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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 3
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

This Teaching says,
"Without God's Commandments human life
would be subjected to the 'personal
discernment' of all individuals, which logic
says would be dependent on the individual's
'personal opinion', not the in-depth meanings
that each Commandment shows as Wisdom in
Context, Purpose and Goal."

AUGUST 24,1997


"Human life has a Soul, nothing else has


A sense of right and wrong


Unlimited forms and degrees of

An innate conscience that is based on
an individual's sense of right and wrong.

There are many facets to human

Conscience - Behavior

Intellect - Possessiveness

Generosity - Selfishness

Honesty - Justice

Plus other characteristics that many
times affect an individual's ideals, mentality,
behavior, logical belief in God, in their having
a Soul, and human life is special, bearing
responsibilities that no other living thing or
matter has.

Justice should begin with a human
being's innate understanding that it is
logically obvious that there is a 'Creator of
all things, an Authority to be recognized
as Superior, and that human life is
responsible to It'.

The Commandments of God must
become obvious in all areas of human life.
Without God's Commandments human life
would be subjected to the 'personal
discernment' of all individuals, which logic
says would be dependent on the individual's
'personal opinion', not the in-depth meanings
that each Commandment shows as Wisdom in
Context, Purpose and Goal."

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
© Copyright 1996 FMK. All rights reserved.
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 227
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 03:54:52 +0000, Larry wrote:

wrote in news:1177385310.803265.246670

"Without God's Commandments human life
would be subjected to the 'personal
discernment' of all individuals, which logic
says would be dependent on the individual's
'personal opinion', not the in-depth meanings
that each Commandment shows as Wisdom in
Context, Purpose and Goal."

Geez, that sounds like!


yet another later day prophet - maybe the message is for you Larry.
With your radio comms knowledge and abilities and my knowledge of the
scriptures and publice speaking - perhaps we should enter a business
partnership - a radio station that asks people to send money. I reckon
we would make a nice retirement income.

  #5   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

Peter Hendra wrote in

yet another later day prophet - maybe the message is for you Larry.
With your radio comms knowledge and abilities and my knowledge of the
scriptures and publice speaking - perhaps we should enter a business
partnership - a radio station that asks people to send money. I reckon
we would make a nice retirement income.


Rev Stair has that covered, already...

He also loves young girls on his commune....

He seems immune from prosecution....talking directly to God, like he


I doubt you'd like me very well, at all.

Richard Dawkins is fairly close to my "truth":


  #6   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 227
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 17:35:32 +0000, Larry wrote:

Peter Hendra wrote in

yet another later day prophet - maybe the message is for you Larry.
With your radio comms knowledge and abilities and my knowledge of the
scriptures and publice speaking - perhaps we should enter a business
partnership - a radio station that asks people to send money. I reckon
we would make a nice retirement income.


Rev Stair has that covered, already...

He also loves young girls on his commune....

He seems immune from prosecution....talking directly to God, like he


I doubt you'd like me very well, at all.

Richard Dawkins is fairly close to my "truth":


I don't know. I have friends from Christian to Hedonist - and even
Sybarites. You may say that my choice of friends is "catholic" -
everything. One of my closest friends I started school with at age 5
is Society of Mary - Jesuit, having spent most of his life at the
Vatican. Another grows pot in the Coromandel ranges in New Zealand.
Frankly, I couldn't care less what people's religion is or is not. It
is their relationship with me that matters most. I much prefer the
company of a sybaritic drunkard who guzzles the wine I keep for guests
to the righteous. They are more honest, usually have more character
and you can have a relationship not bound by "rules". Righteous people
can be very boring. Why spend time with those who blindly follow. How
are you ever going to formulate your own beliefs if there is not
dialogue and disagreement where you can agree to disagree - in an
honest fashion. That was the wonderful thing about parts of Medieval
Europe such as Moorish Spain and the Kingdom of Sicily - Jewish,
Christian and Moslem scholars and theologians worked and debated
together to establish common truths as well as to translate ancient
texts. I could bore you to tears about how (Saint) Thomas Aquinas and
(Saint) Albert Magnus of the University of Paris obtained the answer
from the nagging question of the time about faith and reason from the
Moslem theologans of Spain - now incorporated into Holy Church
doctrine. - but I won't. It wouldn't interest you apart from the
knowledge that if Marconi had been there to invent radio, they could
have chatted over the Ham waves instead of travelling and getting
frustrated by the delays of the then postal system.

It all depends on your theology. In the Sufic sect to which my family
has belonged over the generations - established by the father of
Jalaladdin Rumi of Konya in Turkey about 800 years ago, I would not
get into trouble if I stated my views that I don't know if there is a
God as such as most people view him/her. It doesn't really matter.
What is apparent to me is that heaven and hell as such are on this
earth which is almost identical to the Chinese/Japanese Zen philosophy
of cause and effect. Nothing to do with rewards in any hereafter. You
create your own heaven and hell by your actions in your life. - what
you do unto others will be done unto you. No external
reward/punishment system.

Prayer to me is similar to the Zen meditation i experienced in Japan
years ago - it is a way of talking and listening to yourself.

Here endith the lesson.

