-   Cruising (
-   -   UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies? (

Albert P. Belle Isle December 18th 03 09:56 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears
sufficiently small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter
310, and light enough to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off
without using a jury-rigged harness.

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really


s/v Persephone

Bobsprit December 18th 03 10:27 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

I used a WB 8 for a few years, both with a Cape Dory Typhoon and a Pearson 30.
Good little dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity. I can't imagine
launching it from deck without cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most
Several people here have been talking about portaboats as a better alternative
to rigids and inflatables.
On my C&C 32 I now use a Quicksilver 300 airdeck.

Good luck,


Bobsprit December 18th 03 10:27 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

I used a WB 8 for a few years, both with a Cape Dory Typhoon and a Pearson 30.
Good little dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity. I can't imagine
launching it from deck without cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most
Several people here have been talking about portaboats as a better alternative
to rigids and inflatables.
On my C&C 32 I now use a Quicksilver 300 airdeck.

Good luck,


Larry W4CSC December 18th 03 10:36 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

Assuming you can't borrow one from your neighbor for a weekend, drop
by WalMart or some other big store and get a box that's 8 ft long, 4
ft wide by 3 ft high (about the same dimensions as the Walker Bay).
Strap the box down on your foredeck for a while to see if it's gonna
be in the way and what problems it will be. Haul the box on and off
of the dock over the rails and riggin' with enough junk in it to match
the weigh of the WB8.

I'm asking you to do this because a boater just gave me a Watertender
9.4' little tri-hulled dingy from E-dock at our marina, here. He's
been trying to give it away to another yacht for a year, but it's been
sitting gathering amazing biology docked in front of his sloop. I
offered to pump the water out of it one day and he said, "Do you want
it? It's YOURS!", and eventually signed over the title to me. He got
fed up doing what you're intending and bought himself a folding boat,
the kind you see fishermen use. It folds FLAT and mounts against his
handrail up in his bow using ZERO deck space. They hated the
Watertender but love the folding boat.....

I put the little boat on a little trailer with a 3hp Yamaha outboard
another yachtsman who sold his Hatteras gave me. Makes a great little
river boat for out in front of my home. Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Free boat/motors are fantastic performers...(c;

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 GMT, Albert P. Belle Isle

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears
sufficiently small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter
310, and light enough to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off
without using a jury-rigged harness.

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really


s/v Persephone

Larry W4CSC


Larry W4CSC December 18th 03 10:36 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

Assuming you can't borrow one from your neighbor for a weekend, drop
by WalMart or some other big store and get a box that's 8 ft long, 4
ft wide by 3 ft high (about the same dimensions as the Walker Bay).
Strap the box down on your foredeck for a while to see if it's gonna
be in the way and what problems it will be. Haul the box on and off
of the dock over the rails and riggin' with enough junk in it to match
the weigh of the WB8.

I'm asking you to do this because a boater just gave me a Watertender
9.4' little tri-hulled dingy from E-dock at our marina, here. He's
been trying to give it away to another yacht for a year, but it's been
sitting gathering amazing biology docked in front of his sloop. I
offered to pump the water out of it one day and he said, "Do you want
it? It's YOURS!", and eventually signed over the title to me. He got
fed up doing what you're intending and bought himself a folding boat,
the kind you see fishermen use. It folds FLAT and mounts against his
handrail up in his bow using ZERO deck space. They hated the
Watertender but love the folding boat.....

I put the little boat on a little trailer with a 3hp Yamaha outboard
another yachtsman who sold his Hatteras gave me. Makes a great little
river boat for out in front of my home. Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Free boat/motors are fantastic performers...(c;

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 GMT, Albert P. Belle Isle

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears
sufficiently small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter
310, and light enough to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off
without using a jury-rigged harness.

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really


s/v Persephone

Larry W4CSC


Bobsprit December 18th 03 11:28 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Well said.


Bobsprit December 18th 03 11:28 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Well said.


Albert P. Belle Isle December 18th 03 11:41 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 21:36:00 GMT, (Larry W4CSC) wrote:

Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

I can get one a lot of places cheaper than Waste Marine, Larry. Like
for $495 in one case, and $595 in several others - vs $748 list.

It's a lot cheaper than a $2k Dyer Midget in price. I just want to
know how much cheaper in quality it is.

The character of the cheapo plastic is specifically what I was after,
as the title of the posting indicated.

Assuming you can't borrow one from your neighbor for a weekend, drop
by WalMart or some other big store and get a box that's 8 ft long, 4
ft wide by 3 ft high (about the same dimensions as the Walker Bay).
Strap the box down on your foredeck for a while to see if it's gonna
be in the way and what problems it will be. Haul the box on and off
of the dock over the rails and riggin' with enough junk in it to match
the weigh of the WB8.

I've measured the fore-deck space (mostly fore-cabin-top, actually)
and have a 110% jib that will clear it and is on a Furlex that has not
required unfouling from the foredeck, anyway (thus-farg.

