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All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu
vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I listed the moms that are in my groups. My son is profoundly disabled, progressive microcephaly, spastic quad cp, profound mental retardation, lennox gastaut, hes non verbal, his baby hair was tested for mercury it was 13.78mcg this is for a 17lb infant, A healthy adults level is 1.58mcg. Hes my second born child, My oldest is 23 months older and healthy, I was not injected with mercury with the oldest! My youngest I was injected with mercury while I was 6 mos pregnant. On the FDA web page, It says .20 mcg of mercury for tuna. Pregnant women are warned not to fish high in mercury. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/reprints/mercury.html Pregnant women were injected with 35mcg of mercury via rhogam and 25 mcg from the flu shot, This can be compared to a pregant woman eating 175 tuna sandwiches in a single day. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thimerosal/Mercury is a neurotoxin. NEUROTOXICOLOGY Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death in Cultured Human Neurons and Fibroblasts Thimerosal (sodium ethylmercury-thiosalicylate) is an antibacterial and antifungal mercurial compound used as a preservative in biological products and vaccines, in concentrations ranging from 0.003 to 0.01% (30–100 µg/ml) (Ball et al., 2001). Thimerosal contains 49.6 % mercury by weight and releases ethylmercury as a metabolite. In the body, ethylmercury can be converted to inorganic mercury, which then preferentially accumulates in the kidneys and brain (Blair et al., 1975). Inorganic mercury is known to induce membrane and DNA damage (Ferrat et al., 2002;Ben-Ozer et al., 2000), and in cell culture conditions it was shown to be mutagenic and generate DNA breaks in concentrations below 500 nM (Schurz et al., 2000). Ethylmercury can significantly increase the concentration of inorganic mercury in many organs (Magos et al., 1985). After in vivo administration, ethylmercury passes through cellular membranes and concentrates in cells in vital organs, including the brain, where it releases inorganic mercury, raising its concentrations higher than equimolar doses of its close and highly toxic relative methylmercury (Magos et al., 1985). http://toxsci.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/74/2/361 __________________________________________________ ______________________ Mutation - Any condition which causes a detrimental change in DNA. This can involve a change in a single molecule or involve large deletions and other abnormalities. The net affect of a mutation is that it ultimately changes the way the protein is made, sometimes preventing its production or creating an abnormal protein which does not function properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bayer made Rhogam that contained 35 mcg of mercury, Bayer in 2003 Petitioned OEHHA to take thimerosal/mercury off the list of reproductive toxins, Here is OEHHA reply to Bayer. OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assesment) reports; "The scientific evidence that PMA and Thimerosal cause reproductive toxcitity is CLEAR and VOLUMINOUS. The evidence for its reproductive toxcitity includes severe mental retardation or malformations in human offspring who were poisoned when thier mothers were exposed to ethylmercury or thimerosal while pregnant." http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/CRNR_...p/hgbayer1.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happens when you inject pregnant women with Mercury? Heres a list of disabled children whose mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine. Donna: Son Kevin, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1986...Child is multihandicapped,Lennox Gastaut, EEG shows he does not enter stage two sleep. His 6 mos old baby hair was tested for mercury, It was 13.78mcg,This was for a 17lb infant. A healthy Adults mercuy level is 1.58mcg. (I dont eat fish!) Vicki: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1996...child has Prader Willi. Also had Rhogam with Son in 2000, Child has Sensory intergration. Susan: Niece has angelman syndrome, Mother was injected with Rhogam. Blair: Rhogam in 2003, Has a healthy child. Michelle: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy 1996...child is NT. Also had Rhogam with Son in 1998, Child is ASD. Carol: Rhogam during pregnancy with Daughter in 1991, Child has DS and Autism. Ana: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with son...Child has Autism. Christine; Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with Daughter...Child is Multihandicapped. Rhogam during pregnancy with son in 1999, Child has anxiety/aspergers/speech/asthma. Also has another son, Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000...Child is multihandicapped, Does not enter REM sleep. Sarah: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1996, Daughter has Lennox Gastaut. Charlotte: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, Daughter has Asthma, Also had Rhogam in 2000, Daughter is healthy...Both children are Unvaccinated. Julie: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Son has pachgyria and CP. Karina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000, Daughter has Autism. Sherry: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1998, Son has Autism. Jessica: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1993, Daughter has Type 1 Diabetes. Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997, child is doing fine. Also Rhogam in 2000, Daughter has possible Diabetes. Paula: Rhogam with Daughter in 2001, Right kidney removed, Left Kidney has reflux, Seizures, Multihandicapped. Also had Rhogam with daughter in 1999, Child is fine. Linda: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1984, Daughter has female problems. Susan: Rhogam with Son in 1997, Child has Autism and Seizures. Elizabeth: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1986, Son has..ADHD, Dyslexic, SLD, Possible Bipolar. Sally: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has Mental retardation and CP. Hillary: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has PDD-NOS, dyspraxia, hypotonia, ect... Betsy: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1998, Child has ASD Carolyn: Rhogam during pregnancy in , Son has ASD/Sensory Intergration. Ami: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1992, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Jen: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2002, Daughter has Angelman Syndrome. Also Rhogam given in 1999, Son is doing fine. Tina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, child has ADD. Also had Rhogam in 1996, Child has Autism. Pamela: Rhogam in 2002, Son has Autism. Jana: Rhogam in 2001, Son has Lennox Gastaut. Courtney: Rhogam during pregnany in 1/2001, Daughter has cortical dysplasia, Landau-Kleffner, infantile spasms, hypotonic quad cp. Janet: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1983, Child has ADD and learning disability, Rhogam during one of her other pregnacies, Does'nt know which one, One child has ADD and the other has Down Syndrome. Kris: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child has Autism, deafness, developmental delays,mild cp. Norma: Rhogam during pregnancy, Disabled child. Colleen: Flu Shot during pregnancy, Son has Cerebral palsy and bipolar disorder. Gracie: Rhogam during pregnancy, Unvaccinated. Son has severe eczema, lots of allergies, yeast problems, depressed immune system. Kathy: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Barbara: Rhogam in 1994 during pregnancy, Child has angelman syndrome. Ilana : Sister had Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has Retts Syndrome(her hair was tested for mercury, it was 14.8mcg) Ilana also has a friend that had Rhogam during pregnancy, She lost the child a month later. Julia: Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has petiventricular leukomalacia(type of brain damage) Lauree: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child is developmentally delayed, Lennox Gastaut. Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and does well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second child has some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his behavior is horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in and out of institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. My third child is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at Baylor through the MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors thought she had CP. She has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is now 10-1/2 and functions at the three-month-old level. My first child is by one husband, my second a different husband and the third is my present husband's. So while they all have neuro issues, the gene pool is different. It makes you wonder if an exterior factor such as thimerosol accounts for these kinds of outcomes. Lisa : I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at age 15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe learning disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after birth, son has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with RhoGAM given after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM after birth. 1996, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 2001, daughter with angelman syndrome, had flu shot in 2000 and got pregnant about one week later; had RhoGAM during pregnancy and after birth. Eve: RhoGAM during pregnancy, has 12-year-old girl with Quad CP. Jamie B.: RhoGAM during all of her pregnancies; first son has learning disabilities (severe CAPD and PDD nos); second, a daughter, is dyslexic; third, a son, has ADHD. At a DAN! conference 53.7% of the mothers present who had ASD children were Rh negative. Other studies show 37% of ASD children have Rh-neg. mothers, although the incidence of RH neg. is estimated at only 3% to 7% of the female population __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ _______________ Mercury was taken out of Bayer Rhogam in 1996, WinRho never contained mercury, The other brands of rhogam took the mercury out in 2001, But it had a shelf life of two years, that could have kept it on the shelf until 2003. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm __________________________________________________ _____________________ Mercury targets the pitutary gland and decreases ACTH levels. http://www.child-neuro.org.uk/forums...p?showtopic=85 __________________________________________________ _ Is there a connection? Kind Regards, Donna |
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Is it good to have the main up against the shroud like that?
