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Swabbie, know I realize why it is that ordinary seamen must ask permission to address an officer - it's because their verbal assaults tend to numb the refined intellect. Consider yourself fortunate as I have decided to spend a wee bit of my valuable time attempting to educate a common deck ape as to his uttermost folly attempting to understand the complications of politics. You will find my wise comments interjected throughout your outright blunders. I have even done so in blue so you would be a little less inclined to become lost. ----- Original Message ----- From: Trevor Artingstoll To: Capt. Neal Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 08:39 Subject: Sentence before trial Hi,Cap'n Neal and beggin' yer pardin for speakin' to an orficer without permission It isn't so much a belief in freedom of speech that is at stake. It's first of all a belief in the sovereigntyof nations. Like the bedroom, what goes on inside a nation is its own business,surely? Unless what goes on is likely to affect us and there has not been a single shred of proof that there has. How awful that any man can say such a thing. How sad it is that any man can grow to adulthood without developing even a shred of compassion for his fellow man. How barbaric that any man can ignore the genocide of hundreds of thousands of people in another country in the name of national sovereignty? Why, the very definition of national sovereignty is perverted by dictators who enslave and rule by force and murder. You are claiming you are not affected by mass murder, slavery and systematic suppression of opposition but you will holler long and loud when all this comes home to roost in your country, city, boatyard? Methinks ye a callous man or a hypocrite. Could it be that Bubba had to kill lots of innocents to avenge Twin Towers? He chose Afghanistan until the fear of his soldiers being captured and mutilated (Afghanis traditionally male rape their prisoners then reach around their throats and cut them to the verge of decapitation. Ask any Brit soldier who was out there a century back.) kept them in their Humvees so much they were inciting the contempt of the Afghanis and arousing concern in your great country. So he took on the much weaker flyblown desert kingdom of Iraq and wrought mayhem. Those who side with murderous dictators by saying, "Leave them alone, what they do in their countries is no one's business," while they engage in genocide, develop and use weapons of mass destruction proactively and even invade neighboring sovereign countries can hardly expect to garner respect themselves when they engage in using disrespectful labels such as "Bubba". Try spending more time on your errant logic and lack of factual information than your name-calling lest ye be labeled yourself as unworthy. There comes a time when men of insight and intelligence throw up their hands in despair when treating with the hopelessly dense. Putting aside for a moment the name-calling in the interest of informing one who needs it badly, may I suggest again you correct your dearth of facts? Last I looked, the U.S. and coalition partners still have a significant military presence in Afghanistan. Things are going well there, the Taliban are on the run and who knows what's happened to Mullah Omar and bin Laden. The best that lot seems able or inclined to do lately is produce dubious audio tapes of outdated propaganda designed to incite but seemingly impotent to do so. If Hitler or Russia had done ten per cent of what Bubba has got up to the world would be outraged. . As it is he has depreciated American status to the extent your fellow countrymen are creeping around Europe in disguise, as I well know. One American bought his yacht in Holland and tried to con me he was Dutch until I spoke it to him when he confessed hir origin. Those 'fellow countrymen' who creep and hide are best advised to stay and hide right where they are as they lack the backbone necessary to be Americans. Ex-patriots they should all become. As for American status, we true Americans have enough grounding in reality to know full well when the pickings in Europe become slim these same cowards will come crawling back with their hands out. And, the same can be said about heads of state when they find their countries victimized and close to being destroyed by the same terrorists they errantly think they can appease. The likes of Chiraq will come crawling and begging (or their replacement after the original, being summarily dismissed for poor performance, is but a bad memory!). Secondly, what is at stake is no sentence without trial by a jury of peers. The essence of law, its very fundament, is that all men are equal beneath it. Assuming Saddam did a fraction of what is alleged Bush is outdoing him in spades; bullying, assassinating, torturing, cutting a swathe of destruction for the next generation of Americans ito reap in murder and robbery as surely as the rear wheels of the ambulances must follow the front ones; rising arrogantly above the law far farther than any heathen Pharoah. What a bunch of flowery rhetoric and incendiary nonsense! Saddam shall get his trial by his peers right there in Iraq and his peers will most likely give him death for his ill-deeds. Even a fool can read enough in the press to see Saddam is guilty of more than enough to justify his being done away with. Sadly, when anyone compares President Bush's actions directly with those of Saddam Hussein and attempts to show whereby Mr. Bush is the worst of the two it reduces the credibility of the author of such slander to a great extent. A wiser speaker or writer would not dig himself such a hole . . . And the great casualty has been the rule of law. Singlehandedly Bubba has destroyed the concept that underpins modern civilisation,the singlehanded invention of Europe, for we did indeed invent civilisation all others being dictatorships of one kind or another: that there's a book of judicially approved rules and god help the one that doesn't follow them. You cannot say, as so many are trying to do, that Saddam deserves all he gets because he didn't follow any. For where is the evidence? It is not enough to slander, libel, insult a man to make him guilty of terrible crimes. A fact, maybe a single fact, a hard, gritty thing as all facts are, is needed to incriminate any accused. The truth of the matter is we can say anything we choose to say and so can Saddam and so can you. What really matters, however, is who has the power and the support to back up what he says with force and make it stick. The answer to that is easy. It's not Saddam (failed murdered), it's not France (failed effete snobs), Germany (failed country that produced Hitler and the Holocaust), Russia (failed communist country) and it's not Islam (failed cult). Make no mistake, America and Americans are going to pay for generations over this, the crazed mayhem of a Texas hanging governor, the 51% President, the