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Joe November 27th 05 04:18 PM

The French Jap
yeah you boobsie.

Go ahead send your money to the Japs and the French.

You will go thru daddys money in no time and little Thom will be stuck
in America without jobs, or a future in Mfg, he will be unable to find
work unless he wants to work for the Chinese. Go ahead and trash your
son future, no sence in supporting American companies. Train him how to
suck up to the Japs and French and to dis anything American.

Keep renting low end junk cars and calling all GM's junk mooron.
For an extra 20 bucks a day you could of rented a Caddy or a crossfire
a corvette ect....but just like your boat why pay for quality when you
can get it with cheap disposable thin skined crap.

Your Jap cars are crap and your French boats stinks, It's World Famous
for being cheap. To bad you could not afford a quality boat like a
Pacific Seacraft.

You should move to France BTW, you would fit in perfectly.


Capt. Rob November 27th 05 04:29 PM

The French Jap
Your Jap cars are crap and your French boats stinks, It's World Famous
for being cheap. To bad you could not afford a quality boat like a
Pacific Seacraft.

Joe, I'm not going to buy junk just to support cars and boats that
don't measure up. If the US wants to compete with Honda and Beneteau,
they better get thier asses in gear. A Pacific Seacraft is a good boat,
but not suited to the type of sailing most people do. Hunter and
Catalina are the only two builders truly competing with Beneteau and
I'm sad to say the designs are just weak vs. the Europeans. The only
boat that competes with my 35s5 are the new C&Cs fer cripes sake!
Get into a Lincoln Navigator and go for a drive. Then try my Subaru
Tribeca, which is not only a better quiter ride, but safer in a crash.
The US carmakers should be ashamed of what they've allowed to happen.
I've driven the Crossfire and last year's Vette. To bad a 33K Subaru
STI is still better than either.
Hell, when we spend big on a boat we STILL won't buy American!


Gary November 27th 05 06:12 PM

The French Jap
Capt. Rob wrote:
Your Jap cars are crap and your French boats stinks, It's World Famous
for being cheap. To bad you could not afford a quality boat like a
Pacific Seacraft.

Joe, I'm not going to buy junk just to support cars and boats that
don't measure up. If the US wants to compete with Honda and Beneteau,
they better get thier asses in gear. A Pacific Seacraft is a good boat,
but not suited to the type of sailing most people do. Hunter and
Catalina are the only two builders truly competing with Beneteau and
I'm sad to say the designs are just weak vs. the Europeans. The only
boat that competes with my 35s5 are the new C&Cs fer cripes sake!
Get into a Lincoln Navigator and go for a drive. Then try my Subaru
Tribeca, which is not only a better quiter ride, but safer in a crash.
The US carmakers should be ashamed of what they've allowed to happen.
I've driven the Crossfire and last year's Vette. To bad a 33K Subaru
STI is still better than either.
Hell, when we spend big on a boat we STILL won't buy American!


I don't understand why you are going on at such length about this boat
and hacking everyone elses? It's quite clear that you are enamoured
with your new boat and you should be. It's also clear that you are not
fond of the Nordica; who cares?
Ugly boats, like women, always find someone. Who is it that said they
don't judge boat by SA/D or LWL but by the size of the white slash the
cut across an ocean?
Just go sailing already. Brag about where you have taken it, not about
the shape of it's stern, or the teak laminate honeycombed whatever the

rgnmstr November 27th 05 06:50 PM

The French Jap
Then try my Subaru Tribeca, which is not only a better quiter ride,
but safer in a crash.

Prove it.

Capt. Rob November 27th 05 08:00 PM

The French Jap
Then try my Subaru Tribeca, which is not only a better quiter ride,
but safer in a crash.

Prove it.

Go see for yourself. The Tribeca has a quieter cabin than the Lexus
RX330, has best handling in it's class, has traction and stability
control and full time AWD. It just scored 5 stars on all points in
crash tests, beating all other SUVs and certainly all cars. It has the
highest side impact safety rating of ANY car or SUV under 5000 lbs. At
125 MPH it's stable and all you hear is the wind...much like the Lexus
which is equal in most areas.
Your "car" isn't even close to this level and it's old...just like your
boat! It's only been two seasons and we're already getting the new STI.