Scotty "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I listed the moms that are in my groups. My son is profoundly disabled, progressive microcephaly, spastic quad cp, profound mental retardation, lennox gastaut, hes non verbal, his baby hair was tested for mercury it was 13.78mcg this is for a 17lb infant, A healthy adults level is 1.58mcg. Hes my second born child, My oldest is 23 months older and healthy, I was not injected with mercury with the oldest! My youngest I was injected with mercury while I was 6 mos pregnant. On the FDA web page, It says .20 mcg of mercury for tuna. Pregnant women are warned not to fish high in mercury. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/reprints/mercury.html Pregnant women were injected with 35mcg of mercury via rhogam and 25 mcg from the flu shot, This can be compared to a pregant woman eating 175 tuna sandwiches in a single day. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Thimerosal/Mercury is a neurotoxin. NEUROTOXICOLOGY Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death in Cultured Human Neurons and Fibroblasts Thimerosal (sodium ethylmercury-thiosalicylate) is an antibacterial and antifungal mercurial compound used as a preservative in biological products and vaccines, in concentrations ranging from 0.003 to 0.01% (30–100 µg/ml) (Ball et al., 2001). Thimerosal contains 49.6 % mercury by weight and releases ethylmercury as a metabolite. In the body, ethylmercury can be converted to inorganic mercury, which then preferentially accumulates in the kidneys and brain (Blair et al., 1975). Inorganic mercury is known to induce membrane and DNA damage (Ferrat et al., 2002;Ben-Ozer et al., 2000), and in cell culture conditions it was shown to be mutagenic and generate DNA breaks in concentrations below 500 nM (Schurz et al., 2000). Ethylmercury can significantly increase the concentration of inorganic mercury in many organs (Magos et al., 1985). After in vivo administration, ethylmercury passes through cellular membranes and concentrates in cells in vital organs, including the brain, where it releases inorganic mercury, raising its concentrations higher than equimolar doses of its close and highly toxic relative methylmercury (Magos et al., 1985). http://toxsci.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/74/2/361 __________________________________________________ ____________________ __ Mutation - Any condition which causes a detrimental change in DNA. This can involve a change in a single molecule or involve large deletions and other abnormalities. The net affect of a mutation is that it ultimately changes the way the protein is made, sometimes preventing its production or creating an abnormal protein which does not function properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Bayer made Rhogam that contained 35 mcg of mercury, Bayer in 2003 Petitioned OEHHA to take thimerosal/mercury off the list of reproductive toxins, Here is OEHHA reply to Bayer. OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assesment) reports; "The scientific evidence that PMA and Thimerosal cause reproductive toxcitity is CLEAR and VOLUMINOUS. The evidence for its reproductive toxcitity includes severe mental retardation or malformations in human offspring who were poisoned when thier mothers were exposed to ethylmercury or thimerosal while pregnant." http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/CRNR_...p/hgbayer1.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- What happens when you inject pregnant women with Mercury? Heres a list of disabled children whose mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine. Donna: Son Kevin, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1986...Child is multihandicapped,Lennox Gastaut, EEG shows he does not enter stage two sleep. His 6 mos old baby hair was tested for mercury, It was 13.78mcg,This was for a 17lb infant. A healthy Adults mercuy level is 1.58mcg. (I dont eat fish!) Vicki: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1996...child has Prader Willi. Also had Rhogam with Son in 2000, Child has Sensory intergration. Susan: Niece has angelman syndrome, Mother was injected with Rhogam. Blair: Rhogam in 2003, Has a healthy child. Michelle: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy 1996...child is NT. Also had Rhogam with Son in 1998, Child is ASD. Carol: Rhogam during pregnancy with Daughter in 1991, Child has DS and Autism. Ana: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with son...Child has Autism. Christine; Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with Daughter...Child is Multihandicapped. Rhogam during pregnancy with son in 1999, Child has anxiety/aspergers/speech/asthma. Also has another son, Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000...Child is multihandicapped, Does not enter REM sleep. Sarah: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1996, Daughter has Lennox Gastaut. Charlotte: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, Daughter has Asthma, Also had Rhogam in 2000, Daughter is healthy...Both children are Unvaccinated. Julie: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Son has pachgyria and CP. Karina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000, Daughter has Autism. Sherry: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1998, Son has Autism. Jessica: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1993, Daughter has Type 1 Diabetes. Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997, child is doing fine. Also Rhogam in 2000, Daughter has possible Diabetes. Paula: Rhogam with Daughter in 2001, Right kidney removed, Left Kidney has reflux, Seizures, Multihandicapped. Also had Rhogam with daughter in 1999, Child is fine. Linda: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1984, Daughter has female problems. Susan: Rhogam with Son in 1997, Child has Autism and Seizures. Elizabeth: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1986, Son has..ADHD, Dyslexic, SLD, Possible Bipolar. Sally: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has Mental retardation and CP. Hillary: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has PDD-NOS, dyspraxia, hypotonia, ect... Betsy: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1998, Child has ASD Carolyn: Rhogam during pregnancy in , Son has ASD/Sensory Intergration. Ami: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1992, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Jen: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2002, Daughter has Angelman Syndrome. Also Rhogam given in 1999, Son is doing fine. Tina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, child has ADD. Also had Rhogam in 1996, Child has Autism. Pamela: Rhogam in 2002, Son has Autism. Jana: Rhogam in 2001, Son has Lennox Gastaut. Courtney: Rhogam during pregnany in 1/2001, Daughter has cortical dysplasia, Landau-Kleffner, infantile spasms, hypotonic quad cp. Janet: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1983, Child has ADD and learning disability, Rhogam during one of her other pregnacies, Does'nt know which one, One child has ADD and the other has Down Syndrome. Kris: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child has Autism, deafness, developmental delays,mild cp. Norma: Rhogam during pregnancy, Disabled child. Colleen: Flu Shot during pregnancy, Son has Cerebral palsy and bipolar disorder. Gracie: Rhogam during pregnancy, Unvaccinated. Son has severe eczema, lots of allergies, yeast problems, depressed immune system. Kathy: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Barbara: Rhogam in 1994 during pregnancy, Child has angelman syndrome. Ilana : Sister had Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has Retts Syndrome(her hair was tested for mercury, it was 14.8mcg) Ilana also has a friend that had Rhogam during pregnancy, She lost the child a month later. Julia: Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has petiventricular leukomalacia(type of brain damage) Lauree: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child is developmentally delayed, Lennox Gastaut. Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and does well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second child has some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his behavior is horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in and out of institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. My third child is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at Baylor through the MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors thought she had CP. She has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is now 10-1/2 and functions at the three-month-old level. My first child is by one husband, my second a different husband and the third is my present husband's. So while they all have neuro issues, the gene pool is different. It makes you wonder if an exterior factor such as thimerosol accounts for these kinds of outcomes. Lisa : I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at age 15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe learning disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after birth, son has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with RhoGAM given after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM after birth. 1996, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 2001, daughter with angelman syndrome, had flu shot in 2000 and got pregnant about one week later; had RhoGAM during pregnancy and after birth. Eve: RhoGAM during pregnancy, has 12-year-old girl with Quad CP. Jamie B.: RhoGAM during all of her pregnancies; first son has learning disabilities (severe CAPD and PDD nos); second, a daughter, is dyslexic; third, a son, has ADHD. At a DAN! conference 53.7% of the mothers present who had ASD children were Rh negative. Other studies show 37% of ASD children have Rh-neg. mothers, although the incidence of RH neg. is estimated at only 3% to 7% of the female population __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ _______________ Mercury was taken out of Bayer Rhogam in 1996, WinRho never contained mercury, The other brands of rhogam took the mercury out in 2001, But it had a shelf life of two years, that could have kept it on the shelf until 2003. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm __________________________________________________ ____________________ _ Mercury targets the pitutary gland and decreases ACTH levels. http://www.child-neuro.org.uk/forums...p?showtopic=85 __________________________________________________ _ Is there a connection? Kind Regards, Donna |
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That would depend if your sails were cheapo knock-offs made in Hong
