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  #1   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

Marines and Sailors,

I think it is important to share a
few thoughts about what you've accomplished directly, in some
cases, and indirectly in many others. I am speaking about what the
Bush Administration and each of you has contributed by wearing
the uniform, because the fact that you wear the uniform contributes
100% to the capability of the nation to send a few onto the field to
execute national policy. As you read about these achievements you are
a part of I would call your attention to two things:

1. This is good news that hasn't been fit to print or report on TV.
2. It is much easier to point out the errors a man makes when he makes
the tough decisions, rarely is the positive as aggressively

Since President Bush declared an end to major combat on May 1..

... the first battalion of the new Iraqi Army has graduated and is on
active duty.

... over 60,000 Iraqis now provide security to their fellow citizens.

... nearly all of Iraq's 400 courts are functioning.

... the Iraqi judiciary is fully independent.

... on Monday, October 6 power generation hit 4,518
megawatts-exceeding the prewar average.

... all 22 universities and 43 technical institutes and colleges are
open, as are nearly all primary and secondary schools.

... by October 1, Coalition forces had rehab-ed over 1,500 schools -
500 more than scheduled.

... teachers earn from 12 to 25 times their former salaries.

... all 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open.

... doctors salaries are at least eight times what they were under

... pharmaceutical distribution has gone from essentially nothing to
700 tons in May to a current total of 12,000 tons.

... the Coalition has helped administer over 22 million vaccinations
to Iraq's children.

... a Coalition program has cleared over 14,000 kilometers of Iraq's
27,000 kilometers of weed-choked canals which now irrigate tens of
thousands of farms. This project has created jobs for more than
100,000 Iraqi men and women.

... we have restored over three-quarters of prewar telephone services
and over two-thirds of the potable water production.

... there are 4,900 full-service telephone connections. We expect
50,000 by year-end.

... the wheels of commerce are turning. From bicycles to satellite
dishes to cars and trucks, businesses are coming to life in all major
cities and towns.

... 95 percent of all prewar bank customers have service and
first-time customers are opening accounts daily.

... Iraqi banks are making loans to finance businesses.

... the central bank is fully independent.

... Iraq has one of the worlds most growth-oriented investment and
banking laws.

... Iraq has a single, unified currency for the first time in 15 years.

... satellite TV dishes are legal.

... foreign journalists aren't on 10-day visas paying mandatory and
extortionate fees to the Ministry of Information for "minders" and
other government spies.

... there is no Ministry of Information.

... there are more than 170 newspapers.

... you can buy satellite dishes on what seems like every street

... foreign journalists (and everyone else) are free to come and go.

... a nation that had not one single element - legislative, judicial
or executive - of a representative government, now does.

... in Baghdad alone residents have selected 88 advisory councils.
Baghdad's first democratic transfer of power in 35 years happened
when the city council elected its new chairman.

... today in Iraq chambers of commerce, business, school and
professional organizations are electing their leaders all over the

... 25 ministers, selected by the most representative governing body
in Iraq's history, run the day-to-day business of government.

... the Iraqi government regularly participates in international
events. Since July the Iraqi government has been represented in over
dozen international meetings, including those of the UN General
Assembly, the Arab League, the World Bank and IMF and, today, the
Islamic Conference Summit. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs today
announced that it is reopening over 30 Iraqi embassies around the

... Shia religious festivals that were all but banned, aren't.

... for the first time in 35 years, in Karbala thousands of Shiites
celebrate the pilgrimage of the 12th Imam.

... the Coalition has completed over 13,000 reconstruction projects,
large and small, as part of a strategic plan for the reconstruction of

... Uday and Queasy are dead - and no longer feeding innocent Iraqis
to the zoo lions, raping the young daughters of local leaders to
force cooperation, torturing Iraq's soccer players for losing games,
or murdering critics.

... children aren't imprisoned or murdered when their parents disagree
with the government.

... political opponents aren't imprisoned, tortured, executed, maimed,
or are forced to watch their families die for disagreeing with

... millions of long suffering Iraqis no longer live in perpetual

... Saudis will hold municipal elections.

... Qatar is reforming education to give more choices to parents.

... Jordan is accelerating market economic reforms.

... the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for the first time to an Iranian
-- a Muslim woman who speaks out with courage for human rights,
for democracy and for peace.

... Saddam is gone.

... Iraq is free.

... President Bush has not faltered or failed.

... Yet, little or none of this information has been published by the
Press Corps that prides itself on bringing you all the news that's

Iraq under US lead control has come further in six months than Germany
did in seven years or Japan did in nine years following WWII.
Military deaths from fanatic Nazi's, and Japanese numbered in the
thousands and continued for over three years after WWII victory
was declared.

It took the US over four months to clear away the twin tower debris,
let alone attempt to build something else in its place.

