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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2007
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Default Ping Larry


This story about the mythology behind the Cuban missile crisis is from
the BBC news web page.

I also note with pleasure that the citizens of San Francisco are going
to name a metropolitan facility after GW to serve as a memorial of his

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2007
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You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

Roger Long

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You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

Roger Long

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You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

Roger Long

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On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 18:30:08 -0400, "Roger Long"

You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

The sewage treatment plant. A petition to the city with thousands of
signatures applied has been presented according to an article on the
BBC news site. I take it that San Franciscans are not enamoured of the
fellow's administration.

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Herodotus wrote in

Scary, isn't it, especially the part about Kennedy and Kruschev not
being in control of the war mongers playing soldiers.

The nuclear time clock still sits locked just before midnight, but a few
seconds back from where it used to sit in those days.

I don't believe these men, presidents, PMs, generals, admirals are at
the top any more. There are powerful men "behind the curtain", powerful
interests whos motive is money and power higher up the unfinished
pyramid on the back of our dollar bill, Freemasons who control these
men, members of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign
Relations, bankers and moneyed elite you and I will never find out

These are the people making the wars, to line their own pockets at the
expense of mankind. Like the ants skittering along at the edge of your
patio, our only survival tactic is to remain too small to show up on the
radar and hope they don't see any of us in anger.

What concerns me is the weapons are becoming less and less dependent on
the senior enlisted men who've always been in control of them. The
master sergeants I've always thought would keep the various secret cults
from killing us all have become redundant and, mostly, unnecessary to
implement our own destruction.

I'm too old and at the end of my lifespan. But, every time I see a
little kid, I wonder whether he will be one of those allowed to live, or
one of those scheduled for execution to keep the elite supplied with
food and fuel and power....depending on how value he will become to
these elite as the resources of the planet we cannot escape from get too
depleted to allow unnecessary humans to continue to use them up. That
time is coming. Many think that about 80% of humanity MUST be
eliminated for the upper 20% to survive on what the planet has left.
Human life cannot sustain its current level of unrestricted consumption.
Millions will have to die and the constant wars these men create are not
doing a very good job at reducing the numbers, as envisioned. There's
got to be a more efficient way for genocide of the masses.

I think this is being considered by the master planners. There are no
other options.

The movie "Logan's Run" isn't as much of a fantasy as it was when it was
released. Unless Logan's Run is implemented, somehow, we'll be eating
Soilent Green made from recycled humans in a 1984-style artificial

That box you're reading this on looks just like George Orwell's video
screens. See the resemblance?

That's no accident.

There will be some kind of genetic genocide created by these people, a
new, artificial black plague to blame the genocide upon. Just watch it.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
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Default Ping Larry

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:07:39 +1000, Herodotus

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 18:30:08 -0400, "Roger Long"

You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

The sewage treatment plant. A petition to the city with thousands of
signatures applied has been presented according to an article on the
BBC news site. I take it that San Franciscans are not enamoured of the
fellow's administration.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, it is said that his supporters can
pull the lever for GWB every time they flush, thusly electing him
to his turd term.

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On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 22:31:05 -0500, Vic Smith

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:07:39 +1000, Herodotus

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 18:30:08 -0400, "Roger Long"

You'd better let people know which facility if you don't want your political
sentiments missinterpreted.

The sewage treatment plant. A petition to the city with thousands of
signatures applied has been presented according to an article on the
BBC news site. I take it that San Franciscans are not enamoured of the
fellow's administration.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, it is said that his supporters can
pull the lever for GWB every time they flush, thusly electing him
to his turd term.


Very punny Vic.

I like it. And who said that the yanks don't understand puns? (Me, I

Are you sure that comment could not be interpreted as "unAmerican" and
you will be frisked extra well next time you go through airport
security. Given the state of the nation, it could also be termed
"gallows humour".

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
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Default Ping Larry

In article ,
Larry wrote:

Herodotus wrote in

Scary, isn't it, especially the part about Kennedy and Kruschev not
being in control of the war mongers playing soldiers.

The nuclear time clock still sits locked just before midnight, but a few
seconds back from where it used to sit in those days.

