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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 227
Default Ping Larry - re Aaron Russo doco

Hi Larry,

Man am I getting an education! - and I thought that at nearly 60 I
knew everything.

Early this morning I watched the IRS documentary on Youtube right
through. Quite amazing but somehow not surprising. Ben Franklin did
predict that the democracy he helped found would eventually turn into
a tyranny. Possibly that is the fate of all governments.

Even in God's own it happens, albeit on a smaller scale. Once I was
developing a prosecution programme (note the correct, longer spelling
- I am only trying to be helpful) for the Wildlife Service. The system
was to prepare the prosecution summary and other court and legal
papers - tied to the actual offence, whether it be trout fishing
without a licence, in prohibited waters, poaching, littering etc.
Previously to this, many cases were dismissed as the wrong act or
regulation was on the court charge sheet.

My system would take the offence in plain English, look up the
appropriate legislation, check seasons and anything else and issue a
charge sheet and court papers. In encoding it I coloured coded the
streams on a large map according to whether fishing was permitted or
not being breeding streams etc., etc., obtaining my data from the
statutes. It turned out that the precise wording was inaccurate,
allowing one to fish in some streams and their tributaries during the
breeding season because the regs did not precisely deny their use.
When I pointed out that many prosecutions had been successfully
carried out when no offence had been committed, there was incredible
interest - "That can't be right"; but it was. They had to rewrite and
reissue the regs accordxing to the intent. No prior and thus illegal
prosecutions were dissallowed.

Public Servants in my experience seldom read the legal wording of the
regulations which they enforce. I once worked for a while in a
reasonably senior position in the N.Z. Government's Government
Computer Service to assist in changing it to a State Owned Enterprise
so that it could be sold to the private sector (It is now part of

When I resigned, I gave 3 months verbal notice. I had been told by
senior friends in other departments that it was in the regulations
that I must give written notice. In the couple of years of my Public
Service employ, these damned regs had been quoted at me so often when
I tried to change things that I sat down at night and read the book
cover to cover. (such as requiring an expense account/cheque book -
the lovely Treasury department lady granted it to me in less than 10
minutes even though it was a novelty and all had said that it was
prohibited by said regs)

Anyway, there was no such requirement covering resignation unless I
was an apprentice. The Head of Department who was a dyed in the wool
career public servant sought the advice of the Head Public Servant -
the Secretary of the State Services Commission who I often had lunch

Don's response was "Quote him the Act" and sent a copy with the
highlighted words "Three months notice may be given by either
party...." I got on rather well with Don but rather enjoyed sending
back a note explaining the legal difference between "may" and "shall"
- the latter only being mandatory. They were hamstrung. They couldn't
legally stop my salary payments (by another of their own regulations)
until I had been absent from work for several months. Unfortunately,
when the lowly payroll officer for our department explained to me that
it would only cause him a lot of extra work and problems, I wrote and
gave him a formal resignation letter upon his promise that he would
not reveal it to anyone before I left so that he could process my
final pay. I wasn't really trying to be a prick. I had effected many
changes and it was my last statement on rationalisation.

Public servants and governments add to legislation and regulations.
They seldom remove old irrelevant ones. After reading the regs, I
found that I was entitled to a shoe allowance as well as bicycle clips
in addition to saddle soap and galoshes, a daily newspaper and much

The above are trivial. Aaron Russo's documentary is plain scarey.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. "By the people, for the

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Ping Larry - re Aaron Russo doco

Peter Hendra wrote in

The above are trivial. Aaron Russo's documentary is plain scarey.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. "By the people, for the

As Russo points out, Americans live on the ILLUSION that their vote
actually counts. Obviously, as the video clearly shows, this is NOT the

Now, we Americans, and probably other countries so infected, actually
have no way of telling who we actually vote for. The Diebold Company is
so rampantly cheating on their electronic voting machines the Illuminati
can simply change the software and get whatever results the bankers-in-
control want.

Here's a story, based in NZ!...(c;

Here. Just watch "Hacking Democracy", all 9 parts on Youtube....

"Give me control of a nations money supply and I care NOT who makes its
laws." - Meyer Rothchild, Super Banker.
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