The side-decks will be well clear, and there will be some limited
space before it. Its height at the transom and most of the way to its
bow is more like 2 ft - not 3 - and the dink's bow will be on the
lowest portion of the H310's foreward-sloping cabin-top.

(It is, at least not shaped like your cardboard box. I just wonder if
it'll have the same durability. g)

One of the attractions of the Walker Bay 8 is an empty weight of 71lbs
vs 80 for a Midget. However, I think either will be tolerable for two
people with a simple 3-point line-harness to my spinnaker halyard.

I was interested to hear if anyone here had actual experience trying
to duplicate the Walker Bay marketeer's (posed) photo of the guy
apparently trying to life-test his life-lines by dragging one over
them onto his fore-deck.

I have no problem towing it, but not if I run into heavy weather. I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

That's also why I'm interested in a Niccolls Lite NN10 nestable, but
they don't seem to answer emails.

I'm asking you to do this because a boater just gave me a Watertender
9.4' little tri-hulled dingy from E-dock at our marina, here. He's
been trying to give it away to another yacht for a year, but it's been
sitting gathering amazing biology docked in front of his sloop. I
offered to pump the water out of it one day and he said, "Do you want
it? It's YOURS!", and eventually signed over the title to me. He got
fed up doing what you're intending and bought himself a folding boat,
the kind you see fishermen use. It folds FLAT and mounts against his
handrail up in his bow using ZERO deck space. They hated the
Watertender but love the folding boat.....

I put the little boat on a little trailer with a 3hp Yamaha outboard
another yachtsman who sold his Hatteras gave me. Makes a great little
river boat for out in front of my home. Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Free boat/motors are fantastic performers...(c;

Amen, brother.

I'm not sure what I'd do with something that large on my little 310,

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 GMT, Albert P. Belle Isle

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears
sufficiently small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter
310, and light enough to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off
without using a jury-rigged harness.

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really


s/v Persephone

Larry W4CSC


Albert P. Belle Isle December 18th 03 11:41 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 21:36:00 GMT, (Larry W4CSC) wrote:

Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

I can get one a lot of places cheaper than Waste Marine, Larry. Like
for $495 in one case, and $595 in several others - vs $748 list.

It's a lot cheaper than a $2k Dyer Midget in price. I just want to
know how much cheaper in quality it is.

The character of the cheapo plastic is specifically what I was after,
as the title of the posting indicated.

Assuming you can't borrow one from your neighbor for a weekend, drop
by WalMart or some other big store and get a box that's 8 ft long, 4
ft wide by 3 ft high (about the same dimensions as the Walker Bay).
Strap the box down on your foredeck for a while to see if it's gonna
be in the way and what problems it will be. Haul the box on and off
of the dock over the rails and riggin' with enough junk in it to match
the weigh of the WB8.

I've measured the fore-deck space (mostly fore-cabin-top, actually)
and have a 110% jib that will clear it and is on a Furlex that has not
required unfouling from the foredeck, anyway (thus-farg.

The side-decks will be well clear, and there will be some limited
space before it. Its height at the transom and most of the way to its
bow is more like 2 ft - not 3 - and the dink's bow will be on the
lowest portion of the H310's foreward-sloping cabin-top.

(It is, at least not shaped like your cardboard box. I just wonder if
it'll have the same durability. g)

One of the attractions of the Walker Bay 8 is an empty weight of 71lbs
vs 80 for a Midget. However, I think either will be tolerable for two
people with a simple 3-point line-harness to my spinnaker halyard.

I was interested to hear if anyone here had actual experience trying
to duplicate the Walker Bay marketeer's (posed) photo of the guy
apparently trying to life-test his life-lines by dragging one over
them onto his fore-deck.

I have no problem towing it, but not if I run into heavy weather. I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

That's also why I'm interested in a Niccolls Lite NN10 nestable, but
they don't seem to answer emails.

I'm asking you to do this because a boater just gave me a Watertender
9.4' little tri-hulled dingy from E-dock at our marina, here. He's
been trying to give it away to another yacht for a year, but it's been
sitting gathering amazing biology docked in front of his sloop. I
offered to pump the water out of it one day and he said, "Do you want
it? It's YOURS!", and eventually signed over the title to me. He got
fed up doing what you're intending and bought himself a folding boat,
the kind you see fishermen use. It folds FLAT and mounts against his
handrail up in his bow using ZERO deck space. They hated the
Watertender but love the folding boat.....

I put the little boat on a little trailer with a 3hp Yamaha outboard
another yachtsman who sold his Hatteras gave me. Makes a great little
river boat for out in front of my home. Great for exploring the
little creeks, too......but not if you gotta haul it over the rail and
store it on deck....

Free boat/motors are fantastic performers...(c;

Amen, brother.

I'm not sure what I'd do with something that large on my little 310,

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 GMT, Albert P. Belle Isle

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears
sufficiently small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter
310, and light enough to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off
without using a jury-rigged harness.

