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"Canuck57" wrote in message
... On 23/04/2010 5:02 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:56 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 4:41 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:16 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 3:26 PM, hk wrote: The funny thing is, he thought that when I mentioned the "damage caused by eight years of Bush..." I was referring to overspending. I wasn't. So what is taking Obama so long to fix it? Is Obama still letting Bush run the government? This is a serious question: are you retarded? Are you in denialism of who has be el presidente for the last 16 months? Denialism is a mental disorder. Hey, maybe we should all work for Obama and surf the Internet all day. Think, you could get paid by Obama with benefits to do this. You think eight years of messes can be cleaned up in 16 months? First, I don't think much went wrong for 7 of 8 years of Bush. Democrats and Repulicans told him to go to war, he did. You're an idiot. Congress decided debt was good, and wanted cheap easy debt being they are liberal debtors and lowered the cost of debt too much. Congress manages the money supply, look to democrat congress for who screwed up. You're an idiot. Congress wanted cheap easy debt and created the debt bubble. Blame Bush all you want, but debt is congress and it has been democriters ball game. You're an idiot. I think I summed that up nicely. -- Nom=de=Plume |
posted to rec.boats
On 23/04/2010 5:39 PM, nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message ... On 23/04/2010 5:02 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:56 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 4:41 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:16 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 3:26 PM, hk wrote: The funny thing is, he thought that when I mentioned the "damage caused by eight years of Bush..." I was referring to overspending. I wasn't. So what is taking Obama so long to fix it? Is Obama still letting Bush run the government? This is a serious question: are you retarded? Are you in denialism of who has be el presidente for the last 16 months? Denialism is a mental disorder. Hey, maybe we should all work for Obama and surf the Internet all day. Think, you could get paid by Obama with benefits to do this. You think eight years of messes can be cleaned up in 16 months? First, I don't think much went wrong for 7 of 8 years of Bush. Democrats and Repulicans told him to go to war, he did. You're an idiot. Congress decided debt was good, and wanted cheap easy debt being they are liberal debtors and lowered the cost of debt too much. Congress manages the money supply, look to democrat congress for who screwed up. You're an idiot. Congress wanted cheap easy debt and created the debt bubble. Blame Bush all you want, but debt is congress and it has been democriters ball game. You're an idiot. I think I summed that up nicely. Sorry your brain didn't grasp the fundimentals. But no one ever accused you of being rational. -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
posted to rec.boats
On 23/04/2010 5:38 PM, nom=de=plume wrote:
wrote in message m... On 4/23/10 6:16 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 3:26 PM, hk wrote: The funny thing is, he thought that when I mentioned the "damage caused by eight years of Bush..." I was referring to overspending. I wasn't. So what is taking Obama so long to fix it? Is Obama still letting Bush run the government? This is a serious question: are you retarded? Is *that* a serious question? Oh wait, it's a rhetorical question. I get it. So how is you Obama goose stepping going? -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
posted to rec.boats
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:56:54 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 23/04/2010 4:41 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:16 PM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 3:26 PM, hk wrote: The funny thing is, he thought that when I mentioned the "damage caused by eight years of Bush..." I was referring to overspending. I wasn't. So what is taking Obama so long to fix it? Is Obama still letting Bush run the government? This is a serious question: are you retarded? Are you in denialism of who has be el presidente for the last 16 months? says the guy who's in denial about who was presdient the previous 8 |
posted to rec.boats
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:22:08 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 23/04/2010 5:02 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:56 PM, Canuck57 wrote: Denialism is a mental disorder. Hey, maybe we should all work for Obama and surf the Internet all day. Think, you could get paid by Obama with benefits to do this. You think eight years of messes can be cleaned up in 16 months? First, I don't think much went wrong for 7 of 8 years of Bush. Democrats and Repulicans told him to go to war, he did. which is like saying that, after you smoke for 30 years, when you're diagnosed with lung cancer it only started the week before. what an idiot. CDO's went from $1 billion in 96 to $62 TRILLION in 2006. but the right wing ignores this 'cuz it involved rich people Congress decided debt was good, and wanted cheap easy debt being they are liberal debtors well no. the GOP congress tightened bankruptcy rules for the middle class and made it easier for the rich. once again the right wing wants to blame the middle class Congress wanted cheap easy debt and created the debt bubble. Blame Bush all you want, but debt is congress and it has been democriters ball game. nope. the biggest spender in history: george bush and ronald reagan. they increased the debt more than any other presidents in US history. |
