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  #1   Report Post  
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Default Why cruise?

My annoyance with that silly Mark Twain quote prompts this post.

Although casting off everyday cares to go cruising sounds ideal to many
people, I have to wonder about people aspire to it with intense zeal.
I wonder if they have so little to offer to humanity that they would
abandon society for such a narcissistic goal. If you spend all of your
time cruising, you essentially give up making any difference to the
rest of humanity. My personal belief ("belief" means I have no proof
or even a good argument for it) is that each of us has some unique
skill that could somehow be of use to humanity. Unfortunately, very
few people ever discover this skill (a topic that I spend hours
discussing with my unhappy state worker neighbor)but I think you ought
to give it many real tries before giving up and going off cruising.
I have no problem with people who retire and then go cruising, they
have already made their contribution. My argument is with people who
aspire to cruising as their life goal.
The most interesting and to my mind the most successful cruising person
I have ever seen was when I had my old 23' boat docked waaaaaay up the
Carabelle River at a place for $20/month. The boat next to mine was a
trashed out 21' Venture. One day, its hatch was open and a voice
invited me aboard and when I stepped into the cabin, I stepped into
water 1" deep. In the gloom I saw huge cans of green beans labelled
Department of Agriculture that i recognized as early 60s cast-offs from
fallout shelters in Tallahassee (this was 1988). The Master and
Commander of this odd vessel was named Jack who told me that until 6
months ago he had been a homeless drunk but he had somehow been given a
check for $500 that he used to buy this floating (sort-of) home of his
on a whim. I never learned the rest of his story but clearly he had an
interesting life as he had only one ear, half of his left hand,
something wrong with one eye and other physical markings of a less than
normal suburban existence. Jack had a black mongrel dog named "Crow"
that perfectly matched him as it was missing a front paw and its lower
jaw was bent at a strange angle to the rest of its head from being run
Jack sailed this amazing little boat with duct tape repaired sails all
over the northern gulf from Cedar Key all the way over to (this is
almost unbelievable) New Orleans. I'd run into him at odd places and
he could describe the channels of all the cool places I wanted to visit
that also did not have marked channels.
One day, I ran into Jack on a brand new top-of-the-line boat ( I cannot
remember the brand) so I asked him if he had won the lottery. He said
no and volunteered to show me what he was doing so we went below where
I found myself wading through wood shavings. Wood carving tools were
scattered round as were what looked like wooden masks with intricate
gold inlays; they looked sort of Japanese with black lacquer and gold.
He told me that he had carved one and sold it in New Orleans (something
to do with Mardi Gras and Voodoo etc.)and since then had so many orders
he couldnt fill them all and that he didnt even begin working on one
till he was paid several thousand dollars for it. I never saw him
again after that but I always think of him as what a successful cruiser
should be.

  #4   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You pose a challenging philisophical issue, i.e., what to do with one's

Most people, it seems, lead lives of quiet desparation, studying and/or
working (or looking for work) and existing that is unsatisfying and
lacking in much or any happiness.

Ultimately, I would suggest the decision to do whatever one does with
one's life is best left to the individual and his or her ambitions or
lack thereof.

My annoyance with that silly Mark Twain quote prompts this post.

Although casting off everyday cares to go cruising sounds ideal to

people, I have to wonder about people aspire to it with intense zeal.
I wonder if they have so little to offer to humanity that they would
abandon society for such a narcissistic goal. If you spend all of

time cruising, you essentially give up making any difference to the
rest of humanity. My personal belief ("belief" means I have no proof
or even a good argument for it) is that each of us has some unique
skill that could somehow be of use to humanity. Unfortunately, very
few people ever discover this skill (a topic that I spend hours
discussing with my unhappy state worker neighbor)but I think you

to give it many real tries before giving up and going off cruising.
I have no problem with people who retire and then go cruising, they
have already made their contribution. My argument is with people who
aspire to cruising as their life goal.
The most interesting and to my mind the most successful cruising