I have read Dawkin's books, heard him speak in Sydney at a book
signing and agree with some of his views. He is merely stating in a
popular fashion what others have said before. Any first year Biology
student comes to their own realisation about the 'selfish gene' and
that we are merely vehicles for their perpetuation. If you don't
multiply, your ancestors will die off. - or:

"If your parents never had childfren, chances are that you won't
either". - anon

we could still make a lot of money

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 227
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

I wouldn't be happy about you having young girls though in our propsed
business relationship. Part of my job is to stop that trade - depends
upon how young of course.

Now, if you converted to Islam and moved to Malaysia, you could have
four young wives - though you would have to get each wife's consent
before you could legally marry another.

I prefer Uncle Oscar's "Bigamy is one wife too many; monogamy is the
same thing"


Rev Stair has that covered, already...

He also loves young girls on his commune....

He seems immune from prosecution....talking directly to God, like he


I doubt you'd like me very well, at all.

Richard Dawkins is fairly close to my "truth":


  #8   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

Peter Hendra wrote in

It wouldn't interest you apart from the
knowledge that if Marconi had been there to invent radio, they could
have chatted over the Ham waves instead of travelling and getting
frustrated by the delays of the then postal system.

Marconi didn't invent radio. He was merely pointing out practical uses
for Nikola Tesla's patents at the time. His radios were licensed by

A New York Times reporter visited Tesla in his hotel room and tried to
upset Tesla over the Marconi transmissions. When asked what he thought
of Marconi's success, Tesla waved his hand and said, "Yes, I know. He's
using several of my inventions."....and went back to reading his paper...

Fessenden was famous for his alternator transmitters...also a Tesla
invention...the father of AC power.

The Smithsonian Institute refuses to allow small school children to
donate a Tesla bronze bust to display in the electrical section because
the Smithsonian loves Edison, who electrocuted cats to elephants in
Central Park, NYC, to show the public how dangerous AC power was because
Edison and GE were heavily invested in DC power. Edison invented the
electric chair to kill prisoners for that reason.

While looking at the Edison display at the Smithsonian, one of the minor
curators happened to pass me and asked me what I thought of their Edison
exhibits. I told him I found them very ironic. "How so?", he made the
mistake of asking. "Well, the exhibits are all lit with Tesla's
flourescent lights, not Edison's bulbs, running off Tesla's multiphase AC
power coming from a nuclear power plant hundreds of miles away whos steam
drives Tesla's multiphase alternators, just like they did at Niagara
Falls to power Buffalo and Rochester, NY.", I noted. "I think this whole
place, seeing as how Smithsonian refuses to admit TESLA invented it all,
not Edison, should be powered by damned DC current driving light bulbs
with no transformers, no AC motors powering the elevators and staircases,
no Tesla devices at all...such as remote controls, radios, flourescent or
any kind of arc lamps in the parking lots.", I continued as he became
defensive. "It's only fair, you know.", I concluded, walking away.

The Tesla education continues.......

Someone complained about how much water was wasted running a water
fountain, someplace. So, just for the hell of it, Tesla invented a high
capacity pump, running off one of his AC motors, of course, that used an
auger screw in a pipe to give the water fountain an unlimited supply of
recycled water. There's a patent in the list.

Noting how much time it took to make steam generating turbines to drive
his alternators, Tesla proceeded to invent a vaneless, tiny little steam
turbine that only consisted of very-closely-spaced metal disks. His
model could produce 210HP and could be carried around by a couple of men.
It turned up some horrendous RPM, far higher than other turbines of the
day and was far more efficient.
Too bad they didn't get in BOATS.....HA!! ON TOPIC!!

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 227
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

Good Morning Larry,
I have just received an education. I had no idea of all that Tesler
achieved. Prior to this and before spending 5 hours last night in
reading all this stuff and the extended links, any reference to Tesler
in my brain was a vague knowledge of him inventing the Tesler coil.
The man was brilliant and practical at the same time. He deserves to
be promoted at least as well as Edison if not more so.

There are a lot of parallels to this such as the fact that Fleming was
not the discoverer of the effects of the penicillium mould as we have
all been led to believe and which is often punblished as fact. Did you
know that the medical application research for penicilin was done by
the British during the war? They developed it but The American
companies took out patent rights and thus receive the royalties. We
learn a lot of misinformation.

Thanks for this; and I thought that I knew almost everything.

I also didn't realise that Ham radio was so young.


On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:09:56 +0000, Larry wrote:

Peter Hendra wrote in

It wouldn't interest you apart from the
knowledge that if Marconi had been there to invent radio, they could
have chatted over the Ham waves instead of travelling and getting
frustrated by the delays of the then postal system.

Marconi didn't invent radio. He was merely pointing out practical uses
for Nikola Tesla's patents at the time. His radios were licensed by

A New York Times reporter visited Tesla in his hotel room and tried to
upset Tesla over the Marconi transmissions. When asked what he thought
of Marconi's success, Tesla waved his hand and said, "Yes, I know. He's
using several of my inventions."....and went back to reading his paper...

Fessenden was famous for his alternator transmitters...also a Tesla
invention...the father of AC power.


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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default Teaching "There Is A Heaven"... on 8-24-97

Peter Hendra wrote in



Here's his bio:

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