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"Red" wrote in message
... On Oct 29, 11:03 pm, "Capt. JG" wrote: "Red" wrote in message news ![]() J Ganz: You mean like the continuing drought in the South East and the wild fires in California? Santa Anna and El Nino are the 2 prevalent phenomenons that control that kind of weather on the left coast. Its been happening that way since long before us eruopeans set foot here. And the FBI says the fires, or at least some of the significant ones, were set by arsonists. Doesn't anyone remember anything about the "Great Dustbowl" of the 1930's? Just in case you haven't been educated, there wasn't any refrigerant being released into the air in great quantities then. Yet that drought lasted for years, not months. Its a natural thing, get it? Red Whatever you say. Get it? -- "j" ganz Tom: Clearly you are not selling a book, movie, or trying to get a grant on global warming. I know. I usually try to steer away from these religious discussions but sometimes it gets so frustrating how people can be led like sheep to the slaughter - to believe anything some religious (yes, politics is practiced today just like a religion, so why not just call it what it is?) nutcase lke Bishop Al Gore tells them. And the masses just nod their pious heads and continue bleeting the same nonsense as if its true. Red I guess you never heard about the wild variations that are part and parcel of the global warming situation. Do you really think it's as simple as 'this year and all following years it's going to be hotter'? -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
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"Dave" wrote in message
... On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 21:36:00 -0500, Red said: Doesn't anyone remember anything about the "Great Dustbowl" of the 1930's? Just in case you haven't been educated, there wasn't any refrigerant being released into the air in great quantities then. Yet that drought lasted for years, not months. Its a natural thing, get it? Trying to persuade an enviro of that is like trying to persuade a Roman Catholic that Papal infallibility is a myth. In both cases it's a religious thing. Don't worry about it... play with your fiddle as Rome burns. -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
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"Dave" wrote in message
... On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:09:56 -0700, "Capt. JG" said: I guess you never heard about the wild variations that are part and parcel of the global warming situation. Do you really think it's as simple as 'this year and all following years it's going to be hotter'? IIRC, until Martin Luther insisted the Bible should be translated into German, the standard party line was that it was much too complex to be understood by non-clergy. I think the party line was right! -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
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In article ,
Dave wrote: On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:09:56 -0700, "Capt. JG" said: I guess you never heard about the wild variations that are part and parcel of the global warming situation. Do you really think it's as simple as 'this year and all following years it's going to be hotter'? IIRC, until Martin Luther insisted the Bible should be translated into German, the standard party line was that it was much too complex to be understood by non-clergy. most of whom couldn't read anyway! -- Molesworth |
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I said some stuff, and Jon calmly replied:
This is just your rant and certainly your opinion, but you sure make it sound like fact. It isn't. Therein lies the problem... how specifically do you *know* it isn't fact? Maybe you haven't been exposed to other information because like politicians the press pretty much only carries the doom and gloom message. Have you done any of your own research into what other scientists are saying? You replied further: Look how you refer to him.. Bishop Al. This makes your whole argument sound foolish. This was my original point. I am referring to him that way to illustrate how people believe so deeply and have so much invested in believing the politics of their particular party that it has turned into the practice of religion. And religions like the two political parties in this country represent have their sanctimonius leaders and gods who are worshipped similar to any religion. And those who are the true believers are completely and totally unwilling to see or hear anything else that may be even slightly different than what their particular politico/religious leaders are spouting. To even suggest something different brings cries of HERETIC! Unbeliever! Stone him! I have no problem if you don't believe humans are causing GW. It's your right to believe or not. I choose to believe that it's better to be safe than sorry, and the way to be safe doesn't hurt the economy if done properly. Thank you for recognizing my right to believe differently than you. And as I've said, I also believe that we as a nation and as individuals should be doing things to help keep our water and air clean. What I do not beleive is that some unsubstantiated "science" should be used by politicians as a vehicle to usurp our rights or cost us our livelyhood - especially since those same politicians are not doing it for altruistic reasons, but are doing it to gain more control over us and steal our hard earned money. And that is what is behind AG's bull****. By the way, have you ever seen the government do something "properly" that hasn't cost you in the long run? If they could, I'd be happy to let them as long as they don't step on my rights. Fact is when you entice business to do something about a problem and let them to make a profit doing it, they usually come up with a far better solution than the government ever could. There are always going to be people hurt by new ways of doing things. That's life. -- "j" ganz @@ And that is always wrong when done on purpose, as is in this case. This is all about politics, not about science. And if enough people stopped accepting what their politicians say just because they say it, and start thinking for themselves and evaluating all the available information on any subject, we would be far far better off as a nation and as a people and we would be able to force politicians to do what is good for the country, not just what is good for their reelection... Of course the downside to that would be that we might all start getting along better as we would begin again to be able to start having respect for each other and each other's opinions - since those would BE each other's opinions, not the opinions of their politicians simply repeated. ![]() I'm done. Red |