posted to rec.boats
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:06:32 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 23/04/2010 4:16 PM, bpuharic wrote: On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 07:42:33 -0600, wrote: Now if you lose 5% or 7% purchasing power over a working career, I doubt anyone would argue that it would buy a boat... right? After all given Democat/Obama debt-spending is at record levels, bailing out the inept, lazy, corrupt comes at a cost right? actually they're protecting jobs. to the right, that's unforgiveable...protecting the middle class. we should only protect the rich Only if you are in denialism. gee. all i have is the evidence on my side. you have rush limballs. wonder which shows the real picture Corrupt auto jobs were lost a long time ago. While GM was getting bailouts for it's inept business model, other companies were laying off as GM was producing subsidized vehicles. In 2009 GM recieved over $60,000 per vehicle it made to stay in business. what the hell does this have to do with unemployment? the right winger bitcher can't even stay on point. You complain about "rich". Well how come Obama hasn't cahrged on single executive, accountant or anyone with the GM fraud? ROFLMAO!!! do you REALLY thiknk the rich are gonna let ANYONE pass laws that pierce the corporate veil??? HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Even though a court has rules GM mistated financials like Enron and SOX laws exist, Obama isn't charging anyone. GM is peanuts compared to what BoA,goldman sachs, lehman, etc. did to the economy. they brought down the banking system. but they're rich white guys so your view is they're gods. and the biggest spender in history was george bush Right about now that shifts to Obama. great! he's doing the right thing. Certainly by the end of the year Obama will have racked more debt that Bush. In fact, by the end of 2010 Obama will hold the two top debtor years in American history, 2009 and 2010. great! he's doing the right thing. bush spent when there was no reason to spend. the right insisted on tax cuts for the rich to bankroll a war that killed 4400 US troops. obama's spending to protect jobs and th emiddle class i can see why you're ****ed. the darkie president is doing what the rich white boy couldnt' Watch, as soon as November is over, or perhaps sooner, VAT is comming to a till near you. Unless of course you lefties wake up and smell the coffee, which is unlikely. You Obama supporters didn't think Obamanation was free did you? more bitching. when the right wing comes up with a plan, let us know they gave away middle class incomes to the rich THEN they complain when the middle class protects itself canuch is a racist Think what you want. I turned on Bsh when he started the bailout corruption. I actually had hopes that Obama would stop it. But looks like Obama is just a bull****er. no you didn't. you're unable to fathom the CAUSE of the situation we're in. you think obama's been presdient for 9 years. so you blame it ALL on him instead of your lord god, the rich white boy |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "nom=de=plume" wrote in message ... "Bill McKee" wrote in message m... "hk" wrote in message m... On 4/23/10 11:26 AM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 8:29 AM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 10:21 AM, Canuck57 wrote: On 23/04/2010 7:48 AM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 9:42 AM, Canuck57 wrote: Now if you lose 5% or 7% purchasing power over a working career, I doubt anyone would argue that it would buy a boat... right? After all given Democat/Obama debt-spending is at record levels, bailing out the inept, lazy, corrupt comes at a cost right? http://congress.blogs.foxnews.com/20...-tax-increase/ The big reason greedy big fat government likes VAT is simple, it gets everyone. Shares the pain. Instead of punitive taxes on the 30% (or less) of those that work in non-governmetn jobs and pay any signifigant amout of taxes, it isn't limited to the 30%. It gets 100% of us. Us? Why would you be subject to such a tax, *if* it were imposed in the USA? You're a Canadian, living in Canada. Oh...and you're quoting from Faux News, the home of tea partying teabaggers...the bull**** news network. What? You don't believe big mouth debt spender Obama doesn't want a huge increase in revenue from the sheeples? