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In the begining God created them Republican and Demacrat,
http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/o...epublican.html "Maybe the G.O.P does stand for God's Own Party after all. " "God is a Republican but Jesus is a socialist. Everything he teaches points toward a socialist society. " "Why God let Al Franken win Coleman's seat is another matter." , thats so funny...lol obviously the Lord let the Jew have it, I guess that makes God a racist??? A good friend of mine wrote this piece a year or so ago, but I never figured out what in the hell he was talking about....lol...and I'm bored and tired of listening to political BS and hope to get a boat in the water manyana... The Hegelian Dialectical Process Topic started on 21-10-2009 @ 10:29 PM by HothSnake The Hegelian Dialectic has been used to influence our society for hundreds of years. An examination of history, and of how our current world is organized, reveals the hidden manipulation of controlled chaos on the unwitting masses. What is the Hegelian Dialectical process? Simply put, it is a mechanism for brainwashing, and thus controlling the masses, through controlled chaos, war, debate. The formula goes as such, thesis vs. antithesis equals synthesis. Legitimize a fake conflict, debate, or crisis, and then present a resolution, ie., bring about a desired outcome. A perfect example of this formula at work in present day society would be the fake two party system utilized in American politics, eg., left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. What amounts to two sides of the same coin. The differences between the two are merely cosmetic, and not legitimate. Thus, legitimizing all kinds of non-issues, while ignoring any real ones. Hence, nothing really changes, no matter who is in office. To understand the grip that this mind control program has had on society through the ages, you have to understand a little historical background. First, we will begin with Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel, the father of Hegelianism, whose philosophy of absolute statism as opposed to the rights of the individual, has led to communism and fascism in 20th century. Born in Germany, he was one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century. There were two major emerging, and seemingly contradictory, branches of the Hegelian tree (Hegelian philosophy was mostly a confusing mesh of contradictions, thus leading to several interpretations after his death in 1831): the Left/Right young Hegelians, which Engels and Marx were one of these, and the existentialism and pseudonymous works of Soren Kierkegaard. We shall focus on the young Hegelians, especially those that led to fascism and communism, and their influence on the 20th century. From 1831 to 1832, William Huntington Russell(founder of the American chapter of Skull and Bones at Yale University) studied in Germany, and was almost certainly influenced by the young Hegelian movement that was going on at the time. It is believed that while there he was initiated into a German secret society that was centered around Hegelian thought, and was commissioned to begin and develop such an institution in the U.S.. That is exactly what he appeared to do with Skull and Bones at Yale University, where the word "WAR" is inscribed within the innersactom of what is referred to as the "Tomb", which is the headquarters of Skull and Bones. This is a clear reference to the Hegelian Dialectic, which is controlled war or chaos, leading to a predetermined outcome. Set society at odds with itself in a fake and contrived conflict, and you can lead them anywhere you want them to go. This institution seems to have influenced several generations, and had its hands in every American government since its inception. The Fascist/Nazi movements in Europe, and Communist movements in Russia, certainly seem to have been influenced and developed through Hegelian followers. Both WWI and WWII were financed on both sides by the agents of Hegelian thought. WWI: Samuel P. Bush (Bonesman George W. Bush's Great Grandfather) was instrumental in supplying arms to both sides of the war. WWII: Prescott Bushwas instrumental in financing Hitler, through his leading role in the Union Banking Corporation, which was later seized by the American government, when said act was later discovered. Through the Federal Reserve Board over billion of American money has been pumped into Germany. You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany... Modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total." Congressman Louis T.McFadden (D-PA) who served twelve years as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency. Cold War: a bogus conflict that was financed in large amount from American affiliated sources. Government: Republicans vs. Democrats.. Two sides of the same Skull and Bones coin. The Bonesmen Bush's took over the Republican party, while their Skull and Bones buddies (Harimans) took over the Democrats. Iraq War: this bogus conflict of CIA induced and created Muslim extremism vs. the Western imperialism of the Right wing Neocons. You see, a boogie man must be created and perpetuated within the Hegelian Dialectical process in order to create an environment of sufficient confusion and chaos that can bring about the change that certain elites deem necessary for controlling the masses and cementing their power. All around us you can see this process in action. Everything seems to be divided into separate, but equal camps of thought and conflict: Right vs. Left, Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs. White, Muslim vs. Christian, East vs. West, Men vs. Women, straight vs. gay, etc. Even in economics you will find the proponents of the Hegelian Dialectic, espousing their nonsense in the form of Crisis management (you have Rahm Emmanuel and Hillary Clinton repeating the same mantra about not wasting a good crisis). It is clear that we have been unduly manipulated over the past two centuries by these charlatans of the Hegelian Dialectic. By creating a fake crisis, and legitimizing it through fake debate, you can tell the masses that Santa Clause is in need of special financial help or there will be no more Christmas, and the masses will buy it hook, line and sinker, thus lining up to give their life's savings. Scare the people enough with all manner of menacing hobgoblins, and they will follow you right off the cliff to their own destruction. History has born this process out to work like a charm. |
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