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On 25/04/2010 11:14 AM, hk wrote:
On 4/25/10 1:09 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 25/04/2010 8:44 AM, hk wrote: On 4/25/10 10:40 AM, Canuck57 wrote: On 24/04/2010 4:11 PM, hk wrote: On 4/24/10 5:59 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 10:49 AM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 12:42 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 5:01 AM, hk wrote: How many Obamanites does it take to screw in a light bulb... none... they'll sit on their fat lazy asses and wait for someone else to do it for them... Are you trying to grab Tosk's belt signifying he is the Dumbest Poster in Rec.Boats? Sure seems that way, with one moronic statement, proclamation, or mis-stated "unfactoid" after another. Did your mother have any children who succeeded in life? 4 out of 5 are well off. One chose liberalism and debt, suffice it to say she will be working until 65 or beyond. The rest of us talk of early retirement but for being bored. Really ****es her off when we get together and start that discussion. But she did it to herself, the only one to go bankrupt. I actually feel sorry for her at times, the price is a heavy one emotionally to be the only liberal debt loving loser. Interesting that when I asked about success in life, you equated that with money. Let's try again. Anyone in your family successful in life? Try living without it, give up the car, no home, no vacation, no extras for the kids, no visiting grandkids, arguements over money... While I agree that money is not the be all end all, it sure helps to have enough you don't get the aggrivation of worring about it. While it is true money will not make you happy, not having enough will make you miserable. Yeah, well that is quite a bit different from measuring success in life by how much money you've made, eh? Yep, and life is too short to waste on envy of others and money arguments. You spend most of your time here expressing your envy of others and in "money arguments." My guess is that you don't have two nickels to rub together, that you are scared ****less about what happens when your job ends, and that you are expressing nothing more here than bravado. You have no boat, right? Do you have a car? You claim to be wealthy...so what's your house look like? How many dress suits do you own that you've bought in the last couple of years? How much do you pay for your suits? Think what you want. BTW, I don't even own a suit, business casual mostly. Often just wear blue jeans and a buttoned shirt. Only politicians, lawyers, salesmen and butt kissers wear suits. House is in the right end of town, 2848 sq foot for 2. No boat at the moment. Have F150, hitch up a rental when I do go fishing. And you? Swamp land in Lousiana with a home made raft? -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
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On 25/04/2010 11:55 AM, Jim wrote:
hk wrote: On 4/25/10 1:09 PM, Canuck57 wrote: Yep, and life is too short to waste on envy of others and money arguments. You spend most of your time here expressing your envy of others and in "money arguments." My guess is that you don't have two nickels to rub together, that you are scared ****less about what happens when your job ends, and that you are expressing nothing more here than bravado. You have no boat, right? Do you have a car? You claim to be wealthy...so what's your house look like? How many dress suits do you own that you've bought in the last couple of years? How much do you pay for your suits? Typical Krause bull****. Get an honest guy like Canuck talking, then slam him when he contradicts himself. This BS never ends. Because Krause sees in black and white, and most others see the entire spectrum of light. So Canuck uses "money" as an obvious symbol for explaining all of all the other cultural problems, and Krause slams him for talking about money all the time. Canuck, you should stay away from this guy. He's bad news, and will distort whatever you say. Same with bpharuc, and defumes. Name callers. Jim - Just friendly advice. Ya, I should. But really do get their knickers in a twist. ![]() Yep, hk, de-fumes and bpuharic are hopless write offs. -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
posted to rec.boats
On 4/25/10 5:20 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 25/04/2010 11:14 AM, hk wrote: You spend most of your time here expressing your envy of others and in "money arguments." My guess is that you don't have two nickels to rub together, that you are scared ****less about what happens when your job ends, and that you are expressing nothing more here than bravado. You have no boat, right? Do you have a car? You claim to be wealthy...so what's your house look like? How many dress suits do you own that you've bought in the last couple of years? How much do you pay for your suits? Think what you want. BTW, I don't even own a suit, business casual mostly. Often just wear blue jeans and a buttoned shirt. Only politicians, lawyers, salesmen and butt kissers wear suits. House is in the right end of town, 2848 sq foot for 2. No boat at the moment. Have F150, hitch up a rental when I do go fishing. And you? Swamp land in Lousiana with a home made raft? No, Louisiana is too humid for me, though I do like to visit there. My wife and I live in a modest house in a suburb about 40 miles SE of Washington, D.C. We have a couple of boats, a couple of cars, an SUV, and a motorcycle. I have quite a few nice suits in good condition. -- The Tea Party's teabaggers are just the Republican base by another name. |
