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posted to rec.boats
Jim wrote:
Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 8:25 pm, H the K wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 6:35 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 14:56:21 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 1:51 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 10:15:35 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 9:05 am, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 08:49:23 -0400, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:31:38 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: I just became aware of this silliness which I think must have been invented by The Onion but somehow libs are taking it seriously. Guys, I think it was supposed to be a joke.HK, jps, etc, you know, a joke where somebody does somethign silly for laughs. Oh, sorry, I forgot, libs do not recognize humor. As far as I know, the only people who take this seriously are libs and others who still think there was a conspiracy over Palins baby. If you "just" became aware of this, you must be living in a cave! As recently as last week, I saw a news video of some guy polling conservative members of the Senate and Congress on the streets of DC. An amazing number of them said that they couldn't comment on whether Obama was an American Citizen or not because he [Obama] had never produced a birth certificate.... and he owed that to the American people. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama...ertificate.asp The "birthers" are nothing more than disgruntled white racists and their even dumber camp followers who cannot accept the fact that a non-white male won the election for president of the United States. The chain of white man rule in the highest office in the land is broken. We've had and still have a couple of slimers in rec.boats who want to believe Obama was not born in the United States. I think there is plenty of blame to pass around and we need to start with Berg.... and people like him that clog the courts with specious, self-centered lawsuits. They need to compensate the courts and the defendants for time and money wasted. Berg is a card-carrying lunatic with a license to practice law. He's not driven by ideology, but by idiot-ology. The guy was involved in a number of insane 9-11 lawsuits, too. I've been aware of it but really did not think any serious person payed any attention to it. It is like UFOs, only nut cases pay much attention to it. In the case of birthers, only Dems give these people any credence. I assume this is because they think there may be a problem of some kind. Who cares about his birth certificate. Bozoma is going to kill liberalism for another generation and all we have to do is to allow him to do so, and laugh ourselves silly. Have a look at the poll numbers. It's very much alive in the south and it has nothing whatsoever to do with where he was born. I think this must be one of those urban legends with no basis that liberals happen to believe. I live in the Deep South and I see nobody with any interest in this except Dems, mostly the Dems who were "Trig Truthers". None of my redneck friends mentions it, I see no letters to the editor in the local paper and basically no mention of it at all except by Libs. Somebody is jerkin yer chain. Make 700 phone calls to a cultural, religious, political cross section of your neighbors and tell me what they say. A real pollster did already and found that nearly 75% of whites in the south didn't know if Obama was born in the US. It's the same thing the congressmen said. "Didn't know" is a bunch of bull****. They simply don't like his color so anything that'd unseat him would be fine with them, even if in violation of the law. While bigots looking for something to hand their hats on, who certainly aren't going to admit they're bigots. Libs are the most gullible people on this planet who would believe anything that reinforced their bizarre out of touch with reality ideas and this seems to be one of them. Not knowing if Bozoma was born in the USA is far diff from thinking he is not eligible to be Pres. After all, McCain was not born in the USA (panama canal zone) but was eleigible. Sounds like a case of intentional liberal ignorance to me. Sounds like you are deep into the Land of Denial. Many of your "brother" white southerners simply cannot accept the idea of a black president, for reasons I have previously stated. Some of that has to do with trying to push back the reality that they are losing control of the country to "minority" people. Some of it has to do with regional ignorance and stupidity. Some of it has to do with the religious "atmosphere" of your region of the country, an atmosphere that has many of your fellow white southerners believing just about everything their fundie churches tell them to believe. I lived in a far more rednecky, ignorant part of Florida than you. We lived in NE Florida for nearly six years. It was, in many regards, like living in a backwards, foreign country. HK, I have lived in Gadsden County, the most backward part of the entire state. Duval County is urbane by comparison. I spend most of my time in Wakulla (they pronounce and call it "Will Kill Ya") County amongst poor mullet fishermen. I am by culture basically a redneck FL Cracker so I think I know rednecks better'n you and I see no interest in Bozama's birthplace amongst them. I think this entoire "issue" is nothing more'n a myth generated by ignorant liberals (I know, that is redundant). Bozama my ass. **** you and your narrow minded crapola. Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, You'd be lost without name calling. Frog would deny the holocaust if he didn't know anyone who was personally involved in it on either side. And if he spent any time looking it up, he'd conclude that "mostly Jews" talk about it...so why believe it took place. For a guy who claims to be a sort of scientist, what mind he has is rusted shut. |
posted to rec.boats
On Aug 2, 9:45*pm, H the K wrote:
