Eastman the events of 9/11/01 are.
4. Those that support/aide/abet Dick Eastman in disseminating his
Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios the events of 9/11/01.

To anyone who answers yes to the above ?'s/can be shown to have engaged in
actions covered by/relevant to the above ?'s. The Shoe Fits,Wear It & quit
"Whining". You are either a supporter of "Terrorism/Terrorists" or a "Fellow
Traveler/Supporter of those that support Terrorism/Terrorists.
Ralph Nesbitt
Professional FD/CFR/ARFF Type

  #5   Report Post  
Bertie the Bunyip
Posts: n/a
Default Eastman's guide to exposing the 9-11 mass-murder frameup to justify world-domination to an otherwise isolationist American public

"Ralph Nesbitt" wrote in

"Bertie the Bunyip" wrote in message
Dirty Dirty Bomber wrote in
news:Xns93DF664327D8Cspamspamspamspamspam@bedoper. com:

Bertie the Bunyip wrote in

I see.

You really believe you can discredit Ralph in the eyes of anyone
but one of your fellow loons?


Ralph, the mindless, drunken, rambling nut?

He doesn't need any help. If he did, he has you, littlest handicap.



Seems like I have hit a "Nerve" with those that are "Fellow
Travelers/Supporters of those that are supporters of
Terrorism/Terrorists. Now they "Whimper like Whipped Dogs" because
they don't want to face the reality of having been "Outed as a
Supporter/ Fellow traveler of those that support

Nah, I don't see much evidence that htye even have a nervous syste, really.

Just knee jerks.


IMHO anyone that answers yes/can be shown to have engaged in any of
the following are supporters/Fellow Travelers of those that support

1. Those that support the Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios of Dick
Eastman the events of 9/11/01.
2. Those that defend the Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios of Dick
Eastman the events of 9/11/01.
3. Those that attack those who have shown how Preposterous/Twisted the
Scenarios of Dick Eastman the events of 9/11/01 are.
4. Those that support/aide/abet Dick Eastman in disseminating his
Preposterous/Twisted Scenarios the events of 9/11/01.

To anyone who answers yes to the above ?'s/can be shown to have
engaged in actions covered by/relevant to the above ?'s. The Shoe
Fits,Wear It & quit "Whining". You are either a supporter of
"Terrorism/Terrorists" or a "Fellow Traveler/Supporter of those that
support Terrorism/Terrorists. Ralph Nesbitt
Professional FD/CFR/ARFF Type

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