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"Kali" wrote in message
In , Rhonda Lea Kirk said: "Sean Monaghan" wrote in message miguel wrote in : snipped for clarity If you stop, and if you can persuade your friends, who are, frighteningly, even less rational than you, to stop, I'll be happy to pull the plug on this as well. The nerd gimp retard fagbois hold the keys to the kingdom, Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology. Wow. Extortion attempt. No. It's negotiation: Everyone stops. ****ing wrong, Rhonda. We discussed this the other day. I stand by what I said, that I don't think it's right to Google stack, and I certainly don't indend to call *anyone* a "dog****er". I thought I made that clear. I thought you did too. Then you posted this: Message-ID: The discussion was double standards and miguel's kooky threats. I made an example comparison (libel and assault). In my comparison, I used his last name and the word "dog****er". That's not what I read. And if you follow the context in date and time order, he asked for clarification before he retaliated. Your response included calling him a clown. Then your sweetheart came back and spammed my full name and office address several times. He upped the anti. He was probably so foamy he thought I was chiming in with the others, so instead of seeking clarification, he shot his load, revealing his true character: that of a coward no better than Brad Jesness. I explained this in fewer words in an earlier post, and his response was to repeat his cowardly behavior. No remorse, if in fact he did jump the gun. I have read through that part of the thread more than a few times, and I'm not getting from there to here. See above. It wasn't negotiation, it was retaliation. Call a spade a spade. He retaliated, and then he offered a mutual cease-fire. It was characterized as "extortion." I disagree that it is extortion. What I keep hearing over and over again is that he's supposed to sit back and let auk have its fun at his expense. If you set the standard, you have to live with it. You said he upped the ante, but all he did was level the field. A web page for a web page, identifying information for identifying information. "Fair," to me, does not mean "advantage to one side." Your "ethics" are highly conditional, aren't they? You called him a dog****er. You minimized the gravity and impact of calling him a dog****er even though I objected to it strongly many posts ago. How does that make /my/ ethics conditional? I've been consistent about what I think all along. And the one thing I have not done to you is threaten loss of friendship to influence your behavior, but you did that to me way back he On other less talked about matters: It is unfortunate that a so-called friend of yours and Rhonda's would show such blithe disregard for your friendship by attacking your friends. I have higher standards for friendship. and In reality, this kind of thing does have an impact on perceived friendships. Mike has never asked me to choose between you, and he hasn't punished me for disagreeing with him when I thought he was wrong. Nor has he used me as a bat against you. Everyone is entitled to their opinon, Kali. In this case, yours and mine do not agree. snipped -- Rhonda Lea Kirk Happiness limits the amount of suffering one is willing to inflict on others. Phèdre nó Delaunay |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
Kali wrote in
: In , Cujo DeSockpuppet said: : K. A. Cannon wrote in : : : : On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 00:38:17 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet : wrote: : : Kali wrote in : m: : : In , miguel mjc101 : @gmail.com said: : : Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, : : Department of Psychology : : (http://oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psych...culty/barnard/) : : wrote: : : miguel said: : : Dumbarse Git wrote: : : miguel: : : : : Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside: : : : : You bitched about KM repeating your purported occupation : : (which you admit to in another thread), : : : : You're a liar. I've never bitched about KM repeating my : : occupation. : : : : I see you caught your attribution error in your post to Dumbarse : : Git. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you should wipe the : : froth and spittle from your screen before hitting the "send" : : key. : : : : yet it falls within your code of ethics to post the : : (alleged) institution and precise location of someone else. : : : : I'm reading a lecture on ethics from Sean Monaghan, who : : moments ago said that it's all about the entertainment. Will : : somebody please nominate you for some steaming pile of : : hypocrisy award? I'm beginning to think that your : : intellectual prowess is about the equivalent of ****stain's, : : which would be your only defense to said award. : : : : If Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, : : Department of Psychology is going to associate my name and : : occupation with the word "dog****er," given that she