Jim wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 8:25 pm, H the K wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 6:35 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 14:56:21 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 1:51 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 10:15:35 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 9:05 am, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 08:49:23 -0400, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:31:38 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: I just became aware of this silliness which I think must have been invented by The Onion but somehow libs are taking it seriously. *Guys, I think it was supposed to be a joke.HK, jps, etc, you know, a joke where somebody does somethign silly for laughs. *Oh, sorry, I forgot, libs do not recognize humor. *As far as I know, the only people who take this seriously are libs and others who still think there was a conspiracy over Palins baby. If you "just" became aware of this, you must be living in a cave! As recently as last week, I saw a news video of some guy polling conservative members of the Senate and Congress on the streets of DC. An amazing number of them said that they couldn't comment on whether Obama was an American Citizen or not because he [Obama] had never produced a birth certificate.... and he owed that to the American people. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama...ertificate.asp The "birthers" are nothing more than disgruntled white racists and their even dumber camp followers who cannot accept the fact that a non-white male won the election for president of the United States. The chain of white man rule in the highest office in the land is broken. We've had and still have a couple of slimers in rec.boats who want to believe Obama was not born in the United States. I think there is plenty of blame to pass around and we need to start with Berg.... and people like him that clog the courts with specious, self-centered lawsuits. They need to compensate the courts and the defendants for time and money wasted. Berg is a card-carrying lunatic with a license to practice law. He's not driven by ideology, but by idiot-ology. The guy was involved in a number of insane 9-11 lawsuits, too. I've been aware of it but really did not think any serious person payed any attention to it. *It is like UFOs, only nut cases pay much attention to it. *In the case of birthers, only Dems give these people any credence. *I assume this is because they think there may be a problem of some kind. *Who cares about his birth certificate. * Bozoma is going to kill liberalism for another generation and all we have to do is to allow him to do so, and laugh ourselves silly. Have a look at the poll numbers. *It's very much alive in the south and it has nothing whatsoever to do with where he was born. I think this must be one of those urban legends with no basis that liberals happen to believe. *I live in the Deep South and I see nobody with any interest in this except Dems, mostly the Dems who were "Trig Truthers". *None of my redneck friends mentions it, I see no letters to the editor in the local paper and basically no mention of it at all except by Libs. *Somebody is jerkin yer chain. Make 700 phone calls to a cultural, religious, political cross section of your neighbors and tell me what they say. A real pollster did already and found that nearly 75% of whites in the south didn't know if Obama was born in the US. It's the same thing the congressmen said. *"Didn't know" is a bunch of bull****. *They simply don't like his color so anything that'd unseat him would be fine with them, even if in violation of the law. While bigots looking for something to hand their hats on, who certainly aren't going to admit they're bigots. Libs are the most gullible people on this planet who would believe anything that reinforced their bizarre out of touch with reality ideas and this seems to be one of them. *Not knowing if Bozoma was born in the USA is far diff from thinking he is not eligible to be Pres. After all, McCain was not born in the USA (panama canal zone) but was eleigible. Sounds like a case of intentional liberal ignorance to me. Sounds like you are deep into the Land of Denial. Many of your "brother" white southerners simply cannot accept the idea of a black president, for reasons I have previously stated. Some of that has to do with trying to push back the reality that they are losing control of the country to "minority" people. Some of it has to do with regional ignorance and stupidity. Some of it has to do with the religious "atmosphere" of your region of the country, an atmosphere that has many of your fellow white southerners believing just about everything their fundie churches tell them to believe. I lived in a far more rednecky, ignorant part of Florida than you. We lived in NE Florida for nearly six years. It was, in many regards, like living in a backwards, foreign country. HK, I have lived in Gadsden County, the most backward part of the entire state. *Duval County is urbane by comparison. *I spend most of my time in Wakulla (they pronounce and call it "Will Kill Ya") County amongst poor mullet fishermen. *I am by culture basically a redneck FL Cracker so I think I know rednecks better'n you and I see no interest in Bozama's birthplace amongst them. I think this entoire "issue" is nothing more'n a myth generated by ignorant liberals (I know, that is redundant). Bozama my ass. ***** you and your narrow minded crapola. Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, You'd be lost without name calling. Frog would deny the holocaust if he didn't know anyone who was personally involved in it on either side. And if he spent any time looking it up, he'd conclude that "mostly Jews" talk about it...so why believe it took place. For a guy who claims to be a sort of scientist, what mind he has is rusted shut. I kept the truce long after HK and jps (one and the same I think) repeatedly violated it. Done believe me, go check the archives. I will stop using "Bozoma" when Libs all publicly apologize for using "Chimpzilla", " Bu****ler", etc. Until then, dont whine, you started it, now sit and take what you started. I do know some "Creationists" (some of my relatives) but they do not seem to be "birthers". I think most people wjho are concerned about Bozomas birth are libs. |
posted to rec.boats
On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 18:53:49 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
