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H the K[_2_] October 3rd 09 07:01 PM

Epic Fail
On 10/3/09 12:45 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Oct 3, 11:18 am, wrote:
On Fri, 2 Oct 2009 17:31:56 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch

Dems blame Bush for their losing the 2016 olympics. You just knew
they would do this.

Yes, That's right the failed Obama admin has failed once again.
Failed to get the Olympics, failed to pass cap and tax, failed to do
ANYTHING about health care, they killed the economy, 10% unemployment
(it's Bush's fault, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure). Allowed Iran to get
nukes, sold Poland down the river, sold the Israelis down the river.
Spent a trillion dollars for a "stimulus" and got NOTHING In return.
Losing in Afghanistan, even the French think Obama is an appeasing
surrender monkey and the brits call Obama President Pantywaist.
They are shown to favor selling little kids into sexual slavery and
now lefties defend Pedo Polanski, surprise, surprise, surprise. OMG,
even their stupid global warming scam has fallen apart as Mckintire
has just shown the entire "hockey stick" to be based on data from a
single tree in (drum roll here).............SIBERIA.
They have a huge majority in both houses of congress and THEY CANNOT

They've already started blaming the Olympic failure on Bush. Read it

It's not limited to Jesse Jackson, but the flavor is the same
elsewhere. Jesse, as much as 'Bama, represents the liberal attitude.
They find it hard to accept that Chicago just might not be the kind of
place respectable people want to visit.

having lived in chicago for a few years it's actually a nice place.

but bush, being the worst president since buchanan, already has enough
to guarantee his place in history.

the right, of course, ignores bush's failures.after all, he took care
of the rich

Chicago is one of the great cities of the world, and has been for a
long, long time. Great architecture, terrific restaurants, hotels,
libaries, museums, shopping, transportation, airport. As with any major
city, it has its problems.

Herring doesn't like it because he never had the skill set to earn a
living in Chicago. Also, it has lots of different ethnic and racial
groups, and people whose skin isn't as white as herring's...well, they
aren't *his sort* of people.

I never turn down an opportunity for a trip to Chicago, Boston, San
Francisco, New York, New Orleans, Miami, et cetera.

Idiots All

wf3h October 3rd 09 07:11 PM

Epic Fail
On Oct 3, 1:01*pm, H the K wrote:

Herring doesn't like it because he never had the skill set to earn a
living in Chicago. Also, it has lots of different ethnic and racial
groups, and people whose skin isn't as white as herring's...well, they
aren't *his sort* of people.

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

Frogwatch October 3rd 09 07:34 PM

Epic Fail
On Oct 3, 1:11*pm, wf3h wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:01*pm, H the K wrote:

Herring doesn't like it because he never had the skill set to earn a
living in Chicago. Also, it has lots of different ethnic and racial
groups, and people whose skin isn't as white as herring's...well, they
aren't *his sort* of people.

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the *mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

The Obama admin and the Dem congress have been huge failures having
accomplished nothing except the destruction of our economy. These
people who think thye are so smart have completely failed at
everything they have tried to do evn though they have nothing in their
way. This is an historical level of failure and incompetence.

H the K[_2_] October 3rd 09 07:53 PM

Epic Fail
On 10/3/09 1:34 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:11 pm, wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:01 pm, H the wrote:

Herring doesn't like it because he never had the skill set to earn a
living in Chicago. Also, it has lots of different ethnic and racial
groups, and people whose skin isn't as white as herring's...well, they
aren't *his sort* of people.

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

The Obama admin and the Dem congress have been huge failures having
accomplished nothing except the destruction of our economy. These
people who think thye are so smart have completely failed at
everything they have tried to do evn though they have nothing in their
way. This is an historical level of failure and incompetence.

Sorry, ****-for-brains, but the economy was destroyed under the watchful
eye of George W. Bush. Obama is trying to clean up the mess left by your
idiot boy, Bush.

Go invent something useless.

Idiots All

The D[_4_] October 4th 09 12:48 AM

Epic Fail
Jack wrote:
On Oct 2, 10:05 pm, The D wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
Dems blame Bush for their losing the 2016 olympics. You just knew
they would do this.
Yes, That's right the failed Obama admin has failed once again.
Failed to get the Olympics, failed to pass cap and tax, failed to do
ANYTHING about health care, they killed the economy, 10% unemployment
(it's Bush's fault, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure). Allowed Iran to get
nukes, sold Poland down the river, sold the Israelis down the river.
Spent a trillion dollars for a "stimulus" and got NOTHING In return.
Losing in Afghanistan, even the French think Obama is an appeasing
surrender monkey and the brits call Obama President Pantywaist.
They are shown to favor selling little kids into sexual slavery and
now lefties defend Pedo Polanski, surprise, surprise, surprise. OMG,
even their stupid global warming scam has fallen apart as Mckintire
has just shown the entire "hockey stick" to be based on data from a
single tree in (drum roll here).............SIBERIA.
They have a huge majority in both houses of congress and THEY CANNOT

WAFA will either remain quiet on this or post an amazing, narcissistic

He settled for an ad hominem attack. The lemming in this NG are now
using this in progidous doses on a daily basis. Wonder why...

I saw that. Self-serving editing as usual.

