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H the K[_4_] October 30th 09 03:21 PM


NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

Then they got a flier urging them to send an enclosed preprinted,
postage-paid note to Sen. Kay Hagan denouncing what the company says is
unfair competition that would be imposed by a government-backed
insurance plan. Congress is likely to consider that public option as it
debates the health care overhaul.

"No matter what you call it, if the federal government intervenes in the
private health insurance market, it's a slippery slope to a single-payer
system," the BCBS flier read. "Who wants that?"

Indignant Blue Cross customers, complaining that their premium dollars
are funding the campaign, have called Hagan's office to voice support
for a public option. They've marked through the Blue Cross message on
their postcards and changed it to show they support the public option,
then mailed the cards.

"I hope it backfires," said Mark Barroso, a documentary film maker in
Chatham County who is a Blue Cross customer and recipient of the
mailings. "I'm doing everything I can to make sure it does."

Beth Silberman of Durham said she "went sort of bonkers" about the
mailing. "You're hostage to them, and then they pull this," she said.
"My new premiums are funding lobbying against competition. It's pretty

A spokesman in Hagan's office, David Hoffman, said the postcards have
not yet begun arriving in the senator's office because of the mail
screening process, but he said lots of people have called, angry about
the insurer's tactics.

Blue Cross spokesman Lew Borman said the mailing relied on voter
registration records, not a customer list. Since the company controls
more than half of the state's health insurance market, the names on the
lists overlapped.

He declined to reveal how much money the insurer paid for the mailing.

He acknowledged the timing was unfortunate but said it was coincidental
since one mailing was tied to current events in Washington and the other
to when the insurer typically sends its annual notices about rate increases.

"We said from the beginning we were going to be involved and would tell
North Carolinians what kind of impact the health care proposals would
have, and that's what we've been doing," Borman said.


""No matter what you call it, if the federal government intervenes in
the private health insurance market, it's a slippery slope to a
single-payer system," the BCBS flier read. "Who wants that?"

Lots of people, especially those who are getting screwed regularly by
their health insurance companies, that's who.

jps October 30th 09 07:16 PM

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the K

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

H the K[_4_] October 30th 09 07:20 PM

On 10/30/09 2:16 PM, jps wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Jim October 30th 09 08:42 PM

Vic Smith wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Good to see that you are wondering. That's a step in the right
direction. I was beginning to think that your mouth had completely lost
communication with your brain.

H the K[_4_] October 30th 09 08:48 PM

On 10/30/09 4:45 PM, Vic Smith wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Ouch. A friend's main reason for working the required 10 years at his
company was to get the company Medicare supplement package.
He just found out from other retirees that they get cheaper and better
packages on the open market.


As I stated, there doesn't seem to be a legitimate rational for many of
our current health insurance options. We seem willing to bend over
farther and farther to enrich companies that do next to nothing to
improve health.

Vic Smith October 30th 09 09:37 PM

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.
2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term
3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.
4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.


Vic Smith October 30th 09 09:45 PM

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the K

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Ouch. A friend's main reason for working the required 10 years at his
company was to get the company Medicare supplement package.
He just found out from other retirees that they get cheaper and better
packages on the open market.


BAR[_2_] October 30th 09 10:52 PM

In article ,

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.

Puts too many bueareucrats out of business at the insurance companies.

2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term

What do you do about fat doctors? When I was young and was caught with
cigarettes I received a lecture from my father about the evils of
smoking, while he was somking a cigarette himself.

A fat doctor telling me to lose weight isn't going to go over too well

3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.

Nope. No way. Aint going to happen. Nothing is free. If you want your
medical school paid for you are going to have to obligate yourself to
service of some kind with the understanding that if you break the
agreement you are compelled to reimburse whomever paid for all of your
expenses related to medical school.

Or, you can work for minimum wage the rest of your life. Your choice.

4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.

Why does the government need to be involved? Is the government going to
pay for PMI too incase you default on your mortgage?

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.

