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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

We left Beaufort at about 10, the first time.

No, no problems. We just went down Taylor's Creek to see if we
could talk to the other Morgan 46 we'd seen on the way in, Fenix,
hailing port unremembered, as we were too busy trying to find
someplace which would both keep us hooked and not stick into the
channel, and didn't make note of it. However, they were gone -
whether to reanchor somewhere else, or onward in whatever journey
they were in, we don't know - so we didn't get to make their
acquaintance. So, we actually left about 10:15, in very cool
weather and moderate winds. More on that, later...

Before that, however, we wound up with another marina night
(OUCH!) while waiting for a part which never arrived. We're
hopeful that we'll be able to drive down and pick up what must
surely have arrived by the time we get to shore again, as the
marina's only an hour from our host's dock by car.

This proves the adage that a day in a sailboat is an hour on the
bus, for those meeting us in places we may not yet have reached.
It may be inconvenient, and a nuisance, to the crew/guests if
they have to do something other than their originally planned
public transport, but it beats our being put in harm's way.

Schedules are killers in sailboats, and aside from having reached
somewhere and considering that the accomplishment, rather than
the date-target, we're keeping ourselves off schedule, but
loosely adhering to an itinerary. That is, we know where we want
to go, and how to get there, but we're not making any promises as
to when that will occur.

Back to our enforced delay, we, of course, made the most of it. I
borrowed the marina car and went after another alternator belt,
as ours are disappearing quickly. Actually, we know several
cruisers who change their alternator belts when they change the
oil, so it's not such a big thing, other than that it's just
another cost of cruising. About a dime an hour, it works out :{))

We also made the acquaintance of several more people who fell in
love with our boat. One couple wound up spending a couple of
hours with us as we discussed kids and education and travel and
cruising, and, and, etc.. They've asked to be added to our log
lists, and as soon as we get back to internet connectivity, we'll
do that.

Another couple hung out with us after we got back from dinner.
This trip, so far, has been the exact opposite of our
expectations and goals for cruising. We'd expected to run the
engine next to never, extraordinarily infrequently use a marina,
and rarely eat out. All three of these have been blasted to
smithereens so far. However, once we get free of the ICW, and our
maintenance issues quiet down, we expect we'll be able to return
to our "normal" (what's "normal" when you've not done it yet??)

Anyway, we ate in this lovely little place which had a deck over
the water, and from the moment we walked in the door to the time
we paid our bill, there wasn't an element of our experience which
wasn't absolutely top notch. So, if you ever get to Beaufort, NC,
we can highly recommend Sprouter's, on the waterfront.

It was Saturday night, and there was a band playing - loudly! -
all night, but the air was very much cooler (we even applied hot
to the cold water in the showers), so our windscoop fed us lovely
cool air and we slept under the blanket.

So, off we went, on the 12th, and had an uneventful trip up the
ICW through the Adams Creek Canal. Once out on the Neuse River,
across from Oriental, NC, we saw lots of shrimp boats on their
way out to work. All of them had interesting names - presumably
kids' or husbands/wives' names - as they went by, and were in
various stages of rust.

Our systems continue to function well, though we found that
perhaps our batteries are on their last amps, or, maybe it's the
belt. This morning as I did my pre-start inventory, I noted that
the belt I'd tightened to the extremity the prior start was a bit
looser than I'd like, so made a note in the log to replace it
before we started again.

Oops. Burning rubber smells as we start out, and the tach
(tachometer, the thing which records engine speed) wasn't reading
properly. That meant that the belt was not grabbing well enough,
and we stopped, and threw out the hook (anchored) again, so I
could make the change. I've done this so many times now that it
was about a 10 minute job to remove the water pump belt (in the
way of the alternator belt), remove and replace the alternator
belt, replace the water pump belt and restart.

And, I figured out that with the shroud/cap of the windlass
removed (as would be needed to put the new part in, assuming we
actually get it), I could visually keep track of the chain as it
came off the gypsy. On the couple of times it hung up, I was able
to stop, lift the chain (the loose part is what would catch on
the way up), back it down for a tiny bit, and then continue. That
allowed me to not have to reach under the deck to feed the chain,
a great blessing, as currently my left wrist feels arthritic, for
whatever reason! Our anchorage was splendid. A couple of miles in
each direction of open water in about 9' deep, and no houses or
other boats, the breeze kept us cool and relatively free of the
skeeters which were otherwise thick on deck.

However, back to the heading of this post - last night was one of
the high days of the Perseid meteor showers this year. The two
prior nights would have been better, but this was also expected
to be a 1-2 per minute show. Peak time was in the hour and a
half-to two hours before dawn, so we ate our relatively late
dinner and went straight to bed, setting the alarm for 4. When we
went to bed, the sky was crystal clear, and promised to be a
great show.