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really


s/v Persephone

Larry W4CSC


Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 12:01 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On 18 Dec 2003 21:27:25 GMT, (Bobsprit) wrote:

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

I used a WB 8 for a few years, both with a Cape Dory Typhoon and a Pearson 30.
Good little dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity. I can't imagine
launching it from deck without cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most
Several people here have been talking about portaboats as a better alternative
to rigids and inflatables.
On my C&C 32 I now use a Quicksilver 300 airdeck.

Good luck,


Thanks for the feedback.

I have Persephone at a slip, so the capacity required is mainly for
2-person anchorage-to-shore tourist excusions - not ferrying supplies.

Can you compare its stability with other hard dinks?

(Persephone has the typical Hunter split transom and swim platform, so
we aren't going to tax that too much, but it obviously isn't an Avon.)

I looked at a Portabote but have enough windage with the H310's high
freeboard, so I don't want to convert my forward life-lines on one
side into a 10-foot-long-by-two-foot-high bulwark. (Though in fairness
the coach roof does cover some of that cross-section, anyway.)

Unfortunately, neither my cabin top before the mast or the portion aft
of it can accommodate the 10-foot length.

A Niccolls Lite NN10 nestable is much more of interest, but they don't
seem to answer e-mails, so I wonder if they're still in business.

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 12:01 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On 18 Dec 2003 21:27:25 GMT, (Bobsprit) wrote:

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or -
especially - on how effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

I used a WB 8 for a few years, both with a Cape Dory Typhoon and a Pearson 30.
Good little dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity. I can't imagine
launching it from deck without cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most
Several people here have been talking about portaboats as a better alternative
to rigids and inflatables.
On my C&C 32 I now use a Quicksilver 300 airdeck.

Good luck,


Thanks for the feedback.

I have Persephone at a slip, so the capacity required is mainly for
2-person anchorage-to-shore tourist excusions - not ferrying supplies.

Can you compare its stability with other hard dinks?

(Persephone has the typical Hunter split transom and swim platform, so
we aren't going to tax that too much, but it obviously isn't an Avon.)

I looked at a Portabote but have enough windage with the H310's high
freeboard, so I don't want to convert my forward life-lines on one
side into a 10-foot-long-by-two-foot-high bulwark. (Though in fairness
the coach roof does cover some of that cross-section, anyway.)

Unfortunately, neither my cabin top before the mast or the portion aft
of it can accommodate the 10-foot length.

A Niccolls Lite NN10 nestable is much more of interest, but they don't
seem to answer e-mails, so I wonder if they're still in business.

Dan Best December 19th 03 01:16 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:
... I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

Have you checked out the Porta- Botes? We love ours. Rows easily and
planes w/ a 3.5 hp outboard.
Dan Best - (707) 431-1662, Healdsburg, CA 95448
B-2/75 1977-1979
Tayana 37 #192, "Tricia Jean"

Dan Best December 19th 03 01:16 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:
... I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

Have you checked out the Porta- Botes? We love ours. Rows easily and
planes w/ a 3.5 hp outboard.
Dan Best - (707) 431-1662, Healdsburg, CA 95448
B-2/75 1977-1979
Tayana 37 #192, "Tricia Jean"

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 01:52 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:42:53 GMT, wrote:

Porta-bote 8 footer is 50 pounds! When set up, it is the same general size as a
Walker bay. When folded, it gives you a whole new set of possibilities for where
and how to store it.


I had missed the 8-foot version, as most people seem to have a
10-footer. Maybe I'd better take another look at the Porta-Bote.

I understand that it rows pretty well, and an 8 footer would fit on
top of the forward part of the coach roof, but only be 4 _inches_ in
height, rather than 2 feet.

I don't think your "windage " objection has much weight when compared to your
other criteria, and the fact that your cabin is essentially the same height as
the folded boat, anyway. The walker bay, when on deck will have considerably
more windage, because it will be sitting on top of other parts (part of it will
be on TOP of the forward cabin trunk) of the boat, whereas the folded portaboat
will be set down low.


Yeah. On reflection I guess that the differential windage would
probably not be enough to be felt in most conditions - especially if
there's an 8 foot version that I could roof-mount with actually _less_
windage than a WB8. (And less weight to launch.)

I did see one posting from someone who had a 10-foot Porta-Bote which
sounded like it shed little bits of itself and otherwise looked pretty
bedraggled after a few years.

Can anyone comment on quality of construction? I know that a 0.25"
sheet of the basic material is extremely tough stuff. My question is
more "form, fit and finish."

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 01:52 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:42:53 GMT, wrote:

Porta-bote 8 footer is 50 pounds! When set up, it is the same general size as a
Walker bay. When folded, it gives you a whole new set of possibilities for where
and how to store it.


I had missed the 8-foot version, as most people seem to have a
10-footer. Maybe I'd better take another look at the Porta-Bote.

I understand that it rows pretty well, and an 8 footer would fit on
top of the forward part of the coach roof, but only be 4 _inches_ in
height, rather than 2 feet.

I don't think your "windage " objection has much weight when compared to your
other criteria, and the fact that your cabin is essentially the same height as
the folded boat, anyway. The walker bay, when on deck will have considerably
more windage, because it will be sitting on top of other parts (part of it will
be on TOP of the forward cabin trunk) of the boat, whereas the folded portaboat
will be set down low.


