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posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 21, 10:58*pm, Wilson Woods wrote:
wrote: On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:12:00 -0700, Wilson Woods wrote: In 1964, when Republicans objected to the Civil Rights Act because it would lead to quotas, Hubert Humphrey notoriously said he would "start eating the pages one after another, because [language mandating quotas] is not in there." *Of course, it didn't matter that the language wasn't in there - the act *DID* lead to quotas. There is no language in any funding bill for public education in any state that explicitly provides for providing public schooling to illegal aliens, but we now have a regime that *mandates* providing public schooling to illegal aliens. Why would any serious person think the same thing won't happen with health care for illegal aliens under Obamacare legislation? *Of *course* it will! *Leftists - Obama included - overtly sympathize with illegals. *MALDEF, ACLU, ACORN MEChA, and all the other far-left organizations that want to destroy America, and who *today* already sympathize with illegal aliens, can barely wait for the ink to dry on any Obamacare bill before they run into federal court and demand that coverage extend to illegals. *And when they do, Obama's administration will file amicus briefs with the courts agreeing with the plaintiffs. Guaranteed. They're not listening. Conservatives and moderates aren't listening. *Illegal alien loving "liberals" are, and they're laughing, because they know it's true.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - the right's not listening because they've already destroyed america. we're on the road to being a 3rd world country, courtesy of 30 years of reagonomics. |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 22, 7:41*am, wf3h wrote:
On Sep 21, 10:58*pm, Wilson Woods wrote: wrote: On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:12:00 -0700, Wilson Woods wrote: In 1964, when Republicans objected to the Civil Rights Act because it would lead to quotas, Hubert Humphrey notoriously said he would "start eating the pages one after another, because [language mandating quotas] is not in there." *Of course, it didn't matter that the language wasn't in there - the act *DID* lead to quotas. There is no language in any funding bill for public education in any state that explicitly provides for providing public schooling to illegal aliens, but we now have a regime that *mandates* providing public schooling to illegal aliens. Why would any serious person think the same thing won't happen with health care for illegal aliens under Obamacare legislation? *Of *course* it will! *Leftists - Obama included - overtly sympathize with illegals. *MALDEF, ACLU, ACORN MEChA, and all the other far-left organizations that want to destroy America, and who *today* already sympathize with illegal aliens, can barely wait for the ink to dry on any Obamacare bill before they run into federal court and demand that coverage extend to illegals. *And when they do, Obama's administration will file amicus briefs with the courts agreeing with the plaintiffs. Guaranteed. They're not listening. Conservatives and moderates aren't listening. *Illegal alien loving "liberals" are, and they're laughing, because they know it's true.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - the right's not listening because they've already destroyed america. we're on the road to being a 3rd world country, courtesy of 30 years of reagonomics.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I would suggest to you that Carter & Clinton did, and Obama will do, more damage to American interests domestically and abroad than GWB EVER did during his eight years in office. Obama, on the other hand, is lying through his teeth about almost everything in both domestic affairs and foreign affairs. He's lied about health care costs, he's lied to seniors about Medicare and Medicare Advantage, he can't even get his story straight about his own daughter (Michelle and Barry told two completely different stories about their daughter's meningitis incident), he fabricated two completely false horror stories about dropped insurance coverage, abandoned Eastern Europe without gaining anything from the Russians including the Russians placing missiles on the Polish border, he's abandoning Isreal to its fate, foreign heads of government think he's an empty suit, he's lied about Cap and Trade, he's lied about tax increases, Iran and North Korea are making him look foolish and even the damn French don't like him. When are you guys going to wake up? |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 22, 8:54*am, Toots Sweet wrote:
