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![]() moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET In recent months, conservative economists and editorialists have tried to pin the blame for the international financial mess on subprime lending and subprime borrowers. If bureaucrats and social activists hadn't pressured firms to lend to the working poor, the story goes, we'd still be partying like it was 2005 and Bear Stearns would be a going concern. The Wall Street Journal's editorial page has repeatedly heaped blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, the 1977 law aimed at preventing redlining in minority neighborhoods. Fox Business Network anchor Neil Cavuto in September proclaimed that "loaning to minorities and risky folks is a disaster." This line of reasoning is absurd for several reasons. Many of the biggest subprime lenders weren't banks and thus weren't covered by the CRA. Nobody forced Bear Stearns to borrow $33 for every $1 of assets it had, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didn't coerce highly compensated CEOs into rolling out no-money-down, exploding adjustable-rate mortgages. Banks will lose just as much money lending to really rich white guys like former Lehman Bros. CEO Richard Fuld as they will lending to poor people of color in the South Bronx. But the best refutation may come from Douglas Bystry, president and CEO of Clearinghouse CDFI (community-development financial institution). Since 2003, this for-profit firm based in Orange County—home to busted subprime behemoths such as Ameriquest—has issued $220 million worth of mortgages in the Golden State's subprime killing fields. More than 90 percent of its home loans have gone to first-time buyers, about half of whom are minorities. Out of 770 single-family loans it has made, how many foreclosures have there been? "As far as we know," says Bystry, "seven." Last year Clearinghouse reported a $1.4 million pretax profit. Community-development banks, credit unions, and other CDFIs—a mixture of faith-based and secular, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations—constitute what might be called the "ethical subprime lending" industry. Even amid the worst housing crisis since the 1930s, many of these institutions sport healthy payback rates. They haven't bankrupted their customers or their shareholders. Nor have they rushed to Washington begging for bailouts. Their numbers include tiny startups and veterans such as Chicago's ShoreBank, founded in 1973, which now has $2.3 billion in assets, 418 employees, and branches in Detroit and Cleveland. Cliff Rosenthal, CEO of the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions, notes that for his organization's 200 members, which serve predominantly low-income communities, "delinquent loans are about 3.1 percent of assets." In the second quarter, by contrast, the national delinquency rate on subprime loans was 18.7 percent. Participants in this "opportunity finance" field, as it is called, aren't squishy social workers. In order to keep their doors open, they have to charge appropriate rates—slightly higher than those on prime, conforming loans—and manage risk properly. They judge their results on financial performance and on the impact they have on the communities they serve. "We have to be profitable, just not profit-maximizing," says Mark Pinsky, president and CEO of the Opportunity Finance Network, an umbrella group for CDFIs that in 2007 collectively lent $2.1 billion with charge-offs of less than 0.75 percent. What sets the "good" subprime lenders apart is that they never bought into all the perverse incentives and "innovations" of the bad subprime lending system—the fees paid to mortgage brokers, the fancy offices, and the reliance on securitization. Like a bunch of present-day George Baileys, ethical subprime lenders evaluate applications carefully, don't pay brokers big fees to rope customers into high-interest loans, and mostly hold onto the loans they make rather than reselling them. They focus less on quantity than on quality. Clearinghouse's borrowers must qualify for the fixed-rate mortgages they take out. "If one of our employees pushed someone into a house they couldn't afford, they would be fired," says CEO Douglas Bystry. These lenders put into practice the types of bromides that financial-services companies like to use in their advertising. "We're in business to improve people's lives and do asset building," says Linda Levy, CEO of the Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union. The 7,500-member nonprofit, based on New York's still-scruffy Avenue B, doesn't serve the gentrified part of Manhattan's Lower East Side, with its precious boutiques and million-dollar lofts. The average balance in its savings accounts is $1,400. The typical member? "A Hispanic woman from either Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic in her late 40s or early 50s, on government assistance, with a bunch of kids," Levy says. Sure sounds like subprime. But the delinquency rate on its portfolio of mortgage and consumer loans is 2.3 percent, and it's never had a foreclosure. Ethical subprime lenders have to look beyond credit scores and algorithms when making lending judgments. Homewise, based in Santa Fe, N.M., which lends to first-time, working-class home buyers, makes credit decisions based in part on whether borrowers have scraped together a 2 percent down