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Default Bush Wins!

Bush Wins Triple Trifecta As Worst President Ever

By Harvey Wasserman
February 16, 2004

"The worst president in our lifetime" is how many Americans view George W.

But Bush is not merely the worst president in recent memory. He's the worst in
all US history. And he's won the distinction not on a weakness or two, but in
at least nine separate categories, giving him a triple trifecta. It's a record
unmatched by any previous president.

Let's count the ways:

TRIFECTA ONE: Economy, Environment, Education


Until now, Herbert Hoover has been the president most closely associated with
economic disaster. He presided over the 1929 stock crash, and choked while the
economy collapsed around him. Bush did not preside over the 2000 Nasdaq crash.
But he's turned the biggest federal surplus into history's biggest deficit,
which a nervous global banking community sees as a potential weapon of mass
fiscal destruction. Bush has lost more jobs than Hoover. A top Bush advisor has
called outsourcing "just a new way of doing international trade."

Bush has achieved the economic trifecta by simultaneously collapsing the dollar
while gutting the industrial infrastructure and running up gargantuan trade
deficits. Even GOP conservatives are petrified over a Bush Blowout that could
make the 1930s seem a time of widespread prosperity. With Vice President Dick
Cheney saying "deficits don't matter," the administration has introduced a form
of "kamikaze economics" entirely new to the American presidency.


Bush's "No Tree Left Standing" attack on Mother Earth has transcended even
Ronald Reagan's all-out anti- green assault. More people will ultimately die
from the resulting climate chaos, toxic emissions and other eco- fallout than
from anything Al Queda could imagine. Simply put, Bush has trashed not only
eco-progress dating back to Richard Nixon, but also the achievements of both
Roosevelts, scorching the earth all the way back to US Grant and Yellowstone,
our first national park, now being Bushwhacked.


Bush's "No Child Left Behind" scam has imposed massive new costs on state and
local school systems with no tangible payback. Even Utah has just said no. Even
Reagan's slash and burn of public education has been trumped by an
administration for whom the three R's are "Religion, Reaction, and

TRIFECTA TWO: Corruption, Constitution, Global Contempt


Until Bush, the friends of Warren G. Harding were the kings of White House
sleaze. Nixon and Reagan's made a serious challenge. But with Enron,
Halliburton, Bechtel and other Bush funders profiting from the slaughter in
Iraq and the decimation of the electric grid and the natural environment, W has
captured the crown of public theft.


Richard Nixon's repressive attack on the Vietnam anti-war movement outstripped
even the Red Scare excesses of Woodrow Wilson after World War I and those of
John Adams after the Revolution. But Bush and Attorney-General John Ashcroft
have shredded the Bill of Rights with unprecedented glee. From the Patriot Act,
Homeland Security and an escalated drug war, Bush has become George Orwell's
Big Brother, making Nixon look like a civil libertarian.

Global Contempt:

American presidents from Washington to Lincoln to FDR to JFK have been loved
around the world. Jimmy Carter, now an ambassador for peace, may have excited
the most global contempt by preaching human rights while embracing the brutal
Shah of Iran. But no American president has incited such worldwide hatred as
George W. Bush. He has turned the global sympathy from the 9/11 terror attacks
into inexpressible rage over the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq, his contempt
for the United Nations and his cynical, uncaring arrogance and global
ignorance. By blatantly lying to both the United Nations and in the State of
the Union, and then unleashing brutal violence, Bush has become the most
polarizing president in US history abroad as well as at home.

TRIFECTA THREE: Military madness, Messianic delusion, Macho Matricide

Military Madness:

About a dozen US presidents served in the armed forces. Three---Washington,
Grant and Eisenhower---are among history's greatest generals. None ever
advocated attacking countries that have not attacked us. All honored the
firewall between military and civilian rule by avoiding wearing a military
uniform while in office. Bush trashed that tradition with his infamous flight
suit. Bill Clinton occupied the short list of presidents known to have dodged
the draft. But with an entire cabinet of chickenhawks, Bush gets the
Congressional medal for having used his wealth and connections to avoid
military service, for likely having gone AWOL and for lying about having ever
been in combat. None has heaped such hypocritical praise on American soldiers
while slashing their benefits.