What concerns me is the weapons are becoming less and less dependent on
the senior enlisted men who've always been in control of them. The
master sergeants I've always thought would keep the various secret cults
from killing us all have become redundant and, mostly, unnecessary to
implement our own destruction.

Many think that about 80% of humanity MUST be
eliminated for the upper 20% to survive on what the planet has left.
Human life cannot sustain its current level of unrestricted consumption.
Millions will have to die and the constant wars these men create are not
doing a very good job at reducing the numbers, as envisioned. There's
got to be a more efficient way for genocide of the masses.

There will be some kind of genetic genocide created by these people, a
new, artificial black plague to blame the genocide upon. Just watch it.

Ermm.. I've never bothered with GlobalWarming theory.. and, like you
Larry, I'm too old to worry anyway... but this:,...imate-change-m

is a voice from the cutting-edge of the phenomenon.

Particularly chilling: ŒThe earth is still going to be here. The
question is how much life do we take with us when we go¹

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Ping Larry

Molesworth wrote in news:ukmole-

Ermm.. I've never bothered with GlobalWarming theory.. and, like you
Larry, I'm too old to worry anyway... but this:,

is a voice from the cutting-edge of the phenomenon.

Particularly chilling: OThe earth is still going to be here. The
question is how much life do we take with us when we goû


The climate is a diversion from the REALITY problem......The end of oil
and the coming global depression it is causing, now.

Everyone says we have an unlimited supply of oil and can continue to
burn it at ever increasing rates forever.....or that's what they hope.

This may be partly true, but not infinate.....

Question - Let's say the supply of basics of
our economy and way of life now show signs of depletion. What will the
elite controlling the governments and money do to preserve themselves
and their way of life?

I think the answer includes the word GENOCIDE, and is already under
implementation, starting in the third world where incessant breeding has
always been a problem.

At some point, we're either going to have to create some new religious
wonder like the movie "Logan's Run" to smooth talk the world population
into slowing the breeding of new humans and submitting to mass genocide
by the wonder machines....or....we're all going to be walking zombies
living on "Soylent Green"...except, of course, for the moneyed elite and
their slavers....

This little pimple in space has about found its limit of human
inhabitants and plans must already have been, at least, drawn up to
reduce the numbers by about 80%. Constant wars with ever-increasing
automated mortality has been a failure at lowering the numbers, and more
drastic measure MUST be taken to accomplish the goal....the survival of
the human elite and the slaves to support them.

Every time I see someone's new baby, this terrible reality crosses my
mind. At the rate of consumption increases of the last century, your
kids may see their kids put in the euthanizers, being blessed by the
religious zealots on their way to "paradise", with all the believers
smiling away knowing it's "right" and singing to them, swaying back and
forth in ignorant bliss.


I'd like to drag it out a couple of more generations before it happens
to see if humans can come up with less drastic solutions to placate the

Fuel is painful, but quite easy. Fuel rationing. Ground all the
airplanes, private, commercial and military, immediately. Forbid anyone
from fueling airplanes, BOATS, CRUISE LINERS and all unnecessary
shipping devices. This will, of course, create a global depression
which is going to happen, anyways, so let's get it over with so a new
economy of LOCAL manufacturing and food production can emerge. During
the transition, because we're not out of fuel yet, we'll have fuel
available to power the transition....instead of watching "1984" come
true with the government lie machines telling us everything is wonderful
when it's not.

That alone can, properly implemented, clean the air, clean the water and
give us another couple of hundred years to come to our senses. Delta
Airlines, ALONE, burns nearly 10,000,000 gallons of fuel per year that
can be diverted to the production of food to feed us before we starve.
Business can stay home and use the internet for sales meetings.

You'll be able to save ration coupons or barter for more if you want to
drive up to grandma's house for Christmas in your 2 cylinder new car.
Abandoned SUVs, alone, will provide the steel for local production of
new products by local workers who will have JOBS, once again.....

Wasting fuel so Walmart can get goods from Chinese slavers will, of
course, be forbidden.

This way, a few more generations will be able to live before the mass
genocide machines have to kill most of us.

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