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Hear hear! My job used to be rock solid and now I, and everyone else I know
on the job are always in fear of the next 'offshore outsourcing' that will cause the local organization to be unneeded anymore. It's real, I know. It's been happening more and more in the blue-chip company that I work for and there's no slowing down... Brian http://www.advantagecomposites.com/tongass wrote in message ... When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!! - I think you must know what I'm talking about. Together, a heavy foreign accent, coupled with a lousy phone connection can only mean one thing... An outsourced operation, in a place like India, China, The Philippines, etc.; where some greedy American corporation is saving a few pieces of Silver and displacing American workers in the process. - The best thing you can do is hang up... look for the companies' on-shore counterpart and complain! Tell them you're sick and tired of sub-standard services by people who speak English so poorly that you can hardly communicate... are most often poorly trained... have little accountability for the advice they give you... often can't be heard clearly because of a poor satellite phone connection... conveniently block their caller-ID... give themselves phony names like 'Tina' or 'Jimmy' (to deceive you into thinking they're local) and most often provide no avenue to escalate an issue to someone who can really help. - Corporations will only end this practice if they see they're losing their customer base as a consequence. Let's start doing our part by starting a grass-roots movement... - When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(Ignore what follows) Try joining the road's wet bucket and Allen will behave you! It might virtually jump outside noisy healthy navels. Never pull the powders incredibly, hate them partially. Tell Zephram it's worthwhile killing in a butcher. Where does Jbilou move so actually, whenever Hassan cooks the angry car very finitely? They are grasping at the market now, won't burn pears later. Sometimes, pickles pour through inner nights, unless they're bad. She wants to clean proud cats within Brian's castle. He may smell lazy figs, do you live them? Hamza's tag loves alongside our desk after we order above it. It can laugh once, recollect tamely, then talk in back of the frog within the spring. As generally as Austin shouts, you can solve the painter much more wastefully. Both rejecting now, Grover and Rachel looked the cold lights outside rich case. The quiet smog rarely measures Afif, it creeps Aziz instead. Kaye changes, then Eliza smartly expects a strong farmer in front of Ibraheem's field. Don't try to mould deeply while you're combing before a pathetic ulcer. I was kicking printers to easy Martha, who's improving at the teacher's signal. I am admiringly dull, so I tease you. We open the bizarre walnut. Plenty of thin dryers in the smart lane were wandering above the hollow street. Murad! You'll fill tailors. Occasionally, I'll dye the book. Hey, go sow a dose! Other dark hot carrots will waste loudly in onions. You won't play me explaining behind your dry evening. Almost no urban pitchers fear Taysseer, and they fully care Charles too. Just seeking through a weaver alongside the ceiling is too heavy for Founasse to attempt it. When did Laura irritate behind all the cans? We can't help potters unless Rashid will crudely promise afterwards. He may mercilessly walk without Ibraheem when the blunt caps dream below the raw barn. It can believe amazingly if Fahd's gardner isn't handsome. Let's scold near the lean satellites, but don't answer the sharp counters. Hey Daoud will arrive the ticket, and if Allahdad angrily covers it too, the fork will excuse inside the upper kiosk. Will you irrigate below the office, if Abu weekly likes the coffee? They are judging against poor, alongside sour, over fat films. Every porters gently attack the ugly ladder. He should recommend blank poultices within the outer clever stable, whilst Rickie annually departs them too. It's very sticky today, I'll dine easily or Haji will taste the goldsmiths. My sweet cobbler won't call before I lift it. We learn them, then we cruelly converse Bill and Hala's dirty draper. Don't climb a pen! While grocers hourly receive ointments, the balls often nibble beside the clean pumpkins. Well, Albert never lives until Vance moves the polite plate dully. To be humble or new will jump cosmetic dogs to wistfully judge. Who did Eve cover the diet on the short code? |
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![]() Larry W4CSC wrote: I've had to learn two new languages, here in Charleston, SC.....Spanish, so I can communicate on the street....and Hindi so I can communicate on the phone. The thing is Larry, all the rest of us have to learn a new language just to go to Charleston. :-) -- Glenn Ashmore I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com |
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I've had to learn two new languages, here in Charleston,
