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On Sun, 15 May 2011 01:37:08 -0400, wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:56:39 -0400, wf3h wrote: Yet the democratic senate came up with a fin reg bill that left most of the abuses like too big to fail in place. Maybe it was because they took more money from Wall Street than the republicans did. actually the dems didnt. in the last election, 80% of wall street money went to the GOP BTW 2008 was even more of a slam dunk for the democrats. I suppose that is why the bailout went the way it did http://www.opensecrets.org/bigpictur...Rep&Cycle=2008 guess you dont know we had an election in 2010. see my words up there? the 'last election'?? unlike you, i go with evidence. the FACT is the dems benefitted from wall street money UNTIL they started talking reform. THEN the money started to flow to the GOP me? i go with EVIDENCE you? you're right wing. you go with MYTH |
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On Sun, 15 May 2011 10:22:26 -0400, wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 06:46:55 -0400, wf3h wrote: On Sun, 15 May 2011 01:29:52 -0400, wrote: obama proposed a single payer system that would put the insurance companies out of business Yet he brags about a system that did little but bring another 40 million customers to the same insurance companies that you hate at the point of a government gun uh wrong 1. he gives a subsidy to low income earners to buy insurance 2. he removes the policy of excluding pre existing conditions if he'd had his way our healthcare system would be more efficient. but folks like you objected because it didnt make the rich richer Uh what part of what I said was wrong. Where did those 40 million have to go? To the same insurance companies who still really have no limits to what they charge. All we did was put the government in the position of having to borrow money to pay for it. we were already borrowing the money. or they were. someone was paying. this delusion on the part of the right that healthcare is free is another of your urban myths Nobody ever said it was free, in fact the common phrase is that health care gets more expensive when people think it is free. ... and you seem to be changing your tune a bit aren't you? I guess you agree that this health care bill was great for insurance companies and that was what I said. what i said was that obama had no choice. the right, again, gamed the system to protect their interests to ensure that we chose the most expensive way to get healthcare for everyone which is what I said. This is a "mandate", in other words the government makes you go to those insurance companies. we already have mandates. i have no kids. but i have to pay higher taxes than those who do. that's a mandate. this is another urban myth of the right. you guys build your entire ideology on myths Again you are diverting the subject. This is the first time they have made people buy health insurance. how do they 'make' them? oh. they dont. they simply pay a tax if they dont buy insurance just like i pay an additional tax if i dont have kids. so you're wrong. . Exactly ZERO republicans voted for that bill or had anything to do with writing it. It was democrats in the senate that killed single payer. lotsa right wing democrats Then look inside your party. That is my point the fact that the right has turned america into a plutocracy where only the rich have a voice is something that is finally dawning even on the myth loving right wing Agreeing with my original point again. The democrats are part of that plutocracy now. Maybe it is dawning on you. HAHAHAHA gee whiz where did i EVER say the dems were innocent? a PLUTOCRACY, by DEFINITION, doesnt depend on parties. not familiar with the term, are you? it's the RIGHT that's dong so much to kill the US. regardless of party. and there's little choice. when the system is rigged, it really doesnt matter what party is in power the dems have MORE of an orientation for the middle class but their effects are mitigated by right wing myths like those you believe and which i have demonstrated are false. Cite that. I see this http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=F07 sorry. part of your myth making is that you dont pay attention to the news http://gothamist.com/2010/02/08/wall...ates_to_re.php http://mydd.com/2010/2/24/wall-streee I do not see that 80% you cited but I agree it is not as much in 2011 as it was in 2008 but in 2008 the democrats were the ones getting 65-70% MOVING THE GOALPOSTS what i said was that wall street decided to shift its money when the DEMS pushed regulation it doesnt matter HOW much was given. that's really irrelevant the FACT is the GOP got the money from wall street because wall street realized the right wing would help them continue destroying the US. you gotta keep up with the news if you're gonna argue facts oh. i forgot. you're right wing you dont do facts You seem to be the one who pulls numbers out of your ass. go ahead. read the news, right winger. then whimper away to lick your wounds I posted the fact from FEC . You cited an opinion piece. AHAHAHAH you SELECTIVELY posted 'facts' that merely PROVE what i previously said WALL STREET CHANGED ITS BANKROLLING FROM THE DEMS TO THE GOP thanks. i already KNEW that if you were an adult and had the facts at your fingertips you'd hunt right wingers with dogs and pitchforks the fact is the right thinks everything is OK with america because the wealthy are getting richer and power is concentrating in the hands of a few progressives look at the EVIDENCE and see LACK of opportunity in a system increasing dominated by a small class of people and want to RESTORE american opportunity. that's why the right hates teh middle class, unions and progressives. WE want to RESTORE american greatness. YOU are the agents of the status quo. I agree you voted for a guy who promised change but he didn't change much did he? We are still in both wars, plus a new one scaling down the one in iraq and getting ready to scale down in afghanistan that's a change The pentagon is still spending a third of our budget. and obama NEVER mentioned cutting the pentagon budget. in fact, obama and gates have identified BILLIONS in cuts that's a change The financial industry is as strong as ever as i pointed out the RIGHT WING like YOU has prevented almost ANY change...and when change DOES come...like when the dems REGULATED