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I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm
a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. We bought he boat on ebay as a liveaboard project boat. We're going to put a schooner rig on her and re-do the interior of the boat along with the systems. As we're planning to make all the systems simple, it won't cost as much. Our goal with Boudicca is to live on and circumnavigate in a large boat on a small budget. I started a blog to follow our progress, (http:// schoonerboudicca.blogspot.com), though within the next week or two, I'll be building a whole website, including blog, at http://www.SchoonerBoudicca.com. I look forward to being part of the list... Regina |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
![]() "Roger Long" wrote in message ... Welcome. "New Member" isn't quite the concept though. Think of this place as like a waterfront bar. Anyone can walk in and, sometimes, we wish they couldn't. Unlike a bar, unfortunately, there is no one to throw the wacko's and drunks out. That's what your killfile is for. BTW the link to your web site doesn't go anywhere. -- Roger Long Even the Capt Neals & Wilbers of the world need a place to polute...otherwise they'd be out on the waterways or highways endangering responsible people. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
SchoonerBoudicca wrote in
oups.com: I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. Welcome aboard, Regina! When in here, it's best to wear your foul weather gear to repel the stuff thrown at you, but it's a pretty interesting place to park. Best of luck with your project boat.... Larry -- Long ago, I wrote a little "Liveaboard Simulator" for people thinking about living aboard to try out before they buy the $100,000 mistake. I haven't posted it in a while, so I'll donate it to you. Feel free to put it on your blog, everyone else has. I'm amazed at how many places across the planet I keep stumbling onto it...(c; Here ya go: "The Liveaboard Simulator" Just for fun, park your cars in the lot of the convenience store at least 2 blocks from your house. (Make believe the sidewalk is a floating dock between your car and the house. Move yourself and your family (If applicable) into 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Measure the DECK space INSIDE your boat. Make sure the occupied house has no more space, or closet space, or drawer space. Boats don't have room for "beds", as such. Fold your Sealy Posturepedic up against a wall, it won't fit on a boat. Go to a hobby fabric store and buy a foam pad 5' 10" long and 4' wide AND NO MORE THAN 3" THICK. Cut it into a triangle so the little end is only 12" wide. This simulates the foam pad in the V-berth up in the pointy bow of the sailboat. Bring in the kitchen table from the kitchen you're not allowed to use. Put the pad UNDER the table, on the floor, so you can simulate the 3' of headroom over the pad. Block off both long sides of the pad, and the pointy end so you have to climb aboard the V-berth from the wide end where your pillows will be. The hull blocks off the sides of a V-berth and you have to climb up over the end of it through a narrow opening (hatch to main cabin) on a boat. You'll climb over your mate's head to go to the potty in the night. No fun for either party. Test her mettle and resolve by getting up this way right after you go to bed at night. There are lots of things to do on a boat and you'll forget at least one of them, thinking about it laying in bed, like "Did I remember to tie off the dingy better?" or "Is that spring line (at the dock) or anchor line (anchored out) as tight as it should be?" Boaters who don't worry about things like this laying in bed are soon aground or on fire or the laughing stock of an anchorage.... You need to find out how much climbing over her she will tolerate BEFORE you're stuck with a big boat and big marina bills and she refuses to sleep aboard it any more..... Bring a coleman stove into the bathroom and set it next to the bathroom sink. Your boat's sink is smaller, but we'll let you use the bathroom sink, anyways. Do all your cooking in the bathroom, WITHOUT using the bathroom power vent. If you have a boat vent, it'll be a useless 12v one that doesn't draw near the air your bathroom power vent draws to take away cooking odors. Leave the hall door open to simulate the open hatch. Take all the screens off your 2 bedroom's windows. Leave the windows open to let in the bugs that will invade your boat at dusk, and the flies attracted to the cooking. Borrow a 25 gallon drum mounted on a trailer. Flush your toilets into the drums. Trailer the drums to the convenience store to dump them when they get full. Turn off your sewer, you won't have one. This will simulate going to the "pump out station" every time the tiny drum is full. 25 gallons is actually LARGER than most holding tanks. They're more like 15 gallons on small sailboats under 40' because they were added to the boat after the law changed requiring them and there was no place to put it or a bigger one. They fill up really fast if you liveaboard! Unless