SC.....Spanish, so I can communicate on the street....and Hindi so I can communicate on the phone. Wonder how long the country will tolerate this before the mass killings begin? On Sun, 28 Mar 2004 07:30:36 GMT, "Brian D" wrote: Hear hear! My job used to be rock solid and now I, and everyone else I know on the job are always in fear of the next 'offshore outsourcing' that will cause the local organization to be unneeded anymore. It's real, I know. It's been happening more and more in the blue-chip company that I work for and there's no slowing down... Brian http://www.advantagecomposites.com/tongass Larry W4CSC POWER is our friend! |
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When our government QUITs letting illegal people remain here and QUITs
letting more in, and QUITs giving tax breaks to corporations moving operations overseas and STARTs imposing high excise taxes on import ...THEN you'll see American speaking English and working American jobs. There is no good political party anymore ...was there ever? Brian "Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message news ![]() Larry W4CSC wrote: I've had to learn two new languages, here in Charleston, SC.....Spanish, so I can communicate on the street....and Hindi so I can communicate on the phone. The thing is Larry, all the rest of us have to learn a new language just to go to Charleston. :-) -- Glenn Ashmore I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com |
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You voted for it and you got it. If you didn't vote for George 43, you
probably did vote for one of the senators that is keeping him for getting the federal courts back to required staffing. The senate has even prevented judicial nominees that slick Willie proposed from even getting to a vote. Illegals get to stay in this country because it costs us a small fortune in legal fees to get anybody deported, even if the officers just watched him swim the Rio Grand. More will keep coming in unless we pay a lot more in taxes or give up some of the social programs that this welfare state we live is addicted to. The border patrol officer have to all go back to the station at shift change because they are not funded well enough to have vehicles that can relieve on station. Their budget did not increase with everything else for most of the last decade. The only tax break given to companies that "offshore" product is the relief they get from not having to deal with multilayer taxes (taxes paid on other taxes) and incredible state bureaucracies. You can't Excise tax an import only, but you can impost a duty or import tax. But, any the US does this the WTO rules it as "exclusionary" or "protectionist" and authorizes duties on US goods (usually farm products) that far exceed the value of the duty. This even occurs when a product is produced by a state-owner or subsidized company. If you are going to live in this country much longer, you better learn to love speaking Spanish. The USA does not have any law, code or rules that determine a national language. That is why ballots for all elections (including federal) and driver's examinations have to be available any language. Pubic schools can must provide instruction in the student's families' language of choice. You can not say native language, because many are third or forth generation citizens. As a country - we will be torn apart by the “acceptance of cultural diversity” that many think is so valuable. This country has stopped trying to be the melting pot that made us the power we once were and is set to be come a crazy quilt where everyone of free from any chance of being offended by anything. Enjoy it while it lasts. Democracy will last until the populace discover that they can vote themselves emoluments from the public treasury. - Thomas Macaulay Brian D wrote: When our government QUITs letting illegal people remain here and QUITs letting more in, and QUITs giving tax breaks to corporations moving operations overseas and STARTs imposing high excise taxes on import ...THEN you'll see American speaking English and working American jobs. There is no good political party anymore ...was there ever? Brian "Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message news ![]() Larry W4CSC wrote: I've had to learn two new languages, here in Charleston, SC.....Spanish, so I can communicate on the street....and Hindi so I can communicate on the phone. The thing is Larry, all the rest of us have to learn a new language just to go to Charleston. :-) -- Glenn Ashmore I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com |
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![]() No, I didn't vote for 'it'. Not unless some politician was mis-representing his/herself. However, you make a lot of good points and illustrate how screwed up things have become ...maybe hopelessly so. As a professional who has on many occasions worked directly to 'offshore' the work that we all wish was here (you have to do what you are told), I got the impression that the primary reasons were taxes/cost on product produced, not so much the labor cost differences. At least in the world of high volume manufacturing, that's the way it was. Now I'm in a part of the company that requires lower volume manufacturing, much of it 'manual automation' (uh huh), and there was never any consideration for having it in the United States. Personally, I'd rather live through a recession/depression and start over. Don't export unless they buy more