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  #211   Report Post  
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Jonathan Ganz
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Default Is this ok? Ganz is Gay!

In article XjhGf.183275$AP5.178241@edtnps84,
Capt.Mooron wrote:

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message

No. I believe that indoctrination over the course of one's life can be
enough to prevent someone from acting intelligently or in their own
best interests. They are not able to think independently. A good
example is a significant portion of the N. Korean population. Either
by fear or religious ferver, they are trapped.

Well most here consider you naive.... Now what
makes you an expert on N. Korean matters??

What makes you an expert?

Well no doubt it's of little interest to you... it's mostly naked women.

Yes. And, yes. But, apparently, I'm the focus of most of your anger,
as illustrated in your previous statement. You absolutely can not
accept responsibility for your own actions, and this makes you very,
very angry.

My actions are calling you GAY... you're actions are to report me for that.
Then you blame me because you reported me?????? Yeah ..Okay, Shure Gaynz!

And, I'm calling you a liar. You can't give up your anger, you can't
accept responsibility for your own actions, so you call me names and
claim I've done something wrong.

Why are you not able to accept responsibility for your own actions?
Most adults seem to be able to do that.

If I punched your lights out... I'd admit to doing so. In this instance you
are stifling my freedom of speech because you disagree with my viewpoint of

I don't have the authority to prevent you from speaking as you
wish. You would not be capable of "punching my lights out." You are so
filled with rage (probably at your own actions), that you would surely
be unable to land a single blow.

it was wrong to call Horvath Gay? You did as much for many months and he
didn't report you did he?

And, I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it was
wrong. We have yet to see any apologies from you. You're much too much
of a big man to admit that you made and continue to make mistakes.

I have no idea. I'm sure my ISP would have had a good laugh. He
possibly made several harassing phone calls to me and my wife, which
was dealt with mostly without my intervention, since they stopped
abruptly. I can't be sure it was him, but the timing was right.

I'm glad you find value in BBs posts. Really.

You seem incapable of basic comprehension "Jon".... I don't find any value
in Bill's posts.... and the only reason I bother to reply to yours, is that

You said it not me. You said you find his posts to be of more value. I
think that's wonderful. Keep reading them.

Binary Bill is just a worthless asshole..... while you a an Idiotic Nutbar!

Yet, you keep responding to my posts, stalking me from post to post,
even when it doesn't involve you directly. This is very mature on your part.

Capt. JG @@

  #212   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? Ganz is Gay!

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote in message

What makes you an expert?

Unlike you.. I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

And, I'm calling you a liar. You can't give up your anger, you can't
accept responsibility for your own actions, so you call me names and
claim I've done something wrong.

Sure I can accept responsibilities... I'm saying you are a homosexual
because that is based on your posts. You are the only one that considers
being called "Gay" as a bad thing Jon. Just admit it and come out of the
closet... join Glory Sail!

I don't have the authority to prevent you from speaking as you
wish. You would not be capable of "punching my lights out." You are so
filled with rage (probably at your own actions), that you would surely
be unable to land a single blow.

That's correct.... you can impede me temporarily by reporting me to my ISP
like some child in a tantrum.
Jon.. I could easily punch your lights out. You're a spineless, weak, little
dork. I would only use the back of my hand... because you don't deserve to
be treated like a man. You're safe as long as you remain out of reach....
but never, ever cross into the Mooron Zone.

And, I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it was
wrong. We have yet to see any apologies from you. You're much too much
of a big man to admit that you made and continue to make mistakes.

No you don't you ****in' liar! You called Horvath Gay for way longer than
I've called you gay. Horvath would never bother to threaten you you lying
sack of ****! He could care less.

Yet, you keep responding to my posts, stalking me from post to post,
even when it doesn't involve you directly. This is very mature on your

You must be sucking more penis than usual as of late.... it's effecting your
thought process.... I only reply to your posts for another opportunity to
remind you and everyone else that you're GAY! You must love it because you
keep refusing to KF me!

You haven't bothered to even change the header.... Bwahahahahahahaha!!!


  #213   Report Post  
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Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default Is this ok? Mooron is pathetic

In article n2wGf.183004$km.119747@edtnps89,
Capt.Mooron wrote:
Unlike you.. I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Definitely unlike me.

And, I'm calling you a liar. You can't give up your anger, you can't
accept responsibility for your own actions, so you call me names and
claim I've done something wrong.

Sure I can accept responsibilities...

You have yet to do so. You're a child.

I don't have the authority to prevent you from speaking as you
wish. You would not be capable of "punching my lights out." You are so
filled with rage (probably at your own actions), that you would surely
be unable to land a single blow.

That's correct.... you can impede me temporarily by reporting me to my ISP
like some child in a tantrum.

I never reported you to your ISP for calling me gay. If you claim that
I did, you're either misguided or a liar.

Jon.. I could easily punch your lights out. You're a spineless, weak, little
dork. I would only use the back of my hand... because you don't deserve to
be treated like a man. You're safe as long as you remain out of reach....
but never, ever cross into the Mooron Zone.

Right. I've heard bs before from people bigger and better than
you. They, like you are full of bluster but no substance. I'm safe
because you're a bully, the kind of person I learned how deal with in
2nd grade.

And, I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it was
wrong. We have yet to see any apologies from you. You're much too much
of a big man to admit that you made and continue to make mistakes.

No you don't you ****in' liar! You called Horvath Gay for way longer than
I've called you gay. Horvath would never bother to threaten you you lying
sack of ****! He could care less.

No I don't what? You're starting to rant again. What's your point? I
just said "I regret doing that. I made an error in judgement, and it
was wrong." I don't how to make it more clear. When are you going to
admit that you're wrong and be a man about it?