Medical care is not a right.

BAR[_2_] October 30th 09 10:53 PM

In article ,

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400,

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the K

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. ? Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned their
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Ouch. A friend's main reason for working the required 10 years at his
company was to get the company Medicare supplement package.
He just found out from other retirees that they get cheaper and better
packages on the open market.

That's why you need to belong to associations and trade groups.

nom=de=plume October 30th 09 11:09 PM

"BAR" wrote in message
. ..
In article ,

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.

Puts too many bueareucrats out of business at the insurance companies.

2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term

What do you do about fat doctors? When I was young and was caught with
cigarettes I received a lecture from my father about the evils of
smoking, while he was somking a cigarette himself.

A fat doctor telling me to lose weight isn't going to go over too well

3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.

Nope. No way. Aint going to happen. Nothing is free. If you want your
medical school paid for you are going to have to obligate yourself to
service of some kind with the understanding that if you break the
agreement you are compelled to reimburse whomever paid for all of your
expenses related to medical school.

Or, you can work for minimum wage the rest of your life. Your choice.

4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.

Why does the government need to be involved? Is the government going to
pay for PMI too incase you default on your mortgage?

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.

Medical care is not a right.

Medical care is not a right, but it should be.


nom=de=plume October 30th 09 11:11 PM

wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?


D. Duck October 30th 09 11:31 PM

H the K wrote:
On 10/30/09 2:16 PM, jps wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

BTW, what are their "net" profits?

Vic Smith October 31st 09 12:53 AM

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 17:01:01 -0400, wrote:

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

When you're 1/6 of the economy, 3.5% goes a long way.
Probably more then tens of scores of dineros.


TJ[_5_] October 31st 09 03:42 PM

nom=de=plume wrote:
"BAR" wrote in message
. ..
In article ,
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.

Puts too many bueareucrats out of business at the insurance companies.

2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term

What do you do about fat doctors? When I was young and was caught with
cigarettes I received a lecture from my father about the evils of
smoking, while he was somking a cigarette himself.

A fat doctor telling me to lose weight isn't going to go over too well

3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.

Nope. No way. Aint going to happen. Nothing is free. If you want your
medical school paid for you are going to have to obligate yourself to
service of some kind with the understanding that if you break the
agreement you are compelled to reimburse whomever paid for all of your
expenses related to medical school.

Or, you can work for minimum wage the rest of your life. Your choice.

4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.

Why does the government need to be involved? Is the government going to
pay for PMI too incase you default on your mortgage?

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.

Medical care is not a right.

Medical care is not a right, but it should be.

Are you ready to put your money where your ample mouth is. That's the
trouble with you loonie lefties. You want someone else to pay for it.

TJ[_5_] October 31st 09 03:50 PM

nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.

TJ[_5_] October 31st 09 03:52 PM

D. Duck wrote:
H the K wrote:
On 10/30/09 2:16 PM, jps wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:15:37 -0400, wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:21:46 -0400, H the

NC insurer says timing of mailings unfortunate

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RALEIGH, N.C. — Even Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
acknowledges that its timing on two recent mailings was unfortunate.

The News&Observer of Raleigh reported that customers first learned
rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.

Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would
stabilize, and we could have serious negotiations on price with all
manner of providers.

BTW, what are their "net" profits?

He doesn't know. He's just expelling hot air through his blow hole.

H the K[_4_] October 31st 09 04:20 PM

On 10/31/09 11:14 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 17:53:22 -0600, Vic Smith

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 17:01:01 -0400,

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

When you're 1/6 of the economy, 3.5% goes a long way.
Probably more then tens of scores of dineros.


Perhaps we should be asking what the profit margin is of the medical
providers and drug companies but they seem to be immune from this

Perhaps we should determine what comes out of "gross profits" to get
down to "net profits," eh? There are many ways a corporation can play
perfectly legal fun and games to lower its net profit dramatically.

