The truth is Vista isn't that bad as long as you buy enough memory for
it, and are surfing and email.
But do things like VMs, video libraries, copy 800GB over the
network... Vista is pig slow. My Linux/UNIX systems have no trouble
coping data 5 to 25 times faster than Vista.
Same with disk to disk copy. Put in a TB disk and copy part of the
video library to it and I will litterally get a nights sleep. On
UNIX, takes about 100 minutes.
Ignore that dumb turd who talked about me not having any problems with
Vista. I got tired of that slow pig of an OS, which is the reason I
changed to a MAC
My next one will be a 17" MacBook Pro.... Had the luxury of using one
for awhile, nice machines. In a laptop you can't pour CPU/heat and
memory at it so Vista isn't going to cut it for me either.