Yeah. On reflection I guess that the differential windage would
probably not be enough to be felt in most conditions - especially if
there's an 8 foot version that I could roof-mount with actually _less_
windage than a WB8. (And less weight to launch.)

I did see one posting from someone who had a 10-foot Porta-Bote which
sounded like it shed little bits of itself and otherwise looked pretty
bedraggled after a few years.

Can anyone comment on quality of construction? I know that a 0.25"
sheet of the basic material is extremely tough stuff. My question is
more "form, fit and finish."

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 01:56 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 00:16:27 GMT, Dan Best wrote:

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:
... I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

Have you checked out the Porta- Botes? We love ours. Rows easily and
planes w/ a 3.5 hp outboard.

Thanks for the pics, Dan.

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?


Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 01:56 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 00:16:27 GMT, Dan Best wrote:

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:
... I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

Have you checked out the Porta- Botes? We love ours. Rows easily and
planes w/ a 3.5 hp outboard.

Thanks for the pics, Dan.

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?


Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 02:24 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears sufficiently
small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter 310, and light enough
to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off without using a jury-rigged

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or - especially - on how
effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really nifty.


s/v Persephone

I've had a WB 8 for probably 5 years or so, and it's sat upside-down on Far
Cove's foredeck the entire time. I haven't noticed any UV degradation.

To launch, I just pick it up and throw it in the water. I HAVE retrieved it by
just yarding on the painter, but it puts quite a but of strain on the lifelines,
so I usually rig up a rope "harness" (either end of the transom and the bow,
connected at the center of the boat) and winch it up with the main halyard.

I love the little boat, it's been dragged over rocks, it carries 3 "in a pinch",
runs beautifully with a small electric trolling motor, rows well...I haven't set
up the sail rig because I suspect the daggerboard is too far aft to allow it to
sail well.

Only downside (apart from the daggerboard location) is that it IS a tad on the
small side. Great for one, OK for 2, 3 adults is "marginal". I'd like the 10,
or maybe build a 9ft "blunt-ended" scow instead.

For the money, I'd say you can't go wrong. Remember, you could buy a new WB8
every 5 years for 15 years before you spend what you would on an inflatable...

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 02:24 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:56:47 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

I'm really attracted to the Walker Bay 8 as a dink that appears sufficiently
small to fit inverted on the foredeck of my little Hunter 310, and light enough
to possibly be able to man-handle on-and-off without using a jury-rigged

However, I note that it's made of injection-molded polypropylene.

Can anyone comment on the ease-of-launch/stowage issue, or - especially - on how
effective their "UV stabilization" really is?

Also - is Niccolls Lite still in business? Their NN10 looks really nifty.


s/v Persephone

I've had a WB 8 for probably 5 years or so, and it's sat upside-down on Far
Cove's foredeck the entire time. I haven't noticed any UV degradation.

To launch, I just pick it up and throw it in the water. I HAVE retrieved it by
just yarding on the painter, but it puts quite a but of strain on the lifelines,
so I usually rig up a rope "harness" (either end of the transom and the bow,
connected at the center of the boat) and winch it up with the main halyard.

I love the little boat, it's been dragged over rocks, it carries 3 "in a pinch",
runs beautifully with a small electric trolling motor, rows well...I haven't set
up the sail rig because I suspect the daggerboard is too far aft to allow it to
sail well.

Only downside (apart from the daggerboard location) is that it IS a tad on the
small side. Great for one, OK for 2, 3 adults is "marginal". I'd like the 10,
or maybe build a 9ft "blunt-ended" scow instead.

For the money, I'd say you can't go wrong. Remember, you could buy a new WB8
every 5 years for 15 years before you spend what you would on an inflatable...

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Daniel E. Best December 19th 03 06:42 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?

Hi Al,
No, Mine's a 12' model. Spacious for 2 or 3 people, comfortable for 4
and we can squeeze 5 into it.
As a lot of people have heard me say before when this topic comes up,
I'm a convert. We have had a 10' Avon for years (and still have it, but
haven't used it since we bought the Porta-Bote 2+ years ago). I'll be
happy to wax eloquent on the details as to why we like it so much, but
the short answer is that as a tender, it is MUCH better than our Avon in
all ways except one. The inflatable is easier to board from the bow at
a crowded dinghy dock.

We have also not had a chance to confirm that it works well as a skin
diving platform (which the Avon is great at). We should get a chance to
do this on a Channel Islands trip we are trying to put together for next
summer (the water here in N. Calif. is too cold for me to enjoy spending
a lot of time in the water

You asked about fit and finish. No problems with ours, but a few people
have had some minor issues. The factory, however, stands behind the
product and resolves any problems. has a listserver dedicated
to the Porta-Bote. Check it out the archives for a real look at what
the owners talk about. Rarely are any problems mentioned. One
important issue to me is the ruggedness, We never worry about rubbing
against rocks or running it up on the beach.