Loogypicker[_2_] October 31st 09 06:30 PM

On Oct 31, 10:50*am, TJ ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote:
nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. *Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Not true.

nom=de=plume October 31st 09 06:43 PM

"TJ" ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote in message
nom=de=plume wrote:
"BAR" wrote in message
. ..
In article ,
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.
Puts too many bueareucrats out of business at the insurance companies.

2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term
What do you do about fat doctors? When I was young and was caught with
cigarettes I received a lecture from my father about the evils of
smoking, while he was somking a cigarette himself.

A fat doctor telling me to lose weight isn't going to go over too well

3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.
Nope. No way. Aint going to happen. Nothing is free. If you want your
medical school paid for you are going to have to obligate yourself to
service of some kind with the understanding that if you break the
agreement you are compelled to reimburse whomever paid for all of your
expenses related to medical school.

Or, you can work for minimum wage the rest of your life. Your choice.

4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.
Why does the government need to be involved? Is the government going to
pay for PMI too incase you default on your mortgage?

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.
Medical care is not a right.

Medical care is not a right, but it should be.

Are you ready to put your money where your ample mouth is. That's the
trouble with you loonie lefties. You want someone else to pay for it.

That's the trouble with assumptions made by unthinking people. I already
have put my money down. I'm willing to put more and my time.

What's your excuse?


nom=de=plume October 31st 09 06:44 PM

"TJ" ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote in message
nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free medical
care they want.

I'm sure you've tried it.


Don White October 31st 09 07:35 PM


"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"TJ" ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote in message
nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.

I'm sure you've tried it.


Probably rejected because of his nasty unpatriotic attitude.

jps October 31st 09 08:38 PM

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:20:13 -0400, H the K

On 10/31/09 11:14 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 17:53:22 -0600, Vic Smith

On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 17:01:01 -0400,

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

When you're 1/6 of the economy, 3.5% goes a long way.
Probably more then tens of scores of dineros.


Perhaps we should be asking what the profit margin is of the medical
providers and drug companies but they seem to be immune from this

Perhaps we should determine what comes out of "gross profits" to get
down to "net profits," eh? There are many ways a corporation can play
perfectly legal fun and games to lower its net profit dramatically.

Including gigantic salary and bonuses to its execs.

Tosk October 31st 09 08:41 PM

In article , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

Tosk October 31st 09 08:45 PM

In article 53fc048f-b2af-


On Oct 31, 10:50*am, TJ ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote:
nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots of
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. *Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would stabilize,
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way

to cut out the middle man,
whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Not true.

Bull ****ing ****, see my
last post.. Oh yeah, it
doesn't fit your agenda so
I must have heard it on
Hannity, and of course I am
more of a liar then JPS,
Harry, Plume and the rest
of them put together. I am
so sick of this prejudice
narrow minded bull**** from
Obermann, and Maddow...

The doctors (real doctors
not a bunch of political
operatives with white coats
on) told me all about it
the last time I was in,
even suggested I do it
myself... Stop being so led
around by the ****ing nose,
I am not a liar and I don't
listen to Rush and Hannity,
**** this it's useless to
run around in circles
proving stuff to you only
to have you call it a lie
cause you have been told it
is by proven liars...

nom=de=plume October 31st 09 09:13 PM

"Tosk" wrote in message
In article , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

We are right in the middle of the insurance selection window. Lots
people are getting a package with something like that in it.

IBM's retiree EPO (United) went from $860 to 988 a month.
Our provider has sent out notifications that the program we've been
part of for 5 or 6 years will no longer be offered. Of course the
replacements will either curtail coverage or offer the same at an
inflated rate.

The timing couldn't be better to help folks realize that the public
option is one of the few weapons against this legal fleecing.

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Seems to me that if you eliminated over time the private health
insurers, the high profits they are skimming could be put to use
providing needed care and coverage to Americans, costs would
and we could have serious negotiations on price with all manner of

Medical services would be cheaper if we had to actually write a check.
Insurance should really only be for catastrophic injuries and
illnesses. We should be paying out of pocket for routine maintenance.
That is the only way to cut out the middle man, whether that is the
government or the insurance companies

BTW insurance companies really don't have that high a profit margin
when compared to other, similar sized companies.