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100421/...e/us_obama_tax First, I asked why you used "us," since "us," as you used it, wouldn't apply to Canadians living in Canada. You're not one of us, as it were. Second, there's no need to even consider what you think are your points when you use terms like "big mouth debt spender Obama." Obama is extricating this country from a terrific mess left him by his predecessor. It looks like what he has done so far is beginning to work. The opposing party had no logical plan for bringing us out of Bush recession. Well, Obama talks a lot, big mouth. Running into the second year of record debt spending makes Obama a debt monger. US government is hungry for your money, you are right, I will not have to pay much of the US VAT. But I used to like going to Montana shopping, guess I had better go early this year as to avoid the US VAT. Anyone who thought Obamanomics in and Obamanation is about to find out that Obama isn't free, he is quite taxing. I never thought repairing the damage caused by eight years of Bush and Cheney would be free, and I thought our taxes would go up in order to help pull this country out of the Bush-Cheney deep, dark hole. My wife and I expect to be paying more in taxes next year, in one form or another. If you want to live in fear of a VAT that may be imposted in the future, you go right ahead. It'll just be another entry on the stupid decisions you've made in live. If he wants to correct the Bush overspending, seems an odd way to do the job. Should be cutting spending by the Fed's. Lots of Bush's problem is he vetoed maybe 2 spending bills in the 8 years. And Bush overspending in his 8 years is probably the major screwup. Even more than opening up a 2nd front in the war. Cutting what spending by the Fed? Specifically what? Oh wait, let me guess... programs that help the poor and the middle class. Nice slam on Bush though... -- Nom=de=Plume We were overspending voraciously before Obama got in. And he has kicked up the spending 2-3x. They are forecasting trillion dollar deficits for the next 10 years/ How is this all Bush II's fault? How about cutting spending to GM. They just paid back a 5 billion buck loan with interest. Where did the pay back money come from? Serious question! It came from TARP money. So paying back a loan with another loan. We the people own 60% of new GM. The present people in power say we will get all our money back when GM goes public again. That would take a capitalization of $50 billion dollars. GM stock was never worth that much when they were successful. And 80% would still not return the $80 billion or so we took off the GM books. Cut Goldman Sachs 150% Let them fold. Demand back every bit of money we lent them. If they can pay $6+ billion in bonus money with our taxpayer paid funds, we can demand back all the money and a penalty for screwing us. Stop spending a couple million here, a couple million there on some of the asinine research the government is funding these days. We can not afford some of these items. Why are we funding the arts through the Federal government? KILL the NEA! Is not a Federal government function. Lot of cutting with out cutting vital programs to the poor. Cut back on the Education Bureau. Was not even a federal deptpartment until 1974. Now it controls most money for education in the USA. And only charges a 20-25% handling fee for sending the money back to the states with strings attached. Where would you and your clone HK cut the overspending? Even you must have some tolerable ideas about reducing government costs. Cut unemployment extensions. Save money and give incentives to work. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000...952375172.html |
posted to rec.boats
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:12:51 -0700, "Bill McKee"
wrote: Nom=de=Plume We were overspending voraciously before Obama got in. And he has kicked up the spending 2-3x. for good economic reasons as opposed to bush who just killed 4400 US troops and spent money on tax cuts for the rich how did the rich use their money? did they give wage increases to the middle class? nope the middle class hasnt had a pay increase in 10 y ears. did they create jobs? nope. no jobs created in 10 years. what did they do? well...in the last 10 years, the richest 1% have seen their incomes triple. They are forecasting trillion dollar deficits for the next 10 years/ How is this all Bush II's fault? yeah it is. we have to spend what's needed to get out of the free market hole we've dug ourselves into. How about cutting spending to GM. peanuts |
posted to rec.boats
On 23/04/2010 6:03 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:22:08 -0600, wrote: On 23/04/2010 5:02 PM, hk wrote: On 4/23/10 6:56 PM, Canuck57 wrote: Denialism is a mental disorder. Hey, maybe we should all work for Obama and surf the Internet all day. Think, you could get paid by Obama with benefits to do this. You think eight years of messes can be cleaned up in 16 months? First, I don't think much went wrong for 7 of 8 years of Bush. Democrats and Repulicans told him to go to war, he did. which is like saying that, after you smoke for 30 years, when you're diagnosed with lung cancer it only started the week before. what an idiot. CDO's went from $1 billion in 96 to $62 TRILLION in 2006. but the right wing ignores this 'cuz it involved rich people How does it not involve rich people? Basically USA is bankrupt and the only thing saving it is "US is too big to fail...". Or is perceived that way. Anyone who looks at the numbers in a rational way knows it will never be payed off and is a ticking time bomb. Don't worry, they will tax the hell out of your grandchildren for the retirement obligations, like they do in UK and Canada. As China grows, the US will shrink economicially, that