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  #11   Report Post  
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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 15:14:12 -0500, "Eisboch"

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.

I wonder how he's going to explain that to the Obamabots.
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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"hk" wrote in message
Tom Francis - SWSports wrote:

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

You predicted he wouldn't get elected. Meanwhile, the GOP is going to move
farther to the right and ensure it loses the 2012 election, too.

Won't matter. CNN has a pretty gloomy documentary on right now.

Not a pretty picture. I am starting to change my mind. We may be history.


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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"hk" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.


At the moment, both situations he is inheriting from the worst president
in at least the last 80 years, and perhaps the worst ever.

I know. But on Jan 21 we can blame it all on Obama according to your logic.
Seriously, we are in bad shape. Not sure there is a way to recover.
I need to think about this some more.


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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...
On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 15:14:12 -0500, "Eisboch"

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

The Left is already going berzerk with his refusal to commit to
closing Gitmo, not pulling troops out of Iraq and the probable
collapse of his pledge get rid of the "Bush" tax cuts.

Even more amusing is his own tax cut proposal.

He's WAY out of his league with Congress too - it's going to be fun to

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.


Watching the CNN thing right now. It puts things in perspective. And,
although he contributed in a major way, it's not all Bush's fault. We've
been sliding towards this situation for many, many years.

One guy (didn't catch who it was) threw political correctness to the wind
and pointed the finger of
blame directly on .... us. People. His point was that we are a spoiled
rotten society that wants things now but don't want to pay for them. It's
been going on for many, many presidential administrations.

And, for those that are Clinton admirers and like to point at his
administration's "surplus", it's hogwash. The surplus was an artificially
created number as I have pointed out before.


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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

On Jan 11, 2:59*pm, hk wrote:
Eisboch wrote:

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
messagenews:gvhkm4pk9keadf19ct0g6d3ob3hp88hsn1@4ax .com...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. *Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.


At the moment, both situations he is inheriting from the worst president
in at least the last 80 years, and perhaps the worst ever.

But! he's promised to fix it and no one will have to worry about gas
in their cars or making their mortgange.

Evidently that's what he promised the gal on Youtube.

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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"Eisboch" wrote in message

"hk" wrote in message
Tom Francis - SWSports wrote:

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

You predicted he wouldn't get elected. Meanwhile, the GOP is going to
move farther to the right and ensure it loses the 2012 election, too.

Won't matter. CNN has a pretty gloomy documentary on right now.

Not a pretty picture. I am starting to change my mind. We may be


I just watched the tail end of that program. Good Lord what a mess.
Then you have the jackasses like Waylon who are worried about my provinces'
productivity...................................... .
I believe that Ali guy said every American owes $ 184K.
That may not be a big deal to a number of posters here...but look at JohnHs'
share of that
John + wife + 2 kids + 7 grandkids = 11 x 184k = over $2 mil (assuming his
kids would need help paying their share)
The panel said taxes would have to be doubled ( I ever understood why you
guys can deduct mortgage payments from your income tax)
I think the easy ride is over for Americans. Maybe we can get some of our
doctors back who flew stateside to cash in on the high salary/cheap tax

  #17   Report Post  
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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 15:14:12 -0500, "Eisboch"

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

Logic? Politics isn't logic. Don't know why you lump *me* with
Harry. Not logical.
I'm not the one that engages him in "logical" conversations, as you
tend to do.
On that score I recommend you heed Einstein's definition of
"insanity." (-:
Anyway, since I'm a retired computer systems analyst, I know a bit
about logic. Not classical, mind you - always found that pretty dry.
But in computers, just as in politics, it is often the human interface
that determines what is "logical."
I don't recall even mentioning "legacy" recently, but I'm guessing you
are recalling my comments about being laid off after Reagan took
office. That's just a personal view. I don't worship anybody but my
wife, because that works real good. Ronald Reagan, Barrack Obama,
Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow are invited to kiss my ass.
I strive to be fair and balanced.
"Legacy" in political context it's a historical looks backwards.
Some might argue that Barrack Obama's presidency is part of Ronald
Reagans legacy.
They would use "logic" to make that argument. Cause/effect, etc.
I won't/can't go there.
Everybody knows what Obama is inheriting, and if he leaves us in
better shape then when he came in, he'll be a winner.
Historians will write about it.
Whatever he does that makes us stronger 20-30 years from now will
receive praise. Whatever makes us weaker will receive condemnation.
All the usual 20/20 hindsight, and even then historians will still be
grinding political axes.
I was fine before Reagan came in and soon became part of largest
jobless mass since the Great Depression. I didn't blame Jimmy Carter
or Jerry Ford or Richard Nixon for that.
I never lost a job with them in office.
Ronald Reagan was the prez who presided over the worst unemployment
since the Great Depression, or any time after.
Obama's first mission is to not beat Reagan there.
Those who lose their jobs under Barrack Obama won't blame GWB
They will blame Barrack Obama.
They won't go looking for the "logical" reasons they can't find work.
I don't find that a difficult concept to understand.
The big thing BO has going for him is "the times," which also have
nothing to do with logic.
Remember, money grows on trees now.
I can see unemployment benefits being extended far out, and all kinds
of "aid" to the unemployed.
In Reagan's time he could get away with just telling you to pound
sand. Which is what he did.

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.

Reminds me of when I asked a pal if he was going to do something.
He said "Maybe I might."
At least you left yourself an out.
Tom wasn't so cagey when he told us that McCain would be the next
Predictions are best left to Carnack the Magnificent, not the Overlord
of Whatever.

  #18   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
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Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:43:09 -0500, "Eisboch"

"hk" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.


At the moment, both situations he is inheriting from the worst president
in at least the last 80 years, and perhaps the worst ever.

I know. But on Jan 21 we can blame it all on Obama according to your logic.
Seriously, we are in bad shape. Not sure there is a way to recover.
I need to think about this some more.

Do that and get back to me.
I'm going to make a cup of coffee.
Should be enough time for you to work it out.


  #19   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 276
Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Typical leftist-lib-dem

Promise a lot and appologise later. Makes me wonder, did he think this is
spend to nirvana was going to work or a ploy to get elected knowing it was
just to appease the masses for votes?

Will be watching Obama real close. You can't spend your way out of debt,
just makes it worse.

  #20   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 276
Default I'll give him four years -he won't get reelected...

"hk" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:

"Tom Francis - SWSports" wrote in
message ...

Oh is he giong to learn a lesson...

Just think. Using Harry and Vic's logic, Obama's legacy will be that he
presided over the worst economic recession in the history of the USA.

There's probably also a 50/50 chance of a shooting war with Iran.


At the moment, both situations he is inheriting from the worst president
in at least the last 80 years, and perhaps the worst ever.

Not like he didn't have some help from Democratic congress with the keys to
the bank. Right?

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