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Hi Larry,
I apologise for seeking yet again to pick your brain but.... I am having a Pactor III (USB) modem installed as soon as I get my mast back up again. The local technician who is goiung to do it and whom I purchased the modem from tells me that I need the best earth for data that I can get and that I should purchase a sintered bronze earth plate. Granted, but my retired US Navy radio whizz in Malaysia, Bob, spent a few hours getting our system tuned and earthed a few years ago and said then that it was a good earth. I don't mind shelling out US$200 if it will provide even a modest gain in reception or transmission. What is your angle on this? Given that I do buy it, where is the best place to install it, apart from permanently below the water line? Thanks in high anticipation. cheers Peter Hendra By the way, I am changing all my existing galvanised 1x19 standing rigging for stainless, mainly as the rust on the galv. looks terrible after 14 years aloft. I wanted the old fashioned poured sockets when I built this boat, couldn't get any so made a pattern and had them cast from bronze. - wire is unravelled and a small bent back hook made at the end of each one, re-ravelled and pulled down into the tapered cone of the body of the socket and then filled with molten Camelia metal - lead like. when I cut the sockets off, the wire was perfect and would have lasted another 14 years - rust was only external. fo\restay has always been stainless. The good thing is, that like stalock and Norseman, they are reuseable but there is not the problem of galled stainless upon stainless. The metal also can be reused. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 21:01:25 -0400, Peter Hendra
wrote: Hi Larry, I apologise for seeking yet again to pick your brain but.... I am having a Pactor III (USB) modem installed as soon as I get my mast back up again. The local technician who is goiung to do it and whom I purchased the modem from tells me that I need the best earth for data that I can get and that I should purchase a sintered bronze earth plate. Granted, but my retired US Navy radio whizz in Malaysia, Bob, spent a few hours getting our system tuned and earthed a few years ago and said then that it was a good earth. I don't mind shelling out US$200 if it will provide even a modest gain in reception or transmission. What is your angle on this? Given that I do buy it, where is the best place to install it, apart from permanently below the water line? I have a Pactor III on my boat and we did nothing special for grounding beyond what was already there for the SSB. If your existing SSB is working OK I would not worry about it. What *is* important is to use lots of ferrite RF chokes on all of the inputs and outputs to the Pactor and to the laptop computer. This will help to prevent stray RF energy from getting into the digital circuitry and causing problems. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 21:11:11 -0400, Wayne.B
wrote: My God Wayne, you're quick. I just posted this. Thank you very much for the advice. $200 is $200 and I can use it elsewhere. I shall install chokes as per your suggestion. I am really looking forward to email at sea. I have had it previously with an Iridium phone that my department head hired for me so that I could continue to manage my project whilst crossing the Atlantic. As they had paid for it, I did not feel comfortable in emailing friends on non-government business. cheers Peter I have a Pactor III on my boat and we did nothing special for grounding beyond what was already there for the SSB. If your existing SSB is working OK I would not worry about it. What *is* important is to use lots of ferrite RF chokes on all of the inputs and outputs to the Pactor and to the laptop computer. This will help to prevent stray RF energy from getting into the digital circuitry and causing problems. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
Peter Hendra wrote in
: I don't mind shelling out US$200 if it will provide even a modest gain in reception or transmission. What is your angle on this? Given that I do buy it, where is the best place to install it, apart from permanently below the water line? If you already have a good earth (ground to the Americans), adding another one probably will make no difference. I would like the ground (er, ah earth) cable that connects the HF tuner to the ocean to be installed with NO SHARP CORNERS in the most direct path available. Make SMOOTH, not necessarily neat, turns. NEVER make a sharp turn with coax cable, I don't care how neat it looks. Sharp turns in the earth bus act like little inductors in series between your tuner and your earth...not good...raises the impedance of the earth to the tuner. To show you how futile this is on a sailboat, let me describe the earth used at an AM broadcast station..... If we drive a 3 meter ground rod into the