I have ever seen was when I had my old 23' boat docked waaaaaay up

Carabelle River at a place for $20/month. The boat next to mine was

trashed out 21' Venture. One day, its hatch was open and a voice
invited me aboard and when I stepped into the cabin, I stepped into
water 1" deep. In the gloom I saw huge cans of green beans labelled
Department of Agriculture that i recognized as early 60s cast-offs

fallout shelters in Tallahassee (this was 1988). The Master and
Commander of this odd vessel was named Jack who told me that until 6
months ago he had been a homeless drunk but he had somehow been given

check for $500 that he used to buy this floating (sort-of) home of

on a whim. I never learned the rest of his story but clearly he had

interesting life as he had only one ear, half of his left hand,
something wrong with one eye and other physical markings of a less

normal suburban existence. Jack had a black mongrel dog named "Crow"
that perfectly matched him as it was missing a front paw and its

jaw was bent at a strange angle to the rest of its head from being

Jack sailed this amazing little boat with duct tape repaired sails

over the northern gulf from Cedar Key all the way over to (this is
almost unbelievable) New Orleans. I'd run into him at odd places and
he could describe the channels of all the cool places I wanted to

that also did not have marked channels.
One day, I ran into Jack on a brand new top-of-the-line boat ( I

remember the brand) so I asked him if he had won the lottery. He

no and volunteered to show me what he was doing so we went below

I found myself wading through wood shavings. Wood carving tools were
scattered round as were what looked like wooden masks with intricate
gold inlays; they looked sort of Japanese with black lacquer and

He told me that he had carved one and sold it in New Orleans

to do with Mardi Gras and Voodoo etc.)and since then had so many

he couldnt fill them all and that he didnt even begin working on one
till he was paid several thousand dollars for it. I never saw him
again after that but I always think of him as what a successful

should be.

  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

If money was a major concern, I'd work for somebody else instead of
being self (un)employed.

As far as wandering from mud flat to mud flat, I find the mud flats to
be the most interesting places on the water. Actually, the salt marshes
are the most interesting. The open water is essentially a desert while
the salt marshes are the most food productive parts of the ocean. I
bet I can find more cool stuff in a salt marsh than you can in the open
water (Look honey, Another wave).
I have no problem with people eventually retiring whether or not they
make what they consider to be a "contribution". Giving it a good try
is what is important.
As far as using people who really do cruise for answers, isnt that why
I asked here?

  #7   Report Post  
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On 7 Apr 2005 06:32:48 -0700, wrote:

My annoyance with that silly Mark Twain quote prompts this post.

Although casting off everyday cares to go cruising sounds ideal to many
people, I have to wonder about people aspire to it with intense zeal.

Surely this intense zeal is *exactly* what is required to stimulate others into
following suit, in whatever manner they so choose. This drive to realise a dream
may in fact stimulate someone else to follow their own dream which may be far
different from cruising, and, may at some time in the future benefit humanity in
some, at present undreamed of, manner. The cruiser has, in that case benefitted
humanity by his/her actions.

I wonder if they have so little to offer to humanity that they would
abandon society for such a narcissistic goal. If you spend all of your
time cruising, you essentially give up making any difference to the
rest of humanity. My personal belief ("belief" means I have no proof
or even a good argument for it) is that each of us has some unique
skill that could somehow be of use to humanity. Unfortunately, very
few people ever discover this skill (a topic that I spend hours
discussing with my unhappy state worker neighbor)but I think you ought
to give it many real tries before giving up and going off cruising.

Do you really believe that the average person even considers whether what they
do is of any benefit to humanity? The majority of people that I know are more
concerned with keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table than they
are with what humanity is up to. Surely believing that one can do good for
humanity and agonizing over how to develop the unique skills to meet that
objective is the epitome of narcism. Personally, although retired for some
years now, I enjoy the sheer delight of escaping from "humanity" for periods
during the summer. No television, no computer, no news-papers, sheer bliss.
While I am on the water in my own little floating cottage, the world and its
cares no longer exist. I can understand fully the thinking that stimulates
those who do cast off from the shore for a period of time. Some write about
their travels and offer advice for those who wish to follow in their foot-steps,
surely they are contributing, if not to "humanity" as a whole, but to a select

I have no problem with people who retire and then go cruising, they
have already made their contribution. My argument is with people who
aspire to cruising as their life goal.