Messianic Delusion:

Presidents from Washington to Lincoln to the Roosevelts to Reagan have invoked
the name of God. Only Bush claims to speak directly to Him and for Him. Only
Bush claims to have been elected by Him (the American people certainly didn't
do it). At least since the witch trials of Salem in the 1690s, no other
president has ever attempted to impose his personal religion on the nation---or
world---as has Bush.

Macho Matricide:

Ronald Reagan ostensibly opposed a women's right to choose, but did little
about it. Ditto George H.W. Bush. But W. has launched an unprecedented crusade
against women's rights, affirmative action and a whole range of social
legislation supporting equality between the races, genders, communities of
preference and classes.

Much more could be said. These modest nine points omit Bush's attacks on
organized labor, health insurance, retirement benefits, renewable energy and
much much more. But if you ever have a pinge of doubt about Shrub being the
worst president ever, just repeat the phrase "Triple Trifecta" three times.
Then go out and organize, organize, organize.


  #2   Report Post  
Bart Senior
Posts: n/a
Default Bush Wins!

Straight out of the Democratic Natinal Committee.

How about facts instead of bull****.

June 4, 2004 -- The U.S. Department of Labor announced
Friday that the economy added about 250,000 new jobs in
April, making it the ninth month of job growth in a row.

How can this be compared with Herbert Hoover?

When you don't have facts, just make up bull****. This
is the typical Democratic crap. It is no wonder the liberals
have no credibility.

Bobsprit wrote

Bush Wins Triple Trifecta As Worst President Ever

By Harvey Wasserman
February 16, 2004

"The worst president in our lifetime" is how many Americans view George W.

But Bush is not merely the worst president in recent memory. He's the

worst in
all US history. And he's won the distinction not on a weakness or two, but

at least nine separate categories, giving him a triple trifecta. It's a

unmatched by any previous president.

Let's count the ways:

TRIFECTA ONE: Economy, Environment, Education


Until now, Herbert Hoover has been the president most closely associated

economic disaster. He presided over the 1929 stock crash, and choked while

economy collapsed around him. Bush did not preside over the 2000 Nasdaq

But he's turned the biggest federal surplus into history's biggest

which a nervous global banking community sees as a potential weapon of

fiscal destruction. Bush has lost more jobs than Hoover. A top Bush

advisor has
called outsourcing "just a new way of doing international trade."

Bush has achieved the economic trifecta by simultaneously collapsing the

while gutting the industrial infrastructure and running up gargantuan

deficits. Even GOP conservatives are petrified over a Bush Blowout that

make the 1930s seem a time of widespread prosperity. With Vice President

Cheney saying "deficits don't matter," the administration has introduced a

of "kamikaze economics" entirely new to the American presidency.


Bush's "No Tree Left Standing" attack on Mother Earth has transcended even
Ronald Reagan's all-out anti- green assault. More people will ultimately

from the resulting climate chaos, toxic emissions and other eco- fallout

from anything Al Queda could imagine. Simply put, Bush has trashed not

eco-progress dating back to Richard Nixon, but also the achievements of

Roosevelts, scorching the earth all the way back to US Grant and

our first national park, now being Bushwhacked.


Bush's "No Child Left Behind" scam has imposed massive new costs on state

local school systems with no tangible payback. Even Utah has just said no.

Reagan's slash and burn of public education has been trumped by an
administration for whom the three R's are "Religion, Reaction, and

TRIFECTA TWO: Corruption, Constitution, Global Contempt


Until Bush, the friends of Warren G. Harding were the kings of White House
sleaze. Nixon and Reagan's made a serious challenge. But with Enron,
Halliburton, Bechtel and other Bush funders profiting from the slaughter

Iraq and the decimation of the electric grid and the natural environment,

W has
captured the crown of public theft.