your boat is large enough to have a big "head" with full bath, make believe your showers/bathtubs don't work. Make a deal with someone next door to the convenience store to use THEIR bathroom for bathing at the OTHER end of the DOCK. (Marina rest room) If you use this rest room to potty, while you're there, make believe it has no paper towels or toilet paper. Bring your own. Bring your own soap and anything else you'd like to use there, too. If your boat HAS a shower in its little head, we'll let you use the shower end of the bathtub, but only as much tub as the boat has FREE shower space for standing to shower. As the boat's shower drains into a little pan in the bilge, be sure to leave the soapy shower water in the bottom of the tub for a few days before draining it. Boat shower sumps always smell like spent soap growing exotic living organisms science hasn't actually discovered or named, yet. Make sure your simulated V-berth is less than 3' from this soapy water for sleeping. The shower sump is under the passageway to the V-berth next to your pillows. Run you whole house through a 20 amp breaker to simulate available dock power at the marina. If you're thinking of anchoring out, turn off the main breaker and "make do" with a boat battery and flashlights. Don't forget you have to heat your house on this 20A supply and try to keep the water from freezing in winter. Turn off the water main valve in front of your house. Run a hose from your neighbor's lawn spigot over to your lawn spigot and get all your water from there. Try to keep the hose from freezing all winter. As your boat won't have a laundry, disconnect yours. Go to a boat supply place, like West Marine, and buy you a dock cart. Haul ALL your supplies, laundry, garbage, etc. between the car at the convenience store and house in this cart. Once a week, haul your outboard motor to the car, leave it a day then haul it back to the house, in the cart, to simulate "boat problems" that require "boat parts" to be removed/replaced on your "dock". If ANYTHING ever comes out of that cart between the convenience store and the house, put it in your garage and forget about it. (Simulates losing it over the side of the dock, where it sank in 23' of water and was dragged off by the current.) Each morning, about 5AM, have someone you don't know run a weedeater back and forth under your bedroom windows to simulate the fishermen leaving the marina to go fishing. Have him slam trunk lids, doors, blow car horns and bang some heavy pans together from 4AM to 5AM before lighting off the weedeater. (Simulates loading boats with booze and fishing gear and gas cans.) Once a week, have him bang the running weedeater into your bedroom wall to simulate the idiot who drove his boat into the one you're sleeping in because he was half asleep leaving the dock. Put a rope over a big hook in the ceiling over your "bed". Put a sheet of plywood under your pad with a place to hook a rope to one side or the other. Hook one end of the rope to the plywood hook and the other end out where he can pull on it. As soon as he shuts off the weedeater, have him pull hard 9 times on the rope to tilt your bed at least 30 degrees. (Simulates the wakes of the fishermen blasting off trying to beat each other to the fishing.) Anytime there is a storm in your area, have someone constantly pull on the rope. It's rough riding storms in the marina or anchored out! If your boat is a sailboat, install a big wire from the top of the tallest tree to your electrical ground in the house to simulate mast lightning strikes in the marina, or to give you the thought of potential lightning strikes. Each time you "go out", or think of going boating away from your marina, disconnect the neighbor's water hose, your electric wires, all the umbilicals your new boat will use to make life more bearable in the marina. Use bottled drinking water for 2 days for everything. Get one of those 5 gallon jugs with the airpump on top from a bottled water company. This is your boat's "at sea" water system simulator. You'll learn to conserve water this way. Of course, not having the marina's AC power supply, you'll be lighting and all from a car battery, your only source of power. If you own or can borrow a generator, feel free to leave it running to provide AC power up to the limit of the generator. If you're thinking about a 30' sailboat, you won't have room for a generator so don't use it. Any extra family members must be sleeping on the settees in the main cabin or in the quarter berth under the cockpit....unless you intend to get a boat over 40-something feet with an aft cabin. Smaller boats have quarter berths. Cut a pad out of the same pad material that is no more than 2' wide by 6' long. Get a cardboard box from an appliance store that a SMALL refridgerator came in. Put the pad in the box, cut to fit, and make sure only one end of the box is open. The box can be no more than 2 feet above the pad. Quarter berths are really tight. Make them sleep in there, with little or no air circulation. That's what sleeping in a quarterberth is all about. Of course, to simulate sleeping anchored out for the