Kong..... it would really chafe me the wrong way nonetheless. CM "Scott Vernon" wrote in message ... Is it good to have the main up against the shroud like that? Scotty "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I listed the moms that are in my groups. My son is profoundly disabled, progressive microcephaly, spastic quad cp, profound mental retardation, lennox gastaut, hes non verbal, his baby hair was tested for mercury it was 13.78mcg this is for a 17lb infant, A healthy adults level is 1.58mcg. Hes my second born child, My oldest is 23 months older and healthy, I was not injected with mercury with the oldest! My youngest I was injected with mercury while I was 6 mos pregnant. On the FDA web page, It says .20 mcg of mercury for tuna. Pregnant women are warned not to fish high in mercury. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/reprints/mercury.html Pregnant women were injected with 35mcg of mercury via rhogam and 25 mcg from the flu shot, This can be compared to a pregant woman eating 175 tuna sandwiches in a single day. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Thimerosal/Mercury is a neurotoxin. NEUROTOXICOLOGY Thimerosal Induces DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death in Cultured Human Neurons and Fibroblasts Thimerosal (sodium ethylmercury-thiosalicylate) is an antibacterial and antifungal mercurial compound used as a preservative in biological products and vaccines, in concentrations ranging from 0.003 to 0.01% (30-100 µg/ml) (Ball et al., 2001). Thimerosal contains 49.6 % mercury by weight and releases ethylmercury as a metabolite. In the body, ethylmercury can be converted to inorganic mercury, which then preferentially accumulates in the kidneys and brain (Blair et al., 1975). Inorganic mercury is known to induce membrane and DNA damage (Ferrat et al., 2002;Ben-Ozer et al., 2000), and in cell culture conditions it was shown to be mutagenic and generate DNA breaks in concentrations below 500 nM (Schurz et al., 2000). Ethylmercury can significantly increase the concentration of inorganic mercury in many organs (Magos et al., 1985). After in vivo administration, ethylmercury passes through cellular membranes and concentrates in cells in vital organs, including the brain, where it releases inorganic mercury, raising its concentrations higher than equimolar doses of its close and highly toxic relative methylmercury (Magos et al., 1985). http://toxsci.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/74/2/361 __________________________________________________ ____________________ __ Mutation - Any condition which causes a detrimental change in DNA. This can involve a change in a single molecule or involve large deletions and other abnormalities. The net affect of a mutation is that it ultimately changes the way the protein is made, sometimes preventing its production or creating an abnormal protein which does not function properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Bayer made Rhogam that contained 35 mcg of mercury, Bayer in 2003 Petitioned OEHHA to take thimerosal/mercury off the list of reproductive toxins, Here is OEHHA reply to Bayer. OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assesment) reports; "The scientific evidence that PMA and Thimerosal cause reproductive toxcitity is CLEAR and VOLUMINOUS. The evidence for its reproductive toxcitity includes severe mental retardation or malformations in human offspring who were poisoned when thier mothers were exposed to ethylmercury or thimerosal while pregnant." http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/CRNR_...p/hgbayer1.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- What happens when you inject pregnant women with Mercury? Heres a list of disabled children whose mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine. Donna: Son Kevin, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1986...Child is multihandicapped,Lennox Gastaut, EEG shows he does not enter stage two sleep. His 6 mos old baby hair was tested for mercury, It was 13.78mcg,This was for a 17lb infant. A healthy Adults mercuy level is 1.58mcg. (I dont eat fish!) Vicki: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy, 1996...child has Prader Willi. Also had Rhogam with Son in 2000, Child has Sensory intergration. Susan: Niece has angelman syndrome, Mother was injected with Rhogam. Blair: Rhogam in 2003, Has a healthy child. Michelle: Daughter, Rhogam during pregnancy 1996...child is NT. Also had Rhogam with Son in 1998, Child is ASD. Carol: Rhogam during pregnancy with Daughter in 1991, Child has DS and Autism. Ana: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with son...Child has Autism. Christine; Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997 with Daughter...Child is Multihandicapped. Rhogam during pregnancy with son in 1999, Child has anxiety/aspergers/speech/asthma. Also has another son, Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000...Child is multihandicapped, Does not enter REM sleep. Sarah: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1996, Daughter has Lennox Gastaut. Charlotte: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, Daughter has Asthma, Also had Rhogam in 2000, Daughter is healthy...Both children are Unvaccinated. Julie: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Son has pachgyria and CP. Karina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2000, Daughter has Autism. Sherry: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1998, Son has Autism. Jessica: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1993, Daughter