payment. "If customers build a savings habit to save that money on a modest income, it says a lot about them and their financial discipline," says executive director Mike Loftin. Of the 500 loans on Homewise's books in September, only 0.6 percent were 90 days late. That compares with 2.35 percent of all prime mortgages nationwide. Since ethical subprime lenders know they're going to live with the loans they make—rather than simply sell them—they invest in initiatives that will make it more likely the loans will be paid back. Faith Community United Credit Union, which got started in the basement of a Baptist church in Cleveland in 1952 with members saving quarters on Sundays, now has $10 million in assets. In addition to making loans, "we teach people how to manage their finances and accounts," says CEO Rita Haynes. ShoreBank, as part of its energy-conservation loan program, offers free energy audits and a free Energy Star refrigerator when upgrades are completed. The theory, reducing energy bills makes it more likely people will stay current with their mortgages. Today, only $4.83 million of ShoreBank's $1.5 billion loans are in foreclosure, or just 0.32 percent. Ethical subprime lenders are now expanding beyond mortgages. Ed Jacob, manager and CEO of Chicago's North Side Community Federal Credit Union, was alarmed to learn that many of his 2,700 members, most of whom have less than $100 in their accounts, were relying on the "second-tier financial-service marketplace": check-cashing outlets and payday lenders, which charge exorbitant fees. So he rolled out a Payday Alternative Loan, $500 for six months at 16.5 percent. The delinquency rate on the more than 5,000 PALs extended thus far is 2.5 percent. "For payday lenders, it's a success if customers keep taking out loans. To me, it's a success if they don't have to anymore," Jacob says. He believes such loans can build a credit history and help "move people to better products for them and us—auto loans and, eventually, mortgage loans." **********Lending small amounts of money carefully and responsibly to working-class people isn't a recipe for riches or grand executive living. At the headquarters of ShoreBank, which occupies a former movie theater built in 1923, the window in one founder's office looks out onto a brick wall. Bystry, the CEO of Clearinghouse CDFI, earns a salary of $190,000—a pittance compared with the compensation of larger lenders. (Angelo Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide Financial, was paid $22.1 million in 2007.) For all the growth, this remains very much a niche industry.********** Still, the mortgage crisis has provided an opportunity for ethical subprime lenders to expand. ShoreBank has added staffers and in August 2007 rolled out a Rescue Loan program, which aims to move borrowers out of expensive adjustable-rate mortgages into fixed-rate loans. "We really believe we can help people caught in these bad mortgages," says Jean Pogge, executive vice president of consumer and community banking at ShoreBank. And with plenty of lenders having failed or pulled back from markets, new customers are flocking to their doors. "We're getting demand for regular co-op loans for the first time," says Levy of the Lower East Side Credit Union. In California, the news on housing may be unrelentingly grim, but through the third quarter, Clearinghouse CDFI made 161 loans for $48.4 million, up about 50 percent from the total in the first three quarters of 2007. Doug Bystry says, "This may be a record year for us." A version of this article also appears in this week's Newsweek. Andrew Murr in Los Angeles and Hilary Shenfeld in Chicago assisted in the reporting. Daniel Gross is the Moneybox columnist for Slate and the business columnist for Newsweek. You can e-mail him at . He is the author of Pop! Why Bubbles Are Great for the Economy. Article URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2204583/ Apparently, if you use good business principles and are not greedy, you can make money in the mortgage business and still get paid decently, too. Imagine that. |
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![]() "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET There are other ways too. We are in the process of finalizing the sale of our old "Farmhouse" (the one my mother lived in until recently). The buyers are a young couple who Mrs.E. met through her horse activities. They are great, hard working people in their early 30's who have been living in an apartment, trying to save up to buy a house. Long story short, we are selling them the old Farmhouse for $300K which is $65K less than what we paid for it 7-8 years ago. But, we are being the "bank", holding the mortgage. We backed into the agreed price by first determining what they could comfortably afford in terms of monthly payments, including taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. It sounds crazy, but it works out fine for them and for us. The interest we will earn (6%) over the 30 year mortgage term more than covers the "loss" of 65K plus any future appreciation of the house value. We have a penalty clause for early payoff to protect us that will guaranty at least $400k net to us. They don't have to come up with a downpayment .... I'd rather they keep their savings as emergency funds ... nor do they have to pay finance fees, or mortgage insurance fees to a bank. Other than that, it's exactly like they