On Sep 22, 7:41*am, wf3h wrote: the right's not listening because they've already destroyed america. we're on the road to being a 3rd world country, courtesy of 30 years of reagonomics.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I would suggest to you that Carter & Clinton did, and Obama will do, more damage to American interests domestically and abroad than GWB EVER did during his eight years in office. middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush the RICH, however, did EXTREMELY well under bush, with the income of the richest 1% almost tripling under his regime so i realize you're a liar. but DO try to do it in a way that sucks the cock of the rich in a less obsequious manner, OK? Obama, on the other hand, is lying through his teeth about almost everything in both domestic affairs and foreign affairs. He's lied about health care costs, what could he lie about? that we have the most costly and least efficient health care in the world, courtesy of your rich friends? he's lied to seniors about Medicare and Medicare Advantage, he can't even get his story straight about his own daughter (Michelle and Barry told two completely different stories about their daughter's meningitis incident), nobody cares he fabricated two completely false horror stories about dropped insurance coverage, abandoned Eastern Europe without gaining anything from the Russians including the Russians placing missiles on the Polish border, you mean the missile system, favored by bush, that would have cost BILLIONS, and doesn't work? that the system you're referring to? and, of course, he's replacing it with a system that DOES work...the aegis system... oh. you're ****ed because those billions would have gone to bush's rich friends he's abandoning Isreal to its fate, abandoning israel? anyone believe that? bueller? bueller? foreign heads of government think he's an empty suit, he's lied about Cap and Trade, he's lied about tax increases, Iran and North Korea are making him look foolish and even the damn French don't like him. iran and n. korea...n. korea became a nuclear power under bush. they did their first nuke test under bush. iran started its centrifuges under bush. you seem to have forgotten obama's been president for 8 months. you have him confused with bush. all the failures you've mentioned...ALL of them...happnened under bush |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 22, 9:25*am, wf3h wrote:
On Sep 22, 8:54*am, Toots Sweet wrote: On Sep 22, 7:41*am, wf3h wrote: the right's not listening because they've already destroyed america.. we're on the road to being a 3rd world country, courtesy of 30 years of reagonomics.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I would suggest to you that Carter & Clinton did, and Obama will do, more damage to American interests domestically and abroad than GWB EVER did during his eight years in office. middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush Has nothing to do with the FACT that Obama is lying now does that. Absoutely nothing. the RICH, *however, did EXTREMELY well under bush, with the income of the richest 1% almost tripling under his regime So? Who creates wealth - the government? Don't blame GWB for lousy investment choices you made. so i realize *you're a liar. but DO try to do it in a way that sucks the cock of the rich in a less obsequious manner, OK? Yes exactly what I wanted to see. The last refuge of those whose arguments are destroyed - foul language. How utterly typical. Obama, on the other hand, is lying through his teeth about almost everything in both domestic affairs and foreign affairs. He's lied about health care costs, what could he lie about? that we have the most costly and least efficient health care in the world, courtesy of your rich friends? Really. Well, that must explain why 90% of the American populace likes their health insurance and want to keep it. That must also explain the ready availability of health care when you catch a cold and run do the doctor. That must explain all the CAT/PET/MRI testing available. That certainly must explain all the recent advances in terminal cancer care. That must explain cheapo flu shots. Drug investments. That must explain why Canadians and other people from other countries come here for advanced treatments. IT'S THE RICH!!! Honestly - do you ever actually think? Logically? About anything? *he's lied to seniors about Medicare and Medicare Advantage, he can't even get his story straight about his own daughter (Michelle and Barry told two completely different stories about their daughter's meningitis incident), nobody cares Not true. People do care. They care a lot. And you and your fellow leftists saw just how powerful the "average" American feels about everything. Oh, and before you claim that it was all "special interests", please explain why the SEIU beat up people and restricted access to the "town halls" after it became an issue when the ladies and gentlemen of our Congress were confronted by angry average Americans? Explain why Democratic Congressmen and women in secure seats had to hide behind pre-screened "tele conferences" rather than explain all this in person to their constituents? One more thing - please explain why Federal, State and Union medical benefits will not change while all other Americans will have to change their plans if they want to stay insured. You might want to think about this also. If these plans are so great, why aren't our legislators at the State and Federal level participating in all this health care change goodness? *he fabricated two completely false horror stories about dropped insurance coverage, abandoned Eastern Europe without gaining anything from the Russians including the Russians placing missiles on the Polish border, you mean the missile system, favored by bush, that would have cost BILLIONS, and doesn't work? that the system you're referring to? and, of course, he's replacing it with a system that DOES work...the aegis system... The Aegis System won't work either - not against ICBMs. With respect to "doesn't work", I think