has Type 1 Diabetes. Rhogam during pregnancy in 1997, child is doing fine. Also Rhogam in 2000, Daughter has possible Diabetes. Paula: Rhogam with Daughter in 2001, Right kidney removed, Left Kidney has reflux, Seizures, Multihandicapped. Also had Rhogam with daughter in 1999, Child is fine. Linda: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1984, Daughter has female problems. Susan: Rhogam with Son in 1997, Child has Autism and Seizures. Elizabeth: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1986, Son has..ADHD, Dyslexic, SLD, Possible Bipolar. Sally: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has Mental retardation and CP. Hillary: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has PDD-NOS, dyspraxia, hypotonia, ect... Betsy: Flu Shot during pregnancy in 1998, Child has ASD Carolyn: Rhogam during pregnancy in , Son has ASD/Sensory Intergration. Ami: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1992, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Jen: Rhogam during pregnancy in 2002, Daughter has Angelman Syndrome. Also Rhogam given in 1999, Son is doing fine. Tina: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1995, child has ADD. Also had Rhogam in 1996, Child has Autism. Pamela: Rhogam in 2002, Son has Autism. Jana: Rhogam in 2001, Son has Lennox Gastaut. Courtney: Rhogam during pregnany in 1/2001, Daughter has cortical dysplasia, Landau-Kleffner, infantile spasms, hypotonic quad cp. Janet: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1983, Child has ADD and learning disability, Rhogam during one of her other pregnacies, Does'nt know which one, One child has ADD and the other has Down Syndrome. Kris: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child has Autism, deafness, developmental delays,mild cp. Norma: Rhogam during pregnancy, Disabled child. Colleen: Flu Shot during pregnancy, Son has Cerebral palsy and bipolar disorder. Gracie: Rhogam during pregnancy, Unvaccinated. Son has severe eczema, lots of allergies, yeast problems, depressed immune system. Kathy: Rhogam during pregnancy in 1999, Daughter has angelman syndrome. Barbara: Rhogam in 1994 during pregnancy, Child has angelman syndrome. Ilana : Sister had Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has Retts Syndrome(her hair was tested for mercury, it was 14.8mcg) Ilana also has a friend that had Rhogam during pregnancy, She lost the child a month later. Julia: Flu shot during pregnancy, Daughter has petiventricular leukomalacia(type of brain damage) Lauree: Rhogam during pregnancy, Child is developmentally delayed, Lennox Gastaut. Anon: Four children; had a RhoGAM injection both during and after pregnancy. My oldest son is now 16; he is a very well behaved child and does well in school. However, he has ADD and is on medication. My second child has some major psych/neuro issues; although his IQ is 129, his behavior is horrible and he is on major psych-neuro drugs and has been in and out of institutions and under the care of doctors for several years. My third child is normal. My fourth child has Rett syndrome confirmed at Baylor through the MECP DNA test last year. Prior to this, her doctors thought she had CP. She has seizures, she does not walk or talk, she is now 10-1/2 and functions at the three-month-old level. My first child is by one husband, my second a different husband and the third is my present husband's. So while they all have neuro issues, the gene pool is different. It makes you wonder if an exterior factor such as thimerosol accounts for these kinds of outcomes. Lisa : I have had seven pregnancies; one was a miscarriage. 1981 at age 15 got RhoGAM shot during pregnancy; daughter was born with severe learning disabilities and ADD. RhoGAM after birth. 1985, RhoGAM shot after birth, son has ADHD and ODD, depression (bipolar?). 1988, miscarriage with RhoGAM given after. 1990, daughter with ADD and mild deafness, RhoGAM after birth. 1996, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 1998, daughter with possible ADD, RhoGAM after birth. 2001, daughter with angelman syndrome, had flu shot in 2000 and got pregnant about one week later; had RhoGAM during pregnancy and after birth. Eve: RhoGAM during pregnancy, has 12-year-old girl with Quad CP. Jamie B.: RhoGAM during all of her pregnancies; first son has learning disabilities (severe CAPD and PDD nos); second, a daughter, is dyslexic; third, a son, has ADHD. At a DAN! conference 53.7% of the mothers present who had ASD children were Rh negative. Other studies show 37% of ASD children have Rh-neg. mothers, although the incidence of RH neg. is estimated at only 3% to 7% of the female population __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________________________ _______________ Mercury was taken out of Bayer Rhogam in 1996, WinRho never contained mercury, The other brands of rhogam took the mercury out in 2001, But it had a shelf life of two years, that could have kept it on the shelf until 2003. http://www.fda.gov/cber/blood/mercplasma.htm __________________________________________________ ____________________ _ Mercury targets the pitutary gland and decreases ACTH levels. http://www.child-neuro.org.uk/forums...p?showtopic=85 __________________________________________________ _ Is there a connection? Kind Regards, Donna |
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Go post on Art Bell's site, you whacko conspiracy theorist . . .