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On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:20:16 -0700, "Bill McKee"
wrote: "bpuharic" wrote in message .. . On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 22:15:37 -0700, "Bill McKee" Seems as if your are very unhappy, and it is all about the lack of money in your case. typical right wing pervert. i worked hard all my life for what i got. so did 100,000,000 other americans. his view? the rich deserved to steal our money. all we'd do is spend it on our families. they'd use it to party. and they're rich. they deserve it. he thinks hard work is a perversion. typical right whiner Blah, blah, blah. You are unhappy because you got no money. Every time you put fingers to keyboard, you reinforce that statement. guess you think i, and 100,000,000 other hard working americans should be grateful to wall street for what they've done for america that's the nice thing about the right. they have a god...rich folks. no matter HOW much the middle class suffers...and 100,000,000 HAVE suffered.... the rich is always right. nice to have a security blanket like that |
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On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 17:16:24 -0400, hk
wrote: Among other things, I'm wondering who Hitler's jewish wife was...it couldn't have been Eva Braun, because she was Catholic. Must have been something Canuck read on one of his right-wing stormtroop sites. he probably thinks it was michelle obama. after all, he thinks obama's been president for 9 years. |
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On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:48:05 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 25/04/2010 11:34 AM, bpuharic wrote: On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 10:17:03 -0600, wrote: when i worked for texas instruments, some of our equipment used a touch screen GUI. the only US manufacturer of GUI's was supported by the DoD even though it lost money, because it was a 'strategic technology.' so right off the bat you're filled with bull****. Into the bottle so early? Stay on subject. I wasn't talking about TI or touch screens. I was talking about Fanny, Freddie, GM, City, BAC etc. You know, corporate welfare. I don't think those that invented taxation had bailing out GM in mind. let me type this slowly so you u nderstand your bitch was about govt support of worthless and failing companies i just showed you how this has been going on for years. with other companies. you? the point went right over your tin foil hat covered head not too bright, are you, right winger? 2) Obama is debt spending like no other in history. except for george bush, ronald reagan, FDR, etc. again he's spouting bull****. Nope. Look it up. Never before has any president debt-spent so fast as Obama. and never in 80 years, have we had the economic mess left to us by the rich white president you're not too bright so you don't know what's happening in the economy, do you? No controls on government spending. None. Just record deficits and record debt. Just like a debt worshiper out of control with other peoples money. our debt, after obama's spending, will be lower than the debt/GDP ratio of the US after ww2. more bull****. No bull****. US governemnt is broke. The only way they can borrow money these days is loan it to themselves. Federal Reserve creates it, Obama spends it. notice you didn't say anything about the FACT that our debt burden will be LESS than it was after ww2, did you? we survived that, didn't we? oh. we didn't have a black president. i'm sure you'll make that reference 4) Obama hasn't kept any of his major promises such as Iraq. really? got any proof of that? right now US troop levels in iraq are at 50K. the lowest they've been in years. more right wing bull**** He said he would be out in 6 months. 16 months later we are still there. How much proof does your pea brain need? what he actually said was that his security policy would be determined by the situation on the ground THAT was what he said. i know you're a right wing lunatic, but DO try to be less obvious, OK? 5) Obama behaves as if above the law, ROFLMAO!!! did he REALLY write this??? HAHAHAHAH!!! george bush: -arrested american citizens on american soil without charge -wiretapped without court approval -kept americans in prision with no access to counsel -tortured americans in violation of law What president hasn't? ROFLMAO!!! is there any more proof he's a RACIST?? he says obama is evil incarnate...and proof of this?? he'd done exactly what every other president has done but he's the worst...so if he's the worst...and he's as bad as all the others...the only difference is: he's black. see GM bond holders sho didn't get their day in debtors court. Totally bypassed established bankruptcy laws. gee. bankruptcy laws. bush TORTURED US CITIZENS ON AMERICAN SOIL obama 'bypassed bankruptcy laws' but obama, you see, is a darkie. and bush was rich. and white. Ah, the racist excuse. Do you mean because Obama is black the law does not apply to him? notice how he ignores the fact bush thought the laws about TORTURING AMERICAN CITiZENS didn't apply to him? yet obama is more evil because of....bankruptcy laws. gee. think his hatred might be due to race hatred of obama? |
