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Secular Humanist August 21st 10 01:26 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any selling
at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a barn,
is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

I am Tosk responded:

Wow, we lease our equipment? You are brilliant. Now what did you say
the name of your company was, can you show us what you do???

I wrote:

You lease your equipment, little man? Doubtful. As I stated and can
prove, you *lifted* that description of your facilities and so forth
from other websites. In fact there are a number of websites using the
exact same language you use.

My guess: is that if you even have a business as you described (which
is doubtful), you're simply reselling another organization's web
services. That there are more than a handful of sites claiming to do
what you claim and using the exact same language to describe their
facilities is no coincidence.

And how about those photos showing your alleged staff taking meetings?
They're stock photos. And those high-speed data lines? More bull****.

What do you do at this imaginary company, little man? You don't have
the background to handle tech calls, and you certainly don't have the
personality to handle sales calls.

It would take about a minute to copy the language on your web site and
the identical language on other web sites and demonstrate your frauds,
little man.

This is the language on your "network" page:

We invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure our clients
are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. The NOC is located in a secure, monitored, class A building.
A detailed record of employee and visitor entry is maintained at all
times and has two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS
systems to guard against local power failures. These act as back-up
batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or
power outages.

It is the same language on this other network's page: :: Network :: Ultimate Performance and Reliability!
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure that
our clients, and your clients are up and running on the web 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. ... Finally, the NOC is located in a secure,
monitored, class A building ... With these back-up systems in place, we
can keep our network up and ...

And this network page:

Web Hosting System and Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure our
clients are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
.... FGC's ATM fiber node, located a few floors below our servers in the
same building. ... All the drives, motherboards, and power supplies in
our NOC are in cases with a ... - Cached

And this network page:

Conquest Hosting - Our Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure that
your website is up and running on the Internet 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, guaranteed! ... Finally, the NOC is located in a secure,
monitored, class A building ... This increases the speed at which web
pages sent from our NOC arrive at ... - Cached - Similar

Amd many, many, many others.

And that's not the only copy on your web page that was lifted from
someone else. Your photos are also "lifts."

At best, you have a little shell company that engages in deceptive
practices by claiming assets it doesn't have.

Why would anyone believe that a little man like you, who can't even hang
onto a job mucking out stables could own and operate a legit internet

You probably use that motorbike in your kitchen to generate electricity
when the power company shuts you down for non-payment.


YukonBound August 21st 10 04:19 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're using
stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any selling at all.
And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a barn, is
discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.


Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Secular Humanist August 21st 10 06:07 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
On 8/21/10 10:19 AM, YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.


Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Ah, but...amway...that would involve soap. You don't think snotty uses you? :)

YukonBound August 21st 10 07:37 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 10:19 AM, YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.


Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Ah, but...amway...that would involve soap. You don't think snotty uses you? :)

If he does, it's spairingly.

*e#c August 21st 10 07:41 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
On Aug 21, 7:26*am, Secular Humanist wrote:
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business *is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any selling
at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a barn,
is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

I am Tosk responded:

Wow, we lease our equipment? You are brilliant. Now what did you say
the name of your company was, can you show us what you do???

* I wrote:

You lease your equipment, little man? Doubtful. As I stated and can
prove, you *lifted* that description of your facilities and so forth
from other websites. In fact there are a number of websites using the
exact same language you use.

My guess: is that if you even have a business as you described (which
is doubtful), you're simply reselling another organization's web
services. That there are more than a handful of sites claiming to do
what you claim and using the exact same language to describe their
facilities is no coincidence.

And how about those photos showing your alleged staff taking meetings?
They're stock photos. And those high-speed data lines? More bull****.

What do you do at this imaginary company, little man? You don't have
the background to handle tech calls, and you certainly don't have the
personality to handle sales calls.

It would take about a minute to copy the language on your web site and
the identical language on other web sites and demonstrate your frauds,
little man.

This is the language on your "network" page:

We invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure our clients
are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. The NOC is located in a secure, monitored, class A building.
A detailed record of employee and visitor entry is maintained at all
times and has two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS
systems to guard against local power failures. These act as back-up
batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or
power outages.

It is the same language on this other network's page: :: Network :: Ultimate Performance and Reliability!
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure that
our clients, and your clients are up and running on the web 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. ... Finally, the NOC is located in a secure,
monitored, class A building ... With these back-up systems in place, we
can keep our network up and ...

And this network page:

Web Hosting System and Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure our
clients are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
... FGC's ATM fiber node, located a few floors below our servers in the
same building. ... All the drives, motherboards, and power supplies in
our NOC are in cases with a Cached

And this network page:

Conquest Hosting - Our Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure that
your website is up and running on the Internet 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, guaranteed! ... Finally, the NOC is located in a secure,
monitored, class A building ... This increases the speed at which web
pages sent from our NOC arrive at Cached - Similar

Amd many, many, many others.

And that's not the only copy on your web page that was lifted from
someone else. Your photos are also "lifts."

At best, you have a little shell company that engages in deceptive
practices by claiming assets it doesn't have.

Why would anyone believe that a little man like you, who can't even hang
onto a job mucking out stables could own and operate a legit internet

You probably use that motorbike in your kitchen to generate electricity
when the power company shuts you down for non-payment.