weekend, no heat or air conditioning will be used and all windows will be open without screens so the bugs can get in. In the mornings, everybody gets up and goes out on the patio to enjoy the sunrise. Then, one person at a time goes back inside to dress, shave, clean themselves in the tiny cabin unless you're a family of nudists who don't mind looking at each other in the buff. You can't get dressed in the stinky little head with the door closed on a sailboat. Hell, there's barely room to bend over so you can sit on the commode. So, everyone will dress in the main cabin....one at a time. Boat tables are 2' x 4' and mounted next to the settee. There's no room for chairs in a boat. So, eat off a 2X4' space on that kitchen table you slept under while sitting on a couch (settee simulator). You can also go out with breakfast and sit on the patio (cockpit), if you like. Ok, breakfast is over. Crank up the lawnmower under the window for 2 hours. It's time to recharge the batteries from last night's usage and to freeze the coldplate in the boat's icebox which runs off a compressor on the engine. Get everybody to clean up your little hovel. Don't forget to make the beds from ONE END ONLY. You can't get to the other 3 sides of a boat bed pad. All hands go outside and washdown the first fiberglass UPS truck that passes by. That's about how big the deck is on your 35' sailboat that needs to have the ocean cleaned off it daily or it'll turn the white fiberglass all brown like the UPS truck. Now, doesn't the UPS truck look nice like your main deck? Ok, we're going to need some food, do the laundry, buy some boat parts that failed because the manufacturer's bean counters got cheap and used plastics and the wife wants to "eat out, I'm fed up with cooking on the Coleman stove" today. Let's make believe we're not at home, but in some exotic port like Ft Lauderdale, today....on our cruise to Key West......Before "going ashore", plan on buying all the food you'll want to eat that will: A - Fit into the Coleman Cooler on the floor B - You can cook on the Coleman stove without an oven or all those fancy kitchen tools you don't have on the boat C - And will last you for 10 days, in case the wind drops and it takes more time than we planned at sea. Plan meals carefully in a boat. We can't buy more than we can STORE, either! You haven't washed clothes since you left home and everything is dirty. Even if it's not, pretend it is for the boater-away-from-home simulator. Put all the clothes in your simulated boat in a huge dufflebag so we can take it to the LAUNDRY! Manny's Marina HAS a laundromat, but the hot water heater is busted (for the last 8 months) and Manny has "parts on order" for it.....saving Manny $$$$ on the electric bill! Don't forget to carry the big dufflebag with us on our "excursion". God that bag stinks, doesn't it?....PU! Of course, we came here by BOAT, so we don't have a car. Some nice marinas have a shuttle bus, but they're not a taxi. The shuttle bus will only go to West Marine or the tourist traps, so we'll be either taking the city bus, if there is one or taxi cabs or shopping at the marina store which has almost nothing to buy at enormous prices. Walk to the 7-11 store, where you have your car stored, but ignore the car. Make believe it isn't there. No one drove it to Ft Lauderdale for you. Use the payphone at the 7-11 and call a cab. Don't give the cab driver ANY instructions because in Ft Lauderdale you haven't the foggiest idea where West Marine is located or how to get there, unlike at home. We'll go to West Marine, first, because if we don't the "head" back on the boat won't be working for a week because little Suzy broke a valve in it trying to flush some paper towels. This is your MOST important project, today....that valve in the toilet!! After the cab drivers drives around for an hour looking for West Marine and asking his dispatcher how to get there. Don't forget to UNLOAD your stuff from the cab, including the dirty clothes in the dufflebag then go into West Marine and give the clerk a $100 bill, simulating the cost of toilet parts. Lexus parts are cheaper than toilet parts at West Marine. See for yourself! The valve she broke, the seals that will have to be replaced on the way into the valve will come to $100 easy. Tell the clerk you're using my liveaboard simulator and to take his girlfriend out to dinner on your $100 greenback. If you DO buy the boat, this'll come in handy when you DO need boat parts because he'll remember you for the great time his girlfriend gave him on your $100 tip. Hard-to-find boat parts will arrive in DAYS, not months like the rest of us. It's just a good political move while in simulation mode. Call another cab from West Marine's phone, saving 50c on payphone charges. Load the cab with all your stuff, toilet parts, DIRTY CLOTHES then tell the cabbie to take you to the laundromat so we can wash the stinky clothes in the trunk. The luxury marina's laundry in Ft Lauderdale has a broken hot water heater. They're working on it, the girl at the store counter, said, yesterday. Mentioning the $12/ft you paid to park the boat at their dock won't