the Air Force would beg to differ. There are Youtube videos of successful tests. I suggest that you look them up. Not that it will convince you in particular because you are inculcated into the liberal mind set (frozen in time you might say), but it might convince others that you aren't being entirely truthful and have, in fact, drank the Kool-Aid of leftist political thought. oh. you're ****ed because those billions would have gone to bush's rich friends Not at all. Extrapolation isn't one of your strong points I see. I'm "****ed", as you so delightfully put it, because when Iran gets to chucking nuclear missiles around the Middle East, I'll have to say I told you so and that would annoy me to no end. he's abandoning Isreal to its fate, abandoning israel? anyone believe that? *bueller? bueller? Yes - the Isrealies believe it and they know it to be true. They are being thrown to the wolves in the name of "peace". *foreign heads of government think he's an empty suit, he's lied about Cap and Trade, he's lied about tax increases, Iran and North Korea are making him look foolish and even the damn French don't like him. iran and n. korea...n. korea became a nuclear power under bush. *they did their first nuke test under bush. iran started its centrifuges under bush. Oh gosh - another trite BOOOOOOSH comment. Clinton allowed it - Albright was his go-to gal on that one. I can see history isn't one of your strong points either. you seem to have forgotten obama's been president for 8 months. you have him confused with bush. I'm fully aware that President Obama has been in office for 8 months. I'm also fully aware that he's becoming a complete and total failure in terms of leadership not to mention that the country is now officially worse off than it was under President Bush. And that's hard to do. all the failures you've mentioned...ALL of them...happnened under bush Amusing. Well, it has been fun to say the least. It's not often I get to "discuss" issues with religious converts. It's like talking to the Taliban about theology only in this case, it's our own people who should know better. Have a great day. And do try to at least think a little. It might change your opinions. Then again, the odds of that happening are miniscule to say the least. |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
wf3h wrote:
On Sep 21, 10:58 pm, Wilson Woods wrote: wrote: On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:12:00 -0700, Wilson Woods wrote: In 1964, when Republicans objected to the Civil Rights Act because it would lead to quotas, Hubert Humphrey notoriously said he would "start eating the pages one after another, because [language mandating quotas] is not in there." Of course, it didn't matter that the language wasn't in there - the act *DID* lead to quotas. There is no language in any funding bill for public education in any state that explicitly provides for providing public schooling to illegal aliens, but we now have a regime that *mandates* providing public schooling to illegal aliens. Why would any serious person think the same thing won't happen with health care for illegal aliens under Obamacare legislation? Of *course* it will! Leftists - Obama included - overtly sympathize with illegals. MALDEF, ACLU, ACORN MEChA, and all the other far-left organizations that want to destroy America, and who *today* already sympathize with illegal aliens, can barely wait for the ink to dry on any Obamacare bill before they run into federal court and demand that coverage extend to illegals. And when they do, Obama's administration will file amicus briefs with the courts agreeing with the plaintiffs. Guaranteed. They're not listening. Conservatives and moderates aren't listening. Illegal alien loving "liberals" are, and they're laughing, because they know it's true.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - the right's not listening because they've already destroyed america. No. |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 22, 10:10*am, Toots Sweet wrote:
On Sep 22, 9:25*am, wf3h wrote: middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush Has nothing to do with the FACT that Obama is lying now does that. IOW you admit the middle class has been destroyed by the rich and nothing obama is doing will cause more damage but you're paranoid about obama. yep. sounds like a right wing fanatic. the RICH, *however, did EXTREMELY well under bush, with the income of the richest 1% almost tripling under his regime So? *Who creates wealth - the government? *Don't blame GWB for lousy investment choices you made. wealth? you mean my -35% change in my 401K? that the wealth you talking about? or how about the wealth where i have to pay more taxes to bail out the rich hedge fund managers, banks, etc. perhaps if you could tell me WHERE this fabled wealth is that the rich create for the middle class actually IS you'd have some credibility. and i didn't make the choice. shearson did. goldman sachs did. Bof A did. all the while you're sucking the dick of the rich, they're stealing from you...as you ADMIT...then you blame it on obama jesus you're freakin' stupid. Obama, on the other hand, is lying through his teeth about almost everything in both domestic affairs and foreign affairs. He's lied about health care costs, what could he lie about? that we have the most costly and least efficient health care in the world, courtesy of your rich