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Bobsprit November 10th 04 12:09 AM

Bwahahahaha! At 8 MP? You mean "great" like we used to get out of the old
16mm films? Great if you don't mind buildings that look like they're
falling over backward? Spend some time with full size cameras then tell us
about "great".

What is this loser talking about? 8MP exceeds the resolution of a 35mm negative
by nearly 25%. It's close to the res of a medium format without the bother.


Bobsprit November 10th 04 12:11 AM

Pro's can get good pictures with a pin hole camera.

Thom, I find it really annoying when someone like you chimes in on a topic you
know nothing about. I worked as a still photographer and a pro can't get good
results from a crappy optical set or a slappy shutter. Nor can you get very
impressive results with low res CCDs. That's why we buy reasonably good gear.


Bobsprit November 10th 04 12:14 AM

By the way, why don't you buy cameras like you do Boats? All that money
for only a picture when a boat can be a case of life and death for you
and your family.

I didn't pay for the Canon 20D, Thom. It was a gift. I suppose I could take it
back and keep the 2K, but that would be pretty creepy. And the Nikon was bought
to take pics of the baby.
Sorry if this offends you, but we like the beautiful prints that this gear


No more Pony November 10th 04 01:28 AM

Honestly, the Pro, according to her, has good bit
of noise above 100 and the vignetting was
unacceptable. I'm not going to argue with her
about it.

"Bobsprit" wrote in message
: The Pro is 8MP and the rebel is 6MP.
: She I think she'd like the 1DsII, but can't
: justify it for what she's doing at this
: Honestly, the Pro can take really great pics
with some practice. A lot rides on
: how you print them.
: My new Nikon 8800 is 8 MP. I've already taken
some greats shots...but it's easy
: enough to get it wrong, especially with the
focusing. I'm glad the 20D has true
: manual focus.
: Your wife should take another crack at it and
take her time. An Epson R300M
: will deliver excellent 8X10s as will the 800.
They are terrible for regular
: text printing though.
: RB

Bobsprit November 10th 04 02:03 AM

Honestly, the Pro, according to her, has good bit
of noise above 100 and the vignetting was
unacceptable. I'm not going to argue with her
about it.

Well, it all depends on how you're shooting and where. I rarely set above 100.
The new crop of cameras certainly do better with that. If she wants to avoid
lens issues, she'd probably like a SLR like the Canon 20D, but overall it's
probably best to wait another year or so rather than spend a small fortune.


No more Pony November 10th 04 02:10 AM

I think if you look at what people in the know you
will find that they have the same complaints about
the Pro.
I told you that she liked the 1DsII but not for

"Bobsprit" wrote in message
: Honestly, the Pro, according to her, has good
: of noise above 100 and the vignetting was
: unacceptable. I'm not going to argue with her
: about it.
: Well, it all depends on how you're shooting and
where. I rarely set above 100.
: The new crop of cameras certainly do better with
that. If she wants to avoid
: lens issues, she'd probably like a SLR like the
Canon 20D, but overall it's
: probably best to wait another year or so rather
than spend a small fortune.
: RB

Bobsprit November 10th 04 02:33 AM

I think if you look at what people in the know you
will find that they have the same complaints about
the Pro.

Agreed. I have seen some good results with it though. I bet a Canon 20D with
the regular lens (1600.00) would perk her interest. But in another year we'll
see some amazing cameras for under 1K I bet.


Vito November 10th 04 04:56 PM

"Bobsprit" wrote in message
Bwahahahaha! At 8 MP? You mean "great" like we used to get out of the old
16mm films? Great if you don't mind buildings that look like they're
falling over backward? Spend some time with full size cameras then tell

about "great".

What is this loser talking about? 8MP exceeds the resolution of a 35mm

by nearly 25%. It's close to the res of a medium format without the


If you are only interested in amateur snapshots for web posting you'll be
satisfied with that resolution and the lack of contrast and perspective
controls but this "looser" prefers better - like at least 10x the resolution
of a 35mm minicam and buildings that don't appear to be falling over and
foregrounds in focus, etc. Again, if you are really interested in quality
photography, spend some time using a full size camera system.

Bobsprit November 10th 04 08:20 PM

If you are only interested in amateur snapshots for web posting you'll be
satisfied with that resolution and the lack of contrast and perspective

Vito, you clearly never used a modern digital camera. Modern 6 MP and better
match or exceed the capability of a 35MM camera. My 8.2 MP camera is quite
close to a medium format camera. Unless you're refering to 8X10 cameras which
are less than practical. Not many pros used them these days.
Your comment on contrast makes zero sense. A 5 Mp shot with a G5 can match
contrast with a 35mm shot on Kodak F5 papers.
Get back to me when you can google up a clue.


Vito November 10th 04 11:47 PM

"Bobsprit" wrote

Vito, you clearly never used a modern digital camera. Modern 6 MP and

match or exceed the capability of a 35MM camera.

You are right. My 4.2 MP zoom is OK for snapshots used for web posting or
newsprint where quality doesn't matter. It replaced my 35mm SLR that I used
for essentially the same purposes - ie where quality didn't matter.

Unless you're refering to 8X10 cameras which are less than practical.

There is nothing so beautiful as a well concieved and executed 8x10 contact
print with the lovely range of tones unachievable in miniture (35mm) film
cameras or any digital camera I could afford. But you can compromise and
still get acceptable quality out of a practical 4x5 and old Graphics can
still be found in good shape.

Not many pros used them these days.

That's because customers have become inured to poor quality. Check out some
old Life magazines and see what I mean.

Your comment on contrast makes zero sense. A 5 Mp shot with a G5 can match
contrast with a 35mm shot on Kodak F5 papers.

That's because, like most minicam and digital tyros, you have no
appreciation of contrast control. You point and shoot and take whatever your
camera's computer gives you and deem it "good". But since you are reasonably
intellegent your ignorance in this area can be cured by simply learning and
understanding the Zone System. I suggest Ansel Adam's series on that
subject. Works for color too, BTW.

Get back to me when you can google up a clue.

Yes, please do.

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