get the laundry working before we leave for Key West. Do your laundry in the laundromat the cabbie found for you. Just because noone speaks English in this neighborhood, don't worry. You'll be fine this time of day near noon. Call another cab to take us out of here to a supermarket. When you get there, resist the temptation to "load up" because your boat has limited storage and very limited refridgeration space (remember? Coleman Cooler). Buy from the list we made early this morning. Another package of cookies is OK. Leave one of the kids guarding the pile of clean laundry just inside the supermarket's front door....We learned our lesson and DIDN'T forget and leave it in the cab, again! Call another cab to take us back to the marina, loaded up with clean clothes and food and all-important boat parts. Isn't Ft Lauderdale beautiful from a cab? It's too late to go exploring, today. Maybe tomorrow.... Don't forget to tell the cab to go to the 7-11 (marina parking lot)....not your front door....cabs don't float well. Ok, haul all the stuff in the dock cart from the 7-11 store the two blocks to the "boat" bedroom. Wait 20 minutes before starting out for the house. This simulates waiting for someone to bring back a marina-owned dock cart from down the docks.....They always leave them outside their boats, until the marina "crew" get fed up with newbies like us asking why there aren't any carts and go down the docks to retrieve them. Put all the stuff away, food and clothes, in the tiny drawer space provided. Have a beer on the patio (cockpit) and watch the sunset. THIS is living! Now, disassemble the toilet in your bathroom, take out the wax ring under it and put it back. Reassemble the toilet. This completes the simulation of putting the new valve in the "head" on the boat. Uh, uh, NO POWERVENT! GET YOUR HAND OFF THAT SWITCH! The whole "boat" smells like the inside of the holding tank for hours after fixing the toilet in a real boat, too! Spray some Lysol if you got it.... After getting up, tomorrow morning, from your "V-Berth", take the whole family out to breakfast by WALKING to the nearest restaurant, then take a cab to any local park or attraction you like. We're off today to see the sights of Ft Lauderdale.....before heading out to sea, again, to Key West. Take a cab back home after dinner out and go to bed, exhausted, on your little foam pad under the table..... Get up this morning and disconnect all hoses, electrical wires, etc. Get ready for "sea". Crank up the lawn mower under the open bedroom window for 4 hours while we motor out to find some wind. ONE responsible adult MUST be sitting on the hot patio all day, in shifts, "on watch" looking out for other boats, ships, etc. If you have a riding lawn mower, let the person "on watch" drive it around the yard all day to simulate driving the boat down the ICW in heavy traffic. About 2PM, turn off the engine and just have them sit on the mower "steering" it on the patio. We're under sail, now. Every hour or so, take everyone out in the yard with a big rope and have a tug-of-war to simulate the work involved with setting sail, changing sail, trimming sail. Make sure everyone gets all sweaty in the heat. Sailors working on sailboats are always all sweaty or we're not going anywhere fast! Do this all day, today, all night, tonight, all day, tomorrow, all night tomorrow night and all day the following day until 5PM when you "arrive" at the next port you're going to. Make sure noone in the family leaves the confines of the little bedroom or the patio during our "trip". Make sure everyone conserves water, battery power, etc., things you'll want to conserve while being at sea on a trip somewhere. Everyone can go up to the 7-11 for an icecream as soon as we get the "boat" docked on day 3, the first time anyone has left the confines of the bedroom/patio in 3 days. Question - Was anyone suicidal during our simulated voyage? Keep an eye out for anyone with a problem being cooped up with other family members. If anyone is attacked, any major fights break out, any threats to throw the captain to the fish.....forget all about boats and buy a motorhome, instead. |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
"Roger Long" wrote in news:46e93773$0$32479
: -- Roger Long By the way, Regina, we don't have many famous people in our little waterfront bar, but Roger Long is one of them. If you watched the Discovery Channel's Titanic excursions and research our Roger Long is THAT Roger Long and we're quite proud to be in his midst.... He's also for hire if you need a marine architect! Larry -- Search youtube for "Depleted Uranium" The ultimate dirty bomb...... |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Sep 13, 10:33 am, SchoonerBoudicca