went to a bank and got a mortgage. They can sell it, refinance it, do whatever they want. When I called our accountant recently (also a "financial planner" who's services we've never used) to set up the paperwork, he started to comment that we'd be better off selling it outright, take the proceeds and invest it ..... and then he stopped and chuckled. He acknowledged that the current economic climate was probably not in his favor to convince me to allow him to invest our money. Anyway, this is the second time we have done this with property we bought a while back. The first one, done about 5 years ago has worked out perfectly for both the buyers and us. Adding this one provides additional income for us in our retirement years as well as affords home ownership to a young couple who otherwise would have a hard time getting a bank mortgage in this day and age. And *we* make the interest, not a bank. They are all excited and it's fun to witness: http://stevenmcnally.net/ Eisboch |
posted to rec.boats
On Nov 15, 8:43*am, "Eisboch" wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET There are other ways too. We are in the process of finalizing the sale of our old "Farmhouse" *(the one my mother lived in until recently). The buyers are a young couple who Mrs.E. met through her horse activities.. They are great, hard working people in their early 30's who have been living in an apartment, trying to save up to buy a house. Long story short, we are selling them the old Farmhouse for $300K which is $65K *less than what we paid for it 7-8 years ago. *But, we are being the "bank", holding the mortgage. * We backed into the agreed price by first determining what they could comfortably afford in terms of monthly payments, including taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. It sounds crazy, but it works out fine for them and for us. *The interest we will earn (6%) over the 30 year mortgage term more than covers the "loss" of 65K plus any future appreciation of the house value. We have a penalty clause for early payoff to protect us that will guaranty at least $400k net to us. They don't have to come up with a downpayment .... I'd rather they keep their savings as emergency funds ... nor do they have to pay finance fees, or mortgage insurance fees to a bank. Other than that, it's exactly like they went to a bank and got a mortgage.. They can sell it, refinance it, do whatever they want. When I called our accountant recently (also a "financial planner" who's services we've never used) *to set up the paperwork, *he started to comment that we'd be better off selling it outright, take the proceeds and invest it .... and then he stopped and chuckled. * He acknowledged that the current economic climate was probably not in his favor to convince me to allow him to invest our money. Anyway, this is the second time we have done this with property we bought a while back. *The first one, done about 5 years ago has worked out perfectly for both the buyers and us. *Adding this one provides *additional income for us in our retirement years as well as affords home ownership to a young couple who otherwise would have a hard time getting a bank mortgage in this day and age. * And *we* make the interest, not a bank. They are all excited and it's fun to witness: http://stevenmcnally.net/ Eisboch Harry can't understand that, he's never had anything except his lies. |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET I will give you a different perspective from my own words. Higher interest rates encourage debt reduction and government for cheap money broke the controls and this counter balance. Then investors abandoned the loan market as it had a negative ROI and created a liquidity problem. Compound it with people not paying their debts, further liquidity issues arose. Some investors actually borrowed cheap money to lend elsewhere for profit! Others borrowed to pay other debt. It wasn't just a US thing. You could borrow yen at 1% from Japan and lend it to the US for 2% and make 1% for nothing. Banks loved it as it further multiplied and leveraged them so they could lend more. Government liked it because for a debtor, which is most voters, want and love low interest rates as they have financed their whole lifestyle on cheap under priced debt. With interest rates below inflation is was the way to go. Poorer people were encouraged to buy homes there really couldn't have afforded otherwise. This added even more ponzi debt to the system. A nation life style funded on leveraged debt and the democratic congress asleep at the wheel encouraged it happen. Then someone defaulted. And the whole bank/government pyramid scheme unravelled. No one got paid back their money so they couldn't pay back others. So people and banks stopped lending money because at 4% you want to be really sure you get paid. Without these assurances, you would have to be nuts to 1) lend money below inflation and 2) lend money you are not going to get back. Now you have every debtor and fiscal mismanaged company from coast to coast threatening the government for tax payers money or job loss. Don't you like socialism, it is like 100 rats in a cage fighting for the same piece of cheese. 