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Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds
pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland hi bowtie. obsess about me much? BTW **** off, bowtie. : lost a major flame war to me. unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son could outflame teh likes of you. : That's why the mother****er is always kissing my ass in public. ok then stevie, PPOSTFU. got message IDs of any "flame war" or "ass kissing" involving me and teh real kadaitcha man? I thought not. but hey, many thanks for starting yet another thread in my honour. -- Steve Leyland mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9 em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ =^MEOW MEOW ARMY^= "An Australian relief effort is knitting sweaters to protect the feathers of penguins who are being affected by an oil spill. The sweaters are being refused by many penguins who'd rather die then dress casual." - Conan O'Brien ================================================== ==================== "My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing." JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "Warning to all: Steve Leyland is a trolling **** of the highest order. Killfile the muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*" Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles ================================================== ==================== "I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless, dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid, obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed, flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed, physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing, masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets." Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen; A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door; So I turned to the Garden of Love That so many sweet flowers bore. And I saw it was filled with graves, And tombstones where flowers should be; And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys and desires." William Blake. ================================================== ==================== "When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment." Native American prophecy |\ _.-'~~""'~`'~) /, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--'' |,4) ./ ' ; ;/' '-~~;'@ ( ; ; _.--'' _.-_..' .;.' (,_..----''' (,..--'' Meow |
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Steve Leyland wrote:
Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland hi bowtie. obsess about me much? BTW **** off, bowtie. : lost a major flame war to me. unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time to boost his imaginary age. :-) Uni could outflame teh likes of you. : That's why the mother****er is always kissing my ass in public. ok then stevie, PPOSTFU. got message IDs of any "flame war" or "ass kissing" involving me and teh real kadaitcha man? I thought not. but hey, many thanks for starting yet another thread in my honour. |
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Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds
pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland :: :: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :: BTW **** off, bowtie. :: ::: lost a major flame war to me. :: :: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip : : : Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time : to boost his imaginary age. feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard, but I actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're only into "pretty little girls". : : :-) : : Uni : : : : could outflame teh :: likes of you. :: ::: That's why the mother****er is always kissing my ass in public. :: :: ok then stevie, PPOSTFU. :: got message IDs of any "flame war" or "ass kissing" involving me and :: teh real kadaitcha man? :: :: I thought not. but hey, many thanks for starting yet another thread :: in my honour. -- Steve Leyland mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9 em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ =^MEOW MEOW ARMY^= I'd probably be famous now if I wasn't such a good waitress. (Jane Siberry) ================================================== ==================== "My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing." JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "Warning to all: Steve Leyland is a trolling **** of the highest order. Killfile the muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*" Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles ================================================== ==================== "I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless, dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid, obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed, flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed, physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing, masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets." Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen; A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door; So I turned to the Garden of Love That so many sweet flowers bore. And I saw it was filled with graves, And tombstones where flowers should be; And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys and desires." William Blake. ================================================== ==================== "When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment." Native American prophecy |\ _.-'~~""'~`'~) /, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--'' |,4) ./ ' ; ;/' '-~~;'@ ( ; ; _.--'' _.-_..' .;.' (,_..----''' (,..--'' Meow |
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Steve Leyland wrote:
Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland :: :: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :: BTW **** off, bowtie. :: ::: lost a major flame war to me. :: :: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip : : : Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time : to boost his imaginary age. feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard Not to worry, Steven, most hanky panky starts with the parents, not strangers. You should know that. :-) Uni , but I actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're only into "pretty little girls". : : :-) : : Uni : : : : could outflame teh :: likes of you. :: ::: That's why the mother****er is always kissing my ass in public. :: :: ok then stevie, PPOSTFU. :: got message IDs of any "flame war" or "ass kissing" involving me and :: teh real kadaitcha man? :: :: I thought not. but hey, many thanks for starting yet another thread :: in my honour. |
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Gary L. Burnore wrote:
On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 05:45:46 GMT, Uni wrote: Steve Leyland wrote: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland hi bowtie. obsess about me much? BTW **** off, bowtie. : lost a major flame war to me. unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip Excuse me No, Unitard, there's no excuse for you. Good to see your server back up, Gary. Remember, you must pay those electric bills. :-) Uni |
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Steve Leyland, , the sugared,
sterile flunkey, and religious recluse, kowtowed: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland :: :: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :: BTW **** off, bowtie. :: ::: lost a major flame war to me. :: :: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip : : : Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time : to boost his imaginary age. feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard, but I actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're only into "pretty little girls". I hear Uni has an extensive collection of young girls' dresses and Maybelline makeup, Steve. -- Pierre Salinger Memorial HL&S, September 2005. DISCLAIMER: The content does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either my ISP, myself, my company or employer, my friends (if any,) my goldfish or my neighbour's mad dog; don't quote me on that; don't quote me on anything; all rights reserved; the post is distribution copyrighted to the extent that you may distribute the post and all its associated parts freely but you may not make a profit from it or include the post in commercial publications without written permission from the Prime Minister of Hutt Province; other copyright laws for specific posts apply wherever noted or not noted, either deliberately, negligently, or otherwise; posts are subject to change without notice; posts are slightly enlarged to show detail; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental; hand wash only, tumble dry on low heat; do not bend, fold, mutilate, or spindle; do not pass go; do not collect $200; your mileage may vary; no substitutions allowed; for a limited time only; the post is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted; the post is provided "as is" without any warranties expressed or implied; user assumes full liabilities; not liable for damages due to use or misuse; an equal opportunity abuse employer; no shoes, no shirt; quantities are limited while supplies last; if defects are discovered, do not attempt to fix them yourself but return to an authorised post service centre; caveat emptor; read at your own risk; parental advisory - explicit words; text may contain material some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised; not suitable for children; not suitable for adults; not for human consumption; keep away from sunlight, pets and small children; limit one-per-family; no money down; no purchase necessary; to approved purchasers only; facsimiles are acceptable in South Australia; you need not be present to read this post; some assembly required; batteries not included; action figures sold separately; no preservatives added; tools not included; safety goggles may be required during use; sealed for your protection, do not use if the safety seal is broken; call before you dig; for external use only; if a rash, redness, irritation or swelling develops, discontinue use; use only with proper ventilation; avoid extreme temperatures and store in a cool, dry place; keep away from open flames, naked flames and old flames; avoid inhaling fumes; avoid contact with mucous membranes; do not puncture, incinerate, or store above 60 degrees Centigrade; do not place near flammable or magnetic source; smoking the post may be hazardous to your health; the best safeguard, second only to abstinence, is the use of a good laugh; text used on the post is made from 100% recycled electrons and magnetic particles; no animals were used to test the hilarity of this post other than Synapse Syndrome; no salt, MSG, artificial colour or flavour added; may contain traces of replies to peanuts; if ingested, do not induce vomiting, if symptoms persist, consult your humourologist; post is ribbed for your pleasure; slippery when wet; must be 18 to read; possible penalties for early withdrawal; post offer valid only in participating newsgroups; slightly higher in South Australia; allow four to six weeks for delivery; damage from hurricane, lightning, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, flood, orgasm, misuse, self-abuse, neglect, unauthorised repair, damage from improper installation, broken antenna, marred cabinet, incorrect line voltage, missing or altered serial numbers, sonic boom vibrations, electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts or other Acts of God are not covered; incidents owing to aeroplane crash, ship sinking, motor vehicle accidents, leaky roof, broken glass, falling rocks, mud slides, forest fire, flying projectiles or dropping the item are also excluded; other restrictions may apply. If something offends you, lighten up, get a life, and move on. All conditions apply. Not available in all stores. Facts have been changed to protect the guilty. |
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Kadaitcha Man wrote:
