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Lil' John July 22nd 09 02:58 AM

Yo Tim!
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 16:07:40 -0700 (PDT), Tim

On Jul 21, 6:00*pm, "Just wait a frekin' minute!"
Lil' John wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:13:27 -0400, "Just wait a frekin' minute!"

Tim wrote:
On Jul 20, 6:24 pm, Lil' John wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:09:19 -0700 (PDT), Tim

On Jul 20, 4:46 pm, Lil' John wrote:
This is what fell out of my swing arm when I took if off today.
Look familiar?
John H
John, that's beat to heck!
I'd be suspicious of the coupler too and something else to look into
is to see if there was any seal damage done to the rear end. I hope
the drive shaft isn't bent.
Some people might say I must full of "good news" about this, but when
you consider that type of consequential damage there could be more
than just replacing a u-joint.
The carrier bearing is in good shape, and the joint was still fitting
snug therein. That's good news. The destroyed end is the transmission
end. *The visible splines slide onto the transmission output shaft.
The transmission seemed OK, but I'll put it through the gears and give
it the stethascope test before reassembly.

The bike has to be ready for a trip north in about six weeks.

John H
Odd, my u joint went out on the dif. side. and cracked the coupler,
velocity joint, whatchamajigger, etc.

I had it welded and the guy did a good job, and all seemed to work
fine. I was afraid it would vibrate, but didn't seem to. Even
dealerships had a hard time getting new ones in the late 70's. So the
only alternative was to take it to a good machine shop and have it

then my brother got a hold of the bike and rode it for some time, then
the rear end went out. I'm not sure if when the u joint went it
damaged a seal or not, and maybe it was coincidental, but still, he
was good to blame it on just the same.

?";^ ).
Geeze, looks like it got pretty dry.. Shouldn't it have some grease in

Nope, no grease goes in there. They are supposed to be permanently
lubricated, which is BS. If grease is packed into the swing arm with
the u-joint, it'll just melt and run into the final drive, overfilling

John H

Er, uh, I meant the grease in the dead bearing... Yeah, that's the ticket;)

John, you sure you don't need my book?

Book, schmook.

This will be about the fifth or sixth or so. They usually last about
25000 or thereabouts. I put about 140,000 on my first Guzzi, so I got
a lot of experience putting in u-joints.

John H

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