The D[_4_] October 4th 09 01:00 AM

Epic Fail
H the K wrote:
On 10/3/09 1:34 PM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:11 pm, wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:01 pm, H the wrote:

Herring doesn't like it because he never had the skill set to earn a
living in Chicago. Also, it has lots of different ethnic and racial
groups, and people whose skin isn't as white as herring's...well, they
aren't *his sort* of people.

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

The Obama admin and the Dem congress have been huge failures having
accomplished nothing except the destruction of our economy. These
people who think thye are so smart have completely failed at
everything they have tried to do evn though they have nothing in their
way. This is an historical level of failure and incompetence.

Sorry, ****-for-brains, but the economy was destroyed under the watchful
eye of George W. Bush. Obama is trying to clean up the mess left by your
idiot boy, Bush.

Go invent something useless.

Learn a new trick, pony. Obama is printing money at an unprecedented
rate to pay *his* bills. The Dems have been in control of congress long
enough to take responsibility for that *and* what preceded his
inauguration, WAFA. The stimulus plan is hugely flawed. This, for
example, is a ****ing joke!

Time for an "Obama administration czar".

wf3h October 4th 09 01:20 AM

Epic Fail
On Oct 3, 1:34*pm, Frogwatch wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:11*pm, wf3h wrote:

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the *mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

The Obama admin and the Dem congress have been huge failures having
accomplished nothing except the destruction of our economy.

uh...newsflash, genius: the economy collapsed under bush. i know you
rednecks wish it wasnt true, but it's a fact. sorry to send you
screaming into the night

people who think thye are so smart have completely failed at
everything they have tried to do evn though they have nothing in their
way. *This is an historical level of failure and incompetence.

says the guy who thinks obama's been president for 8 years.

wf3h October 4th 09 01:23 AM

Epic Fail
On Oct 3, 7:00*pm, The D wrote:

Learn a new trick, pony. *Obama is printing money at an unprecedented
rate to pay *his* bills. it was bernanke's policy under bush and it's been bernanke's
policy under obama to stablize the economy via keynesian economics.
this was necessary because bush's free market chicago school
fundamentalism caused

1. an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the middle class to the
2. the collapse of the economy

bush ****ed the middle class. obama's trying to clean up his mess.

bush, not obama, has been president for the last 8 years

*The Dems have been in control of congress long
enough to take responsibility for that *and* what preceded his
inauguration, WAFA. *The stimulus plan is hugely flawed. *This, for
example, is a ****ing joke!

the stimulus plan was developed under bush by bernanke.

i know you rednecks don't have a long memory, but DO try to keep up
with events, m'kay?

The D[_4_] October 4th 09 02:35 AM

Epic Fail
wf3h wrote:
On Oct 3, 7:00 pm, The D wrote:

Learn a new trick, pony. Obama is printing money at an unprecedented
rate to pay *his* bills. it was bernanke's policy under bush and it's been bernanke's
policy under obama to stablize the economy via keynesian economics.
this was necessary because bush's free market chicago school
fundamentalism caused

1. an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the middle class to the
2. the collapse of the economy

bush ****ed the middle class. obama's trying to clean up his mess.

bush, not obama, has been president for the last 8 years

The Dems have been in control of congress long
enough to take responsibility for that *and* what preceded his
inauguration, WAFA. The stimulus plan is hugely flawed. This, for
example, is a ****ing joke!

the stimulus plan was developed under bush by bernanke.

i know you rednecks don't have a long memory, but DO try to keep up
with events, m'kay?

And Obama has decided to keep Ben Bernanke in his post at the Fed for
four more years, m,kay? If he was doing such a bad job with Bush, why
would he keep him?

CalifBill October 4th 09 04:43 AM

Epic Fail

"wf3h" wrote in message
On Oct 3, 1:34 pm, Frogwatch wrote:
On Oct 3, 1:11 pm, wf3h wrote:

the right doesn't like big cities because people have different ideas.
they romanticize the plantation mentality of the mid 19th century,
where everyone knew their place.

The Obama admin and the Dem congress have been huge failures having
accomplished nothing except the destruction of our economy.

uh...newsflash, genius: the economy collapsed under bush. i know you
rednecks wish it wasnt true, but it's a fact. sorry to send you
screaming into the night

people who think thye are so smart have completely failed at
everything they have tried to do evn though they have nothing in their
way. This is an historical level of failure and incompetence.

says the guy who thinks obama's been president for 8 years.

The economy was set to fail going back before bush. Mostly because
Greenspan let the economy go in to a bubble, and The Congress, under
both parties spent almost all the excess revenue, and committed in to the
future. The Greenspan the Incompetant, made money almost free, along with
The Congress to cause a housing bubble, with huge leverages, etc. There was
no way the economy was not going to melt down. No matter who was in charge
of The Presidency of The Congress at the time. Bush did not help the
situation by starting a 2nd front in Iraq, but there was going to be a
failure anyway in the economy! And Obama and The Congress has hurt the
situation with his and The Congress EXCESS spending. Excess in the wrong
places. And he has taken more money from the middle class to give to the
rich than Bush could imagine. GoldmanSackus gave out $6.5 billion in bonus
money. Where did the money come from? Mostly the $18 billion of the lots
of billions Obama and The Congress gave to AIG to bail them out. They did
not earn any bonus. They should have been fired by the Board of Directors
and the stockholders for almost bankrupting the company. Get your facts
straight before kissing the ground that Obama and The Present Congress is
walking on. They should all be fired.

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