Richard Nixon's repressive attack on the Vietnam anti-war movement

even the Red Scare excesses of Woodrow Wilson after World War I and those

John Adams after the Revolution. But Bush and Attorney-General John

have shredded the Bill of Rights with unprecedented glee. From the Patriot

Homeland Security and an escalated drug war, Bush has become George

Big Brother, making Nixon look like a civil libertarian.

Global Contempt:

American presidents from Washington to Lincoln to FDR to JFK have been

around the world. Jimmy Carter, now an ambassador for peace, may have

the most global contempt by preaching human rights while embracing the

Shah of Iran. But no American president has incited such worldwide hatred

George W. Bush. He has turned the global sympathy from the 9/11 terror

into inexpressible rage over the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq, his

for the United Nations and his cynical, uncaring arrogance and global
ignorance. By blatantly lying to both the United Nations and in the State

the Union, and then unleashing brutal violence, Bush has become the most
polarizing president in US history abroad as well as at home.

TRIFECTA THREE: Military madness, Messianic delusion, Macho Matricide

Military Madness:

About a dozen US presidents served in the armed forces.

Grant and Eisenhower---are among history's greatest generals. None ever
advocated attacking countries that have not attacked us. All honored the
firewall between military and civilian rule by avoiding wearing a military
uniform while in office. Bush trashed that tradition with his infamous

suit. Bill Clinton occupied the short list of presidents known to have

the draft. But with an entire cabinet of chickenhawks, Bush gets the
Congressional medal for having used his wealth and connections to avoid
military service, for likely having gone AWOL and for lying about having

been in combat. None has heaped such hypocritical praise on American

while slashing their benefits.

Messianic Delusion:

Presidents from Washington to Lincoln to the Roosevelts to Reagan have

the name of God. Only Bush claims to speak directly to Him and for Him.

Bush claims to have been elected by Him (the American people certainly

do it). At least since the witch trials of Salem in the 1690s, no other
president has ever attempted to impose his personal religion on the

world---as has Bush.

Macho Matricide:

Ronald Reagan ostensibly opposed a women's right to choose, but did little
about it. Ditto George H.W. Bush. But W. has launched an unprecedented

against women's rights, affirmative action and a whole range of social
legislation supporting equality between the races, genders, communities of
preference and classes.

Much more could be said. These modest nine points omit Bush's attacks on
organized labor, health insurance, retirement benefits, renewable energy

much much more. But if you ever have a pinge of doubt about Shrub being

worst president ever, just repeat the phrase "Triple Trifecta" three

Then go out and organize, organize, organize.


  #3   Report Post  
Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default Bush Wins!

As a matter of fact, the number you cite is accurate, but if you look
at how many were lost under Bu****'s watch, we're still way behind
where we should be. I was so glad to get my $300. Wow. Thanks

"j" ganz @@

"Bart Senior" wrote in message
. net...
Straight out of the Democratic Natinal Committee.

How about facts instead of bull****.

June 4, 2004 -- The U.S. Department of Labor announced
Friday that the economy added about 250,000 new jobs in
April, making it the ninth month of job growth in a row.

How can this be compared with Herbert Hoover?

When you don't have facts, just make up bull****. This
is the typical Democratic crap. It is no wonder the liberals
have no credibility.

Bobsprit wrote

Bush Wins Triple Trifecta As Worst President Ever

By Harvey Wasserman
February 16, 2004

"The worst president in our lifetime" is how many Americans view George


But Bush is not merely the worst president in recent memory. He's the

worst in
all US history. And he's won the distinction not on a weakness or two,

at least nine separate categories, giving him a triple trifecta. It's a

unmatched by any previous president.

Let's count the ways:

TRIFECTA ONE: Economy, Environment, Education


Until now, Herbert Hoover has been the president most closely associated

economic disaster. He presided over the 1929 stock crash, and choked

economy collapsed around him. Bush did not preside over the 2000 Nasdaq

But he's turned the biggest federal surplus into history's biggest

which a nervous global banking community sees as a potential weapon of

fiscal destruction. Bush has lost more jobs than Hoover. A top Bush

advisor has
called outsourcing "just a new way of doing international trade."

