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  #1   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 1
Default Are you being stalked, abused and harassed by the Kook hunters? Readthis

For five or more years a group of posters have been scanning
newsgroups to
find posters to harass, intimidate, abuse, and stalk. They operate
with stealthy identities that are registered at their sites. The
leader of this group (or gang as some call them) is Kevin A. Cannon
who created as a home site from which they operate.
Kevin A. Cannon is easy to locate. He works for TSB Bearings in New
Jersey. Another leader in these groups is Peter J Ross located in
Frome, Somerset County, UK. He is also easy to locate. The others
are more difficult to find. They use their stealth as an advantage:
they know who you are but you can't find who they are. They will
attempt to harass a poster and get the poster to cross post to
alt.usenet.kooks which is a newsgroup started by them or attempt to
get a poster so agitated that he or she violates an acceptable user
practice and is subject to an abuse complaint that they will file.
They will also build a page or site about a poster to further their
harassment and abuse. They will then post the URL of this site as a
reply to the targeted poster's posts as a means of harassment, abuse,
and stalking. They think the Usenet has more of its share of
conspiracy theorists and kooks as they call them and alt.usenet.kooks
has been created for the discussion, harassment, stalking, and abuse
of these people. Examples of their work will be posted at
alt.usenet.kooks and it will be a meeting place for kook-hunters to
gather and swap stories and keep one another up to date as to where
the new budding kooks can be found. It is hoped that through the
careful use of the Follow-up line, kooks can be lured into cross
posting to alt.usenet.kooks. Over the years many other sites have
been created to aid and abet this purpose including the list below.
The sites home pages generally do not have links and what is recorded
is not available to search engines such as Google since they use
robot.txt files that turn robots away from recording the sub
directories and pages. However, the web.archive robot has recorded
what is at many of these sites and can be readily reviewed by
on the following links and the follow-up links. When a victim
attempts to file an abuse complaint they will often file the
with which is a newsgroup server founded by Kevin
A. Cannon and run on his company's server. The abuse complaint goes
directly to the people doing the abuse. To file a complaint against you must find the ISP for which is
Abuse complaints must go to
Hurricane, Electric
Hurricane Electric Hostmaster
Hurricane Electric
760 Mission Court
Fremont, CA 94539
Domain Name: HE.NET

The following does a mine into the history of several of the
kookologists sites.
(After clicking the links to get the real site copy and paste just
address of the site to the URL address to see all the pictures.)*/**/**/**/**/*
added: 1/227/2008*/*
( is reportedly run by Peter J Ross and possibly has pictures
of him.)*/**/*
Their names:
Art Deco
Bob Officer
Chadwick Stone
Cujo DeSockpuppet
Fred Hall
Gary L. Burnore
K. A. Cannon (identified and owner of )
Kadaitcha Man
Meat Plow
Peter J Ross (identified as living in Frome, Somerset, UK)
Phineas T Puddleduck
Sean Monaghan
Woodchuck Bill

This is the statement found a stating why Kevin A.
Cannon created
By Kevin A Cannon:
This is my my page on This is my sever, run off of
bandwidth that I provide and administrated by my good friend
Christopher McCraken. What do we provide here at Free
Shell accounts to people we have deemed are worthy of them. We have
web space, mail, and news access. It is run on a dual processor
P-3/550 computer that I built. Why do we do this? Honestly, it's
my way of giving back to the web/internet which I enjoy so much. This
is a way to help out, and to have fun too. If you don't like it, ****
Who am I? I am Kevin Cannon. I am an Mechanical Engineer working for
a company I am a partner in. You can check out our website here, TSB
USA or you can check out our Chinese Parent company here TSB China.
Sooner or later I will put a FAQ section up.
My favorite resource: ****WIT is provided here for your information.
For information on Meow/UPA, go here. Meow!.
The best damn news service on usenet. Databasix.'s AUP/TOS is here. AUP.
My other webpage, as glorious in it's scope and timely in it purity
this one. Snarf?
Feel free to contact me if you want an account on
Everybody will be considered. But....just becasue you are considered
does not by any means guarantee you will get an account. If you
already have an account at, and you know somebody who
you think might want access here, let me know.
I do need someone with majodomo experiance, if you have the chops let
me know.
To all the ****heads (i.e. Martie Hannigan) out there taking a look
at this in your search for info on me, I say hello. It's nice to know
you care. UPDATE - Due to Martie's continued obsession I believe it
necessary to post a rebuttal to his slandering slanderous slander.
Should have it up when I get around to it. (could be days, weeks, or
months from now)
This web page is brought to for free. And you Faxor's should know,
Vampi gets a free e-mail account form me! I am proudly affiliated
with the family of fine usenet posters