stated : : she has no trouble with somebody's name being associated with : : their posts on usenet, then where's the problem? Of course, : : all she needs to do to avoid this is cease her participation : : in the google stacking. If you are her friend, you might : : think about stopping yourself. : : : : Thank you for this very telling campaign speech. : : : : You are a dolt. In part, though, she has you to thank for : : this, what with the fanboi page you did for me. ****stain, : : too. If you all want to stop the RL stuff, I'm happy to stop : : too. Your choice. : : : : The question is - will your public defender find this : : behaviour to be acceptable, or will that person continue to : : rationalise on your behalf? : : : : It's sad that you dismiss it as rationalization. : : : : Please do continue to defend this nasty, filthy creature, and : : let him drag you into the pits of hell as you become his : : unwitting proxy in his kooky mission against AUK. I'm sorry, : : I've tried to be reasonable for your sake. But it's way past : : pillory time for him - he's been at this a lot longer than I : : had realized. Intelligent, non-kooky people don't parade their : : kookiness in AUK, or take baseball bats to wasp's nests. : : : : Is this your professional opinion, Kimberly K. Barnard, : : University of Wisconsin-Parkside, : : http://oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psych...culty/barnard/ : : : : Now feel free to call me a hypocrite and any nominating or : : voting I do for him "revenge" motivated. I call it making : : entertainment out of a bully. : : : : And really, I am sorry about all this, as it probably does : : affect our friendship (miguel has no respect for it, in case : : you hadn't noticed). All I can do today is shake my head at : : your defense of him and wish you'd stop. : : : : I miss the days when I could anonymously play the dozens with : : people on usenet, in soc.singles, on AUK, in AFA-B, without : : having asshole kooks like you, Dumbarse Git Sean, K-Bitch and : : ****stain get all my identifying information out front and : : center, and in a way that will cause reputational and commercial : : damage to me. : : : : Perhaps soon you may miss those days too. : : : : You didn't care when the rest of them started in on me. In fact : : you decided to join in. So solly. : : : : miguel : : Threat noted. : : Maybe Cranston would like to threaten me next? I'm only working : about two miles from the little dweeb. No bus ticket required? It's optional depending on where the closest PF Chang's is located. Sorry, lezbo, cowards like him don't make threats against people who would actually take him up on it. Far easier to threaten a woman half way across the country, and let net.stalkers take up your cause. That's what I get for outing myself. : Ahem...it is a Usenet tradition that I be threatened first. The early bird catches the worm, Kev. I demand to be the first lesbian threatened at all times. : Yeah? You forgot to tell Foamboi. : : Maybe he can make his threats to me personally too!! : : Tell the nutless ****wit you're female. It brings out the bestest : k00ky threats in mikey. : : Scare me, mikey! : : add me to ur lits mikey!! : : Day-yum, I hace been teh litsiest! Thanks for reminding moi! Lits whores, the both of you. It's not how many times you've been litsed, it's how many *recently*. |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
"The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity"
wrote in message news ![]() On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:04:36 -0700, miguel did the cha-cha, and screamed: You have no idea of the extent to which Steve Chaney has taken matters to RL over the past 12 years wrt me, and you have no idea of the extent to which his raging insanity has caused him to make unspeakably nasty claims about my children and my grandchild. BTW, all of that **** from Steve was foam, and you ought to have just totted up your Usenet Valhalla points. Instead, you went to K00k Valhalla along with Steve. His /auk/ Valhalla points, don't you mean? auk is not the usenet police, right? And it doesn't set the standards for other groups, right? soc.singles seems to have an entirely different culture from auk, Snarky. Are you saying that auk's rules still apply? Further, I take note that Chaney carries Mike's name and address around in his sig. Is that just foam too? I'm not inclined to try to untangle a decade and a half of history for a single newsgroup. I just don't have the time. But Chaney has given me a creepy feeling since the first time I read one of his posts, so I think I'll go with that when it comes to assessing who is right and who is wrong in this. -- Rhonda Lea Kirk Happiness limits the amount of suffering one is willing to inflict on others. Phèdre nó Delaunay |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
"The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity"