They also come up on Ebay now and then. In fact, that's where we bought

Dan Best - (707) 431-1662, Healdsburg, CA 95448
B-2/75 1977-1979
Tayana 37 #192, "Tricia Jean"

Daniel E. Best December 19th 03 06:42 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?

Hi Al,
No, Mine's a 12' model. Spacious for 2 or 3 people, comfortable for 4
and we can squeeze 5 into it.
As a lot of people have heard me say before when this topic comes up,
I'm a convert. We have had a 10' Avon for years (and still have it, but
haven't used it since we bought the Porta-Bote 2+ years ago). I'll be
happy to wax eloquent on the details as to why we like it so much, but
the short answer is that as a tender, it is MUCH better than our Avon in
all ways except one. The inflatable is easier to board from the bow at
a crowded dinghy dock.

We have also not had a chance to confirm that it works well as a skin
diving platform (which the Avon is great at). We should get a chance to
do this on a Channel Islands trip we are trying to put together for next
summer (the water here in N. Calif. is too cold for me to enjoy spending
a lot of time in the water

You asked about fit and finish. No problems with ours, but a few people
have had some minor issues. The factory, however, stands behind the
product and resolves any problems. has a listserver dedicated
to the Porta-Bote. Check it out the archives for a real look at what
the owners talk about. Rarely are any problems mentioned. One
important issue to me is the ruggedness, We never worry about rubbing
against rocks or running it up on the beach.

They also come up on Ebay now and then. In fact, that's where we bought

Dan Best - (707) 431-1662, Healdsburg, CA 95448
B-2/75 1977-1979
Tayana 37 #192, "Tricia Jean"

Larry W4CSC December 19th 03 03:10 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
I also found out something I find rather funny, here in South

DNR quietly changed the rules of late to INCLUDE all sailboats, even
ones that have no engine, in the titling/licensing/personal property
taxing scam on us. The only sailboats not titled and taxed are
"windsurfers" in the new regs.

So, if you buy the sailing rig for the Walker Bay 8, here in
Charleston, you have to register it with DNR so the county tax
bureaucrats can tax it, even though it has no motor.

How stupid can they get....(c; You can still ROW the WB8 without a
license here. Your state may not be as stupid as ours.....

Larry W4CSC


Larry W4CSC December 19th 03 03:10 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
I also found out something I find rather funny, here in South

DNR quietly changed the rules of late to INCLUDE all sailboats, even
ones that have no engine, in the titling/licensing/personal property
taxing scam on us. The only sailboats not titled and taxed are
"windsurfers" in the new regs.

So, if you buy the sailing rig for the Walker Bay 8, here in
Charleston, you have to register it with DNR so the county tax
bureaucrats can tax it, even though it has no motor.

How stupid can they get....(c; You can still ROW the WB8 without a
license here. Your state may not be as stupid as ours.....

Larry W4CSC


Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 04:14 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 05:42:03 GMT, "Daniel E. Best"

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?

Hi Al,
No, Mine's a 12' model. Spacious for 2 or 3 people, comfortable for 4
and we can squeeze 5 into it.
As a lot of people have heard me say before when this topic comes up,
I'm a convert. We have had a 10' Avon for years (and still have it, but
haven't used it since we bought the Porta-Bote 2+ years ago). I'll be
happy to wax eloquent on the details as to why we like it so much, but
the short answer is that as a tender, it is MUCH better than our Avon in
all ways except one. The inflatable is easier to board from the bow at
a crowded dinghy dock.

We have also not had a chance to confirm that it works well as a skin
diving platform (which the Avon is great at). We should get a chance to
do this on a Channel Islands trip we are trying to put together for next
summer (the water here in N. Calif. is too cold for me to enjoy spending
a lot of time in the water

You asked about fit and finish. No problems with ours, but a few people
have had some minor issues. The factory, however, stands behind the
product and resolves any problems. has a listserver dedicated
to the Porta-Bote. Check it out the archives for a real look at what
the owners talk about. Rarely are any problems mentioned. One
important issue to me is the ruggedness, We never worry about rubbing
against rocks or running it up on the beach.

They also come up on Ebay now and then. In fact, that's where we bought

Thanks for all the info, Dan.

It's made me very interested in a PortaBote, but I have one other
thing to consider.

The Admiral feels that she'd be more comfortable with a hard dink vs
something that has "assembly required," in case our collection of fire
extinguishers proved inadequate to an onboard fire.

That's also a consideration in the towing vs foredeck-stowing
decision, since galley, engine, fuel tank and LPG tank are all aft of
the mast - but any lashings of an inverted dink would have to be
quick-releasable from a forward hatch opening under the dink.

(Would mitigate against lashing a folded Porta-Bote on top of said
hatch, also. I'd probably have to try to follow your example from your
pics of the cabin-top lashing, or accept the create-a-bulwark mode.)

We'll have to think it all over yet again, I guess.

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 04:14 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 05:42:03 GMT, "Daniel E. Best"

Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

Do you have a 10 footer? I had (prematurely) decided against a
Porta-Bote due to the (mis-)impression that 10 ft was the shortest.