Now, take into account that Congress fought President Bush on every
aspect of his handling of this country's war and the post-war
reconstruction; and that they continue to claim on a daily basis on
national TV that this conflict has been a failure.

Taking everything into consideration, even the unfortunate loss of our
brothers and sisters in this conflict, do you think anyone else in
the world could have accomplished as much as the United States and the
Bush administration in so short a period of time?

These are things worth writing about. Get the word out. Write to
someone you think may be able to influence our Congress or the press
to tell the story.

Above all, be proud that you are a part of this historical precedent.

Semper Fidelis,

Capt. American

  #2   Report Post  
Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

Yeah, that and the FACT that Bush lied to the American people and
the rest of the world about WMDs.

"Capt.American" wrote in message
From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

tedious stuff deleted

  #3   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

But no one cares about that except the former 'major media, a few
apparatchiks, and some groupie sluts. The only UN approved critieria was
Iraq had to show they didn't have them. Whether they existed or not is not
germane. The whole non-issue is 'silly' at best.

Instead let's address serious issues. What about those non-existent mass
graves in Kosovo? Also the troops in Kosovo want to know, "Is it Christmas
yet?" Still waiting for an answer to those questions. What WAS the real
reason for the invasion of that country? The only answers were a) The
President sent them so you have to support the President b) Mass Graves
(never found) and c) to make sure all sides can live together peacefully (a
complete failure.)

They were also asking when the DNC was going to stop a. disenfranchising
them. and b. insulting them. (a. New Jersey in the Lautenberger scandal
and Flordia during the last Presidential election comes immediately to mind.
b. Kerry telling all the reservists and National Guard their service isn't
worth squat and the eight years of Clintonistas where we learned that NO
military service matters at all.

Come to think of it the DNC better keep disencranchising the military. The
usual 70% anti Democrat vote of the military is increasing by leaps and
bounds. You see those of us who wore and who wear the uniform have a real
long, very clear memory; and a lot of scores to settle.

Now on the union side of things I can't speak for all unions but you can
expect my union to vote against Democrats by a 50 to 55 or more margin. The
days of the unions being able to deliver the vote are . . . . .going going
.. ..almost gone.

And in my home area the blue collar working class of Seattle still talk
about Prince Albert The Man In A Can Who Would Be King and how he gridlocked
us seven times in two years. Actions speak louder than words.

Have a nice day. I wish the next Prez and Congress could be Libertarian but
I'll settle for those who support us, not those 'decent, caring' people who
are still 'spitting in airports'.


"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
Yeah, that and the FACT that Bush lied to the American people and
the rest of the world about WMDs.

"Capt.American" wrote in message
From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

tedious stuff deleted

  #4   Report Post  
The Carrolls
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

so you are an air trarric controller? Oh wait, I forgot, they were the only
union to endorse Regan, and look what he did to them. You had better preach
to your union brothers and sisters if that is the vote you expect. A man
with 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star can tell Guard any
thing he chooses.
"Michael" wrote in message
But no one cares about that except the former 'major media, a few
apparatchiks, and some groupie sluts. The only UN approved critieria was
Iraq had to show they didn't have them. Whether they existed or not is

germane. The whole non-issue is 'silly' at best.

Instead let's address serious issues. What about those non-existent mass
graves in Kosovo? Also the troops in Kosovo want to know, "Is it Christmas
yet?" Still waiting for an answer to those questions. What WAS the real
reason for the invasion of that country? The only answers were a) The
President sent them so you have to support the President b) Mass Graves
(never found) and c) to make sure all sides can live together peacefully

complete failure.)

They were also asking when the DNC was going to stop a. disenfranchising
them. and b. insulting them. (a. New Jersey in the Lautenberger scandal
and Flordia during the last Presidential election comes immediately to

b. Kerry telling all the reservists and National Guard their service

worth squat and the eight years of Clintonistas where we learned that NO
military service matters at all.

Come to think of it the DNC better keep disencranchising the military.

usual 70% anti Democrat vote of the military is increasing by leaps and
bounds. You see those of us who wore and who wear the uniform have a real
long, very clear memory; and a lot of scores to settle.

Now on the union side of things I can't speak for all unions but you can
expect my union to vote against Democrats by a 50 to 55 or more margin.

days of the unions being able to deliver the vote are . . . . .going going
. ..almost gone.

And in my home area the blue collar working class of Seattle still talk
about Prince Albert The Man In A Can Who Would Be King and how he

us seven times in two years. Actions speak louder than words.

Have a nice day. I wish the next Prez and Congress could be Libertarian

I'll settle for those who support us, not those 'decent, caring' people

are still 'spitting in airports'.


"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
Yeah, that and the FACT that Bush lied to the American people and
the rest of the world about WMDs.

