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posted to rec.boats.building
submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and
affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil |
posted to rec.boats.building
On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff
and I replied: There are many submarine yachts of any form of construction around the world. Most of them are a nuisance and are still attached to their moorings. submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain |
posted to rec.boats.building
On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff
and I replied: sorry...meant to add that they are more than affordable....as long as they remain submarine...... submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain |
posted to rec.boats.building
On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff
and I replied: sorry...they remain affordable as submarine until the authorities catch up and demand removal or refloating and justification submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain |
posted to rec.boats.building
On May 28, 10:41 am, OldNick wrote:
On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff and I replied: sorry...they remain affordable as submarine until the authorities catch up and demand removal or refloating and justification submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain Thats nothun, I built one from lead. |
posted to rec.boats.building
On May 28, 9:39 am, OldNick wrote:
On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff and I replied: There are many submarine yachts of any form of construction around the world. Most of them are a nuisance and are still attached to their moorings. submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain Hello OldNick submarine yachting is not only a concept idea - i tested it out for a decade... Cheers Wil |
posted to rec.boats.building
On Jun 10, 5:19 pm, wellmer wrote:
On May 28, 9:39 am, OldNick wrote: On 27 May 2007 21:06:03 -0700, wellmer wrote stuff and I replied: There are many submarine yachts of any form of construction around the world. Most of them are a nuisance and are still attached to their moorings. submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Human bevaviour: Bestiality with a brain Hello OldNick submarine yachting is not only a concept idea - i tested it out for a decade... Cheers Wil- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I did see a cement boat the other day on a trailer in CT. It was about 16-20 feet long, and very square. Looked more like a barge with a little cabin on top. But it was cement, or concrete, or mud, or something similar. |
posted to rec.boats.building
When I build my cottage down at the beach, I need to decide between a
floating foundation (raft) or a floatable concrete basement, like a swimming pool, since we have seasonal water levels. What do you think would be "better?" Terry K |
posted to rec.boats.building
On Jun 12, 9:38 pm, Terry K wrote:
When I build my cottage down at the beach, I need to decide between a floating foundation (raft) or a floatable concrete basement, like a swimming pool, since we have seasonal water levels. What do you think would be "better?" Terry K Hello Terry Concrete floats for houses have been in use for a while now . Have a look at: http://imulead.com/tolimared/concret...ne/anuncios/ak Cheers Wil |
posted to rec.boats.building
On May 27, 11:06 pm, wellmer wrote:
submarine yachts based on concrete hulls are possible, available and affordable, building cost, maintainance cost, is lower than a similar sized surface yacht. Check out my prototype of a 20 ton yacht submarine i developed, built, dived, tested, back in the 90ties, at: (http://concretesubmarine.com) Let me hear your opinion, comments, input...looking for a network to take this a step further... Cheers Wil Why submarine yachting makes sense * save harbor beneath the waves * no hurricane season wandering * marina and harbor free operation * closed burglar and pirate safe * quiet living space at sea * drift dive operation * economic cruising * small engine * enormous range * lower slip and maintainance cost * lower hull building and engine cost save harbor beneath the waves A surface yacht, needs to be designed to have the means to withstand adverse weather conditions or to reach a safe harbor before such conditions come up. For a submarine yacht a save harbor is always near - just a few meters below. This has a mayor impact in the way how you operate a submarine yacht vs a surface yacht and in its cost o operation. First of all your tour plan is not limited by weather forecast and by harbors available along your route. no hurricane season wandering A submarine yacht as suggested at (www.concretesubmarine.com) exposes almost no surface of its hull to weather except a small sail (tower). So you can get the nose into the wind with a very small engine under any condition. On anchor place this means that the bow area is not lifted in any wave as it is the case in a surface ship which tends to bring tremendous forces to the anchor rig, which is the cause of anchor break out in severe conditions. A submarine yacht as my tested prototype brings very little force to the anchor rig - even in storm conditions. For surface yacht you need to find a hurricane save place during hurricane season so yacht owners frequently move their ships. A submarine yacht you can be left on anchor place in a open bay during that time - no weather condition will damage or affect it - this is a mayor cost benefit. marina and harbor free operation A surface yacht must stay in marinas due to its vulnerability to weather - a submarine yacht allows true marina free operation any place is ok to stay during your trip you can have a nice meal and a fine night sleep in open sea. closed burglar and pirate safe A burglar can break into a surface yacht of any kind using a light hand tool - this is not the case for a submarine yacht. A hatch can be made with security features of a bank safe - break in with tools you can deploy on an anchor place is impossible. A act of piracy is also impossible a pirate can get