posted to rec.boats.cruising
On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:09:56 -0700, "Capt. JG" said:
I guess you never heard about the wild variations that are part and parcel of the global warming situation. Do you really think it's as simple as 'this year and all following years it's going to be hotter'? Dave: IIRC, until Martin Luther insisted the Bible should be translated into German, the standard party line was that it was much too complex to be understood by non-clergy. Jonathan, I know you'll probably dismiss this, but what I've been saying isn't a personal attack. It is an attack on the new American habit of just believing whatever some idiot says just because he holds some place in society. Bishop Al says global warming is our fault. Reputable scientists - the ones who don't operate on grants so don't have something to gain from the discussion, say the science we have today is inconclusive. They say it is inconclusive because we do not yet have the science to be able to properly interpret the research. Bishop Al, on the other hand, is making millions on this debate all the while telling us we should be riding bicycles to work as he's flying all over creation in his private jet burning more fossil fuel in a day than most of us will burn in a lifetime. Is there Global Warming? If there is, is it our fault? Hell, I don't know! And what's more its a fact that you don't know either - you can't possibly know if the science isn't up to the task of interpreting the research. But that doesn't stop some politician from trying to gain even more control over our lives and tax us to death just because he can in the name of junk science. Just look closely at the politics *as well as* the real lowdown on stem cell research to see how much your politicians lie to you all the time. Back in 1974 I had the distinct priviledge of working for NOAA on a research project (G.A.T.E.) looking at the world's weather systems. The scientists aboard were among the tops in their fields. At that time several told me that we were heading into a global freeze - another ice age, all due to pollution. All of these guys were operating on grants. Just a short while ago there was a news announcement from several prominant vulcanologists that the earth's atmosphere was finally coming off the several year *cooling period* due to the last of the sulfer dioxide from the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo leaving the atmosphere. So who're ya gonna believe? Bishop Al who doesn't even know what he wrote in his book, or leading vulcanologists? Am I against stopping pollution? Hell NO! I definately want to see the end of the polluting of our air and water. But not because I believe assholes like Bishop Al and his legion of anti freedom crusaders, but because I'd like to live in a clean world and leave it clean for our decendants. What I'd really like, and this aint never gonna happen, is for people to begin to think for themselves instead of just taking the word of scumbag leeches like Bishop Al and then repeating his verbal vomit over and over as if its true. Look at all the *actual* data - on any subject, and then think for yourself. Of course the danger in doing this is that your politicians certainly won't look so good anymore... See if your politician isn't a liar - ha! Rant off. Red |
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"Red" wrote in message
... On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:09:56 -0700, "Capt. JG" said: I guess you never heard about the wild variations that are part and parcel of the global warming situation. Do you really think it's as simple as 'this year and all following years it's going to be hotter'? Dave: IIRC, until Martin Luther insisted the Bible should be translated into German, the standard party line was that it was much too complex to be understood by non-clergy. Jonathan, I know you'll probably dismiss this, but what I've been saying isn't a personal attack. It is an attack on the new American habit of just believing whatever some idiot says just because he holds some place in society. Bishop Al says global warming is our fault. Reputable scientists - the ones who don't operate on grants so don't have something to gain from the discussion, say the science we have today is inconclusive. They say it is inconclusive because we do not yet have the science to be able to properly interpret the research. Bishop Al, on the other hand, is making millions on this debate all the while telling us we should be riding bicycles to work as he's flying all over creation in his private jet burning more fossil fuel in a day than most of us will burn in a lifetime. Is there Global Warming? If there is, is it our fault? Hell, I don't know! And what's more its a fact that you don't know either - you can't possibly know if the science isn't up to the task of interpreting the research. But that doesn't stop some politician from trying to gain even more control over our lives and tax us to death just because he can in the name of junk science. Just look closely at the politics *as well as* the real lowdown on stem cell research to see how much your politicians lie to you all the time. Back in 1974 I had the distinct priviledge of working for NOAA on a research project (G.A.T.E.) looking at the world's weather systems. The scientists aboard were among the tops in their fields. At that time several told me that we were heading into a global freeze - another ice age, all due to pollution. All of these guys were operating on grants. Just a short while ago there was a news announcement from several prominant vulcanologists that the earth's atmosphere was finally coming off the several year *cooling period* due to the last of the sulfer dioxide from the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo leaving the atmosphere. So who're ya gonna believe? Bishop Al who doesn't even know what he wrote in his book, or leading vulcanologists? Am I against stopping pollution? Hell NO! I definately