"Capt.American" wrote in message
From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

tedious stuff deleted

  #5   Report Post  
Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

Right on...

"The Carrolls" wrote in message
so you are an air trarric controller? Oh wait, I forgot, they were the

union to endorse Regan, and look what he did to them. You had better

to your union brothers and sisters if that is the vote you expect. A man
with 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star can tell Guard any
thing he chooses.
"Michael" wrote in message
But no one cares about that except the former 'major media, a few
apparatchiks, and some groupie sluts. The only UN approved critieria

Iraq had to show they didn't have them. Whether they existed or not is

germane. The whole non-issue is 'silly' at best.

Instead let's address serious issues. What about those non-existent

graves in Kosovo? Also the troops in Kosovo want to know, "Is it

yet?" Still waiting for an answer to those questions. What WAS the

reason for the invasion of that country? The only answers were a) The
President sent them so you have to support the President b) Mass Graves
(never found) and c) to make sure all sides can live together peacefully

complete failure.)

They were also asking when the DNC was going to stop a. disenfranchising
them. and b. insulting them. (a. New Jersey in the Lautenberger

and Flordia during the last Presidential election comes immediately to

b. Kerry telling all the reservists and National Guard their service

worth squat and the eight years of Clintonistas where we learned that NO
military service matters at all.

Come to think of it the DNC better keep disencranchising the military.

usual 70% anti Democrat vote of the military is increasing by leaps and
bounds. You see those of us who wore and who wear the uniform have a

long, very clear memory; and a lot of scores to settle.

Now on the union side of things I can't speak for all unions but you can
expect my union to vote against Democrats by a 50 to 55 or more margin.

days of the unions being able to deliver the vote are . . . . .going

. ..almost gone.

And in my home area the blue collar working class of Seattle still talk
about Prince Albert The Man In A Can Who Would Be King and how he

us seven times in two years. Actions speak louder than words.

Have a nice day. I wish the next Prez and Congress could be Libertarian

I'll settle for those who support us, not those 'decent, caring' people

are still 'spitting in airports'.


"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
Yeah, that and the FACT that Bush lied to the American people and
the rest of the world about WMDs.

"Capt.American" wrote in message
From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

tedious stuff deleted

  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

I forgot you were newbies to this group. 20 years active army complete with
CIB, Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Master Parachutist Wings, Ranger Tab and a
graduate of the John Wayne School for Boys in Fort Bragg NC. And we tell all
'leg's anything we want to tell them, if we even bother to talk to them. Now
I work on Navy frieghters hauling neat stuff back and forth to the Persian
Gulf amongst other places. On the sailing side I'm both a single hander and
a square rigger sailer. In other words at the top of the pecking order in
that area too.

I'm a union delegate (shop steward) for Sailors Union of the Pacific and we
aren't stupid enough to **** away our union like the ATC did. Our
membership, unlike many, is comprised of people who think for themselves.
We know there's more money to be made and less taxes to be paid under a Bush
than under a Gore and it's a lot safer than under a Clinton.

But one thing I do love about the Demo's. Their women are 'EASY'! Find one
that voted for Bubba twice and still think he's the best thing since popcorn
and all that's left is a medical evaluation.

That's my Libertarian view on things.

Hey where's Neal? Haven't seen a thing from him in these few days I've been
back. Damn did he go off to the Bahamas again? Do I have to carry the load
by myself? This is supposed to be a vacation.

OK . . .sigh .. .here goes.


Cpt (not a registered trademark) Michael

I don't do it as well as Neal but then . . .no one does.

"The Carrolls" wrote in message
so you are an air trarric controller? Oh wait, I forgot, they were the

union to endorse Regan, and look what he did to them. You had better

to your union brothers and sisters if that is the vote you expect. A man
with 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star can tell Guard any
thing he chooses.
"Michael" wrote in message
But no one cares about that except the former 'major media, a few
apparatchiks, and some groupie sluts. The only UN approved critieria

Iraq had to show they didn't have them. Whether they existed or not is

germane. The whole non-issue is 'silly' at best.

Instead let's address serious issues. What about those non-existent

graves in Kosovo? Also the troops in Kosovo want to know, "Is it

yet?" Still waiting for an answer to those questions. What WAS the

reason for the invasion of that country? The only answers were a) The
President sent them so you have to support the President b) Mass Graves
(never found) and c) to make sure all sides can live together peacefully

complete failure.)

They were also asking when the DNC was going to stop a. disenfranchising
them. and b. insulting them. (a. New Jersey in the Lautenberger

and Flordia during the last Presidential election comes immediately to

b. Kerry telling all the reservists and National Guard their service

worth squat and the eight years of Clintonistas where we learned that NO
military service matters at all.

