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posted to alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.sailing.asa,demon.local,uk.comp.sys.mac
i am a radical muslim please read my blog, read how islam will win
the clash of civilization. http://www.xanga.com/hfghj23458654fgha |
posted to alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.sailing.asa,demon.local,uk.comp.sys.mac
On Sun, 04 Mar 2007 14:05:33 -0800, Kope sat in thee Comfee Chaire, and
didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea: i am a radical muslim please read my blog, read how islam will win the clash of civilization. http://www.xanga.com/hfghj23458654fgha No. I'm rooting for the cockroaches. -- __________________________________________________ ______________________ Hail Eris! Demon Prince of Absurdity; COOSN-029-06-71069 "Lola Stonewall Riot" is not part of my email addy. AUK FAQ: http://www.caballista.org/auk/faq.html VOTE! Usenet Kook Awards, February 2007 Message-ID: 1 WINNERS! Usenet Kook Awards, January 2007 MID: 70 "Hey Theophan, I need your help again. Will you please come assist me again? aggreen is after me again. He has been after me for a year and counting now. I want you to destroy his character for me. I can't do it." -- Olympiada: Not too proud to beg for help when it comes to character assassination, and Mistress of the Bleeding Obvious. MID: "Who booby-traps a dead end? That's just not right." -- Cordelia Are you the Peter J Ross that I've heard so much about? Probably. I'm the one who doesn't resort to forgery after losing an argument. "You're the one with the extensive brain damage... okay I see. You're gonna be easily to own them." -- PorchMonkey4Life: Not aware of too many things. MID: bf7xh.834$hH2.64@trnddc02 At last! See Joxer The Mity Monkey on camera! Watch him freak out!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_WuaENGqz0 "And no, I did not have sex with my son. But if I did I certainly wouldn't tell you. Something so beautiful and precious should be kept private." -- Kathy L. Mosesian, or possibly not really her, confesses she may be a liar and committer of incest with her own son, in MID: emailer.net The reporter asked Colin Powell (or George Bush), "What proof do you have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?" He replied, "We kept the receipts." -- Bill Hicks Looney Maroon nominee for August 2006 Johnny D Wentzky foamed: "You never asked someone who goes into areas of the internet that are only for adults who has an underage id somehow or another if they are a cop posing as an underage person online? I guess lots of people just don't watch dateline or read stories much. Why don;t you go to pervertedjustice,com and see what they do. They are awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they lied to membners of the public. They are awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they posed as an underage person and agreed to do all sorts of sex acts wioth adult males, and they are adults posing as teenager themselves. They make themsleves into liars by falsely impersonating underage persons and by not fuilfilling the words they tell the victims online in their chats. Why don't you read it where they tell these victims of their deceit about how they have been with grown men and such? Why don't you read it where they say, "That would be cool." after someone makes an advance towards an adult who is posing as a teenager? And, where they agree to meet the person, etc. Lost control, didn't you? Is that why you feel as if you need to lie so much now? I see where lots of these false impersonation games are not sticking. They feel as if they can lie and then order the victims to get counseling in the gayblade, governmental, pro-choice tax leech counseling centers. They are doing nothing more than usury and fraud in many cases." -- Wentzky almost comes out of the closet as a pedo/ephebophile in MID: |
posted to alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.sailing.asa,demon.local,uk.comp.sys.mac
Kope made me LOL when I read the following hilarious schtick:
i am a radical muslim please read my blog, read how islam will win the clash of civilization. http://www.xanga.com/hfghj23458654fgha Am I having deja vu (all over again, LOL?), or is this the same message from a month ago being reposted? PS: Is Ellen Macarthur still there? I've been meaning to thank her for posting those "special" pictures just for me, but I've been busy (if you know what I mean, *wink*). |
posted to alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.sailing.asa,demon.local,uk.comp.sys.mac
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
On Sun, 04 Mar 2007 14:05:33 -0800, Kope sat in thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea: i am a radical muslim please read my blog, read how islam will win the clash of civilization. http://www.xanga.com/hfghj23458654fgha No. I'm rooting for the cockroaches. Here's who SnarkyMcKinhole really is: "I love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis publicly for the first tim, in Message-Id: rs "When a gerbil starts kicking around inside of me, I feel all good inside." -- DevHole gives one reason why he loves gerbil stuffing in, "I love horse c0ck, ..." -- DevHole admits his love of horse penis publicly for the first tim, in Message-Id: rs "I hate getting anal stitches. My daddy never lets me heal properly." -- DevHole whines about the after effects of his daddy bunghole rapings in , message-Id: rs "I had my first mental breakdown when my mommy made me eat her out. It was then that I know that I was gonna be a bottomboy." -- DevHole describes his path to homosexuality in, Message-Id: rs "My daddy gave me a pony for my 11th birthday. Little did he know the pony was riding me too." -- DevHole descrines his path to bestiality in, Message-Id: rs "My parents excepted the fact that I love horse genitalia. I haven't told them about my cravings for gerbils yet. " -- DevHole tries to let his parents in on his trisexuality in. Message-Id: rs |
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