What about people who are unemployed for one reason or another?

All they need to do is claim illegal alien status for all the free
medical care they want.

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I hope you get well soon! Also, I hope you don't have to pay more than
necessary and you can afford it.


H the K[_4_] October 31st 09 10:56 PM

On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

Don White October 31st 09 11:23 PM


"H the K" wrote in message
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs, and
you'd have to produce your driver's license.

Snotty was probably crying and whinning about the expense so the Doc may
have felt sorry for him.
What a dumb ass....... he should be the first one hoping and praying for
universal medical care.

RLM October 31st 09 11:41 PM

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 15:45:12 -0400, Tosk wrote:

Bull ****ing ****, see my
last post.. Oh yeah, it
doesn't fit your agenda so
I must have heard it on
Hannity, and of course I am
more of a liar then JPS,
Harry, Plume and the rest
of them put together. I am
so sick of this prejudice
narrow minded bull**** from
Obermann, and Maddow...

The doctors (real doctors
not a bunch of political
operatives with white coats
on) told me all about it
the last time I was in,
even suggested I do it
myself... Stop being so led
around by the ****ing nose,
I am not a liar and I don't
listen to Rush and Hannity,
**** this it's useless to
run around in circles
proving stuff to you only
to have you call it a lie
cause you have been told it
is by proven liars...

Just a guess, you lost, or went without your meds.

TJ[_5_] October 31st 09 11:43 PM

nom=de=plume wrote:
"TJ" ""tj\"@florida,com" wrote in message
nom=de=plume wrote:
"BAR" wrote in message
. ..
In article ,
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:20:39 -0400, H the K

More and more, I am wondering why we need the health insurance company
middleman between us and our medical providers.

Yesterday Lou Dobbs had a panel of eminent doctors on for about half
an hour and gave their leader the reins of the show.
Their view boiled down to:
1. Standardization/computeriztion of all insurance forms.
Puts too many bueareucrats out of business at the insurance companies.

2. Everybody going to primary care and counseled on the lifestyle
changes to keep them healthy. Heavy cost up front, but long term
What do you do about fat doctors? When I was young and was caught with
cigarettes I received a lecture from my father about the evils of
smoking, while he was somking a cigarette himself.

A fat doctor telling me to lose weight isn't going to go over too well

3. Free medical school. Takes care of all doctor needs.
Nope. No way. Aint going to happen. Nothing is free. If you want your
medical school paid for you are going to have to obligate yourself to
service of some kind with the understanding that if you break the
agreement you are compelled to reimburse whomever paid for all of your
expenses related to medical school.

Or, you can work for minimum wage the rest of your life. Your choice.

4. Catastrophic care taken care of by gov insurance.
Why does the government need to be involved? Is the government going to
pay for PMI too incase you default on your mortgage?

They were confident that the nation's medical needs can be
accomplished for much less money and with better results than is
currently done. Many countries already do it.
They made a lot of sense.
But they seemed to be dedicated and ethical doctors.
They weren't pols on the take for campaign contributions.
Medical care is not a right.

Medical care is not a right, but it should be.

Are you ready to put your money where your ample mouth is. That's the
trouble with you loonie lefties. You want someone else to pay for it.

That's the trouble with assumptions made by unthinking people. I already
have put my money down. I'm willing to put more and my time.

What's your excuse?


TJ[_5_] October 31st 09 11:48 PM

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Tosk October 31st 09 11:50 PM

In article ,

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 15:45:12 -0400, Tosk wrote:

Bull ****ing ****, see my
last post.. Oh yeah, it
doesn't fit your agenda so
I must have heard it on
Hannity, and of course I am
more of a liar then JPS,
Harry, Plume and the rest
of them put together. I am
so sick of this prejudice
narrow minded bull**** from
Obermann, and Maddow...