wrote in message news ![]() On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:37:00 +0000, Steve Chaney, still taunting the happy fun ball did the cha-cha, and screamed: Sean Monaghan wrote: miguel wrote: Kali wrote: miguel said: Kadaitcha Gimp Retard He-Bitch wrote: Translation: even though all kookologists agree that taking usenet to real life is prime kooksign, that's what I'm trying to accomplish. Good job there kOOk. miguel So, what are your plans for Steve Cheney? If I ever meet him, I will put him in the hospital. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ This is not a flame; this is a clear threat of physical violence. This is something we'd expect from Richard "the St00pid" Bullis, or from Edmond Heinz Wollmann - not the words of a 'marginal kook', or from someone who is merely involved in a Usenet flamewar. Charlotte Blackmer will not call Mike out on this. Hey, Mike's her friend -- but notice that she isn't defending him, at least not in this thread. She made five posts three days ago, and nothing before that since March 10. In in her most recent posting, she wrote: "Um, well, I don't think Sharon and Snarky have exactly covered themselves with glory in their exchanges with Mike. But it is what it is. If it's any consolation to them, I have observed that Mike does seem to have a talent for bringing out the absolute worst in some people. Sometime he uses his powers for good, sometimes not ![]() anyone who seems to expect me to keep Mike in line is on another planet." She has said her real life is busy. Perhaps that's the explanation for her absence in this thread. -- Steve, her hammer of thor is borked. You are, however, still a k00k. -- Rhonda Lea Kirk Happiness limits the amount of suffering one is willing to inflict on others. Phèdre nó Delaunay |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
"Meat Plow" wrote in message
news ![]() On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 23:27:50 -0400, Rhonda Lea Kirk wrote: "Meat Plow" wrote in message news ![]() On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 18:16:11 -0400, Rhonda Lea Kirk wrote: "Sean Monaghan" wrote in message miguel wrote in : Sean Monaghan wrote: "Rhonda Lea Kirk": That would lead me to the conclusion that someone is overreacting to words on the screen, and I don't mean Mike. See http://www.caballista.org/auk/faq.html#question27 "27. Can I really be thrown in jail for posting threatening messages? Yes. People have been tried and convicted for sending threatening or harassing Email or Usenet posts. We do NOT support censorship of the Internet; however, posting a message stating you are going to cause virtual or unvirtual harm to someone will probably gain you a visit from your Friendly Neighborhood FBI Agent." "Probably" gain you a visit from your Friendly Neighborhood FBI Agent? That's plain stupid. If Chaney wants to call the FBI and complain, more power to him. That would be one of the most hilarious things to happen 'round these parts in a while. It would be quite entertaining. That's the bit that you and your public defender are missing - AUK is *all* about entertainment. Always. No exceptions. Period. There is nothing entertaining for me in watching people that I used to like and respect fall and shatter their feet of clay. Then maybe it's time for you to move on my dear. Maybe AUK isn't the place for you? I'm inclined to see this through. After that, I'll decide. I have your best interests at heart. You know I'm not a ruthless person nor a fanatic where AUK is concerned. Hit me on the messenger, I'd like to chat for a bit. Tonight will be good for another 30 minutes or so. I didn't see this until this morning. In my estimation, the damage--on both sides--is past the point of well-done, but I will be happy to fill you in on such bits of information that I am not otherwise constrained to keep to myself. You still won't have the entire story, but it might make more sense. -- Rhonda Lea Kirk Happiness limits the amount of suffering one is willing to inflict on others. Phèdre nó Delaunay |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
The Original Demon Prince of ****stain wrote:
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:04:36 -0700, miguel did the cha-cha, and screamed: You have no idea of the extent to which Steve Chaney has taken matters to RL over the past 12 years wrt me, and you have no idea of the extent to which his raging insanity has caused him to make unspeakably nasty claims about my children and my grandchild. BTW, all of that **** from Steve was foam, and you ought to have just totted up your Usenet Valhalla points. Instead, you went to K00k Valhalla along with Steve. Since you are unaware of all that Steve wrote, your opinion about this is as useless as your employment prospects, gimp. miguel |
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,rec.sport.pro-wrestling
Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of