Steve Leyland, , the sugared, sterile flunkey, and religious recluse, kowtowed: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland :: :: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :: BTW **** off, bowtie. :: ::: lost a major flame war to me. :: :: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip : : : Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time : to boost his imaginary age. feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard, but I actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're only into "pretty little girls". I hear Uni... No, son, you don't "hear" me, you read what I write. :-) Uni |
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Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds
pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Uni this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland wrote: ::: :::: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little :::: birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure :::: and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :::: ::::: Steve Leyland :::: :::: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :::: BTW **** off, bowtie. :::: ::::: lost a major flame war to me. :::: :::: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip ::: ::: ::: Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. ::: Time to boost his imaginary age. :: :: feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard : : Not to worry, Steven, most hanky panky starts with the parents, not : strangers. You should know that. oh ****. *please* tell me you haven't procreated? the world needs unitard juniors like it needs more hurricanes and earthquakes. no wait, that'd involve you actually having sex with an adult female. phew! we are safe from that nightmare. : : :-) : : Uni : : : , but I actually :: have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're :: only into "pretty little girls". ::: ::: :-) ::: ::: Uni ::: ::: ::: ::: could outflame teh :::: likes of you. :::: ::::: That's why the mother****er is always kissing my ass in public. :::: :::: ok then stevie, PPOSTFU. :::: got message IDs of any "flame war" or "ass kissing" involving me :::: and teh real kadaitcha man? :::: :::: I thought not. but hey, many thanks for starting yet another thread :::: in my honour. -- Steve Leyland mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9 em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ =^MEOW MEOW ARMY^= Dilbert's Words of Wisdom: Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. ================================================== ==================== "My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing." JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "Warning to all: Steve Leyland is a trolling **** of the highest order. Killfile the muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*" Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles ================================================== ==================== "I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless, dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid, obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed, flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed, physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing, masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets." Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen; A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door; So I turned to the Garden of Love That so many sweet flowers bore. And I saw it was filled with graves, And tombstones where flowers should be; And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys and desires." William Blake. ================================================== ==================== "When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment." Native American prophecy |\ _.-'~~""'~`'~) /, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--'' |,4) ./ ' ; ;/' '-~~;'@ ( ; ; _.--'' _.-_..' .;.' (,_..----''' (,..--'' Meow |
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Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds
pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland, , the : sugared, sterile flunkey, and religious recluse, kowtowed: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Uni this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland wrote: ::: :::: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little :::: birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure :::: and true, saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :::: ::::: Steve Leyland :::: :::: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :::: BTW **** off, bowtie. :::: ::::: lost a major flame war to me. :::: :::: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip ::: ::: ::: Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. ::: Time to boost his imaginary age. :: :: feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard, but I :: actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe :: as you're only into "pretty little girls". : : I hear Uni has an extensive collection of young girls' dresses and : Maybelline makeup, Steve. indubitably he's a power-seller of them on ebay and buyer collects. -- Steve Leyland mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41 flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9 em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept) http://www.insurgent.org/~alcatroll/ =^MEOW MEOW ARMY^= Coward: One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs. ================================================== ==================== "My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing." JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "Warning to all: Steve Leyland is a trolling **** of the highest order. Killfile the muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*" Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles ================================================== ==================== "I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless, dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid, obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed, flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed, physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing, masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets." Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa ================================================== ==================== "I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen; A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door; So I turned to the Garden of Love That so many sweet flowers bore. And I saw it was filled with graves, And tombstones where flowers should be; And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys and desires." William Blake. ================================================== ==================== "When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment." Native American prophecy |\ _.-'~~""'~`'~) /, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--'' |,4) ./ ' ; ;/' '-~~;'@ ( ; ; _.--'' _.-_..' .;.' (,_..----''' (,..--'' Meow |