The doctors (real doctors
not a bunch of political
operatives with white coats
on) told me all about it
the last time I was in,
even suggested I do it
myself... Stop being so led
around by the ****ing nose,
I am not a liar and I don't
listen to Rush and Hannity,
**** this it's useless to
run around in circles
proving stuff to you only
to have you call it a lie
cause you have been told it
is by proven liars...

Just a guess, you lost, or went without your meds.

Not a chance. I have a 24 hour pharm right up the street and would never
go without my meds, at least the beta blocker. I carry extra in the gear
bag, car, and whenever I leave the house I bring an extra 48 hours
Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

Tosk October 31st 09 11:59 PM

In article , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

Tosk November 1st 09 12:01 AM

In article , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Here is my "non-reputable" hospital.. snerk

Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

H the K[_4_] November 1st 09 12:15 AM

On 10/31/09 6:41 PM, RLM wrote:
On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 15:45:12 -0400, Tosk wrote:

Bull ****ing ****, see my
last post.. Oh yeah, it
doesn't fit your agenda so
I must have heard it on
Hannity, and of course I am
more of a liar then JPS,
Harry, Plume and the rest
of them put together. I am
so sick of this prejudice
narrow minded bull**** from
Obermann, and Maddow...

The doctors (real doctors
not a bunch of political
operatives with white coats
on) told me all about it
the last time I was in,
even suggested I do it
myself... Stop being so led
around by the ****ing nose,
I am not a liar and I don't
listen to Rush and Hannity,
**** this it's useless to
run around in circles
proving stuff to you only
to have you call it a lie
cause you have been told it
is by proven liars...

Just a guess, you lost, or went without your meds.

His BFF is SW Tom. :)

H the K[_4_] November 1st 09 12:24 AM

On 10/31/09 6:59 PM, Tosk wrote:
In , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

If you're a walk in at a real hospital, you are asked for a photo ID. If
you are unconscious or in need of immediate care, they ask the person
you are with or otherwise try to positively identify you.

If they don't ask you at that hospital, you've been there so many times,
the staff knows you are a deadbeat. Since you have no income, how would
you pay for a serious hospitalization for yourself or for that kid of
yours who sooner or later is likely to have a serious motorbike accident?

Oh...I know...the state will pay for it.

This is a great quote from SW Tom's BFF:

"But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers."

Just what percentage of the families in your area are without health
insurance, s.f.b.?

JustWaitAFrekinMinute! November 1st 09 12:48 AM

On Oct 31, 7:24*pm, H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 6:59 PM, Tosk wrote:

In , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

If you're a walk in at a real hospital, you are asked for a photo ID. If
you are unconscious or in need of immediate care, they ask the person
you are with or otherwise try to positively identify you.

If they don't ask you at that hospital, you've been there so many times,
the staff knows you are a deadbeat. Since you have no income, how would
you pay for a serious hospitalization for yourself or for that kid of
yours who sooner or later is likely to have a serious motorbike accident?

Oh...I know...the state will pay for it.

This is a great quote from SW Tom's BFF:

"But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
* mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers."

Just what percentage of the families in your area are without health
insurance, s.f.b.?

I don't talk to pedophiles...
Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

H the K[_4_] November 1st 09 12:54 AM

On 10/31/09 7:48 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Oct 31, 7:24 pm, H the wrote:
On 10/31/09 6:59 PM, Tosk wrote:

In , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

If you're a walk in at a real hospital, you are asked for a photo ID. If
you are unconscious or in need of immediate care, they ask the person
you are with or otherwise try to positively identify you.

If they don't ask you at that hospital, you've been there so many times,
the staff knows you are a deadbeat. Since you have no income, how would
you pay for a serious hospitalization for yourself or for that kid of
yours who sooner or later is likely to have a serious motorbike accident?

Oh...I know...the state will pay for it.

This is a great quote from SW Tom's BFF:

"But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers."