ground at the base of the AM tower, which is the AM stations actual antenna like your backstay probably is your HF installation, it will work. However, it will not work "good"....near as "good" as 36 sections of bridge cable arranged out horizontally, radially, from a big, heavy cable ring at the base of the tower to hook the transmitter's earth to. It's called a "counterpoise" and creates an artificial earth in even very poorly conducting soil. Now, you can, while you're at sea traveling ahead and not backing over it, create a pseudo copy of this earth with a single wire hooked straight to the tuner's ground post, thrown directly overboard to trail out in the ocean behind the boat...straight as you can get it. The longer the better, but a good length is from 15-35 meters long. DON'T forget to roll it up as you come into port so it fouls rudder or screw! This dirty little secret is a MUCH better earth for your HF radio than anything screwed under the hull. Even hookup wire will work, but a nice old piece of stainless winch cable with lots of open strands that won't rust makes a fantastic trailing-earth ground. Try it with and without....doing a retune on the tuner as it WILL change the feedpoint impedance of your HF antenna quite drastically, once connected. No big $$$ outlay is necessary....just an old piece of stainless cable, tied off to a sturdy handrail post or the base of the backstay below the bottom insulator is fine. Don't worry about it sinking. If it were 100' STRAIGHT DOWN, which it won't be unless you're becalmed, that would be BEST! It doesn't need a dragging anchor to attract the really big fish, either. If you like, you can just trail it out when making HF calls, then coil it back in to store it. Works great... Larry W4CSC -- Geez, a ham letting out his secret weapons...how awful...(c; |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
Larry wrote:
snip Now, you can, while you're at sea traveling ahead and not backing over it, create a pseudo copy of this earth with a single wire hooked straight to the tuner's ground post, thrown directly overboard to trail out in the ocean behind the boat...straight as you can get it. The longer the better, but a good length is from 15-35 meters long. DON'T forget to roll it up as you come into port so it fouls rudder or screw! This dirty little secret is a MUCH better earth for your HF radio than anything screwed under the hull. Even hookup wire will work, but a nice old piece of stainless winch cable with lots of open strands that won't rust makes a fantastic trailing-earth ground. Try it with and without....doing a retune on the tuner as it WILL change the feedpoint impedance of your HF antenna quite drastically, once connected. No big $$$ outlay is necessary....just an old piece of stainless cable, tied off to a sturdy handrail post or the base of the backstay below the bottom insulator is fine. Don't worry about it sinking. If it were 100' STRAIGHT DOWN, which it won't be unless you're becalmed, that would be BEST! It doesn't need a dragging anchor to attract the really big fish, either. If you like, you can just trail it out when making HF calls, then coil it back in to store it. Works great... Larry W4CSC Larry, I'll bet it does work great. I studied field theory in engineering school, but I wouldn't have thought of this without you mentioning it. Now if I can only remember this when I need it ;-) Also, it'd sure be great if lightning grounds were this simple... But unfortunately... Don W. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
Don W wrote in
. net: Larry wrote: snip Now, you can, while you're at sea traveling ahead and not backing over it, create a pseudo copy of this earth with a single wire hooked straight to the tuner's ground post, thrown directly overboard to trail out in the ocean behind the boat...straight as you can get it. The longer the better, but a good length is from 15-35 meters long. DON'T forget to roll it up as you come into port so it fouls rudder or screw! This dirty little secret is a MUCH better earth for your HF radio than anything screwed under the hull. Even hookup wire will work, but a nice old piece of stainless winch cable with lots of open strands that won't rust makes a fantastic trailing-earth ground. Try it with and without....doing a retune on the tuner as it WILL change the feedpoint impedance of your HF antenna quite drastically, once connected. No big $$$ outlay is necessary....just an old piece of stainless cable, tied off to a sturdy handrail post or the base of the backstay below the bottom insulator is fine. Don't worry about it sinking. If it were 100' STRAIGHT DOWN, which it won't be unless you're becalmed, that would be BEST! It doesn't need a dragging anchor to attract the really big fish, either. If you like, you can just trail it out when making HF calls, then coil it back in to store it. Works great... Larry W4CSC Larry, I'll bet it