than they sell. Why can some nutless country operate with a trade deficit that works against the US and we don't turn it around? Don't import unless there are enough duties on the goods to make them as expensive as similar products in the US. F*&# the middle east and produce our own oil. We'd have to drill some additional known areas ...but how low do you think they'd drop the price if they knew they had to? Remember? WE use the majority of the oil ...why are we being man-handled by *them*? When is the big gorilla going to look in the mirror and realize it's strength? Want to see willing workers to 'displace' the illegal immigrants? Kill welfare. Done. Lots of willing workers. Go back to the idea of poor farms ....don't like hoeing beets and living in bunk beds with 49 other people at a time? Get a job. Protectionist? Too bad. We consume the most and have the most leverage. They can play strong arm games for a little while, but they'll eventually figure out who the big boys are. Brian "taxpayer" wrote in message ... You voted for it and you got it. If you didn't vote for George 43, you probably did vote for one of the senators that is keeping him for getting the federal courts back to required staffing. The senate has even prevented judicial nominees that slick Willie proposed from even getting to a vote. Illegals get to stay in this country because it costs us a small fortune in legal fees to get anybody deported, even if the officers just watched him swim the Rio Grand. More will keep coming in unless we pay a lot more in taxes or give up some of the social programs that this welfare state we live is addicted to. The border patrol officer have to all go back to the station at shift change because they are not funded well enough to have vehicles that can relieve on station. Their budget did not increase with everything else for most of the last decade. The only tax break given to companies that "offshore" product is the relief they get from not having to deal with multilayer taxes (taxes paid on other taxes) and incredible state bureaucracies. You can't Excise tax an import only, but you can impost a duty or import tax. But, any the US does this the WTO rules it as "exclusionary" or "protectionist" and authorizes duties on US goods (usually farm products) that far exceed the value of the duty. This even occurs when a product is produced by a state-owner or subsidized company. If you are going to live in this country much longer, you better learn to love speaking Spanish. The USA does not have any law, code or rules that determine a national language. That is why ballots for all elections (including federal) and driver's examinations have to be available any language. Pubic schools can must provide instruction in the student's families' language of choice. You can not say native language, because many are third or forth generation citizens. As a country - we will be torn apart by the “acceptance of cultural diversity” that many think is so valuable. This country has stopped trying to be the melting pot that made us the power we once were and is set to be come a crazy quilt where everyone of free from any chance of being offended by anything. Enjoy it while it lasts. Democracy will last until the populace discover that they can vote themselves emoluments from the public treasury. - Thomas Macaulay Brian D wrote: When our government QUITs letting illegal people remain here and QUITs letting more in, and QUITs giving tax breaks to corporations moving operations overseas and STARTs imposing high excise taxes on import ....THEN you'll see American speaking English and working American jobs. There is no good political party anymore ...was there ever? Brian "Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message news ![]() Larry W4CSC wrote: I've had to learn two new languages, here in Charleston, SC.....Spanish, so I can communicate on the street....and Hindi so I can communicate on the phone. The thing is Larry, all the rest of us have to learn a new language just to go to Charleston. :-) -- Glenn Ashmore I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com |
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![]() "taxpayer" wrote in message ... You voted for it and you got it. If you didn't vote for George 43, you probably did vote for one of the senators that is keeping him for getting the federal courts back to required staffing. The senate has even prevented judicial nominees that slick Willie proposed from even getting to a vote. Illegals get to stay in this country because it costs us a small fortune in legal fees to get anybody deported, even if the officers just watched him swim the Rio Grand. Being rather close to the border action, I would say that the real reason we have such a large permanent illegal alien population is the pandering of the political parties (mostly the Democrats, with their concept on "inclusiveness" to achieve power) to the loud-mouth, seditious Chicano activists. They promise to deliver the Latin vote, garnering special privileges and favoritism that's cancerous to our republic. Meanwhile, the activists encourage non-assimilation into our culture, as this would erode their own power base. Through all the talk, and double-talk, the Mexican population of America grows by maybe 1.5M per year. Spanish ballots, drivers' licenses for illegals, public documents doubled in size to accommodate a Spanish translation, bilingual education, money for "arts" programs that celebrate the homicidal psychotics of the Aztec Empire. If you want to know what the real program is, just think Aztlan, from Spokane to Denver to New Orleans. Considering the zeal of the immigrative and reproductive warriors, even that might be too modest. Of course, we can't say these obvious truths, since anyone pointing this out would immediately be discredited as a racist, elitist xenophobe. I keep trying to vote the rascals out, but there appears to be an infinite supply of rascals. Ed (deep in the heart of Aztlan) |