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On 4/25/10 5:54 PM, John H wrote:
Again, you should learn to read...and appreciate the proper use of words. I'm thinking of getting a pool together on your next (and hopefully, final) hospitalization. Got any inside info, as it were? -- The Tea Party's teabaggers are just the Republican base by another name. |
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On 25/04/2010 12:02 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:24:23 -0600, wrote: On 25/04/2010 9:40 AM, bpuharic wrote: On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:11:00 -0600, wrote: Why should I? I worry about my family first yep. typical right whiner. no patriotism. no honor. just pure unadulterated greed. Just like any other monkey this planet. You should read Maslow ah. i see your problem. you're an authoritarian. you believe in sacred texts and can't think on your own. that's why you're a right whiner. Why make the same mistakes people made 100 years ago? I am not authoritarian but respect authority to a point. yes. i know about maslow. i minored in psychology, and went to nursing school Somehow I think you are bull****ing. If you really had a degree in basic psychology you would know people are motivated by their needs and their greeds. And greed isn't just about money, it could be recognition, self worth, entitlement, manipulation... the funny thing about maslow...from the viewpoint of a physical scientist...there's precious little DATA to back him up. his is a heuristic view of the world. good in its own doman, but pretty much useless for actually looking at how the world works None of these theries have proof and are "perfect". Just Maslow made a lot of sense to me and use it to this day as it seems to be one that works. you have no capability for independent thought, so NATURALLY think in terms of authority, stereotypes and cliches. I repeat, why make the same mistakes people made 100 years ago? I don't have problems in accepting other peoples rational thoughts, and acepting many of them. I freely admit I am a composition of many thoughts not all of which are my own. It is how we learn. -when it's pointed out unemployment has dropped under obama? you want to change HOW it's measured I question those with shakey numbers, fast taking abd bull****. -when it's pointed out the US is the LEAST redistributionist economy on earth? you say you don't care, that your theology requires it's the MOST balanced. So? Borrowing from a wise statement of the day, is this about same rewards for all or equal access to opportunity? -when it's pointed out the economy is growing you say it cant be growing or you'd be wrong. Because I don't think one dimensionally. GDP can grow but does not mean people are employed or making more money or happier. right wing cliches and bull****. You like to hide behind that leftist crap. . We all be needy and greedy, it defines us all. Just what is your need and focus of your greed. Motivates people well when you understand that. gee. greed. no patriotism. no honor. no pride in a hard day's work Again, you are thinking one dimensionally. If one has a need to be honorable, pride etc., as most do, then they will become that to satisfy the need. It fits. you despise the middle class Nope. you hate working people. Nope. They are the back bone of society. But governance is ****ing on them with debt and bailouts robbing their wealth. you've said it's all about you and your family. #1 is my family in my life. As it should be. me? i actually DO volunteer to help my country. i take PRIDE in being middle class. i take PRIDE in america, and its people. My wife does this too, no need for her to work. Even when we were in the US as she wasn't allowed to work, she volunteered. Some idiot even complained to INS once. Even INS brushed them off. One thing I always admired about Americans is their pride in their country. Much to be proud off, never before have so many lived so well with the foundation of less but functional government and equal access to opportunity. Mutual repect and foundation of law. Now it is decaying. you? you despise them all unless they're rich Not as a rule. Just the ones that envy and want to use governemnt to steal from successful people. Governemnt taxation should not be used for GM, Citi, Chrysler, BAC and a long list of other corrupted entities. And people who support this rape of wealth, well, they have lost their values. 