friends? Really. *Well, that must explain why 90% of the American populace likes their health insurance and want to keep it. that's because they rarely use it. That must also explain the ready availability of health care when you catch a cold and run do the doctor. really? i've got a buddy who's a cop near pittsburgh. the only physical he got in the last 30 years was the one i gave him when i was in nursing school. he doesn't have health insurance. so perhaps you're willing to trust your family's health to student nurses. is that what you're saying? or you're willing to go without care for 30 years? *That must explain all the CAT/PET/MRI testing available. *That certainly must explain all the recent advances in terminal cancer care. *That must explain cheapo flu shots. *Drug investments. *That must explain why Canadians and other people from other countries come here for advanced treatments. IT'S THE RICH!!! funny that OTHER countries with 'socialized medicine' have EXACTLY the same healthcare available. oh. you forgot about that because you're busy sucking rich tit. Honestly - do you ever actually think? *Logically? *About anything? says the guy who just dropped in from mars... *he's lied to seniors about Medicare and Medicare Advantage, he can't even get his story straight about his own daughter (Michelle and Barry told two completely different stories about their daughter's meningitis incident), nobody cares Not true. *People do care. *They care a lot. And you and your fellow leftists saw just how powerful the "average" American feels about everything. really? you think someone who lost his job, and his healthcare stays awake at night saying 'i wonder what's going on with the obama kids' christ you right wingers live in a bubble. Oh, and before you claim that it was all "special interests", please explain why the SEIU beat up people and restricted access to the "town halls" after it became an issue when the ladies and gentlemen of our Congress were confronted by angry average Americans? uh the last time i checked the SEIU wasn't part of the US govt. perhaps you've heard otherwise. *Explain why Democratic Congressmen and women in secure seats had to hide behind pre-screened "tele conferences" rather than explain all this in person to their constituents? uh huh. kind of like when cheney met behind closed doors with the chairman of exxon/mobile and all of a sudden we had an energy policy!! One more thing - please explain why Federal, State and Union medical benefits will not change while all other Americans will have to change their plans if they want to stay insured. *You might want to think about this also. *If these plans are so great, why aren't our legislators at the State and Federal level participating in all this health care change goodness? no one's going to have to change anything. you just seem to think that the rich will provide everything. if so, tell me how my friend gets health insurance while he's on duty protecting people like you who tell him how lucky he is not to have health coverage... *he fabricated two completely false horror stories about dropped insurance coverage, abandoned Eastern Europe without gaining anything from the Russians including the Russians placing missiles on the Polish border, you mean the missile system, favored by bush, that would have cost BILLIONS, and doesn't work? that the system you're referring to? and, of course, he's replacing it with a system that DOES work...the aegis system... The Aegis System won't work either - not against ICBMs. hey idiot...iran doesn't have ICBM's. christ you ARE stupid...amazingly stupid...a perfect storm of stupidity and the system obama cancelled? IT DOESNT WORK AGAINST ICBM's...but it WOULD cost BILLIONS of dollars typical right winger. spend LOTS of money on something that DOESNT work merely to enrich the rich and to pretend he's a patriot no wonder you love bush. he's as incompetent as you are With respect to "doesn't work", I think the Air Force would beg to differ. *There are Youtube videos of successful tests. ROFLMAO!! hey moron. i'm an engineer. you can make ANY test come out successful if you want. go ahead tell me how this system would work against REALY ICBM's that iran doesn't have, OK? *I suggest that you look them up. *Not that it will convince you in particular because you are inculcated into the liberal mind set (frozen in time you might say), but it might convince others that you aren't being entirely truthful and have, in fact, drank the Kool-Aid of leftist political thought. uh huh. i suppose you right wingers think that, if you close your eyes, and click your heels together, all those nasty problems will just go away... how's toto by the by? oh. you're ****ed because those billions would have gone to bush's rich friends Not at all. Extrapolation isn't one of your strong points I see. I'm "****ed", as you so delightfully put it, because when Iran gets to chucking nuclear missiles around the Middle East, I'll have to say I told you so and that would annoy me to no end. it wouldn't bother me in the least if iran nuked the middle east. couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. and you? you'd spend billions we don't have, just to make sure the rich stay rich, on a system that, when the nukes go off, wouldn't work worth a damn.... he's abandoning Isreal to its fate, abandoning israel? anyone believe that? *bueller? bueller? Yes - the Isrealies believe it and they know it to be true. *They are being thrown to the wolves in the name of "peace". ah. 