Up we got in the pitch blackness. I made our coffee while Lydia
pried her eyes open and found our warm clothing. The cool
weather, combined with the early hour and long period of upcoming
inactivity on deck required us to have more on than we've worn
for many months. We turned out the anchor light and the red light
in the cockpit, and sat in our Sport-a-seats, looking nearly
straight up. These are upholstered and padded seats which have
ratcheting stops like those inexpensive plastic-tube-wrapped
lounges you buy where both ends can be adjusted by pulling them
all the way up, all the way down, and then stopping on the way up
at the desired position. In the Sport-a seat, there's only two
parts - a seat and a back. Scootching down in them allowed a
headrest, and aside from the surprising need for sweat pants and
shirts in order to sit out in the damp humidity and cool temps,
it was the very best time to be seeing these. We're hopeful we're
somewhere warm enough in mid-November when the Leonids arrive -
while Lydia's mom is still with us - so we can watch those, as

A very slight haze had developed, and increased as we watched,
slowly obscuring our view, but we were constantly entertained,
including by seeing the transit of many satellites, in mostly
north-south orientation, but one which was more east-west. One
was very large - perhaps it was the space station? (No, not
really, as it's a very far-out orbit and would not move as fast
as these did. Like our weather satellites, these took only a few
minutes from horizon to horizon. As I type this, the one
overhead, delivering the current picture, will have finished its
path in our view in less than 8 minutes.) As this was a new moon
phase, we got the very best of the light pollution conditions
other than being well offhsore. There was a little light haze on
the horizon, which diminished the view somewhat, but otherwise
the conditions were excellent

So, we watched until the false dawn extinguished the stars.
Before then, we were again reminded of our relative
insignificance in the universe, and of the majesty and awe of all
of it. It's truly (to us, anyway) impossible to grasp the
enormity of it, knowing that what we see is a tiny fraction of
the universe, and that our galaxy alone represents umpteen
million stars.

Thus fulfilled and awestruck we went back to bed. Arising at the
leisurely hour of 9:30, I pulled up the anchor after I'd started
the engine. As we started out of our lovely little bay, the smell
of burning rubber was coming from the blower vents, so we shut it
down again, threw out the hook, again, and made our changes.

We're not quite home on the electrical system - we're eating
belts, probably due to the quality of them. The belt I chased so
hard for a couple of days ago is too long to last as the belt is
tightened (not tight enough to stretch or accommodate wear for
more than one or two adjustments), so I'll have to take it back
when we do our part-running later today, but we've had this
particular line of belts recommended for heavy duty by one of our
suppliers we trust, so that's the type we'll get.

Our battery, while displaying very full charge levels not only
now, after only a short time running, but yesterday, after
leaving the marina with a very full charge state, showed a
voltage which suggested it was fairly discharged. As the size of
the battery we have would take an enormous amount of load to
discharge to that state, and we had an extremely small load, it's
likely that they are at the end of their life. I'll do some more
checking as we go along, hoping to find I'm mistaken, and there's
some other easy cure, but we're hopeful that New York is the same
in batteries as most other things - you can buy it there as
inexpensively as anywhere, or, even, the least cost - and not
only find a ready source but an inexpensive replacement for our
very unusual batteries.

It's warming up now, and the most recent satellite picture shows
absolutely nothing in the area we're heading for the next few
days. It should be a great trip. We're headed to the home of the
captain who got a different ride home when our steering died; he's
accompanying me to pick up our part which (we'll see when we
arrive, of course) we expect will have been delivered, finally,
to the marina.

So, I'll leave you here, and see you later!



Morgan 461 #2
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"You are never given a wish without also being given the power
to make it come true. You may have to work for it however."
"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in
its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."
(Richard Bach, in The Reluctant Messiah)

  #2   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: May 2007
Posts: 83
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

Skip Gundlach brought forth on stone tablets:

Back to our enforced delay, we, of course, made the most of it. I
borrowed the marina car and went after another alternator belt,
as ours are disappearing quickly. Actually, we know several
cruisers who change their alternator belts when they change the
oil, so it's not such a big thing, other than that it's just
another cost of cruising. About a dime an hour, it works out :{))

Skip, if you are going thru alternator belts this quickly, something is
not right. Check to see that the two pulleys are in the same plane -
that is, the belt does not have to make a jog to the left or right as it
goes from one pulley to the other.

A second cause of excessive belt wear is insufficient belt tension. If
the belt is too loose, it will slip and wear quickly.

Finally, if you are trying to transfer too much power thru the belt, it
will slip even when the tension is set high enough to damage the
bearings in the alternator or water pump.

The latter cause occurs frequently when a low power alternator is
replaced with a high power one. The rest of the engine is set up for a
single belt drive, but the new alternator really should have dual belts.
It may even have a dual belt pulley on it, but since the rest of the
engine does not, only a single belt will be used. Recipe for failure.

s/v Eolian
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 430
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

RW Salnick wrote:

Skip Gundlach brought forth on stone tablets:

Our systems continue to function well, though we found that
perhaps our batteries are on their last amps, or, maybe it's the

I don't know what kind of batteries these are - if they are common
lead acid batteries have you checked the level of fluid? Do they need
to be de-sulphanated?