Psychology wrote: Rhonda Lea Kirk said Sean Dumbarse Git wrote miguel wrote Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology, wrote miguel said Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology (http://oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psych...culty/barnard/) wrote miguel said Dumbarse Git wrote miguel Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside You bitched about KM repeating your purported occupation (which you admit to in another thread), You're a liar. I've never bitched about KM repeating my occupation. I see you caught your attribution error in your post to Dumbarse Git. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you should wipe the froth and spittle from your screen before hitting the "send" key. yet it falls within your code of ethics to post the (alleged) institution and precise location of someone else. I'm reading a lecture on ethics from Sean Monaghan, who moments ago said that it's all about the entertainment. Will somebody please nominate you for some steaming pile of hypocrisy award? I'm beginning to think that your intellectual prowess is about the equivalent of ****stain's, which would be your only defense to said award. If Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology is going to associate my name and occupation with the word "dog****er," given that she stated she has no trouble with somebody's name being associated with their posts on usenet, then where's the problem? Of course, all she needs to do to avoid this is cease her participation in the google stacking. If you are her friend, you might think about stopping yourself. Thank you for this very telling campaign speech. You are a dolt. In part, though, she has you to thank for this, what with the fanboi page you did for me. ****stain, too. If you all want to stop the RL stuff, I'm happy to stop too. Your choice. The question is - will your public defender find this behaviour to be acceptable, or will that person continue to rationalise on your behalf? It's sad that you dismiss it as rationalization. Please do continue to defend this nasty, filthy creature, and let him drag you into the pits of hell as you become his unwitting proxy in his kooky mission against AUK. I'm sorry, I've tried to be reasonable for your sake. But it's way past pillory time for him - he's been at this a lot longer than I had realized. Intelligent, non-kooky people don't parade their kookiness in AUK, or take baseball bats to wasp's nests. Is this your professional opinion, Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, http//oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psychology/faculty/barnard/ Now feel free to call me a hypocrite and any nominating or voting I do for him "revenge" motivated. I call it making entertainment out of a bully. And really, I am sorry about all this, as it probably does affect our friendship (miguel has no respect for it, in case you hadn't noticed). All I can do today is shake my head at your defense of him and wish you'd stop. I miss the days when I could anonymously play the dozens with people on usenet, in soc.singles, on AUK, in AFA-B, without having asshole kooks like you, Dumbarse Git Sean, K-Bitch and ****stain get all my identifying information out front and center, and in a way that will cause reputational and commercial damage to me. Perhaps soon you may miss those days too. You didn't care when the rest of them started in on me. In fact you decided to join in. So solly. Threat noted. I hope so. If you stop, and if you can persuade your friends, who are, frighteningly, even less rational than you, to stop, I'll be happy to pull the plug on this as well. The nerd gimp retard fagbois hold the keys to the kingdom, Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology. Wow. Extortion attempt. No. It's negotiation: Everyone stops. ****ing wrong, Rhonda. We discussed this the other day. I stand by what I said, that I don't think it's right to Google stack, and I certainly don't indend to call *anyone* a "dog****er". I thought I made that clear. Yet you did it anyway. The discussion was double standards and miguel's kooky threats. I made an example comparison (libel and assault). In my comparison, I used his last name and the word "dog****er". Then your sweetheart came back and spammed my full name and office address several times. He upped the anti. It's "ante," Doc. You probably know that in your less foamy moments, though. And yes, I did. Sometimes that happens when you are at a poker table. He was probably so foamy he thought I was chiming in with the others, so instead of seeking clarification, he shot his load, revealing his true character: that of a coward no better than Brad Jesness. So it is safe to say that you consider Sean, K-Bitch, Bill and ****stain to be no better than Brad Jesness? They have done to me precisely what I am doing to you. I explained this in fewer words in an earlier post, and his response was to repeat his cowardly behavior. No remorse, if in fact he did jump the gun. It wasn't negotiation, it was retaliation. Call a spade a spade. You are not very bright, so let me spell this out for you as simply as I can. Rhonda called my offer for a cease fire negotiation, after Sean called it extortion. Her comment did not pertain to the original act of posting your personal information. Your "ethics" are highly conditional, aren't they? You are not intelligent enough to reconcile them. The problem is, you give every indication of holding the belief that you should be able to continue what you started and that Mike has no right to attempt to mitigate his damages. Equity is for everyone, Sean. I agree with this part of the post. 100% Yo, Moonbeam - we[TINW] have a new submission for the Bobo pool. Pleace to consider this frothing maniac for odds. Thanks in advance. http//www.alcatroll.com/sean/miguel Kali [Kimberly K. Barnard, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Parkside] miguel |