after thought of the deficient American political process, described in a public notice put up in front of County Hall by the Mayor of London as,"the greatest threat to humanity this century." The Mayor of London is a fool. Do you actually think any notice he posts or any little diatribe he speaks on the radio matters any more than a flyspeck? Why is it a certain small, radical group of people have such a fear of and loathing for a man who is doing his country proud and is making the world a safer and more prosper- ous place in which to live? The cacophony of coward calls is contrary to freedom, decency and common sense. Freedom is not free but must be fought for with blood and lives. Those of you who think some book of laws is the answer are living a lie. The Bible is such a failed book and so is the Koran. Some United Nations' scribbling is not even worthy of mention. The ultimate answer has been, is, and always shall be the aggressive use of force. The best anyone can hope for is that the user of said force is just. If you have an argument and wish to be taken seriously, the only tack you should take is to argue that the use of force is and has been irrational, cruel and counter to freedom. You will have a very, very difficult time applying these parameters to United States' policies in recent years, however. This is where liberals always come up short. They argue things in such manner as they see things and liberals never see things as they really are because of their indoctrination. The liberal argument is always based upon pie-in-the-sky and most of the time it is laughable in it's failure to address the real issues. It has already spurred the creation of the European Armed Force, ridden hard now by France and Germany leading 388 milliions of the richest and most powerful political and economic bloc on the planet according to the President of France, M. Chirac, seeking to head America off at the pass so that its elbowroom to commit these sorts of crimes will be considerably reduced, and in the near future. America has manifestly grrown too big for its boots. It is due for another pair and Brussels will surely make them. The leader of a hypocritical, effete, socialist country, as I said before has little credibility in his own country let alone beyond his borders. His real motives regarding his stand against the war against terrorism in Iraq are because he stood to loose more than enough francs to give him a bad and lifelong case of indigestion. Even thinking his ilk can 'head America off at the pass' is like thinking the Lone Ranger could head off Sitting Bull at the pass. No upstart European country has the means to change America's will to protect herself against terrorists and even wage a all out war against all of Islam if that's what it comes to. Let those who don't like it and side against us feel the wrath of our righteous sword which is very, very long and sharp, more than sharp enough to sweep aside any and all puny resistance. This has been aptly demonstrated in Afghanistan, and Iraq and the United States of America has not even broken a sweat doing it. Woe be to any country we actually decide to wipe out rather than rescue. It would seem to me those who oppose us should start thinking a little more clearly. We are strong and we WILL use what force is necessary to stomp out terrorists and those who side with terrorists will certainly not curry our favor. And should little Bubba in his delirium ever so much as think of dashing the tools from Brussel's hands the growls of the Russian bear and the hissing of the Chinese dragon will terrify the entire planet. Also, and never to be discounted simply because they wear robes and turbans, there are over one billion Muslims daily demonstrating their willingess to die for their faith. They are collectively richer than several Fort Knoxs, weighing each Aga Kahn, just one minor chieftain, in diamonds then donating them to him. As I told Mr Bush in a letter he forgot to answer when he was still contemplating his madness, "Muslims are bees, Mr President. They work hard, keep themselves to themselves, and produce sweetness. Occasionally malcontents tease them, knock over a hive. Then they run away laughing. Alas, they are unaware of one terrible fact. An angry bee can fly faster than a running man." Why do you side with rabble? You are certainly smarter than that? I suppose you are one of those people who seem to feel better about themselves when siding with the underdog. More of that liberal brainwashing that takes a keen intellect and warps it so that the windows and doors jam? Fact: The EU is unworkable. Russia is a failed communist country. China is more interested in economics than war at the present. One billion Muslims don't represent a problem at all. There is a small minority of radical fundamentalist Muslims who ARE a problem but, thanks to the United States of America and her allies (over sixty countries at last count), these have been put on notice that their days are numbered. These 'brave' Muslims who run away and hide in caves and holes in the ground are no real threat. They are only a small infection that is being cauterized. How any man can see Muslims as brave need only look at pictures of Saddam Hussein being plucked by his lice-ridden beard out of his hidey hole, bleary-eyed and begging for mercy, to glean the real truth of the matter - the instinct for survival trumps religious indoctrination most every time. Even Muslim radicals know this or why else do they have a remote backup detonator on their car bombs in case the driver and occupants get cold feet? Why else do their leaders hide in holes? C'MON, swabbie, grow up and smell the cordite! Knowing all this for certain sure Saddam must be smiling in his miserable cell. His aim was to defeat America in the way all little people have defeated giants since before David and Goliath. By guile. And surely he has succeeded, his stone having sunk so deep into the forehead of the Statue of Liberty she is tottering. Saddam is bowing and scraping to the east several times a day begging for mercy he knows will not be forthcoming. The man is kneeling with one knee in the grave and he knows it. The Statue of Liberty is smiling as her foundation block grows larger and more dense day by day and now she overlooks the beginnings of construction on a new, taller World Trade Center. God bless George W. Bush and all other men of honor who value freedom. May some friend of America end this criminal maniac's life before he despoils ours. Fear not, my dear man, your insanity is still curable provided you reject the brainwashing your liberal education has instilled in you. There is yet time for you to learn how the world really operates and who operates it. In the meantime, enjoy the freedom you and your comrades have not earned but still enjoy because of the sacrifice of brave men, honorable and patriotic Americans. Respectfully, Capt. Neal |
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