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Frogwatch November 19th 09 06:37 AM

The harsh reality
The Dems have managed to register every 'tard in every halfway house
and every dimwit who could not live without govt handouts to vote.
They have set up a system where these barely functional humans get
more back than they pay in taxes. Now, we actually have less than 50%
of the people who are registered to vote paying ALL the taxes. Do you
really think this majority who are unable to make it on their own to
EVER vote to reduce taxes, they'd be cutting off their own life
support system and "getting a check": sure beats really working.
Democratic Politicians are often multi-millionaires like Gore, Kerry,
Pelosi, etc and they are backed by extremely rich people who also pay
nearly zero taxes. The Democrats have turned the democratic process
into a system that is parasitical on anybody who produces. The wealth
they drain from the producers is used to support the huge underclass
while a small amount is siphoned off for themselves.
Thus, democracy has been hijacked and no longer supports a meritocracy
in the USA. The Dems may lose a few elections but the growing number
of people who cannot support themselves means the culture of self
sufficiency is dead and has been replaced by a culture of entitlement.
The masses of stupid people who feel they are entitled just because
they breathe will never support a culture of self sufficiency so
Conservatives (at least the part of Conservatism that supports self
sufficiency) are doomed.
Many Dems think this will result in an equitable society when in
reality it will simply result in a society where the vast number of
people live their lives in comfortable slavery while the ultra-rich
party members do as they please. Basically, the Dems will produce a
kindler and gentler Soviet Society where the masses are happy to be
Democracy is not the answer and what we need is a large dose of
"Reality Therapy".

nom=de=plume November 19th 09 07:57 PM

The harsh reality
"Frogwatch" wrote in message
Democracy is not the answer and what we need is a large dose of
"Reality Therapy".

Interesting last line... "Democracy is not the answer...."

How about Stalinism? Would that work for you?


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