is in fact what we are seeing. I figure it will be less than 10 years and the Chinese economy will be larger, and could happen sooner. Congress decided debt was good, and wanted cheap easy debt being they are liberal debtors well no. the GOP congress tightened bankruptcy rules for the middle class and made it easier for the rich. Bankruptcy laws shoudl be tight. Letting liberals easily welsh and create defunct uncontrolled debt is what got us into this depression. once again the right wing wants to blame the middle class They voted for cheap easy liberal debt and sold America cheap. True conservatives have been screeming for decades to stop the madness. But no one wants to believe Ron Paul circa 2003 when he said the big debt depression is coming. Evey liberal pansi pandering idiot just wanted cheap easy debt. Congress wanted cheap easy debt and created the debt bubble. Blame Bush all you want, but debt is congress and it has been democriters ball game. nope. the biggest spender in history: george bush and ronald reagan. they increased the debt more than any other presidents in US history. Nope, wrong. Only took Reagan one trillion in his terms. That didn't last 8 months with Obama. At this point though, it does not mater as looking forward the US debtors are not going to do what is right for America, they worship debt and that is all their sorry liberal asses think about. Well cheap easy debt is coming to an end. Look at Greece, might be small potatoes but when sovern debt goes bad the economic system will unravel and eventually we be looking at 25% mortgage rates, if you qualify. This is the time to get out of debt as fast as you bloody can. Think since 2007 and the end of 2010 the US national debt will go from $9 to 14.5 trillion. $5.5 trillion increase in just 3 years. And no abatement in sight because Obama and democriters haven't done **** to stop it. In 15 years 80% of the USA will have no health care beyond bone setting and birth. Social Security will likely be so low or discontinued. Get used to Debt America in this century. -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
posted to rec.boats
On 23/04/2010 6:09 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:06:32 -0600, wrote: On 23/04/2010 4:16 PM, bpuharic wrote: On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 07:42:33 -0600, wrote: Now if you lose 5% or 7% purchasing power over a working career, I doubt anyone would argue that it would buy a boat... right? After all given Democat/Obama debt-spending is at record levels, bailing out the inept, lazy, corrupt comes at a cost right? actually they're protecting jobs. to the right, that's unforgiveable...protecting the middle class. we should only protect the rich Only if you are in denialism. gee. all i have is the evidence on my side. you have rush limballs. wonder which shows the real picture Corrupt auto jobs were lost a long time ago. While GM was getting bailouts for it's inept business model, other companies were laying off as GM was producing subsidized vehicles. In 2009 GM recieved over $60,000 per vehicle it made to stay in business. what the hell does this have to do with unemployment? the right winger bitcher can't even stay on point. You complain about "rich". Well how come Obama hasn't cahrged on single executive, accountant or anyone with the GM fraud? ROFLMAO!!! do you REALLY thiknk the rich are gonna let ANYONE pass laws that pierce the corporate veil??? HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Even though a court has rules GM mistated financials like Enron and SOX laws exist, Obama isn't charging anyone. GM is peanuts compared to what BoA,goldman sachs, lehman, etc. did to the economy. they brought down the banking system. but they're rich white guys so your view is they're gods. and the biggest spender in history was george bush Right about now that shifts to Obama. great! he's doing the right thing. Certainly by the end of the year Obama will have racked more debt that Bush. In fact, by the end of 2010 Obama will hold the two top debtor years in American history, 2009 and 2010. great! he's doing the right thing. bush spent when there was no reason to spend. the right insisted on tax cuts for the rich to bankroll a war that killed 4400 US troops. obama's spending to protect jobs and th emiddle class i can see why you're ****ed. the darkie president is doing what the rich white boy couldnt' Watch, as soon as November is over, or perhaps sooner, VAT is comming to a till near you. Unless of course you lefties wake up and smell the coffee, which is unlikely. You Obama supporters didn't think Obamanation was free did you? more bitching. when the right wing comes up with a plan, let us know they gave away middle class incomes to the rich THEN they complain when the middle class protects itself canuch is a racist Think what you want. I turned on Bsh when he started the bailout corruption. I actually had hopes that Obama would stop it. But looks like Obama is just a bull****er. no you didn't. you're unable to fathom the CAUSE of the situation we're in. you think obama's been presdient for 9 years. so you blame it ALL on him instead of your lord god, the rich white boy Just learn what VAT means. It is coming. -- Socialism and statism are great as long as someone else pays for it. |
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