99 of them will get nothing as even the US government isn't big enough, and certainly not productive enough to make 100 peaces of cheese for nothing. The reckoning for socialists, government leaches and debt junkies is coming. Those with no debt or very positive net worth at the bottom of this are going to do quite well. |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "Eisboch" wrote in message ... "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET There are other ways too. We are in the process of finalizing the sale of our old "Farmhouse" (the one my mother lived in until recently). The buyers are a young couple who Mrs.E. met through her horse activities. They are great, hard working people in their early 30's who have been living in an apartment, trying to save up to buy a house. Long story short, we are selling them the old Farmhouse for $300K which is $65K less than what we paid for it 7-8 years ago. But, we are being the "bank", holding the mortgage. We backed into the agreed price by first determining what they could comfortably afford in terms of monthly payments, including taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. It sounds crazy, but it works out fine for them and for us. The interest we will earn (6%) over the 30 year mortgage term more than covers the "loss" of 65K plus any future appreciation of the house value. We have a penalty clause for early payoff to protect us that will guaranty at least $400k net to us. They don't have to come up with a downpayment .... I'd rather they keep their savings as emergency funds ... nor do they have to pay finance fees, or mortgage insurance fees to a bank. Other than that, it's exactly like they went to a bank and got a mortgage. They can sell it, refinance it, do whatever they want. When I called our accountant recently (also a "financial planner" who's services we've never used) to set up the paperwork, he started to comment that we'd be better off selling it outright, take the proceeds and invest it .... and then he stopped and chuckled. He acknowledged that the current economic climate was probably not in his favor to convince me to allow him to invest our money. Anyway, this is the second time we have done this with property we bought a while back. The first one, done about 5 years ago has worked out perfectly for both the buyers and us. Adding this one provides additional income for us in our retirement years as well as affords home ownership to a young couple who otherwise would have a hard time getting a bank mortgage in this day and age. And *we* make the interest, not a bank. They are all excited and it's fun to witness: http://stevenmcnally.net/ Eisboch How big is the land that goes with that 'farmhouse'? |
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Don White wrote:
"Eisboch" wrote in message ... "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET There are other ways too. We are in the process of finalizing the sale of our old "Farmhouse" (the one my mother lived in until recently). The buyers are a young couple who Mrs.E. met through her horse activities. They are great, hard working people in their early 30's who have been living in an apartment, trying to save up to buy a house. Long story short, we are selling them the old Farmhouse for $300K which is $65K less than what we paid for it 7-8 years ago. But, we are being the "bank", holding the mortgage. We backed into the agreed price by first determining what they could comfortably afford in terms of monthly payments, including taxes, insurance, utilities, etc. It sounds crazy, but it works out fine for them and for us. The interest we will earn (6%) over the 30 year mortgage term more than covers the "loss" of 65K plus any future appreciation of the house value. We have a penalty clause for early payoff to protect us that will guaranty at least $400k net to us. They don't have to come up with a downpayment .... I'd rather they keep their savings as emergency funds ... nor do they have to pay finance fees, or mortgage insurance fees to a bank. Other than that, it's exactly like they went to a bank and got a mortgage. They can sell it, refinance it, do whatever they want. When I called our accountant recently (also a "financial planner" who's services we've never used) to set up the paperwork, he started to comment that we'd be better off selling it outright, take the proceeds and invest it .... and then he stopped and chuckled. He acknowledged that the current economic climate was probably not in his favor to convince me to allow him to invest our money. Anyway, this is the second time we have done this with property we bought a while back. The first one, done about 5 years ago has worked out perfectly for both the buyers and us. Adding this one provides additional income for us in our retirement years as well as affords home ownership to a young couple who otherwise would have a hard time getting a bank mortgage in this day and age. And *we* make the interest, not a bank. They are all excited and it's fun to witness: http://stevenmcnally.net/ Eisboch How big is the land that goes with that 'farmhouse'? really big, Donny. Really big. |
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![]() "Don White" wrote in message ... How big is the land that goes with that 'farmhouse'? Not much anymore ... 2 acres. Back when it was built (in 1800) is was the "Farmhouse" for a fairly large cattle farm, believe it or not. Probably 100 acres or more. Over the years sections were sold off, some to private parties, some to the town until 1996 when it consisted of about 20 acres. A developer bought the house and remaining land and broke it up into three lots. The house we live in is on one of them (up behind the old Farmhouse). Another house was built on another lot and the Farmhouse land was reduced to 2 acres. There are still about 5 acres of undeveloped land across the street from the house that was originally part of the farmland. Eisboch |