'they' know it to be true. and we know this because you're saying it. golly... *foreign heads of government think he's an empty suit, he's lied about Cap and Trade, he's lied about tax increases, Iran and North Korea are making him look foolish and even the damn French don't like him. iran and n. korea...n. korea became a nuclear power under bush. *they did their first nuke test under bush. iran started its centrifuges under bush. Oh gosh - another trite BOOOOOOSH comment. *Clinton allowed it - Albright was his go-to gal on that one. *I can see history isn't one of your strong points either. uh...the nuke test was done in n. korea under bush. bush did absolutely nothing about it. and yet you blame obama IOW you don't know what year this is. you seem to have forgotten obama's been president for 8 months. you have him confused with bush. I'm fully aware that President Obama has been in office for 8 months. I'm also fully aware that he's becoming a complete and total failure in terms of leadership not to mention that the country is now officially worse off than it was under President Bush. *And that's hard to do. as i said....every failure you attribute to obama happened under the bush administration. all of them yet you think obama's been president for 8 years. amazing how you right wingers think |
posted to rec.boats
wf3h wrote:
On Sep 22, 10:10 am, Toots Sweet wrote: On Sep 22, 9:25 am, wf3h wrote: middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush Has nothing to do with the FACT that Obama is lying now does that. IOW you admit the middle class has been destroyed by the rich and nothing obama is doing will cause more damage but you're paranoid about obama. yep. sounds like a right wing fanatic. The only thing about the "toot" sock puppet worth knowing is which one of the right-wing regulars in rec.boats is he. He's already in my bozo bin, along with most of the rest of the right-wing diarrhea that stinks up this joint...and the country. -- Birther-Deather-Tenther-Teabagger: Idiots All |
posted to rec.boats
On Sep 22, 11:16*am, H the K wrote:
wf3h wrote: On Sep 22, 10:10 am, Toots Sweet wrote: On Sep 22, 9:25 am, wf3h wrote: middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush Has nothing to do with the FACT that Obama is lying now does that. IOW you admit the middle class has been destroyed by the rich and nothing obama is doing will cause more damage but you're paranoid about obama. yep. sounds like a right wing fanatic. The only thing about the "toot" sock puppet worth knowing is which one of the right-wing regulars in rec.boats is he. He's already in my bozo bin, along with most of the rest of the right-wing diarrhea that stinks up this joint...and the country. i gotta say, reading his **** is like walking into a firestorm of stupidity. it's incredible how many different lies one moron can believe....he believes EVERY wrong thing that rush ever said... which is pretty much everything rush has ever said. |
posted to rec.boats
wf3h wrote:
On Sep 22, 11:16 am, H the K wrote: wf3h wrote: On Sep 22, 10:10 am, Toots Sweet wrote: On Sep 22, 9:25 am, wf3h wrote: middle class incomes rose under clinton. they collapsed under bush. if you disagree, post the data. the lastest salary surveys show middle class income increased about 1.5% a year under clinton...and went nowhere under bush Has nothing to do with the FACT that Obama is lying now does that. IOW you admit the middle class has been destroyed by the rich and nothing obama is doing will cause more damage but you're paranoid about obama. yep. sounds like a right wing fanatic. The only thing about the "toot" sock puppet worth knowing is which one of the right-wing regulars in rec.boats is he. He's already in my bozo bin, along with most of the rest of the right-wing diarrhea that stinks up this joint...and the country. i gotta say, reading his **** is like walking into a firestorm of stupidity. it's incredible how many different lies one moron can believe....he believes EVERY wrong thing that rush ever said... which is pretty much everything rush has ever said. The group of 'em ought to be called "Woofie and the Dogmatics." -- Birther-Deather-Tenther-Teabagger: Idiots All |
posted to alt.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.politics.guns,alt.politics.usa,rec.boats
On Sep 22, 11:10*am, wf3h wrote:
yet you think obama's been president for 8 years. amazing how you right wingers think I heard the grape flavored Kool Aid is the best for covering up the taste of the arsenic. Poor guy - suffering such indignities at the hands of poor old stupid "righties" daring to point out the obvious flaws in your oh so silly little arguments and tantrums. I feel that I shouldn't have to point this out to you, being as you are so smart and bright, but the only people here who seem to be on your side of the argument is that pinhead Krause who apparently is a close relative of Baron Münchausen and jps who, oddly, is probably a really nice guy despite his propensity for vulgar hyperbole. Oh and if any of those words confuse you, please don't hesitate to ask or better yet, as I know education, history and logic aren't your strong suit, look them up - I find dictionary.com to be very helpful and occasionally wikipedia. |
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