You are one pathetic dude!


Capt. Rob November 27th 05 08:10 PM

The French Jap
It's also clear that you are not
fond of the Nordica; who cares?

I've always said that I liked the Nordica. In fact, when I rated
people's boats here I rated at or close to #1. That was before I had
the First 35s5 which makes everyone elses boat seem like floating
turdcakes with popsicle sticks for masts!

I don't understand why you are going on at such length about this
and hacking everyone elses?

For the reactions. I could really care less about who owns what. ALL
production boats below Swans, Shannons and Baltics are all about the
same. And that includes boats from Sabre and Tartan. But these
mega-morons are so thin-skinned, such simpletons, that I can lead them
around my the leash at will. Look at poor Loco, Jeff, Doug! These
straight men have been garuffing all over themselves like characters
from Dickens for years! And all because I say things like "Nah nah, my
boat is better than yours!"
Can you imagine? The irony is beyond them. I'm playing a game, but
their anger is real, exposing how material they truly are. And BOY does
THAT make them mad!
Some folks here "get it." Mooron, Ozzy, Scotty...they pretty much play
when it suits them. I pay them less attention because I know they're in
on the gag. Look at the posts from Jeff or John you detect
any sense of humor on these poor blokes? Loco Sloco is the all time
champ. He's made a royal ass of himself so many times the Queen i ready
to have him knighted! And don't let anyone tell you different...I DROVE
Doug into buying a trawler.

35s5....the better boat!

rgnmstr November 27th 05 08:56 PM

The French Jap
Can you imagine? The irony is beyond them. I'm playing a game, but
their anger is real, exposing how material they truly are. And BOY does

THAT make them mad! .

LOL............... Nobody's mad Boobie. Everybody just gets a kick out
of proving you wrong.

Beneteau ........ European Hunter.

Capt. Rob November 27th 05 10:05 PM

The French Jap
Everybody just gets a kick out
of proving you wrong.

See what I mean? How can I be wrong when everything I post is a troll?
Where's my boat, Sloco?


Gary November 28th 05 02:52 AM

The French Jap
Capt. Rob wrote:
It's also clear that you are not
fond of the Nordica; who cares?

I've always said that I liked the Nordica. In fact, when I rated
people's boats here I rated at or close to #1. That was before I had
the First 35s5 which makes everyone elses boat seem like floating
turdcakes with popsicle sticks for masts!

I don't understand why you are going on at such length about this
and hacking everyone elses?

For the reactions. I could really care less about who owns what. ALL
production boats below Swans, Shannons and Baltics are all about the
same. And that includes boats from Sabre and Tartan. But these
mega-morons are so thin-skinned, such simpletons, that I can lead them
around my the leash at will. Look at poor Loco, Jeff, Doug! These
straight men have been garuffing all over themselves like characters
from Dickens for years! And all because I say things like "Nah nah, my
boat is better than yours!"
Can you imagine? The irony is beyond them. I'm playing a game, but
their anger is real, exposing how material they truly are. And BOY does
THAT make them mad!
Some folks here "get it." Mooron, Ozzy, Scotty...they pretty much play
when it suits them. I pay them less attention because I know they're in
on the gag. Look at the posts from Jeff or John you detect
any sense of humor on these poor blokes? Loco Sloco is the all time
champ. He's made a royal ass of himself so many times the Queen i ready
to have him knighted! And don't let anyone tell you different...I DROVE
Doug into buying a trawler.

35s5....the better boat!

So you're just being an asshole for fun?

rgnmstr November 28th 05 03:43 AM

The French Jap
Your "car" isn't even close to this level and it's old.

Do a web search nimrod. The LS was voted one of the 5 safest cars of
all time.

has best handling in it's class

LOL every review I saw said the handeling was too soft and it was
squirrely at speed. Listed onder "cons" was handeling. Keep trolling.
Another review said it handeled like a bus on the highway. On top of
all that EVERY reviewer said the styling was ummmmmmmmm unique. In
other words ugly. I guess that's why you bought it.

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