2003: http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul128.html 2005: http://walkthrough.blogs.nytimes.com...version-means/ Look at the dates. Then read up on any tried and true economic book printed. Rising debt and interest rate - recession/depression. really? then, perhaps, you can tell me why the US had a higher debt/GDP ratio after ww2 and built a world class economy. How much debt is functional and how much debt you can afford is not related at all to GDP. It is just a way to turd polish a bad situation. How much you can borrow is related to how much you can pay. With a middle class in debt up to it's ass, unlike WW II, today does not have the payment elasticity of WW II. And when WW II ended, the cash flow corrected it. No such correction exists today but for a massive government downsizing. And I don't mean $30M Obama style, I mean $1.7 trillion style. Any half baked president really out to serve his country would take every governemnt department bar none and ask how does this help ALL Americans *EQUALLY*. Then cut the bottom 50%. Take military spending, reduce it by 60% and get the f--- out of Iran leaving a pillar. "If you don't live civilly in this world, this will someday become ground zero." then leave. Let them think about it. oh. you don't know bet you dont even know what percentage of the US budget goes for debt service, do you? http://www.usdebtclock.org/ But know that with interest rates being so artificially low, that $193 billion each year or so could easily become a trillion with fair market rates. As they are only paying a little under 1.4%. It really should be 5%. They have also created a lot of Federal Reserve inflationary funny money which means the interest rates will go up or the value of the USD will go down and the truth will be inbetween. Good news is individual debt is going down as smart people are getting rid of debt anticipating higher interest rates. Just that the stumps like you are so biased and closed minded you never put credence to others, thought history would not repeat etc. says the guy who thinks greed is good... how'd that work out for wall street? US holdings, pretty dam good for 2009 and so far in 2010. Up about 53% in the last 4 years. And you? -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
posted to rec.boats
On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:24:56 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 25/04/2010 12:02 PM, bpuharic wrote: On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:24:23 -0600, wrote: Just like any other monkey this planet. You should read Maslow ah. i see your problem. you're an authoritarian. you believe in sacred texts and can't think on your own. that's why you're a right whiner. Why make the same mistakes people made 100 years ago? I am not authoritarian but respect authority to a point. says the guy who thinks we should repeat the mistakes of 1929 ironic, isn't it? yes. i know about maslow. i minored in psychology, and went to nursing school Somehow I think you are bull****ing. If you really had a degree in basic psychology you would know people are motivated by their needs and their greeds. And greed isn't just about money, it could be recognition, self worth, entitlement, manipulation... now let's see...i said i MINORED in psychology...to him that means i got a degree in psych. gee. and he claims he can read. and he's been to college! the funny thing about maslow...from the viewpoint of a physical scientist...there's precious little DATA to back him up. his is a heuristic view of the world. good in its own doman, but pretty much useless for actually looking at how the world works None of these theries have proof and are "perfect". Just Maslow made a lot of sense to me and use it to this day as it seems to be one that works. i have no problem with accepting maslow as a guide. in nursing school we used it to priortize treatment of patients. but treating it as gospel to guide economic policy? i dont THINK so... you have no capability for independent thought, so NATURALLY think in terms of authority, stereotypes and cliches. I repeat, why make the same mistakes people made 100 years ago? says the guy who wants to repeat the mistakes of 1929? why? you think mistakes of 80 years ago are better than those made 100 years ago? -when it's pointed out unemployment has dropped under obama? you want to change HOW it's measured I question those with shakey numbers, fast taking abd bull****. gee. the measurement method has been the same for decades. yet you question it only for the darkie president. strange...almost as if you thought race should be a factor... -when it's pointed out the US is the LEAST redistributionist economy on earth? you say you don't care, that your theology requires it's the MOST balanced. So? Borrowing from a wise statement of the day, is this about same rewards for all or equal access to opportunity? you have a remarkable gullibility. you think that, if someone is rich, they know what they're doing and