This is the control text usedd to create alt.usenet.kooks:

Original alt.usenet.kooks Control Message
From Mon Dec 20 16:30:37 1993
Control: newgroup alt.usenet.kooks
Newsgroups: alt.config,alt.usenet.kooks.ctl
Path: uunet!! nyx10! mbur
From: (MAC)
Subject: newgroup alt.usenet.kooks
X-Disclaimer: Nyx is a public access Unix system run by the
of Denver for the Denver community. The University has neither
over nor responsibility for the opinions of users.
Sender: (netnews admin account)
Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix at U. of Denver Math/CS dept.
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 93 21:19:36 GMT
Lines: 17
Xref: uunet control:794664
As per discussion on alt.config alt.usenet.kooks has been created.
Usenet has more of its share of conspiracy theorists and kooks and
this group has been created for the discussion of these people.
Examples of their work will be posted here and it will be a meeting
place for kook-hunters to gather and swap stories and keep one
up to date as to where the new budding kooks can be found. It is
that through the careful use of the Followup line, kooks can be lured
into crossposting to alt.usenet.kooks.
As I have said, this has been discussed in alt.config and there is
alot of interest in this group. Sys-admins kindly create this group
and feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
For your newsgroups file:
alt.usenet.kooks Discussion of the kooks on usenet.
From Sat Jun 25 00:44:05 1994
Control: newgroup alt.usenet.kooks
Newsgroups: alt.config
Path: unet!!!!!!!!!! crd
From: (Craig Dickson)
Subject: refresh newgroup for alt.usenet.kooks?
Organization: Kook-of-the-Month Awards HQ
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 03:00:22 GMT
Lines: 17
Xref: uunet control:1022753

(Randy Finder) writes:

I have seen some posts crossposted to alt.usenet.kooks including an
FAQ. My site does not have it although we have a fairly complete
usenet groups list. (3000+groups including about 1000 alt groups.)
As this strikes me as a group that some people may have tried to
rmgroup, I was wondering if someone could do a refresh on
This message is a booster newgroup for alt.usenet.kooks, an existing
and moderately busy newsgroup devoted to the discussion of kooks on
Usenet. If your site does not already carry a.u.k, please create it.
Craig Dickson ) a.k.a. "*ibo": a collector of
Keeper, alt.usenet.kooks FAQ. Coordinator, Kook of the Month Awards
KotM archives, a.u.k FAQ, and net.legends FAQ:
"This may make me a megalomaniac putz": Roger "Fouck you all" Bryner