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 35
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

Skip, the average medium or low cost deep cycle batteries do lose 10
to 20% of their capacity per year. Even if batteries are kept fully
charged with the poor conditions on your boat its no wonder they
appear to have lost more than 60% of their original capacity. A
battery bank that is fully charged will not cause belt damage you are
experiencing unless; The voltage regulator is set to high, Belt
contact at alternator pulley is less than 120 degrees, or there is a
short in one battery of house battery bank. I will repeat, loss of
battery capacity alone will not cause drive belt damage. Using a
separate voltmeter at battery bank set voltage regulator to a maximum
of 13.8 volts until this problem is corrected. The first clue that
something was wrong in your power grid was your charger's melt down.
An onboard fire or explosion may be next.

I watch your posts weekly I guess for the same reason I went to
Saturday afternoon movies as a kid, to see the short subject
cliffhanger, Will the villain get lose from track before train kills

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 859
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

On Aug 14, 5:57 am, Skip Gundlach wrote:
This morning as I did my pre-start inventory, I noted that
the belt I'd tightened to the extremity the prior start was a bit
looser than I'd like, so made a note in the log to replace it
before we started again.


Care for some unsolicited advise? Check the alternator bearings.
When you have the belt off rotate and wiggle the alternator shaft.
There shouldn't be any play in any direction. Also, make a mark on
the adjustment arm with a grease pencil when you tighten the belt so
you can see if you are getting a bit of slip. Finally, use the best
quality belts you can find. I use toothed superbelts and they last
for many hundreds of hours.

-- Tom.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 4,312
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 15:57:14 -0000, Skip Gundlach

August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

So, we watched until the false dawn extinguished the stars.
Before then, we were again reminded of our relative
insignificance in the universe, and of the majesty and awe of all
of it. It's truly (to us, anyway) impossible to grasp the
enormity of it, knowing that what we see is a tiny fraction of
the universe, and that our galaxy alone represents umpteen
million stars.

Yep, pretty daunting when it's difficult enough to figure out why the
alt belts are burning up.
Thanks for posting, Skip.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2007
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Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:44:45 -0000, "

Finally, use the best
quality belts you can find. I use toothed superbelts and they last
for many hundreds of hours.


Is that a Gates super belt or some other brand? I'm using Gates
toothed belts on my 120 amp alternators and am having no problems.
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 859
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

On Aug 14, 1:43 pm, Wayne.B wrote:
Is that a Gates super belt or some other brand? ...

I'm using Bosch "Raw Edge Cogged Super Belts", but have had good luck
with Gates HI-Power belts, too.

-- Tom.

  #9   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 35
Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

Advising Skip to install a stronger belt is like doubling the size of
a fuse when the correct one plows. The belt slipping is preventing a
battery fire or boat explosion right now please follow the reported
history, Battery charger meltdown, Alternator belt replaced several
times even after batteries show a full charge. Overloading a shorted
battery or overloading an alternator is bad advice I hope Skip reduces
the alternators output until this dangerous problem is corrected.
Installing a heavy duty Gates belt from NAPA to extend belt life is a
common practice but not a fix for a serious overload, remember the
alternator's output is not fused except by a slipping belt.

  #10   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default August 13 - Light shows and other cruising delights

Skip Gundlach wrote in

A very slight haze had developed, and increased as we watched,
slowly obscuring our view, but we were constantly entertained,
including by seeing the transit of many satellites, in mostly
north-south orientation, but one which was more east-west. One
was very large - perhaps it was the space station? (No, not
really, as it's a very far-out orbit and would not move as fast
as these did. Like our weather satellites, these took only a few
minutes from horizon to horizon. As I type this, the one
overhead, delivering the current picture, will have finished its
path in our view in less than 8 minutes.) As this was a new moon
phase, we got the very best of the light pollution conditions
other than being well offhsore. There was a little light haze on
the horizon, which diminished the view somewhat, but otherwise
the conditions were excellent

The N-S birds are LEOs, low-earth-orbits on the edge of the atmosphere.
These include constellations of satellites for GPS, GLASNOSS (Russian),
Marisat, Iridium, Sirius and the other radio company, etc. The sky is
filled with them at differing altitudes to prevent collisions. The big
bird was the ISS, which I get an automated message from NASA on in email
every time it will be across my view in Charleston at dusk or dawn. It's
HUGE and getting bigger by the year. You don't even need binoculars to
see its solar panel array! It takes about 9 minutes horizon to horizon
if it's passing through your Zenith, less in arcs.

Webpage based tracking is he

Lots of other trackers for the 2500 satellites and 8000 pieces of space
junk threatening our very lives is on:
You can see them all in 3-D on:
Each dot is in its proper perspective orbit. The big ring is the
stationary satellite cluster.....all tracked in realtime.

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