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Chris June 13th 05 10:42 PM

Q: Replace rigging on a 27 footer?

two questions about replacement of
the standing rigging on a 27 footer:

- When the current rigging is over
20 years old, but looks ok, is it
necessary to replace it? (It wasn't
used much.)

- How much would it approximately
cost to do this? Ballpark number?

Thanks a lot,


DSK June 13th 05 10:51 PM

Chris wrote:
two questions about replacement of
the standing rigging on a 27 footer:

- When the current rigging is over
20 years old, but looks ok, is it
necessary to replace it? (It wasn't
used much.)

Necessary? No. It's 'necessary' when the mast falls down ;)
It would be smart to either replace it all, or at least give it a
thorough inspection. This will involve either taking the mast down
(costly & time-consuming) or hoisting an experienced rigger, which they
dislike & charge extra for. Still, it's cheaper than just blanket

- How much would it approximately
cost to do this? Ballpark number?

Cost it out|118&id=107602

Prob'ly looking at a couple grand or so. Unless you're a pretty serious
racer, the way to go is swageless terminals. You can do it yourself (so
you know it's done *right*) & they're stronger & more reliable.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King

Evan Gatehouse June 14th 05 07:21 AM

DSK wrote:
Chris wrote:

two questions about replacement of
the standing rigging on a 27 footer:

- When the current rigging is over
20 years old, but looks ok, is it
necessary to replace it? (It wasn't
used much.)

Necessary? No. It's 'necessary' when the mast falls down ;)
It would be smart to either replace it all, or at least give it a
thorough inspection. This will involve either taking the mast down
(costly & time-consuming) or hoisting an experienced rigger, which they
dislike & charge extra for. Still, it's cheaper than just blanket

- How much would it approximately
cost to do this? Ballpark number?

Cost it out|118&id=107602

Prob'ly looking at a couple grand or so. Unless you're a pretty serious
racer, the way to go is swageless terminals. You can do it yourself (so
you know it's done *right*) & they're stronger & more reliable.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King

I disagree that swageless terminals are the way to go for a
27' boat. IF you plan on keeping the boat for another 20
years and will redo the rigging twice at least, o.k. maybe.
If you're going to be far from home cruising offshore,
maybe. But swages do have their place and done properly are
quite reliable and are far cheaper than swageless.

I of course did it the odd way when I re-rigged my own boat
and bought a spool of wire from Loos and used Castlok
fittings which are very cheap. It was about $500 for the
whole boat (10 x 7/32" wires) about 3-4 years ago. A swaged
re-do varied from $750-1500 depending on which riggers I
got to quote on it.

Evan Gatehouse

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