deserve to be rich any proof of that? nope. -when it's pointed out the economy is growing you say it cant be growing or you'd be wrong. Because I don't think one dimensionally. GDP can grow but does not mean people are employed or making more money or happier. gee. i use a multidimensional analysis...GDP growth...unemployment drop, etc you? you want to change the goalposts every single time a measurement disagrees with your right wing theology. . We all be needy and greedy, it defines us all. Just what is your need and focus of your greed. Motivates people well when you understand that. gee. greed. no patriotism. no honor. no pride in a hard day's work Again, you are thinking one dimensionally. If one has a need to be honorable, pride etc., as most do, then they will become that to satisfy the need. It fits. somehow i don't think a medal of honor winner's 'greed' is the same as a wall street banker's greed. i'm sure, to a right winger, they're the same, since a rich wall street banker is a hero... but some of us see it differently you despise the middle class Nope. you hate working people. Nope. They are the back bone of society. But governance is ****ing on them with debt and bailouts robbing their wealth. says the guy who routinely calls 100,000,000 middle class americans dupes for being raped by wall street. One thing I always admired about Americans is their pride in their country. Much to be proud off, never before have so many lived so well with the foundation of less but functional government and equal access to opportunity. Mutual repect and foundation of law. except, in your view, for the middle class who are just a bunch of sheep since they're not rich. Now it is decaying. you? you despise them all unless they're rich Not as a rule. Just the ones that envy and want to use governemnt to steal from successful people. ah. successful people. like wall street bankers who have done SO much for the middle class. your hero worship...your worship of wall street leaves alot of room between you and working folks. Governemnt taxation should not be used for GM, Citi, Chrysler, BAC and a long list of other corrupted entities. And people who support this rape of wealth, well, they have lost their values. and, it seems, you ignore the fact your view was tried. somehow evidence has no effect on your thinking typical right winger. really? then, perhaps, you can tell me why the US had a higher debt/GDP ratio after ww2 and built a world class economy. How much debt is functional and how much debt you can afford is not related at all to GDP. It is just a way to turd polish a bad situation. more doubletalk. the fact is that, for 30 years, we've had right wing free market fundamentalism drive up the secdtion of GDP based on the financial sector to 40%. and the right said NOTHING about it... except for people like you who worship the 'successful' rich How much you can borrow is related to how much you can pay. With a middle class in debt up to it's ass, unlike WW II, today does not have the payment elasticity of WW II. gee...let's see...in ww2, the rich at least gave the middle class a decent living TODAY the rich doesnt even give the middle class a pay raise. in 10 years, productivity has increased 28%. and the amount given to the middle class? zero. nothing. not a dime. yet wall street bitches that the middle class isn't spending and folks like you bitch at the middle class because you think we should starve our children to finance wall street rich bankers oh. you don't know bet you dont even know what percentage of the US budget goes for debt service, do you? http://www.usdebtclock.org/ But know that with interest rates being so artificially low, that $193 billion each year or so could easily become a trillion with fair market rates. As they are only paying a little under 1.4%. It really should be 5%. They have also created a lot of Federal Reserve inflationary funny money which means the interest rates will go up or the value of the USD will go down and the truth will be inbetween. the basis of the US economy is hte middle class...middle class spending... 30 years ago i remember wall street used to INCREASE when unemployment went UP because they thought it reduced corporate debt. today it goes DOWN because even wall street realizes we need at least SOMETHING of a middle class how long is it going to take the right wing to realize we need low unemployment and a decent raise every year? so far you guys believe that the middle class should be a permanent rape victim Good news is individual debt is going down as smart people are getting rid of debt anticipating higher interest rates. Just that the stumps like you are so biased and closed minded you never put credence to others, thought history would not repeat etc. says the guy who thinks greed is good... how'd that work out for wall street? US holdings, pretty dam good for 2009 and so far in 2010. Up about 53% in the last 4 years. And you? and the other 100,000,000 americans? oh. i forgot. you'd be happy if their children were in the streets |
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