I've since been informed that there's an 8-footer, which may be _just_
what I need. Is yours an 8-footer?

Hi Al,
No, Mine's a 12' model. Spacious for 2 or 3 people, comfortable for 4
and we can squeeze 5 into it.
As a lot of people have heard me say before when this topic comes up,
I'm a convert. We have had a 10' Avon for years (and still have it, but
haven't used it since we bought the Porta-Bote 2+ years ago). I'll be
happy to wax eloquent on the details as to why we like it so much, but
the short answer is that as a tender, it is MUCH better than our Avon in
all ways except one. The inflatable is easier to board from the bow at
a crowded dinghy dock.

We have also not had a chance to confirm that it works well as a skin
diving platform (which the Avon is great at). We should get a chance to
do this on a Channel Islands trip we are trying to put together for next
summer (the water here in N. Calif. is too cold for me to enjoy spending
a lot of time in the water

You asked about fit and finish. No problems with ours, but a few people
have had some minor issues. The factory, however, stands behind the
product and resolves any problems. has a listserver dedicated
to the Porta-Bote. Check it out the archives for a real look at what
the owners talk about. Rarely are any problems mentioned. One
important issue to me is the ruggedness, We never worry about rubbing
against rocks or running it up on the beach.

They also come up on Ebay now and then. In fact, that's where we bought

Thanks for all the info, Dan.

It's made me very interested in a PortaBote, but I have one other
thing to consider.

The Admiral feels that she'd be more comfortable with a hard dink vs
something that has "assembly required," in case our collection of fire
extinguishers proved inadequate to an onboard fire.

That's also a consideration in the towing vs foredeck-stowing
decision, since galley, engine, fuel tank and LPG tank are all aft of
the mast - but any lashings of an inverted dink would have to be
quick-releasable from a forward hatch opening under the dink.

(Would mitigate against lashing a folded Porta-Bote on top of said
hatch, also. I'd probably have to try to follow your example from your
pics of the cabin-top lashing, or accept the create-a-bulwark mode.)

We'll have to think it all over yet again, I guess.

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 05:31 PM

THANKS UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Many thanks, to

Larry (W4CSC)
Dan Best
Lloyd Sumpter

for taking the time to help with my dink (in)decision.

Fair winds,
s/v Persephone

Albert P. Belle Isle December 19th 03 05:31 PM

THANKS UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
Many thanks, to

Larry (W4CSC)
Dan Best
Lloyd Sumpter

for taking the time to help with my dink (in)decision.

Fair winds,
s/v Persephone

Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 06:05 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:41:48 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 21:36:00 GMT, (Larry W4CSC) wrote:

Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

I can get one a lot of places cheaper than Waste Marine, Larry. Like
for $495 in one case, and $595 in several others - vs $748 list.

Wow - that's expensive! I got mine for $500 CDN at Steveston Marine
(had to assemble it myself - took all of 1/2 hr).

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 06:05 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:41:48 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 21:36:00 GMT, (Larry W4CSC) wrote:

Before you give West Marine some outrageous amount of money for this
cutesy milk bottle boat, how about do a little simulator testing on
the Hunter to see how it's gonna work out?

I can get one a lot of places cheaper than Waste Marine, Larry. Like
for $495 in one case, and $595 in several others - vs $748 list.

Wow - that's expensive! I got mine for $500 CDN at Steveston Marine
(had to assemble it myself - took all of 1/2 hr).

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 06:14 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:41:48 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

One of the attractions of the Walker Bay 8 is an empty weight of 71lbs
vs 80 for a Midget. However, I think either will be tolerable for two
people with a simple 3-point line-harness to my spinnaker halyard.

I was interested to hear if anyone here had actual experience trying
to duplicate the Walker Bay marketeer's (posed) photo of the guy
apparently trying to life-test his life-lines by dragging one over
them onto his fore-deck.

Yup. I've even pulled it up over the stern rail by myself while underway.
As you implied, it's a bit of a strain on the lifelines, and since my
stancions are not in the best of shape, I prefer to use the main halyard
to get it onboard.

I have no problem towing it, but not if I run into heavy weather. I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

It tows very well - no problems at all. It's so light it just skims over
the water.

If you're interested in a REALLY light hard dinghy, plywood prams such as
Bateau's D4 are easy to build, look good (depending on your building
skills!), easy to row or sail, take a small (electric?) motor, and since
the bow is flat, they have a lot of bouyancy for their length, especially
at the bow so it's easier to get in/out at the stern of the "mothership".
And they weigh less than 60 lb!

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Lloyd Sumpter December 19th 03 06:14 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:41:48 +0000, Albert P. Belle Isle wrote:

One of the attractions of the Walker Bay 8 is an empty weight of 71lbs
vs 80 for a Midget. However, I think either will be tolerable for two
people with a simple 3-point line-harness to my spinnaker halyard.

I was interested to hear if anyone here had actual experience trying
to duplicate the Walker Bay marketeer's (posed) photo of the guy
apparently trying to life-test his life-lines by dragging one over
them onto his fore-deck.