Yet, you keep responding to my posts, stalking me from post to post,
even when it doesn't involve you directly. This is very mature on your

I only reply to your posts for another opportunity to remind you and

You don't "reply to my posts." You just vent your anger for all the
world to see.

You can't help yourself. You have no ability to do otherwise. Every
time I post, especially lately, you absolutely must post something
you think (deluded as you are) that is offensive.

You haven't bothered to even change the header.... Bwahahahahahahaha!!!

Ok, here you go. $10 Canadian you'll change it to something vile.

Capt. JG @@

  #214   Report Post  
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Jonathan Ganz
Posts: n/a
Default Is this ok? Mooron is pathetic

No you don't you ****in' liar! You called Horvath Gay for way longer than
I've called you gay. Horvath would never bother to threaten you you lying
sack of ****! He could care less.

I forgot to add that I really think you need to take a chill pill. If
you keep reacting like this, you'll pop a gasket and drop dead. You
don't think I'm worth much right, so why have an aneurysm over it? I'm
obviously very, very important to you.

I'm convinced that if I did killfile you, you would

1) not stop and
2) find some other way to get my attention. Convince me you can behave
like a man, and I'll consider killfiling you. Now, I have to admit,
that is fairly funny!

Capt. JG @@

  #215   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? Mooron is pathetic

Ohh Robert Brody,

Is your vagina itching again?
Mine is.

35s5 Archived

  #216   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? was Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote
You haven't been around very much I guess.

Only about 70 years, living or visiting all parts of the USA and some of
Canada - except of course FNYC. Only went there once - it was too filthy to

It's not a phobia. No one is running from the room. It's about not
tolerating abusive, racist language.

Tolerating? What are you going to do about it, whine the dude to death?

Look up the word phobia and get back to us.

Phobia: An irrational fear or anxiety .... like a phobia about certain sounds or

No, there is nothing wrong with a *little* sensitivity but pavlovian
oversensitivity, not callousness, is the demon. Nor is there anything wrong

So far, I haven't seen your ability to do this.

That's because you are phobic.

There's a difference between giving language color and being offensive
for no reason. The latter is what we're talking about.

On the contrary. The whole discussion began over the phrase "Jew down" which, if
it carries any insult the insult exists only in the minds of those who dislike
Jews or are ashamed of being Jewish.

But, that's what you do. Stop trying to play psychologist. You're not
very good at it.

Good enough to know that you are phobic because you are prejudiced but in

  #217   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? was Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

"katy" wrote
No, it's the fault of the clod who would use language like that, in
that time and space, in mixed company.

Perhaps, but why put oneself in a position to be abused? I was once addicted to
tobacco so going anywhere that didn't allow me to feed that addiction made me
very uncomfortable. Like some here, I could blame the folks who denied me the
'right to smoke', but that's stupid. I quit instead. Similarly, to weaken
oneself to the point that the sound of a word causes one discomfit is equally

Do you recall Chessman, the red light bandit? He was executed because he forced
a victim to give him a BJ - something 1000 of women and gays do daily - but it
drove her crazy and she spent the rest of her life in an institution. Punish
chessman? Sure. But who's fault was it that she was so injured by a common act?

You obviously understand nothing about the powers of words.

Wrong - I go a step farther to understand *why* words have power - power that is
purely in the mind of the listener. If I shout "WOP" at somebody who had never
heard the word they wouldn't be offended. Being called "WOP" is only offensive
if, a) you despise Italians and don't want to be called one or b) you are
Italian but ashamed of it. Same goes for Jew, Mick, et cetera. What if the
shouter hates Italians and intends to insult you? Hey, that's his problem - he's
the one being eaten up and limited by hate. Why join him? The best answer is to
laugh at his anger. But it is idiotic to allow oneself to be pained by it or
any word, epecially when no insult was intended.

Fight your Pavlovian responses and ask yourself *why* "Jew down" would discomfit
anyone. Because its a "bad word" or because of the listener's conditioned
response to it? Obviously the latter else "chocolate" and "pizza" would effect
them the same way. Capisca?

  #218   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? was Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote
Try proving you're better educated and smarter than I. Go for it. So
far, you sound like a buffoon by trying to defend using the phrase
jewing down.

BSEE plus doctorates in Divinity and Metaphysics and an IQ in the high 140s.

  #219   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? was Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote
No, I don't believe you can choose. I think you're hopeless trapped in
your own anger, even going so far as to lie to support it.

Look in a mirror. That's why you think "Jew down" offensive. Because you
hopelessly trapped in antisemetism but in denial about it.

  #220   Report Post  
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Default Is this ok? was Bush to build Concentration Camps, Cheney to Profit!

"Jonathan Ganz" wrote
Not really true in all cases. Some people who are born into a religion
are programmed into it and really don't have a viable choice.

Programmed? Yes. No choice? No. All one trapped in a religion need do is study
and get the facts about it. As a child, I was programmed to believe that I was
guilty of Adam's original sin but that a man named Jesus Christ had started a
church and died to save me. Then I discovered that was all false. Creationism is
a myth, but even if you buy into it Adam's punishment was that he had to work
for a living. Is the church going to take that punishment away? No! Jesus
Christ? There was no man named Jesus Christ and the person(s) we think were did
not found modern Christianity - that was Saul of Tarsus. So, thanks to
knowledge, I'm no longer burdened by these superstitions. Then I thot to
embrace Judism - until I discovered that it was based on myth and a practical
joke. Islam? Same thing. Proving that "trapped" is like being trapped in
poverty - one is only trapped if one lacks initiative - and I have little
sympathy for lack of initiative.

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