does work great. I studied field theory in engineering school, but I wouldn't have thought of this without you mentioning it. Now if I can only remember this when I need it ;-) Also, it'd sure be great if lightning grounds were this simple... But unfortunately... Don W. When you're at the dock or anchored out, drop a small anchor with the ground wire attached off the back of the boat overboard, but not touching bottom so it will follow you around as the boat swings around. My anchor is a beer can filled with sand. This holds the OTHER half of your massive dipole vertically in the perfect groundwater for great HF comms.... PLEASE put a tag on the engine controls to remind you the HF ground is overboard before starting the engine and blaming me for the fouled prop backing down...thanks. Larry -- |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
Don W wrote in news:vMwXh.19209
: Also, it'd sure be great if lightning grounds were this simple... But unfortunately... Actually, they ARE that simple. Trail two more ground cables, during the storms, attached to the port and starboard shrouds to trail off electrons to the sea, right where it's SO easy to attach them at the deck/chainplates. Don't be neat...use hefty stainless winch cable, stranded gets the best ground. Find something to stow them in at the base of the shrouds when not in lightning storms. Great grounds are easy in the ocean....that don't HAVE to be through a hole in that leaky hull! Just let the cable trail back on either side in the wake. It only matters that they are submerged, not skipping along the surface. On our ketch, at 6 knots, skipping along the surface would be a miracle...(c; Larry -- |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 00:14:18 +0000, Larry wrote:
Larry, A few questions from a dummy in this area. What diameter should I make the floating ground for the aerial (4mm ?) I did try trailing a chain and weight on the end of a cable from the base of the port shroud as alightning ground but the damn thing was bumping annoyingly against the hull. My back stay is split at the masthead - one is the aerial for SSB and the other is entire. Could I attach a cable to that and throwm it ovewr the stern? - or would two attached to the capshrouds give better protection? I unashamdely admit to being terrified of being struck again - not a personal fear but one of having to shell out all those dollars again to replace it all. I got sick of pulling all the plugs out from the instruments when lightning hove in the distance - in our path, so I put the 13 wires to the radar unit for example to a 15 pin plug that just pulls apart - other instruments likewise. N o more hiolding a colured Visio schematic and trying to figure colours in the dark. I should have shaved my arms before antifouling - I am still picking it off despite cleaning up and showering. cheers Peter Don W wrote in news:vMwXh.19209 : Also, it'd sure be great if lightning grounds were this simple... But unfortunately... Actually, they ARE that simple. Trail two more ground cables, during the storms, attached to the port and starboard shrouds to trail off electrons to the sea, right where it's SO easy to attach them at the deck/chainplates. Don't be neat...use hefty stainless winch cable, stranded gets the best ground. Find something to stow them in at the base of the shrouds when not in lightning storms. Great grounds are easy in the ocean....that don't HAVE to be through a hole in that leaky hull! Just let the cable trail back on either side in the wake. It only matters that they are submerged, not skipping along the surface. On our ketch, at 6 knots, skipping along the surface would be a miracle...(c; Larry |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 21:04:02 -0400, Peter Hendra
wrote: On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 00:14:18 +0000, Larry wrote: Oh, and what is an optimum length and diameter - covered in plastic or bare? - I know, only a project manager would want precision such as this. Thanks for all of this Larry. I shall follow your advice. By the way, I have been dutifully hoarding my softdrink/soda/pop plastic bottles. I even have a large hanging laundry bag to store them in after rinsing them. However, my favourite drinks here in Trinidad are Lemon, Lime and Bitters sold by the Angostura company in small glass bottles and cans of coconut and pineapple fizzy drink. Are you aware of any techiques whereby I can put out "message in a can" or "message in a small glass green bottle"? I have been drinking Coca Cola but no longer wish to support that icon of American Imperialism (openly at least). We called in to Assab a few years back, the large and empty Eritrean port that had been captured back from the invading Ethiopians. At the time, Eritrea was the second poorest nation and had just won a war of independence against colonising Ethiopia with no external aid despite both the US and