Just what percentage of the families in your area are without health
insurance, s.f.b.?

I don't talk to pedophiles...
Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

I haven't been 5'10" since the fifth grade, **** for brains. And even
that guy is taller than you are.

I wonder if he spends his weekends in tents with underaged girls, as you do.

You should contact him and ask. You two could trade tips.

JustWaitAFrekinMinute! November 1st 09 12:55 AM

On Oct 31, 7:54*pm, H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 7:48 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:

On Oct 31, 7:24 pm, H the *wrote:
On 10/31/09 6:59 PM, Tosk wrote:

In , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

If you're a walk in at a real hospital, you are asked for a photo ID. If
you are unconscious or in need of immediate care, they ask the person
you are with or otherwise try to positively identify you.

If they don't ask you at that hospital, you've been there so many times,
the staff knows you are a deadbeat. Since you have no income, how would
you pay for a serious hospitalization for yourself or for that kid of
yours who sooner or later is likely to have a serious motorbike accident?

Oh...I know...the state will pay for it.

This is a great quote from SW Tom's BFF:

"But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
* *mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers."

Just what percentage of the families in your area are without health
insurance, s.f.b.?

I don't talk to pedophiles...
Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

I haven't been 5'10" since the fifth grade, **** for brains. And even
that guy is taller than you are.

I wonder if he spends his weekends in tents with underaged girls, as you do.

You should contact him and ask. You two could trade tips.

Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

H the K[_4_] November 1st 09 12:57 AM

On 10/31/09 7:55 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Oct 31, 7:54 pm, H the wrote:
On 10/31/09 7:48 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:

On Oct 31, 7:24 pm, H the wrote:
On 10/31/09 6:59 PM, Tosk wrote:

In , ""tj
\"@florida,com" says...

H the K wrote:
On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

NO PAPERWORK TO SIFT THROUGH. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, dummy.

Harry is a liar, many folks don't have picture ID's and if they started
asking, the ACLU would go nuts. At Manchester Hospital, they have never
asked me for one. As to Harrys "reputable" comment, we know he doesn't
have a clue and even if he did, he wouldn't be honest about it. ECHN is
rated in the top 5% of health care companies in the US, they are pretty

And of course, even Harry knows they don't take time to ask when someone
comes in with a possible heart attack. Either way, even if I did want to
cheat, I know a lot of folks that work there, many are related by
marrige. But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers.

If you're a walk in at a real hospital, you are asked for a photo ID. If
you are unconscious or in need of immediate care, they ask the person
you are with or otherwise try to positively identify you.

If they don't ask you at that hospital, you've been there so many times,
the staff knows you are a deadbeat. Since you have no income, how would
you pay for a serious hospitalization for yourself or for that kid of
yours who sooner or later is likely to have a serious motorbike accident?

Oh...I know...the state will pay for it.

This is a great quote from SW Tom's BFF:

"But the doctor in ER did note that it happens all the time, I
mean, folks giving fake names and SS numbers."

Just what percentage of the families in your area are without health
insurance, s.f.b.?

I don't talk to pedophiles...
Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause

I haven't been 5'10" since the fifth grade, **** for brains. And even
that guy is taller than you are.

I wonder if he spends his weekends in tents with underaged girls, as you do.

You should contact him and ask. You two could trade tips.

Here is Harry Krause:
Harry Krause


The little freak is SW Tom's BFF here.

Birds of a feather?

jps November 1st 09 02:30 AM

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 17:56:48 -0400, H the K

On 10/31/09 3:41 PM, Tosk wrote:

When I was in the hospital last week one doctor all but suggested that I
give a fake name and ss number knowing I was uninsured. He said and I
quote "everybody does it"... But no, I will be paying the 26,000 dollars
for the next twenty years because I am not a thief...

I figured you were among the uninsured. Really. But you are lying about
the doctor, of course, because reputable hospitals ask for photo IDs,
and you'd have to produce your driver's license.

"Everybody does it" said Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc.

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