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CaptMichael April 14th 07 10:01 PM

Connecting Standard Horizon GPS to Computer
I have a Standard Horizon GPS Chart 160 which is similar to the CP175C or
just 175. I am trying to get my numbers off of it and put them on my new and
beloved Garmin 498. I can not for the life of me find out how to get them
onto my computer fron the 160. I have tried MapSource and GPSU and neither
seem to be aboe to communicate with the Standard Horizon. I have checked the
path, etc with my old Garmin GPS 12 and it's points fly right into MapSource.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to set up my Standard Horizon to talk to
my PC? I would even load them directly to the Garmin 498 if I can do so.

Thank You for your HELP!

Sorry for accidentaly posting this in the wrong area the first time. I would
not figure out how to move it so posted it here...

Matt Colie April 15th 07 01:38 AM

Connecting Standard Horizon GPS to Computer

First things first....
You have GPSU - That is as good a start as you can have (IMHO).
When you tap connect, What does GPSU tell you at the bottom of the screen?
If it does not say SH.... something it might say NMEA....
If it doesn't say something, you may not have a working connection.

Can you get the SH160 to report position to GPSU?
The SH unite frequently have multiple NMEA port sets. Each has to be
configured in the setup-advanced menu for what you want it to do. Some
SH units can even open a proprietary port type, but GPSU can even work
If you can't find something that makes sense there, Call SH.
If they can't/won't help try the GPSU forum on Yahoo.

If you can't get it to talk to GPSU, you are done. GPSU is all I use
for this service.

Let us know what happens. If you are still having

Matt Colie
Yachtman's Technical Support

CaptMichael wrote:
I have a Standard Horizon GPS Chart 160 which is similar to the CP175C or
just 175. I am trying to get my numbers off of it and put them on my new and
beloved Garmin 498. I can not for the life of me find out how to get them
onto my computer fron the 160. I have tried MapSource and GPSU and neither
seem to be aboe to communicate with the Standard Horizon. I have checked the
path, etc with my old Garmin GPS 12 and it's points fly right into MapSource.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to set up my Standard Horizon to talk to
my PC? I would even load them directly to the Garmin 498 if I can do so.

Thank You for your HELP!

Sorry for accidentaly posting this in the wrong area the first time. I would
not figure out how to move it so posted it here...

target of diversity
victim of affirmative action
refugee from the war on poverty
minimized by political correctness

Jack Erbes April 15th 07 01:46 PM

Connecting Standard Horizon GPS to Computer
CaptMichael wrote:

I have a Standard Horizon GPS Chart 160 which is similar to the CP175C or
just 175. I am trying to get my numbers off of it and put them on my new and
beloved Garmin 498. I can not for the life of me find out how to get them
onto my computer fron the 160. I have tried MapSource and GPSU and neither
seem to be aboe to communicate with the Standard Horizon. I have checked the
path, etc with my old Garmin GPS 12 and it's points fly right into MapSource.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to set up my Standard Horizon to talk to
my PC? I would even load them directly to the Garmin 498 if I can do so.

Thank You for your HELP!

Sorry for accidentaly posting this in the wrong area the first time. I would
not figure out how to move it so posted it here...

I agree with Matt on the abilities of GPS Utility. If that can't do it
it probably can't be done.

It sounds like a configuration issue. Go into the SH menu and make sure
two-way NMEA communications are turned on for the port. It may be
called NMEA/NMEA or something similar.

Then change the port settings on both the SH and GPSU to 4800/8/N/1
(4800 Baud, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 1 stop bit).


Jack Erbes in Ellsworth, Maine, USA - jackerbes at adelphia dot net
(also receiving email at jacker at

CaptMichael via April 16th 07 04:13 AM

Connecting Standard Horizon GPS to Computer
Since I accidentaly posted my initial question in two areas I figured I would
send my findings down both threads as anyone with GPS waypoint download
issues should read this. After 20 hours of work I found - with the help of
the wonderful people here - an answer.

I was able to find a software progam called GPS Utilities (
that I downoaded the freeware version (max 100 waypoints) to determine the
useability of and then bought $55 the registered version a day later. It is
truely a purists delight but takes some learning. Full instructions on how
to build one's own cables for unsuported/undersupported devices etc. Also a
very good chat room monitored by the maker as well as other useres. A little
tweeking and a bit of time learning the GPSU interface and I was able to load
all of the points
from all of my GPS devices. WOW! It works with everything. Not a "plug and
play" program as it takes some doing to get to know but really is an
impressive utility as it can import from so many devices and has over 20
export/save formats like Google Earth, Garmin, Map Source, etc. Plus the guy
that wrote it in the UK emailed me personaly with an application update when
I had trouble using it with Vista. Don't get that everywhere do you? If you
try it, remember when I say that it is not a plug and play interface specialy
made for your unit so you are going to have to learn it and set it up for
your unit but it will work and if it does not the guy wants to know about it
to make it work on anything. I have over 20 hours invested in getting thw
info from a Standard Horizon unit and this is the only thing that would work
on it. I tried 4 other applications.. Standard Horizon has a link to it on
their web site if you need to find it.

Garmin is my first choice in GPS as they have the BEST support of ANY GPS
manufacturer I have every seen and GPSU is my first pick now for getting
points off of legacy and oddball GPS units. I am going to spend some time in
the future to learn more about GPSU as I'm sure I just touched the surface.

I now have 800+ marks off of an old commercial snapper fisherman's GPS unit.
Dinnertime!! Thanks GPSU. I hope to meet this guy someday and buy him
(catch him) lunch.

Thank You all for your help! Truly a great resouce this new world of
communication is when people like you contribute your wonderful knowlege!

Capt. Michael

Jack Erbes wrote:
I have a Standard Horizon GPS Chart 160 which is similar to the CP175C or
just 175. I am trying to get my numbers off of it and put them on my new and

[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Sorry for accidentaly posting this in the wrong area the first time. I would
not figure out how to move it so posted it here...

I agree with Matt on the abilities of GPS Utility. If that can't do it
it probably can't be done.

It sounds like a configuration issue. Go into the SH menu and make sure
two-way NMEA communications are turned on for the port. It may be
called NMEA/NMEA or something similar.

Then change the port settings on both the SH and GPSU to 4800/8/N/1
(4800 Baud, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 1 stop bit).


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