Yup. I've even pulled it up over the stern rail by myself while underway.
As you implied, it's a bit of a strain on the lifelines, and since my
stancions are not in the best of shape, I prefer to use the main halyard
to get it onboard.

I have no problem towing it, but not if I run into heavy weather. I
have litle use for anything that plays sea-anchor, or can't be easily
rowed. Hence, my lack of interest in de-flatables. But, I'm only
interested in a hard-dink if I have a place to put it - if I want to.

It tows very well - no problems at all. It's so light it just skims over
the water.

If you're interested in a REALLY light hard dinghy, plywood prams such as
Bateau's D4 are easy to build, look good (depending on your building
skills!), easy to row or sail, take a small (electric?) motor, and since
the bow is flat, they have a lot of bouyancy for their length, especially
at the bow so it's easier to get in/out at the stern of the "mothership".
And they weigh less than 60 lb!

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Steve Christensen December 19th 03 08:32 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
In article , Albert P. Belle Isle

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:42:53 GMT, wrote:

Porta-bote 8 footer is 50 pounds! When set up, it is the same general size as a
Walker bay. When folded, it gives you a whole new set of possibilities for where
and how to store it.


I had missed the 8-foot version, as most people seem to have a
10-footer. Maybe I'd better take another look at the Porta-Bote.

I understand that it rows pretty well, and an 8 footer would fit on
top of the forward part of the coach roof, but only be 4 _inches_ in
height, rather than 2 feet.

We have two of the 8' Porta-Botes: one of the original double enders, and one
of the newer models with the square transoms. We bought the 8' new model as a
dink for our Ericson 38, in part because we wanted a dink that would take an
outboard (which the old 8 footer wouldn't really do) and because the 9 1/2 foot
folded length fit perfectly along our cabin house inside the shrouds.

BUT, I now regret getting the 8' model, as it's just too small, even for a
couple. We usually have my wife sit on the floor of the boat on extended trips
to better balance the boat. Unless you really can't store the extra length I
would strongly suggest getting the 10 foot version.

Not that the 8 footer doesn't work fine. We've used ours quite extensively with
our Honda 2 hp outboard, taking trips as long as 18 nm (round trip) from our

Steve Christensen

Steve Christensen December 19th 03 08:32 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
In article , Albert P. Belle Isle

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 23:42:53 GMT, wrote:

Porta-bote 8 footer is 50 pounds! When set up, it is the same general size as a
Walker bay. When folded, it gives you a whole new set of possibilities for where
and how to store it.


I had missed the 8-foot version, as most people seem to have a
10-footer. Maybe I'd better take another look at the Porta-Bote.

I understand that it rows pretty well, and an 8 footer would fit on
top of the forward part of the coach roof, but only be 4 _inches_ in
height, rather than 2 feet.

We have two of the 8' Porta-Botes: one of the original double enders, and one
of the newer models with the square transoms. We bought the 8' new model as a
dink for our Ericson 38, in part because we wanted a dink that would take an
outboard (which the old 8 footer wouldn't really do) and because the 9 1/2 foot
folded length fit perfectly along our cabin house inside the shrouds.

BUT, I now regret getting the 8' model, as it's just too small, even for a
couple. We usually have my wife sit on the floor of the boat on extended trips
to better balance the boat. Unless you really can't store the extra length I
would strongly suggest getting the 10 foot version.

Not that the 8 footer doesn't work fine. We've used ours quite extensively with
our Honda 2 hp outboard, taking trips as long as 18 nm (round trip) from our

Steve Christensen

Don White December 21st 03 12:08 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
A couple of years ago I saw theWalker Bay 8 advertized for $ 598.00 at
Crappy Tire.
Now they want $ 998.00. The price sure went up quick, which seems odd since
our dollar has improved against the 'merican
greenback for the last year.

Lloyd Sumpter wrote in message
Wow - that's expensive! I got mine for $500 CDN at Steveston Marine
(had to assemble it myself - took all of 1/2 hr).

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

Don White December 21st 03 12:08 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
A couple of years ago I saw theWalker Bay 8 advertized for $ 598.00 at
Crappy Tire.
Now they want $ 998.00. The price sure went up quick, which seems odd since
our dollar has improved against the 'merican
greenback for the last year.

Lloyd Sumpter wrote in message
Wow - that's expensive! I got mine for $500 CDN at Steveston Marine
(had to assemble it myself - took all of 1/2 hr).

Lloyd Sumpter
"Near Cove" Walker Bay 8

[email protected] December 22nd 03 01:56 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On 18 Dec 2003, (Bobsprit) wrote:

I used a WB 8 for a few years, . . . . Good little
dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity.
I can't imagine launching it from deck without
cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most

Though we're still looking for an inflatable that really
(easily/reliably) deflates/inflates to enable in-lazaratte storage,
one solution to the launching-from-deck Thing was suggested some time
ago in one of those "I wish I had thought of that!" tips in one of the
sailing or cruising magazines -- namely, a simply-made and easily
collapsable "derek" arrangement:

Three 1"-diameeter dowels capped with poly-piping at the end acting as
collars which, when slotted together, make pole which can be attached
at one end to the mast, held up near the other end with a spare
halyard, and with pulleys at the over-the-water end (and, again, which
when done can be removed and stowed conveniently).