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![]() "Canuck57" wrote in message ... "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET I will give you a different perspective from my own words. Higher interest rates encourage debt reduction and government for cheap money broke the controls and this counter balance. Then investors abandoned the loan market as it had a negative ROI and created a liquidity problem. Compound it with people not paying their debts, further liquidity issues arose. Some investors actually borrowed cheap money to lend elsewhere for profit! Others borrowed to pay other debt. It wasn't just a US thing. You could borrow yen at 1% from Japan and lend it to the US for 2% and make 1% for nothing. Banks loved it as it further multiplied and leveraged them so they could lend more. Government liked it because for a debtor, which is most voters, want and love low interest rates as they have financed their whole lifestyle on cheap under priced debt. With interest rates below inflation is was the way to go. Poorer people were encouraged to buy homes there really couldn't have afforded otherwise. This added even more ponzi debt to the system. A nation life style funded on leveraged debt and the democratic congress asleep at the wheel encouraged it happen. Then someone defaulted. And the whole bank/government pyramid scheme unravelled. No one got paid back their money so they couldn't pay back others. So people and banks stopped lending money because at 4% you want to be really sure you get paid. Without these assurances, you would have to be nuts to 1) lend money below inflation and 2) lend money you are not going to get back. Now you have every debtor and fiscal mismanaged company from coast to coast threatening the government for tax payers money or job loss. Don't you like socialism, it is like 100 rats in a cage fighting for the same piece of cheese. 99 of them will get nothing as even the US government isn't big enough, and certainly not productive enough to make 100 peaces of cheese for nothing. The reckoning for socialists, government leaches and debt junkies is coming. Those with no debt or very positive net worth at the bottom of this are going to do quite well. Well done. You have an excellent grasp of the economics of things. What do you do, if I may ask? Eisboch |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "Eisboch" wrote in message ... "Canuck57" wrote in message ... "Boater" wrote in message ... moneybox The Subprime Good Guys These mortgage lenders loan to poor people, strengthen communities, and are still making a profit. How do they do it? By Daniel Gross Posted Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 7:42 AM ET I will give you a different perspective from my own words. Higher interest rates encourage debt reduction and government for cheap money broke the controls and this counter balance. Then investors abandoned the loan market as it had a negative ROI and created a liquidity problem. Compound it with people not paying their debts, further liquidity issues arose. Some investors actually borrowed cheap money to lend elsewhere for profit! Others borrowed to pay other debt. It wasn't just a US thing. You could borrow yen at 1% from Japan and lend it to the US for 2% and make 1% for nothing. Banks loved it as it further multiplied and leveraged them so they could lend more. Government liked it because for a debtor, which is most voters, want and love low interest rates as they have financed their whole lifestyle on cheap under priced debt. With interest rates below inflation is was the way to go. Poorer people were encouraged to buy homes there really couldn't have afforded otherwise. This added even more ponzi debt to the system. A nation life style funded on leveraged debt and the democratic congress asleep at the wheel encouraged it happen. Then someone defaulted. And the whole bank/government pyramid scheme unravelled. No one got paid back their money so they couldn't pay back others. So people and banks stopped lending money because at 4% you want to be really sure you get paid. Without these assurances, you would have to be nuts to 1) lend money below inflation and 2) lend money you are not going to get back. Now you have every debtor and fiscal mismanaged company from coast to coast threatening the government for tax payers money or job loss. Don't you like socialism, it is like 100 rats in a cage fighting for the same piece of cheese. 99 of them will get nothing as even the US government isn't big enough, and certainly not productive enough to make 100 peaces of cheese for nothing. The reckoning for socialists, government leaches and debt junkies is coming. Those with no debt or very positive net worth at the bottom of this are going to do quite well. Well done. You have an excellent grasp of the economics of things. What do you do, if I may ask? Eisboch UNIX/Linux Administrator/designer/architect consultant (Information Technology), hobby is investing and finance. Fishing and boating when I get the chance. Which isn't often enough. |
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