Bush has achieved the economic trifecta by simultaneously collapsing the

while gutting the industrial infrastructure and running up gargantuan

deficits. Even GOP conservatives are petrified over a Bush Blowout that

make the 1930s seem a time of widespread prosperity. With Vice President

Cheney saying "deficits don't matter," the administration has introduced

of "kamikaze economics" entirely new to the American presidency.


Bush's "No Tree Left Standing" attack on Mother Earth has transcended

Ronald Reagan's all-out anti- green assault. More people will ultimately

from the resulting climate chaos, toxic emissions and other eco- fallout

from anything Al Queda could imagine. Simply put, Bush has trashed not

eco-progress dating back to Richard Nixon, but also the achievements of

Roosevelts, scorching the earth all the way back to US Grant and

our first national park, now being Bushwhacked.


Bush's "No Child Left Behind" scam has imposed massive new costs on

local school systems with no tangible payback. Even Utah has just said

Reagan's slash and burn of public education has been trumped by an
administration for whom the three R's are "Religion, Reaction, and

TRIFECTA TWO: Corruption, Constitution, Global Contempt


Until Bush, the friends of Warren G. Harding were the kings of White

sleaze. Nixon and Reagan's made a serious challenge. But with Enron,
Halliburton, Bechtel and other Bush funders profiting from the slaughter

Iraq and the decimation of the electric grid and the natural

W has
captured the crown of public theft.


Richard Nixon's repressive attack on the Vietnam anti-war movement

even the Red Scare excesses of Woodrow Wilson after World War I and

John Adams after the Revolution. But Bush and Attorney-General John

have shredded the Bill of Rights with unprecedented glee. From the

Homeland Security and an escalated drug war, Bush has become George

Big Brother, making Nixon look like a civil libertarian.

Global Contempt:

American presidents from Washington to Lincoln to FDR to JFK have been

around the world. Jimmy Carter, now an ambassador for peace, may have

the most global contempt by preaching human rights while embracing the

Shah of Iran. But no American president has incited such worldwide

George W. Bush. He has turned the global sympathy from the 9/11 terror

into inexpressible rage over the attack on Afghanistan and Iraq, his

for the United Nations and his cynical, uncaring arrogance and global
ignorance. By blatantly lying to both the United Nations and in the

the Union, and then unleashing brutal violence, Bush has become the most
polarizing president in US history abroad as well as at home.

TRIFECTA THREE: Military madness, Messianic delusion, Macho Matricide

Military Madness:

About a dozen US presidents served in the armed forces.

Grant and Eisenhower---are among history's greatest generals. None ever
advocated attacking countries that have not attacked us. All honored the
firewall between military and civilian rule by avoiding wearing a

uniform while in office. Bush trashed that tradition with his infamous

suit. Bill Clinton occupied the short list of presidents known to have

the draft. But with an entire cabinet of chickenhawks, Bush gets the
Congressional medal for having used his wealth and connections to avoid
military service, for likely having gone AWOL and for lying about having

been in combat. None has heaped such hypocritical praise on American

while slashing their benefits.

Messianic Delusion:

Presidents from Washington to Lincoln to the Roosevelts to Reagan have

the name of God. Only Bush claims to speak directly to Him and for Him.

Bush claims to have been elected by Him (the American people certainly

do it). At least since the witch trials of Salem in the 1690s, no other
president has ever attempted to impose his personal religion on the

world---as has Bush.

Macho Matricide:

Ronald Reagan ostensibly opposed a women's right to choose, but did

about it. Ditto George H.W. Bush. But W. has launched an unprecedented

against women's rights, affirmative action and a whole range of social
legislation supporting equality between the races, genders, communities

preference and classes.

Much more could be said. These modest nine points omit Bush's attacks on
organized labor, health insurance, retirement benefits, renewable energy

much much more. But if you ever have a pinge of doubt about Shrub being

worst president ever, just repeat the phrase "Triple Trifecta" three

Then go out and organize, organize, organize.


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