Come to think of it the DNC better keep disencranchising the military.

usual 70% anti Democrat vote of the military is increasing by leaps and
bounds. You see those of us who wore and who wear the uniform have a

long, very clear memory; and a lot of scores to settle.

Now on the union side of things I can't speak for all unions but you can
expect my union to vote against Democrats by a 50 to 55 or more margin.

days of the unions being able to deliver the vote are . . . . .going

. ..almost gone.

And in my home area the blue collar working class of Seattle still talk
about Prince Albert The Man In A Can Who Would Be King and how he

us seven times in two years. Actions speak louder than words.

Have a nice day. I wish the next Prez and Congress could be Libertarian

I'll settle for those who support us, not those 'decent, caring' people

are still 'spitting in airports'.


"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message
Yeah, that and the FACT that Bush lied to the American people and
the rest of the world about WMDs.

"Capt.American" wrote in message
From the Commanding Officer at MWSS-171 to his Marines.

tedious stuff deleted

  #7   Report Post  
Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

Sorry Michael, but things are "safer than under Clinton." Things are worse,
much worse. Bush got rid of a petty dictator who was no real threat to us.
The vast Muslim community now hates us. Ossama is still around, even though
he was the one responsible for 9/11. Bush is also responsible for the loss
millions of US jobs. He claims that 2.6 million will be created this year.
even if that were true, that would only be up to where he started in office.
vast swath of the middle class is much worse off under Bush. The environment
is being laid to waste.

Neal was busted for trying to fondle a cop in a bar I think. He's due out
day now.

"Michael" wrote in message
I'm a union delegate (shop steward) for Sailors Union of the Pacific and

aren't stupid enough to **** away our union like the ATC did. Our
membership, unlike many, is comprised of people who think for themselves.
We know there's more money to be made and less taxes to be paid under a

than under a Gore and it's a lot safer than under a Clinton.

But one thing I do love about the Demo's. Their women are 'EASY'! Find

that voted for Bubba twice and still think he's the best thing since

and all that's left is a medical evaluation.

That's my Libertarian view on things.

Hey where's Neal? Haven't seen a thing from him in these few days I've

back. Damn did he go off to the Bahamas again? Do I have to carry the

by myself? This is supposed to be a vacation.

OK . . .sigh .. .here goes.


Cpt (not a registered trademark) Michael

I don't do it as well as Neal but then . . .no one does.

  #8   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

When I was in the Air Force, then President
Clinton flew into our base, on more than one

Active duty Air Force troops didn't fight for
the opportunity to see him. Mostly civilian
workers, looking for an excuse to goof off,
and women who liked his looks, went to see him.

His visits never sold out, and secretary's were
sent around to try and drum up more interest, to
fill up the hanger when he spoke.

Many, like me, remained at our jobs rather than
wasted our time seeing him. It would have been
but a short walk to see him and I declined.

In fact I was asked if I wanted to see Clinton
several times each visit. I said no. The
response I got was, "He is your commander in chief,
don't you want to see him?"

My reply was, "He is not MY commander in chief."

Many people in the military felt as I did.

During the period I was on active duty, only
President Clinton was held in such low regard.
Carter, Reagan, Ford, and Bush, were all held
in high regard and admired. Only in the case
of Clinton were people outspoken against him.

Bart Senior

"The Carrolls" wrote

so you are an air trarric controller? Oh wait, I forgot, they were the only
union to endorse Regan, and look what he did to them. You had better preach
to your union brothers and sisters if that is the vote you expect. A man
with 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star can tell Guard any
thing he chooses.

  #9   Report Post  
Scott Vernon
Posts: n/a
Default These are things worth writing about

Who was your commander in chief?

"N1EE" wrote in message
When I was in the Air Force, then President
Clinton flew into our base, on more than one

Active duty Air Force troops didn't fight for
the opportunity to see him. Mostly civilian
workers, looking for an excuse to goof off,
and women who liked his looks, went to see him.

His visits never sold out, and secretary's were
sent around to try and drum up more interest, to
fill up the hanger when he spoke.

Many, like me, remained at our jobs rather than
wasted our time seeing him. It would have been
but a short walk to see him and I declined.

In fact I was asked if I wanted to see Clinton
several times each visit. I said no. The
response I got was, "He is your commander in chief,
don't you want to see him?"

My reply was, "He is not MY commander in chief."

Many people in the military felt as I did.

During the period I was on active duty, only
President Clinton was held in such low regard.
Carter, Reagan, Ford, and Bush, were all held
in high regard and admired. Only in the case
of Clinton were people outspoken against him.

Bart Senior

"The Carrolls" wrote

so you are an air trarric controller? Oh wait, I forgot, they were the

union to endorse Regan, and look what he did to them. You had better

to your union brothers and sisters if that is the vote you expect. A man
with 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver star can tell Guard any
thing he chooses.

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