wrote: I think most people wjho are concerned about Bozomas birth are libs. Let it go please. |
posted to rec.boats
On Aug 2, 9:42*pm, Wayne.B wrote:
Let it go please. Sounds good to me..... |
posted to rec.boats
Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 2, 9:45 pm, H the K wrote: Jim wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 8:25 pm, H the K wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 6:35 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 14:56:21 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 1:51 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 10:15:35 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 9:05 am, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 08:49:23 -0400, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:31:38 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: I just became aware of this silliness which I think must have been invented by The Onion but somehow libs are taking it seriously. Guys, I think it was supposed to be a joke.HK, jps, etc, you know, a joke where somebody does somethign silly for laughs. Oh, sorry, I forgot, libs do not recognize humor. As far as I know, the only people who take this seriously are libs and others who still think there was a conspiracy over Palins baby. If you "just" became aware of this, you must be living in a cave! As recently as last week, I saw a news video of some guy polling conservative members of the Senate and Congress on the streets of DC. An amazing number of them said that they couldn't comment on whether Obama was an American Citizen or not because he [Obama] had never produced a birth certificate.... and he owed that to the American people. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama...ertificate.asp The "birthers" are nothing more than disgruntled white racists and their even dumber camp followers who cannot accept the fact that a non-white male won the election for president of the United States. The chain of white man rule in the highest office in the land is broken. We've had and still have a couple of slimers in rec.boats who want to believe Obama was not born in the United States. I think there is plenty of blame to pass around and we need to start with Berg.... and people like him that clog the courts with specious, self-centered lawsuits. They need to compensate the courts and the defendants for time and money wasted. Berg is a card-carrying lunatic with a license to practice law. He's not driven by ideology, but by idiot-ology. The guy was involved in a number of insane 9-11 lawsuits, too. I've been aware of it but really did not think any serious person payed any attention to it. It is like UFOs, only nut cases pay much attention to it. In the case of birthers, only Dems give these people any credence. I assume this is because they think there may be a problem of some kind. Who cares about his birth certificate. Bozoma is going to kill liberalism for another generation and all we have to do is to allow him to do so, and laugh ourselves silly. Have a look at the poll numbers. It's very much alive in the south and it has nothing whatsoever to do with where he was born. I think this must be one of those urban legends with no basis that liberals happen to believe. I live in the Deep South and I see nobody with any interest in this except Dems, mostly the Dems who were "Trig Truthers". None of my redneck friends mentions it, I see no letters to the editor in the local paper and basically no mention of it at all except by Libs. Somebody is jerkin yer chain. Make 700 phone calls to a cultural, religious, political cross section of your neighbors and tell me what they say. A real pollster did already and found that nearly 75% of whites in the south didn't know if Obama was born in the US. It's the same thing the congressmen said. "Didn't know" is a bunch of bull****. They simply don't like his color so anything that'd unseat him would be fine with them, even if in violation of the law. While bigots looking for something to hand their hats on, who certainly aren't going to admit they're bigots. Libs are the most gullible people on this planet who would believe anything that reinforced their bizarre out of touch with reality ideas and this seems to be one of them. Not knowing if Bozoma was born in the USA is far diff from thinking he is not eligible to be Pres. After all, McCain was not born in the USA (panama canal zone) but was eleigible. Sounds like a case of intentional liberal ignorance to me. Sounds like you are deep into the Land of Denial. Many of your "brother" white southerners simply cannot accept the idea of a black president, for reasons I have previously stated. Some of that has to do with trying to push back the reality that they are losing control of the country to "minority" people. Some of it has to do with regional ignorance and stupidity. Some of it has to do with the religious "atmosphere" of your region of the country, an atmosphere that has many of your fellow white southerners believing just about everything their fundie churches tell them to believe. I lived in a far more rednecky, ignorant part of Florida than you. We lived in NE Florida for nearly six years. It was, in many regards, like living in a backwards, foreign country. HK, I have lived in Gadsden County, the most backward part of the entire state. Duval County is urbane by comparison. I spend most of my time in Wakulla (they pronounce and call it "Will Kill Ya") County amongst poor mullet fishermen. I am by culture basically a redneck FL Cracker so I think I know rednecks better'n you and I see no interest in Bozama's birthplace amongst them. I think this entoire "issue" is nothing more'n a myth generated by ignorant liberals (I know, that is redundant). Bozama my ass. **** you and your narrow minded crapola. Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, Liberals, You'd be lost without name calling. Frog would deny the holocaust if he didn't know anyone who was personally involved in it on either side. And if he spent any time looking it up, he'd conclude that "mostly Jews" talk about it...so why believe it took place. For a guy who claims to be a sort of scientist, what mind he has is rusted shut. I kept the truce long after HK and jps (one and the same I think) repeatedly violated it. Done believe me, go check the archives. I will stop using "Bozoma" when Libs all publicly apologize for using "Chimpzilla", " Bu****ler", etc. Until then, dont whine, you started it, now sit and take what you started. I do know some "Creationists" (some of my relatives) but they do not seem to be "birthers". I think most people wjho are concerned about Bozomas birth are libs. If you really want to **** Harry and jps off, don't respond to their political trolls. -- Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq. This Newsgroup post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects |
posted to rec.boats
On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 17:49:02 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
wrote: On Aug 2, 8:25*pm, H the K wrote: Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 6:35 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 14:56:21 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 1:51 pm, jps wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 10:15:35 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: On Aug 2, 9:05 am, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 08:49:23 -0400, H the K wrote: Gene wrote: On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:31:38 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch wrote: I just became aware of this silliness which I think must have been invented by The Onion but somehow libs are taking it seriously. *Guys, I think it was supposed to be a joke.HK, jps, etc, you know, a joke where somebody does somethign silly for laughs. *Oh, sorry, I forgot, libs do not recognize humor. *As far as I know, the only people who take this seriously are libs and others who still think there was a conspiracy over Palins baby. If you "just" became aware of this, you must be living in a cave! As recently as last week, I saw a news video of some guy polling conservative members of the Senate and Congress on the streets of DC. An amazing number of them said that they couldn't comment on whether Obama was an American Citizen or not because he [Obama] had never produced a birth certificate.... and he owed that to the American people. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama...ertificate.asp The "birthers" are nothing more than disgruntled white racists and their even dumber camp followers who cannot accept the fact that a non-white male won the election for president of the United States. The chain of white man rule in the highest office in the land is broken. We've had and still have a couple of slimers in rec.boats who want to believe Obama was not born in the United States. I think there is plenty of blame to pass around and we need to start with Berg.... and people like him that clog the courts with specious, self-centered lawsuits. They need to compensate the courts and the defendants for time and money wasted. Berg is a card-carrying lunatic with a license to practice law. He's not driven by ideology, but by idiot-ology. The guy was involved in a number of insane 9-11 lawsuits, too. I've been aware of it but really did not think any serious person payed any attention to it. *It is like UFOs, only nut cases pay much attention to it. *In the case of birthers, only Dems give these people any credence. *I assume this is because they think there may be a problem of some kind. *Who cares about his birth certificate. *Bozoma is going to kill liberalism for another generation and all we have to do is to allow him to do so, and laugh ourselves silly. Have a look at the poll numbers. *It's very much alive in the south and it has nothing whatsoever to do with where he was born. I think this must be one of those urban legends with no basis that liberals happen to believe. *I live in the Deep South and I see nobody with any interest in this except Dems, mostly the Dems who were "Trig Truthers". *None of my redneck friends mentions it, I see no letters to the editor in the local paper and basically no mention of it at all except by Libs. *Somebody is jerkin yer chain. Make 700 phone calls to a cultural, religious, political cross section of your neighbors and tell me what they say. A real pollster did already and found that nearly 75% of whites in the south didn't know if Obama was born in the US. It's the same thing the congressmen said. *"Didn't know" is a bunch of bull****. *They simply don't like his color so anything that'd unseat him would be fine with them, even if in violation of the law. While bigots looking for something to hand their hats on, who certainly aren't going to admit they're bigots. Libs are the most gullible people on this planet who would believe anything that reinforced their bizarre out of touch with reality ideas and this seems to be one of them. *Not knowing if Bozoma was born in the USA is far diff from thinking he is not eligible to be Pres. After all, McCain was not born in the USA (panama canal zone) but was eleigible. Sounds like a case of intentional liberal ignorance to me. Sounds like you are deep into the Land of Denial. Many of your "brother" white southerners simply cannot accept the idea of a black president, for reasons I have previously stated. Some of that has to do with trying to push back the reality that they are losing control of the country to "minority" people. Some of it has to do with regional ignorance and stupidity. Some of it has to do with the religious "atmosphere" of your region of the country, an atmosphere that has many of your fellow white southerners believing just about everything their fundie churches tell them to believe. I lived in a far more rednecky, ignorant part of Florida than you. We lived in NE Florida for nearly six years. It was, in many regards, like living in a backwards, foreign country. HK, I have lived in Gadsden County, the most backward part of the entire state. Duval County is urbane by comparison. I spend most of my time in Wakulla (they pronounce and call it "Will Kill Ya") County amongst poor mullet fishermen. I am by culture basically a redneck FL Cracker so I think I know rednecks better'n you and I see no interest in Bozama's birthplace amongst them. I think this entoire "issue" is nothing more'n a myth generated by ignorant liberals (I know, that is redundant). I can't believe you're letting harry suck you in also. -- John H |
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