TOUCHE' !!!!!!!!

Dont forget how he lives his life off the back of his Daughters

Larry[_28_] August 22nd 10 01:07 AM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
Secular Humanist wrote:
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

I am Tosk responded:

Wow, we lease our equipment? You are brilliant. Now what did you say
the name of your company was, can you show us what you do???

I wrote:

You lease your equipment, little man? Doubtful. As I stated and can
prove, you *lifted* that description of your facilities and so forth
from other websites. In fact there are a number of websites using the
exact same language you use.

My guess: is that if you even have a business as you described (which
is doubtful), you're simply reselling another organization's web
services. That there are more than a handful of sites claiming to do
what you claim and using the exact same language to describe their
facilities is no coincidence.

And how about those photos showing your alleged staff taking meetings?
They're stock photos. And those high-speed data lines? More bull****.

What do you do at this imaginary company, little man? You don't have
the background to handle tech calls, and you certainly don't have the
personality to handle sales calls.

It would take about a minute to copy the language on your web site and
the identical language on other web sites and demonstrate your frauds,
little man.

This is the language on your "network" page:

We invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure our clients
are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. The NOC is located in a secure, monitored, class A building.
A detailed record of employee and visitor entry is maintained at all
times and has two industrial-grade, three phase Liebert UPS
systems to guard against local power failures. These act as back-up
batteries, maintaining uninterrupted power in case of surges or
power outages.

It is the same language on this other network's page: :: Network :: Ultimate Performance and Reliability!
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure
that our clients, and your clients are up and running on the web 24
hours a day, seven days a week. ... Finally, the NOC is located in a
secure, monitored, class A building ... With these back-up systems in
place, we can keep our network up and ...

And this network page:

Web Hosting System and Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure
our clients are up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. .... FGC's ATM fiber node, located a few floors below our
servers in the same building. ... All the drives, motherboards, and
power supplies in our NOC are in cases with a ... - Cached

And this network page:

Conquest Hosting - Our Network
That's why we invest heavily in hardware and facilities that ensure
that your website is up and running on the Internet 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, guaranteed! ... Finally, the NOC is located in a
secure, monitored, class A building ... This increases the speed at
which web pages sent from our NOC arrive at ... - Cached - Similar

Amd many, many, many others.

And that's not the only copy on your web page that was lifted from
someone else. Your photos are also "lifts."

At best, you have a little shell company that engages in deceptive
practices by claiming assets it doesn't have.

Why would anyone believe that a little man like you, who can't even
hang onto a job mucking out stables could own and operate a legit
internet business?

You probably use that motorbike in your kitchen to generate
electricity when the power company shuts you down for non-payment.


What a sad life you live in that basement, WAFA.

Larry[_28_] August 22nd 10 01:09 AM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 10:19 AM, YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks
like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his
desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Ah, but...amway...that would involve soap. You don't think snotty
uses you? :)

If he does, it's spairingly.

Did you mean to type sparingly, dummy?

Secular Humanist[_4_] August 23rd 10 03:58 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
In article ,

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're using
stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any selling at all.
And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a barn, is
discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.


Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

That's about the stupidest comment you've made here, and you've made
some awful dumb ones lately.

Secular Humanist[_4_] August 23rd 10 03:59 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
In article ,

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 10:19 AM, YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not photos
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Ah, but...amway...that would involve soap. You don't think snotty uses you? :)

If he does, it's spairingly.

Can't you ever get your nose out of my ass, little buddy. Honestly, you
follow me around here like a puppy dog.

Secular Humanist[_4_] August 23rd 10 04:00 PM

Giving Little Man Tosk the Credit He Deserves
In article ,

YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 10:19 AM, YukonBound wrote:

"Secular Humanist" wrote in message
On 8/21/10 1:04 AM, I am Tosk wrote:

So, what do you do for work Harry, I run IDesigns LLC, and your
business is?

To which I responded:

If I "ran" that practically non-existent site, I'd be quiet
about it. The site is nothing but b.s. piled upon b.s. Hell, you're
using stock photos. You're just reselling, if you are doing any
selling at all. And those high speed lines? They ain't yours.

This is rich. Uneducated, jobless Ingersoll, who couldn't even hang
onto a job working in a warehouse or shoveling horse**** out of a
barn, is discussing someone else's alleged lack of employment.

IDesigns, LLC, the company Ingersoll claims to own and run looks
like a
bull**** site. The photos of personnel are stock photos, and not
of IDesigns staff. The verbiage describing facilities was lifted from
other sites, as was the language describing alleged high speed data
lines. If Ingersoll is "handling" technical support, this is the song
his "customers" must sing:

Ingersoll, as he likes to say about others, is hiding under his
desk on
this one. If he has a desk. Which I doubt.

Snotty reminds me of someone awarded a neighbourhood Amway franchise.
All of a sudden, he thinks he's a big business tycoon.

Ah, but...amway...that would involve soap. You don't think snotty
uses you? :)

If he does, it's spairingly.

Did you mean to type sparingly, dummy?

Hey, my little buddy Don is the typo ferret here. He even smells like

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