on deck - but never into the hull. quiet living space at sea The main reason why yachts stay a lot in marinas and very little time at sea is wave action. A submarine yacht can go to snorkel depth and is perfectly quiet in a minute without relaying on breakwaters. You can have a nice meal and go to sleep with no ship movement and security concern at all. Sub surface living space is the only quiet and safe living space available at open sea. drift dive operation In July 1996 Ben Franklin a 130 ton research submarine made a drift dive of 30 days over a distance of 2700km in Golf Stream. This dive compared with a submarine balloon trip was performed without any engine use. Submarines that have a non-compressible buoyancy regulation can stay stable at certain depth to do that kind of voyage. economic cruising No long distance surface swimming animal exists because this is not energy efficient. Even whales that need surface for breathing (because they started as a surface animal similar to a nutria -ambulocetus-) swim now below surface - why ? because they cruise up to 12,000 miles each year and nature shapes all animals to be energy efficient. Here we are - if you are looking for a model for a energy efficient ocean crossing submarine yacht take this. A 200 ton whale with a length of 30m (cut some of the tail section for hydrodynamic efficient length - take some 25m) can come up to a speed of 30 knots and has been measured at those speeds. Biologists and Physiologists estimate its maximum power output at 400 horsepower. Whales are mammals so their energy physiology is similar to other mammals. Which means there is a big gap between the energy output you can get from the organism in a emergency situation for a few minutes of fast swim and the energy output you can get 24 hours a day. The most educated guess on that is a factor 10 you can run very fast for 1 minute but if you wander 24 hours a day you have to do it at a slower rithm. This means what you have on a whale tail 24 hours a day during wandering is maybe 40 horsepower possibly less. If you take into account that whales do not feed which means do not re-fuel 6-8 months during wandering - how is this possible ? - only if they use VERY VERY little energy for swimming over VERY VERY long distances. What is the efficient speed range ? Smaller whales cruise at some 3 knots bigger whales at up to 6 knots. Taking a stream speed of 3 knots in your favor as ben franklin did in its 30 day Golf Stream drift dive - you could have a whale economic ocean crossing at 9knots over ground in a submarine yacht - not bad ! Having this in mind i took my prototype concrete submarine to water back in 1996 it was whale shaped had 20 tons like a small whale and my most important question was not top speed with a big engine - this is quite clear anyhow - my question was the limbo - how low can you go... so what i did first was installing a ridiculously small electric engine of 200W into the sub and pushed the switch. - What happened? First nothing then after a couple of seconds the hull took up speed and kept taking up speed until it reached a speed of what would be in the range of a whale efficient cruising speed - some 3 knots. So i never came to the point to install the big combustion engine i had in mind in first place - it was not necessary. I later put a small generator in to reload the small battery pack and extend the range - that was all. In all my submarine yachting years i never saw a situation i would have had a need for a bigger engine. This ridiculously small engine pushed me trough storms had no problem to get nose into the wind... So i am well aware what engine size is recommended for surface yachts - BUT - based on my own experience i would be concerned that such a engine would have a short life in a yacht submarine yacht because it has to run all the time in under load during cruising . I also have no problem if somebody wants a 400hp engine in a 200 ton submarine yacht to run all the time at whale emergency speed of 30 knots - you could water ski behind it... My personal preference is doing it like those gentle giants - cruise oceans energy efficient at moderate speed. small engine So the recommendation for a engine in a submarine yacht must be between 2HP/ ton which is emergency power for a blue whale. This is already considerably less than you would have in a surface yacht but you should be aware that in a surface yacht you need a engine surplus to fight against a storm that could smash you against a reef. For a submarine yacht you could get away with a even smaller engine that would take you just to efficient cruising speed which is the range of 0.2 HP / ton of displacement. You may have a engine that is 5-10 times smaller than a similar sized surface yacht which means a mayor reducction in building and maintainance cost. enormous range In a yacht submarine you have about half of the displacement as ballast weight. If you push it to the extreme you could replace all your ballast with diesel tanks. This would give you a tank reserve of 100.000 liter in a 200 ton submarine yacht. Which can take you 10.000 cruising hours at 3 miles/hour - So without taking the possible tank volume to the limits - you can have a tank size for oceancrossings in a submarine yacht. lower slip and maintainance cost The concrete submarine hulls of our concepts are built according to the same rules that apply to submarine tunnels and bridge foundations - in the same way the only surface that is exposed to sal****er environment is a rounded concrete surface - therefore the maintainance needed is similar to a bridge foundation or tunnel - it stays in water for liftime - no dry dock, no painting, no sandblasting, - this is a mayor maintainance cost reduction compared to a normal yacht. lower hull building and engine cost The hull building cost of our concrete hulls is less than 1/3 of building a comparable steel hull. The engine size you will build in is less than half of the horsepower you would have on a surface yacht of similar size. This is a mayor building cost reduction compared to a surface yacht. back to http://concretesubmarine.com |