wrote: I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. We bought he boat on ebay as a liveaboard project boat. We're going to put a schooner rig on her and re-do the interior of the boat along with the systems. As we're planning to make all the systems simple, it won't cost as much. Our goal with Boudicca is to live on and circumnavigate in a large boat on a small budget. I started a blog to follow our progress, (http:// schoonerboudicca.blogspot.com), though within the next week or two, I'll be building a whole website, including blog, athttp://www.SchoonerBoudicca.com. I look forward to being part of the list... Regina Thought it might be a misspelling and thinking back some 60+ years to how it was spelt when a schoolboy tried 'schoonerboudicea................. ". But that didn't work either! What gives! This a troll??????????????????? Or as some might say 'A wind up'? |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Sep 13, 8:58 am, terry wrote:
On Sep 13, 10:33 am, SchoonerBoudicca wrote: I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. We bought he boat on ebay as a liveaboard project boat. We're going to put a schooner rig on her and re-do the interior of the boat along with the systems. As we're planning to make all the systems simple, it won't cost as much. Our goal with Boudicca is to live on and circumnavigate in a large boat on a small budget. I started a blog to follow our progress, (http:// schoonerboudicca.blogspot.com), though within the next week or two, I'll be building a whole website, including blog, athttp://www.SchoonerBoudicca.com. I look forward to being part of the list... Regina Thought it might be a misspelling and thinking back some 60+ years to how it was spelt when a schoolboy tried 'schoonerboudicea................. ". But that didn't work either! What gives! This a troll??????????????????? Probably WillBurrr at work again.................... Maybe this new character/member is suited beter for his personal needs. O, what was that movie recently..??? Stardust, Starsomthing. It was a fantasy/sci-fi about a kid who fell in love with a "hot" star that fell to earth and some bad witches. ANyway, the cut throat Captain was a closet cross dressing gay type prancing around singing show tunes in his cabin. I wonder it thats not the same for Willburrr and our "new member" family personality? Maybe Willburr is just calling out to us. Wanting to be a nice mom with cookies baking in the disel fired stove. Bob |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
"SchoonerBoudicca" wrote in message
oups.com... I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. We bought he boat on ebay as a liveaboard project boat. We're going to put a schooner rig on her and re-do the interior of the boat along with the systems. As we're planning to make all the systems simple, it won't cost as much. Our goal with Boudicca is to live on and circumnavigate in a large boat on a small budget. I started a blog to follow our progress, (http:// schoonerboudicca.blogspot.com), though within the next week or two, I'll be building a whole website, including blog, at http://www.SchoonerBoudicca.com. I look forward to being part of the list... Regina Welcome... watchout for trolls... :-) Sounds like an interesting plan. I didn't look at the site, but just wondering why you guys decided to do this... do you have previous boating experience? What was your motivation? I think you might be wrong about "won't cost much," because it depends on how you define "simple." -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Sep 13, 5:33 am, SchoonerBoudicca
wrote: I just joined the group and thought I'd say hi. My name's Regina. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two girls, (6 and 8). My family and I live aboard our 66' Bruce Roberts HM 56 full time. We bought he boat on ebay as a liveaboard project boat. We're going to put a schooner rig on her and re-do the interior of the boat along with the systems. As we're planning to make all the systems simple, it won't cost as much. Our goal with Boudicca is to live on and circumnavigate in a large boat on a small budget. I started a blog to follow our progress, (http:// schoonerboudicca.blogspot.com), though within the next week or two, I'll be building a whole website, including blog, athttp://www.SchoonerBoudicca.com. I look forward to being part of the list... Regina Welcome. Nice to see another unschooler in the sailing with kids universe. Frank |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
She's banging three guys, has two kids, wants another one ...
Doesn't send the kids to school ... huum... Maybe just maybe because if little XXX goes to school and tells Miss CRabtree that mommy is doing three guys, and they live on a big old piece of **** that barely floats .. The department of social services might come a calling. This woman sounds like a nutcase. I feel bad for the kids. ================== "Roger Long" wrote in message ... wrote Her blog is pretty eccentric, to put it mildly. Oh yes. It says that she is "polyamorous", i.e., she and her husband are in a committed relationship with two other men. (Down, boys, down!) That's going to be one busy schooner. -- Roger Long |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
"Roger Long" wrote in news:46e95bc4$0$26348
: Thanks for the plug Larry. BTW, it was the History Channel. -- Roger Long oops....sorry. Larry -- Search youtube for "Depleted Uranium" The ultimate dirty bomb...... |
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