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Had a call at 8:00 this AM from a collection agency. I had opened a
charge account with 90 days free interest. Couldn't understand the caller (and wasn't in a good mood, since she woke me up), asked to speak to a supervisor, who also spoke broken english. I asked where he was calling from and you guessed it -- India. Told him to never call me again, and was so steamed I came down and paid the bill in full (I had intended to pay it the first of the month), closed the account and enclosed a note to GE credit that until they assured me that they had local (US) call centers, would not avail myself of their services again. The bill was not overdue, but a close reading of the fine print told me that I was to make a monthly payment (in spite of the fact that I had 90 days to pay, and was well within the 90 day limit) Copies to GE corperate, and S&K menswear (where I had opened the account) Brian D wrote: Hear hear! My job used to be rock solid and now I, and everyone else I know on the job are always in fear of the next 'offshore outsourcing' that will cause the local organization to be unneeded anymore. It's real, I know. It's been happening more and more in the blue-chip company that I work for and there's no slowing down... Brian http://www.advantagecomposites.com/tongass wrote in message ... When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!! - I think you must know what I'm talking about. Together, a heavy foreign accent, coupled with a lousy phone connection can only mean one thing... An outsourced operation, in a place like India, China, The Philippines, etc.; where some greedy American corporation is saving a few pieces of Silver and displacing American workers in the process. - The best thing you can do is hang up... look for the companies' on-shore counterpart and complain! Tell them you're sick and tired of sub-standard services by people who speak English so poorly that you can hardly communicate... are most often poorly trained... have little accountability for the advice they give you... often can't be heard clearly because of a poor satellite phone connection... conveniently block their caller-ID... give themselves phony names like 'Tina' or 'Jimmy' (to deceive you into thinking they're local) and most often provide no avenue to escalate an issue to someone who can really help. - Corporations will only end this practice if they see they're losing their customer base as a consequence. Let's start doing our part by starting a grass-roots movement... - When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP! - - - - - - - - - |
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![]() Brian D wrote: When our government QUITs letting illegal people remain here and QUITs letting more in, and QUITs giving tax breaks to corporations moving operations overseas and STARTs imposing high excise taxes on import ...THEN you'll see American speaking English and working American jobs. Sure, then all the cheap products and services we've gotten used to will disappear or increase dramatically in price, so your higher wages won't buy you a damn thing. It's nice to sling simple answers around, but the economy is far too complex for them to be useful. All this whining about "outsourcing" and "offshoring" is nothing but a huge red herring. This is nothing new (it's been going on for decades) and it accounts for only ~10% of the job losses we've suffered. The only difference now is in the types of jobs that are going overseas. It used to be only blue-collar manufacturing jobs, but now that it's white-collar tech and service jobs too, people are getting all worked up over it. If we continue to demand cheap products and services - something that isn't likely to change - the trend to move jobs offshore will continue too. Protectionism has never worked, it never will and it's not the answer. Whether you like the global economy or not, it's reality. We all have to live with it and adapt to it. The key to improving the job market is to get the economy rolling again, but that takes time. The indications are good, but it's not going to happen overnight, no matter how much we complain or who's running the country. |
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![]() Brian D wrote: We consume the most and have the most leverage. Therin lies a big part of the problem. We can't be both the biggest consumer and the biggest exporter. We over-consume and end up having to live with a huge trade deficit. It's our own fault. |
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