As one who is retired and cruises during the summer months I can think of no
contribution to humanity that I have made. At least none of which I am
consciously aware.
If making my annual monetary contribution to ever increasingly avaricious
governments is "making my contribution" then I have indeed paid in full, albeit
with reluctance. However, this in turn relates back to the pursuit of the
almighty dollar, which in itself is, to my mind, not a worthy objective.

The most interesting and to my mind the most successful cruising person
I have ever seen was when I had my old 23' boat docked waaaaaay up the
Carabelle River at a place for $20/month. The boat next to mine was a
trashed out 21' Venture. One day, its hatch was open and a voice
invited me aboard and when I stepped into the cabin, I stepped into
water 1" deep. In the gloom I saw huge cans of green beans labelled
Department of Agriculture that i recognized as early 60s cast-offs from
fallout shelters in Tallahassee (this was 1988). The Master and
Commander of this odd vessel was named Jack who told me that until 6
months ago he had been a homeless drunk but he had somehow been given a
check for $500 that he used to buy this floating (sort-of) home of his
on a whim. I never learned the rest of his story but clearly he had an
interesting life as he had only one ear, half of his left hand,
something wrong with one eye and other physical markings of a less than
normal suburban existence. Jack had a black mongrel dog named "Crow"
that perfectly matched him as it was missing a front paw and its lower
jaw was bent at a strange angle to the rest of its head from being run
Jack sailed this amazing little boat with duct tape repaired sails all
over the northern gulf from Cedar Key all the way over to (this is
almost unbelievable) New Orleans. I'd run into him at odd places and
he could describe the channels of all the cool places I wanted to visit
that also did not have marked channels.
One day, I ran into Jack on a brand new top-of-the-line boat ( I cannot
remember the brand) so I asked him if he had won the lottery. He said
no and volunteered to show me what he was doing so we went below where
I found myself wading through wood shavings. Wood carving tools were
scattered round as were what looked like wooden masks with intricate
gold inlays; they looked sort of Japanese with black lacquer and gold.
He told me that he had carved one and sold it in New Orleans (something
to do with Mardi Gras and Voodoo etc.)and since then had so many orders
he couldnt fill them all and that he didnt even begin working on one
till he was paid several thousand dollars for it. I never saw him
again after that but I always think of him as what a successful cruiser
should be.

Why, in your opinion was this person a successful cruiser? What I see is a
person who discovered a talent for wood-carving and managed to turn this talent
into a money-making enterprise, apparently selling home-made fakes to gullible
purchasers. Do you have the same admiration for the hundreds of people who
operate home craft businesses? Would you be so admiring of this Jack if he had
done the same thing from a home on shore? Just how has he benefitted

Just my thoughts,

"If you can't take a joke,you shouldn't have joined"
  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I admit that some people who cruise can benefit others by their
example, this is part of the reason why I consider my friend Jack to be
a successful cruiser.
I also agree that most people do not have the luxury of considering if
their lives have been a "contribution". However, many people do
consider their kids to be a legacy (a contribution of sorts) and this
may be the best they can do. Believing that you can make a
"contribution" may be self indulgent but it seems to be a positive
form. I still think a person should try to make a positive impact
before they simply drop out.
Do you think the work you did before you retired was worthless? If so,
maybe you should consider repaying those who paid you. Didn't there
used to be a saying during WW2 (well before my time) "They also serve
who stand and wait".
Reasons why I consider my friend Jack to be successful.

1. He got himself out of his previous dependent lifestyle.
2. This in itself is an inspiration.
3. All the travel he did with limited resources shows the rest of us
what can be done (an inspiration).
4. His carvings were not fakes but were recognized as being made by
him. These were serious works of art that stopped me in my tracks in

I do admire home craft people just as I admire most small business

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