[email protected] December 22nd 03 01:56 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On 18 Dec 2003, (Bobsprit) wrote:

I used a WB 8 for a few years, . . . . Good little
dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity.
I can't imagine launching it from deck without
cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most

Though we're still looking for an inflatable that really
(easily/reliably) deflates/inflates to enable in-lazaratte storage,
one solution to the launching-from-deck Thing was suggested some time
ago in one of those "I wish I had thought of that!" tips in one of the
sailing or cruising magazines -- namely, a simply-made and easily
collapsable "derek" arrangement:

Three 1"-diameeter dowels capped with poly-piping at the end acting as
collars which, when slotted together, make pole which can be attached
at one end to the mast, held up near the other end with a spare
halyard, and with pulleys at the over-the-water end (and, again, which
when done can be removed and stowed conveniently).

anon December 22nd 03 05:05 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 00:56:52 GMT, wrote:

I assume that you are using this dinghy with a sailboat? If so use the
spinnicker pole as a derrick. connect the pole to the mast; connect
the pole lift and rig a two, three, whatever, part tackle between the
pole and then dink. You probably should also rig for and aft lines to
the end of the pole to control swing while you're hauling the dinghy.

to bruce/at/inet/co/th for teply)

On 18 Dec 2003,
(Bobsprit) wrote:

I used a WB 8 for a few years, . . . . Good little
dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity.
I can't imagine launching it from deck without
cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most

Though we're still looking for an inflatable that really
(easily/reliably) deflates/inflates to enable in-lazaratte storage,
one solution to the launching-from-deck Thing was suggested some time
ago in one of those "I wish I had thought of that!" tips in one of the
sailing or cruising magazines -- namely, a simply-made and easily
collapsable "derek" arrangement:

Three 1"-diameeter dowels capped with poly-piping at the end acting as
collars which, when slotted together, make pole which can be attached
at one end to the mast, held up near the other end with a spare
halyard, and with pulleys at the over-the-water end (and, again, which
when done can be removed and stowed conveniently).


(reply to k4556[at]inet[dot]co[dot]th)

anon December 22nd 03 05:05 AM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 00:56:52 GMT, wrote:

I assume that you are using this dinghy with a sailboat? If so use the
spinnicker pole as a derrick. connect the pole to the mast; connect
the pole lift and rig a two, three, whatever, part tackle between the
pole and then dink. You probably should also rig for and aft lines to
the end of the pole to control swing while you're hauling the dinghy.

to bruce/at/inet/co/th for teply)

On 18 Dec 2003,
(Bobsprit) wrote:

I used a WB 8 for a few years, . . . . Good little
dink that tows very well, but has limited capacity.
I can't imagine launching it from deck without
cursing someone out and I'm stronger than most

Though we're still looking for an inflatable that really
(easily/reliably) deflates/inflates to enable in-lazaratte storage,
one solution to the launching-from-deck Thing was suggested some time
ago in one of those "I wish I had thought of that!" tips in one of the
sailing or cruising magazines -- namely, a simply-made and easily
collapsable "derek" arrangement:

Three 1"-diameeter dowels capped with poly-piping at the end acting as
collars which, when slotted together, make pole which can be attached
at one end to the mast, held up near the other end with a spare
halyard, and with pulleys at the over-the-water end (and, again, which
when done can be removed and stowed conveniently).


(reply to k4556[at]inet[dot]co[dot]th)

[email protected] December 22nd 03 08:05 PM

UV degradation of Walker Bay dinghies?
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, anon wrote:


I assume that you are using this dinghy with a sailboat?


If so use the spinnicker pole as a derrick. connect the
pole to the mast; connect the pole lift and rig a two,
three, whatever, part tackle between the pole and then
dink. You probably should also rig for and aft lines to
the end of the pole to control swing while you're hauling
the dinghy. Cheers . . .

Of course, I agree with this . . . if one has a spinnaker or like
pole. As it happens (actually: it didn't just "happen" and instead
for us was a matter of choice), we don't, having opted instead for a
near functional equivalent to a spinnaker or gennaker but with (for
us) more ease-of-handling yet don't-give-up-performance features
(i.e., Doyle's self-furling "utility power sail" a/k/a "UPS")). My
earlier suggestion, quoted in part below, thus is correspondingly
meant to (and does) perform exactly the functions in pretty much the
same manner as use of a spinnaker pole you summarize above yet also
with more collapsable/stow-able ease.*

Three 1"-diameter dowels capped with poly-piping
at the end acting as collars which, when slotted
together, make pole which can be attached
at one end to the mast, held up near the other
end with a spare halyard, and with pulleys at the
over-the-water end (and, again, [acts as a "derrick"
and] which when done can be removed and stowed

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