Ruissians suppling their foes with weapons at different times. The town had nothing but a single main unpaved street, and apart from the port wharves and cranes was largely unchanged since the Italians colonised it after the Great War. There were a lot of little cafes making great, strong and flavoursome (eat your heart out Vic) espresso coffee with beautifully maintained polished brass and copper machines dating back to the 1920's. The only other non-alcoholic drink was good old Coca-Cola kept cool with ice. Expectedly, both tasted divine. I only ask about the cans as I recognise the spirit of a lateral thinking mind and you are wholely responsible for my collection fetish/mania. I almost ate a half eaten hamburger from a rubbish bin the other day - it looked delicious but some people I knew were looking. Still, as my Zoology professor said - "The good germs fight the bad germs and the good germs usually win". Waiting for it............... cheers Peter the dumpster man Larry, A few questions from a dummy in this area. What diameter should I make the floating ground for the aerial (4mm ?) I did try trailing a chain and weight on the end of a cable from the base of the port shroud as alightning ground but the damn thing was bumping annoyingly against the hull. My back stay is split at the masthead - one is the aerial for SSB and the other is entire. Could I attach a cable to that and throwm it ovewr the stern? - or would two attached to the capshrouds give better protection? I unashamdely admit to being terrified of being struck again - not a personal fear but one of having to shell out all those dollars again to replace it all. I got sick of pulling all the plugs out from the instruments when lightning hove in the distance - in our path, so I put the 13 wires to the radar unit for example to a 15 pin plug that just pulls apart - other instruments likewise. N o more hiolding a colured Visio schematic and trying to figure colours in the dark. I should have shaved my arms before antifouling - I am still picking it off despite cleaning up and showering. cheers Peter Don W wrote in news:vMwXh.19209 : Also, it'd sure be great if lightning grounds were this simple... But unfortunately... Actually, they ARE that simple. Trail two more ground cables, during the storms, attached to the port and starboard shrouds to trail off electrons to the sea, right where it's SO easy to attach them at the deck/chainplates. Don't be neat...use hefty stainless winch cable, stranded gets the best ground. Find something to stow them in at the base of the shrouds when not in lightning storms. Great grounds are easy in the ocean....that don't HAVE to be through a hole in that leaky hull! Just let the cable trail back on either side in the wake. It only matters that they are submerged, not skipping along the surface. On our ketch, at 6 knots, skipping along the surface would be a miracle...(c; Larry |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 21:41:17 -0400, Peter Hendra
wrote: There were a lot of little cafes making great, strong and flavoursome (eat your heart out Vic) espresso coffee with beautifully maintained polished brass and copper machines dating back to the 1920's. The only other non-alcoholic drink was good old Coca-Cola kept cool with ice. Expectedly, both tasted divine. I do miss the espressos I often had in coastal European towns when in the Navy years ago. I suspect this is due to my youth at the time and the ambience of the surroundings more than the coffee itself, or just an entirely faulty memory. In any case, good espresso is available nearby, but the experience would certainly not be Ethiopian. Your Coke reference brings to mind some other experience that may be useful to those in the tropics and not having ice available. My boiler room was normally @ 110-120 degrees F. when steaming in the daytime Caribbean. We boilermen often stood near powered vents to gain comfort from the cool 100 degree air forced in from the sunny outside decks. I always (after my first cruise, that is) brought some cans of Coke on cruises, kept in my boiler room locker, which would hold about 12 cans. They became quite valuable after a few weeks at sea, and I was offered as much as $5 for a can. My monthly salary was @ $90 then. Anyway, I never sold any, but did give away a few. Our method of cooling a can of soda in the boiler room was to wrap it in a wet rag and place it in a vent. The strength of the air blowing there was very strong. Maybe 30 knots. The rag was wetted as many times as necessary to cool the soda. Repeated wetting only whetted the appetite for the imminent treat. Can't say exactly how cold it got the soda, but I'd estimate 70 degrees or less. Damn cold relatively speaking. And in the case of cooling Coke in a Navy boiler room, I am a relativist. Whether this would work for tropical sailors I don't know. --Vic |
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