This is brief history of Kook of the month awards:
Craig Dickson ) a.k.a. "*ibo": a collector of
Keeper, alt.usenet.kooks FAQ. Coordinator, Kook of the Month Awards
KotM archives, a.u.k FAQ, and net.legends FAQ:
"This may make me a megalomaniac putz": Roger "Fouck you all" Bryner
*In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth...*
/And then came humans, and then Usenet, and then Craig Dickson/
*Craig Dickson and Usenet got along nicely, and he decided to help
Usenet by creating the Kook of the Month award*
/Its purpose was to show appreciation for the Truly Strange of
those few souls whose twisted views of the world could entertain
who cared to look at them/
*Unfortunately, many of Usenet did not think of the KotM award in the
same way; instead, they saw it as an excuse to mock their favorite
/Craig didn't want to further this; he truly loved those poor souls
the strange worlds that they lived in. And so rather than further the
attack, he quietly let the awards die/
*And there was much weeping...*
/The Kook of the Month Awards languished alone, until one day it was
re-discovered by two explorers (and minor kooks in their own right),
Lewis de Payne and Matthew Legare/
*Not surprisingly, there was immediately a scuffle over who would get
wield the powerful Awards*
/Lewis de Payne fought from the position that he was the Speed
Seducer, so
he should rule all/
*Matthew Legare fought from the position that he was actually willing
do some work with it, so maybe he should be doing this*
/For a long time, it looked like Lewiz was going to win.../
*It's hard to fight _the_ Speed Seducer*
*Luckily, Matt had the foresight to summon the Spirit of Craig
who gave Matt his blessing*
/Finally, Matt, armed with the Spirit of the Old One, summoned Lewiz
the final battle - and was victorious/
*Lewiz was vanquished; the Kook of the Month Awards had found a new
And there was much rejoicing*
/Unfortunately, even after all of this work, all was not well/
*The awards had taken a turn for the worse; the winners of the Awards
were beginning to feel as Craig feared they would feel, persecuted
of honored*
/They began to attack Matt whenever they saw him, rather than
him as a medal-bearer or even as a fellow Kook/
*Matt had also been injured during the final battle with Lewiz...*
/The final blow came when another Kook, Steve Boursy, tried to usurp
Matt's rightful position as Vote-Wrangler/
*Though unsuccessful, the 'bump did manage to slow Matt down*
/It was enough. After holding out for as long as possible, Matthew
Legare unwillingly left alt.usenet.kooks, the position of Vote-
left hidden, hopefully for his return.../
*And there was much weeping*
/Several months later, the void of Vote-Wrangler had still not been
*Nobody wanted the position; it was a dangerous place, and besides
nobody could find the helm*
/Besides, there was always the hope that maybe, someday, Matthew
would return to reclaim his home.../
*Finally, one day two Daemons appeared at the gates - Nik and Kile,
Killfile Daemons of Tim Skirvin. They had contacted Matt, asking if
they would be allowed to take over the position...*
/Matt had agreed - and told them where to find the helm of the
*The Daemons bested the challenges and stormed the newsgroup - and
/And, again, the Kook of the Month Awards returned to the land/
*It is a different land, now, untamed and overgrown*
/Yet, we hope we can hold it together, and again share with the world
the true glory that comes with being a Kook/

  #2   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,757
Default Are you being stalked, abused and harassed by the Kook hunters? Read this

"jerry" wrote in message
For five or more years a group of posters have been scanning
newsgroups to
find posters to harass, intimidate, abuse, and stalk. They operate
with stealthy identities that are registered at their sites. The

All of this is pretty well-known by most here... so, what's your point? The
key is to just not respond and to plonk as appropriate.

"j" ganz @@

  #3   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 20
Default Are you being stalked, abused and harassed by the Kook hunters? Read this

"Capt. JG" wrote in message

All of this is pretty well-known by most here... so, what's your point?

Yours seems to be the top of your head.

"j" ganz @@

  #4   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,757
Default Are you being stalked, abused and harassed by the Kook hunters? Read this

"Lee" wrote in message ...

"Capt. JG" wrote in message

All of this is pretty well-known by most here... so, what's your point?

Yours seems to be the top of your head.

What a said, said person you must be... plonk!

"j" ganz @@

  #5   Report Post  
posted to alt.sailing.asa
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2
Default Are you being stalked, abused and harassed by the Kook hunters? Read this

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Lee" wrote in message ...

"Capt. JG" wrote in message

All of this is pretty well-known by most here... so, what's your point?

Yours seems to be the top of your head.

What a said, said person you must be... plonk!

WHAT IN THE HELL IS "a said, said person"???????????????
Is that what it does to your brain when you want to suck cock?

"j" ganz @@

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