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Uni, , the faecal, icky gnawing mammal, and
usurer and officer of the Crown, grieved: Kadaitcha Man wrote: Steve Leyland, , the sugared, sterile flunkey, and religious recluse, kowtowed: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, saying Uni this is my message to you: : Steve Leyland wrote: : :: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. three little birds :: pitch by my door step, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true, :: saying Kadaitcha Man this is my message to you: :: ::: Steve Leyland :: :: hi bowtie. obsess about me much? :: BTW **** off, bowtie. :: ::: lost a major flame war to me. :: :: unlikely, froggy fanboi. even my ten year old son snip : : : Excuse me, Steven, but your son was ten years old, two years ago. Time : to boost his imaginary age. feels kinda creepy discussing my kids with you, unitard, but I actually have two sons, so that one is now 13. I guess they're safe as you're only into "pretty little girls". I hear Uni has an extensive collection of young girls' dresses and Maybelline makeup, Steve. **** off and die. All snipped unread. -- Pierre Salinger Memorial HL&S, September 2005. DISCLAIMER: The content does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either my ISP, myself, my company or employer, my friends (if any,) my goldfish or my neighbour's mad dog; don't quote me on that; don't quote me on anything; all rights reserved; the post is distribution copyrighted to the extent that you may distribute the post and all its associated parts freely but you may not make a profit from it or include the post in commercial publications without written permission from the Prime Minister of Hutt Province; other copyright laws for specific posts apply wherever noted or not noted, either deliberately, negligently, or otherwise; posts are subject to change without notice; posts are slightly enlarged to show detail; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental; hand wash only, tumble dry on low heat; do not bend, fold, mutilate, or spindle; do not pass go; do not collect $200; your mileage may vary; no substitutions allowed; for a limited time only; the post is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted; the post is provided "as is" without any warranties expressed or implied; user assumes full liabilities; not liable for damages due to use or misuse; an equal opportunity abuse employer; no shoes, no shirt; quantities are limited while supplies last; if defects are discovered, do not attempt to fix them yourself but return to an authorised post service centre; caveat emptor; read at your own risk; parental advisory - explicit words; text may contain material some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised; not suitable for children; not suitable for adults; not for human consumption; keep away from sunlight, pets and small children; limit one-per-family; no money down; no purchase necessary; to approved purchasers only; facsimiles are acceptable in South Australia; you need not be present to read this post; some assembly required; batteries not included; action figures sold separately; no preservatives added; tools not included; safety goggles may be required during use; sealed for your protection, do not use if the safety seal is broken; call before you dig; for external use only; if a rash, redness, irritation or swelling develops, discontinue use; use only with proper ventilation; avoid extreme temperatures and store in a cool, dry place; keep away from open flames, naked flames and old flames; avoid inhaling fumes; avoid contact with mucous membranes; do not puncture, incinerate, or store above 60 degrees Centigrade; do not place near flammable or magnetic source; smoking the post may be hazardous to your health; the best safeguard, second only to abstinence, is the use of a good laugh; text used on the post is made from 100% recycled electrons and magnetic particles; no animals were used to test the hilarity of this post other than Synapse Syndrome; no salt, MSG, artificial colour or flavour added; may contain traces of replies to peanuts; if ingested, do not induce vomiting, if symptoms persist, consult your humourologist; post is ribbed for your pleasure; slippery when wet; must be 18 to read; possible penalties for early withdrawal; post offer valid only in participating newsgroups; slightly higher in South Australia; allow four to six weeks for delivery; damage from hurricane, lightning, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, flood, orgasm, misuse, self-abuse, neglect, unauthorised repair, damage from improper installation, broken antenna, marred cabinet, incorrect line voltage, missing or altered serial numbers, sonic boom vibrations, electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts or other Acts of God are not covered; incidents owing to aeroplane crash, ship sinking, motor vehicle accidents, leaky roof, broken glass, falling rocks, mud slides, forest fire, flying projectiles or dropping the item are also excluded; other restrictions may apply. If something offends you, lighten up, get a life, and move on. All conditions apply. Not available in all stores. Facts have been changed to protect the guilty. |
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