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miguel wrote in
: Kim DYOFDW, asswipe. |
posted to alt.sailing.asa
posted to alt.usenet.kooks,alt.fan.art-bell,alt.sailing.asa,soc.singles,soc.men
K. A. Cannon wrote:
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:47:21 -0700, miguel wrote: Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote: miguel: Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology, wrote: miguel said: Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology (http://oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psych...culty/barnard/) wrote: miguel said: Dumbarse Git wrote: miguel: Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside: You bitched about KM repeating your purported occupation (which you admit to in another thread), You're a liar. I've never bitched about KM repeating my occupation. I see you caught your attribution error in your post to Dumbarse Git. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you should wipe the froth and spittle from your screen before hitting the "send" key. yet it falls within your code of ethics to post the (alleged) institution and precise location of someone else. I'm reading a lecture on ethics from Sean Monaghan, who moments ago said that it's all about the entertainment. Will somebody please nominate you for some steaming pile of hypocrisy award? I'm beginning to think that your intellectual prowess is about the equivalent of ****stain's, which would be your only defense to said award. If Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Department of Psychology is going to associate my name and occupation with the word "dog****er," given that she stated she has no trouble with somebody's name being associated with their posts on usenet, then where's the problem? Of course, all she needs to do to avoid this is cease her participation in the google stacking. If you are her friend, you might think about stopping yourself. Thank you for this very telling campaign speech. You are a dolt. In part, though, she has you to thank for this, what with the fanboi page you did for me. ****stain, too. If you all want to stop the RL stuff, I'm happy to stop too. Your choice. The question is - will your public defender find this behaviour to be acceptable, or will that person continue to rationalise on your behalf? It's sad that you dismiss it as rationalization. Please do continue to defend this nasty, filthy creature, and let him drag you into the pits of hell as you become his unwitting proxy in his kooky mission against AUK. I'm sorry, I've tried to be reasonable for your sake. But it's way past pillory time for him - he's been at this a lot longer than I had realized. Intelligent, non-kooky people don't parade their kookiness in AUK, or take baseball bats to wasp's nests. Is this your professional opinion, Kimberly K. Barnard, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, http//oldweb.uwp.edu/academic/psychology/faculty/barnard/ Now feel free to call me a hypocrite and any nominating or voting I do for him "revenge" motivated. I call it making entertainment out of a bully. And really, I am sorry about all this, as it probably does affect our friendship (miguel has no respect for it, in case you hadn't noticed). All I can do today is shake my head at your defense of him and wish you'd stop. I miss the days when I could anonymously play the dozens with people on usenet, in soc.singles, on AUK, in AFA-B, without having asshole kooks like you, Dumbarse Git Sean, K-Bitch and ****stain get all my identifying information out front and center, and in a way that will cause reputational and commercial damage to me. Perhaps soon you may miss those days too. You didn't care when the rest of them started in on me. In fact you decided to join in. So solly. Threat noted. I hope so. If you stop, and if you can persuade your friends[slap!] **** off, you little coward. You like threatening women, wimp? I'll bet it compensates for the testosterone shots you don't get anymore, nadless. Look at the nerd gimp retard fagboi puff his chest! Snork...it certainly is enlightening how much your rather sad attempts at insults give away your bigotry and your inner demons. At the core, he's really just a saucerhead -- nothing but gay lames. miguel, bite my nuts klunt Find some nuts first you simpering coward. -- Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco "To err is human, to cover it up is Weasel" -- Dogbert |