want to see the end of the polluting of our air and water. But not because I believe assholes like Bishop Al and his legion of anti freedom crusaders, but because I'd like to live in a clean world and leave it clean for our decendants. What I'd really like, and this aint never gonna happen, is for people to begin to think for themselves instead of just taking the word of scumbag leeches like Bishop Al and then repeating his verbal vomit over and over as if its true. Look at all the *actual* data - on any subject, and then think for yourself. Of course the danger in doing this is that your politicians certainly won't look so good anymore... See if your politician isn't a liar - ha! Rant off. Red I appreciate that you're not attacking me personally. However, what you're claiming is that the vast majority of scientists who are knowledgeable in this area are wrong, along of course with the Nobel committee. Sure, AG isn't a scientist, but despite some minor errors in his rant, he's over all quite on target. 1974 was a long time ago. There's been a lot more information since then. But, it's nice to know that you think pollution is a bad thing. If that's the case, why take a chance? Complaining that someone is making money from the GW crisis (right or wrong) is certainly the capitalistic system. It sure is better than making money off of the dead bodies we're so quick to dismiss in places like Iraq, Darfur, etc., etc., al la Haliburton and Cheney's other good buddies. Rant off. -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
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You're missing the point I was making. The "vast majority of scientists who are knowledgeable in this area" are making their living on grants. They have an investment on making you believe what they are telling you so they can continue getting grants which is how they make their living. They don't have to tell you the truth, and in this case they aren't, they just need you to buy into their story so they can keep getting paid. Bishop Al is on target because he's parroting those grant receiving "scientists". And yes, it IS a bad thing for AG to be making money on this, because he's hoodwinking people into falsly believing things that are going to ultimately cost them their livelyhood, their savings, and their future. And he wants, more than anything, to be a King. No problem here with someone wanting to make money, even lots of it. But gaining control and wealth on the backs of the rest of us using false pretenses is always wrong. Once again, reputable scientists - the ones who have no investment, say that we do not yet have the ability to interpret the research one way or the other. Until that day when they can, Al is still a leech. And if it ultimately IS true that there is global warming, it still isn't Bishop Al's place to tell me without real solid science that it is MY fault and even less his place to tell me to change my meager lifestyle - especially when HE is polluting more than any of us. False gods... Red |
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"Red" wrote in message
... Jon, You're missing the point I was making. The "vast majority of scientists who are knowledgeable in this area" are making their living on grants. They have an investment on making you believe what they are Come on... the vast majority of scientists believe in science before they believe in grant money. Their primary belief structure is based on seeking the truth. telling you so they can continue getting grants which is how they make their living. They don't have to tell you the truth, and in this case they aren't, they just need you to buy into their story so they can keep getting paid. Bishop Al is on target because he's parroting those grant receiving "scientists". And yes, it IS a bad thing for AG to be making money on this, because he's hoodwinking people into falsly believing things that are going to ultimately cost them their livelyhood, their savings, and their future. And he wants, more than anything, to be a King. No problem here with someone wanting to make money, even lots of This is just your rant and certainly your opinion, but you sure make it sound like fact. It isn't. it. But gaining control and wealth on the backs of the rest of us using false pretenses is always wrong. Once again, reputable scientists - the ones who have no investment, say that we do not yet have the ability to interpret the research one way or the other. Until that day when they can, Al is still a leech. And if it ultimately IS true that there is global warming, it still isn't Bishop Al's place to tell me without real solid science that it is MY fault and even less his place to tell me to change my meager lifestyle - especially when HE is polluting more than any of us. False gods... Red Look how you refer to him.. Bishop Al. This makes your whole argument sound foolish. I have no problem if you don't believe humans are causing GW. It's your right to believe or not. I choose to believe that it's better to be safe than sorry, and the way to be safe doesn't hurt the economy if done properly. There are always going to be people hurt by new ways of doing things. That's life. -- "j" ganz @@ www.sailnow.com |
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On Oct 31, 12:34 pm, Red wrote:
... Therein lies the problem... how specifically do you *know* it isn't fact? Maybe you haven't been exposed to other information because like politicians the press pretty much only carries the doom and gloom message. Have you done any of your own research into what other scientists are saying? ... Have you seen: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/conten...306/5702/1686? I certainly wouldn't argue that scientists are super humans, perfectly disinterested, unaffected by fads, fashion or grant money. Nor are they able to escape the limits of talent, time or resources. And it seems axiomatic that politicians aren't always truthful with their constituents. But how does it follow that there is a conspiracy to deceive? If nothing else, Occam's razor suggests that a complex theory like yours with its complete perversion of academia, media and politics is less likely than the simple theory that most climate scientists are telling the truth as they see it. So, I've got to ask, where is your evidence for this conspiracy? -- Tom. |
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