CN "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I monster snip |
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=?Windows-1252?Q?Capt._Neal=AE?= Mar 5, 2005 at
11:31 AM Go post on Art Bell's site, you whacko conspiracy theorist . . . CN "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I monster snip You are very rude. These moms are suffering because they were injected unknowingly with mercury while they were pregnant. Im sharing "our" story in hopes of preventing someone else from unknowingly doing the same to thier unborn child. Apparently you did not read any of the information, Like they say "Ignorance is Bliss" Sorry to take some of your time away from B.S talk. |
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And you are very uninformed. What does mercury poisoning
have to do with sailing? Perhaps you posted to the wrong group by mistake in your eagerness to attribute genetic flaws to some unproven conspiracy theory? CN "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... =?Windows-1252?Q?Capt._Neal=AE?= Mar 5, 2005 at 11:31 AM Go post on Art Bell's site, you whacko conspiracy theorist . . . CN "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... All of these mothers were injected with mercury via rhogam or the flu vaccine, The children have Angelman syndrome, retts, lennox gastaut, autism, cerebral palsy ect....I monster snip You are very rude. These moms are suffering because they were injected unknowingly with mercury while they were pregnant. Im sharing "our" story in hopes of preventing someone else from unknowingly doing the same to thier unborn child. Apparently you did not read any of the information, Like they say "Ignorance is Bliss" Sorry to take some of your time away from B.S talk. |
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Windows-1252?Q?Capt._Neal=AE?= Mar 5, 2005 at 12:07
PM And you are very uninformed. What does mercury poisoning have to do with sailing? Perhaps you posted to the wrong group by mistake in your eagerness to attribute genetic flaws to some unproven conspiracy theory? CN Your talking to a mom with a very sick child, Who has spent hundreds of hours researching mercury poisoning. I think the only one who is uninformed is you. Mercury causes chromosome damage, Pregnant women were injected with mercury, Mercury easily crosses over the placenta and targets the brain of a fetus causing brain damage. Our Preferred Poison A little mercury is all that humans need to do away with themselves quietly, slowly, and surely http://www.discover.com/issues/mar-0...poison/?page=3 Maybe you have wives,sisters, or friends that could use this information. Im just trying to prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else. |
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When I was a child, myself and my brothers used to take mercury
out of thermometers until we had a vial containing a couple ounces of the stuff. We used to play with it and we even smeared it on pennies to coat them and make them look like dimes. It never hurt our health. Nowadays, folks like you are claiming some milli-micrograms of the stuff in compound form (not even pure) is causing all sorts of disorders and without any proof whatsoever. It's all speculation at this point. Much of it is egged on by the Art Bell conspiracy crowd. Just because there is trace amounts of a mercury compound in some vaccines does not mean it causes genetic defects. Many things cause genetic defects - things such as alcohol and cigarettes. These things have been proven - better to concentrate on known causes than to wring one's hands over speculation. You probably drink and smoke or have in the past. It is far more likely the genetic defects that occur with or without any outside source of pollutants are caused by bad habits and not by mercury compounds in vaccines. Every see a little red bottle of Mercurachrome? It is used as a disinfectant for cuts and scrapes? If trace amounts of mercury were so destructive it would have been banned long ago. There are massive amounts of pure mercury in most fillings (amalgam). Wackos are running around claiming this mercury is causing all sorts of problems and they, too, have no proof or data to support their claims. Human DNA is not an infallible system. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of gamma radiation from the universe to cause something to go awry. Blaming genetic defects on vaccine is dumb. CN "Kevysmom" wrote in message lkaboutboats.com... Windows-1252?Q?Capt._Neal=AE?= Mar 5, 2005 at 12:07 PM And you are very uninformed. What does mercury poisoning have to do with sailing? Perhaps you posted to the wrong group by mistake in your eagerness to attribute genetic flaws to some unproven conspiracy theory? CN Your talking to a mom with a very sick child, Who has spent hundreds of hours researching mercury poisoning. I think the only one who is uninformed is you. Mercury causes chromosome damage, Pregnant women were injected with mercury, Mercury easily crosses over the placenta and targets the brain of a fetus causing brain damage. Our Preferred Poison A little mercury is all that humans need to do away with themselves quietly, slowly, and surely http://www.discover.com/issues/mar-0...poison/?page=3 Maybe you have wives,sisters, or friends that could use this information. Im just trying to prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else. |
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![]() "Capt. Neal®" wrote in message Blaming genetic defects on vaccine is dumb. I'll tell you what's dumb..... arguing with a woman! That's really Dumb! You're as Mad as a Hatter! CM |
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Point well taken . . .
CN "Capt. Mooron" wrote I'll tell you what's dumb..... arguing with a woman! That's really Dumb! You're as Mad as a Hatter! |