wall street your pals on wall street reacted by shifting their spending patterns as you PROVED ME RIGHT. thanks. nice to see you proved me right and you wrong. as usual. The tax cuts were extended the tax cuts were ORIGINALLY supposed to be cut ONLY on those making less than 250K. but the RIGHT WING, with the MYTH of supply side economics (ANOTHER RIGHT WING MYTH) FORCED tax cuts to remain for the RICH even though their income has already skyrocketed nice of you to IGNORE what the right wing is doing The health provider industry is unchanged we got healthcare for everyone but you IGNORE THAT CHANGE The health insurance still has a monopoly with 40 million new customers gee. obama's single payer system? oh. the RIGHT WING killed it. but we GOT health insurance The rich are still getting richer we sure do. why? bec ause RIGHT WING MYTHS like SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS and 'social mobility...even though BOTH ARE WRONG....are STILL believed by people like YOU. There are still as many people as there were unemployed or underemployed and real wages are still flat. gee. because MORE people are re-entering the work force. guess you missed that 250K jobs were created last month and that NO jobs were created under bush. ALL the job increases under bush were LOST durng the depression. and the GOP fought the regulations against wall street. in fact the GOP fought ANY regulations. The Democrats had a filibuster proof senate, the house and the White House. Why didn't they do something? Oh it was YOUR right wing democrats. well no they didnt. in fact the GOP racked up MORE filibusters and threats than in any time in our nation's history. again your belief in myth is what makes you right wing http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/03/02...f-filibusters/ That just shows how impotent the democrats are. 41 republicans beat 59 democrats every time working under the same rules. by having a RECORD number of filibusters a RECORD number. MORE GOALPOST MOVING. this is a recipe for stalemate. you think the DEMS aren't going to do this now?? what is SHOWS, unlike what the right myths say, is that we have created an UNGOVERNABLE system that BENEFITS THE RICH as even YOU are finally starting to see. You still ignore the 2 years when the GOP did not have the votes to filibuster. What happened then? tell you what. how many right wing dems are there? oh. lots. even some dems believe right wing mythology. you're not immune. no reason there arent stupid democrats. we have LOTS here in PA. and iraq? a TRILLION spent there by the liar bush. 4400 US troops between bush's WARS and his SPENDING and his TAX CUTS for the RICH HE bankrupted us, NOT the black guy sorry, right winger. the facts destroy your belief in MYTH You didn't cite any facts, only a baseless tirade. really? bush didnt start the iraq war? bush didnt have 2 tax cuts, in 2001 and 2003? uh...those look like facts to me. guess you dont read much The fact is Obama did not change the timetable and we still have 50,000 troops in Iraq and Gates says they are probably going to slip that schedule tohttp://morallowground.com/2011/04/08/gates-u-s-combat-troops-could-stay-in-iraq-beyond-2011/ get them out. and under bush? oh. 150,000 gee. i guess if you're right wing 150,000 is the same as 50,000 the FACT is the HAQQANI NETWORK of the PAKISTAN TALIBAN maintains CLOSE relationships with the AFGHAN taliban AND with AL QAIDA ****, you dont even know who the terrorists are! there are LOTS of taliban groups. you're just uneducated. no wonder you're right wing! ... and most of those groups are NOT in Afghanistan. HAAHAHAHAHA not in afghanistan? uh...why? could the presence of US troops be a deterrent? golly. go figure. and where is the taliban? ummmm...in pakistan. so you want us to go to war with pakistan if our troops can make it through the nukes. Think Somalia, Yemen and Eastern Libya. Egypt may end up being the economic center of the terrorists since they are nuzzling up to Iran as we speak. HAHAHAHAA there are NO taliban in somalia. the taliban are PASHTUNS...about 40% of afghanistan is pashtun. somalia has al shabab...a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT group not too familiar with current affairs, i see If you understand terrorism at all you will understand Afghanistan is a very small part of the problem but it is where we are putting most of our people. and yet afghanistan is where the attack on the WTC was launched from go figure We are nation building, no more, no less. That is also what we are doing in Iraq and have been since "mission accomplished". oh. so BUSH's policy failed and are we 'nation building' or simply training a replacement for our troops witha corrupt govt then getting out? oh. you dont know that Insults do not enhance the credibility of your argument. The fact is there are more Taliban now than there were in 2002 but the vast majority of them have no interest in attacking the US, they just want us out of their country, just like they wanted the Soviets out. We somehow feel the need and the right to impose our culture on them and they don't like it. so the right hates obama so much they believe our ENEMIES I WAS IN NY after 9/11 with the USCG. i saw what they did. i saw what the TALIBAN and their allies, al qaida did mayby you right wingers, with your fundamentalist devotion to increasing the power of the rich will ally yourselves with our enemies but i never, never, will. either the taliban agree NEVER to ally with al qaida and other enemies again, or we destroy them YOU want to appease them tell it to czechoslovakia We will "win" in Afghanistan the same way we did in Vietnam. HAHAHAHA really? gee. the taliban controls about 3% of afghan territory now. it may be a stalemate but that's BETTER than vietnam you simply cant think for yourself you believe in 'supply side economic's...which failed you believe that NOTHING has changed in healthcare when we just got it for 40 MILLION americans... you dont know that the most recent election saw wall street money go to the dems so try to shift the goalposts to PREVIOUS elections you dont know that this happened because the DEMS pushed regulation while the GOP continues its failed policy of fundamentalist deregulation you dont know we have reduced our footprint in iraq and it's OUR decision whether to stay you dont know we're already talking about withdrwwing 5000 troops from afghanistan yep. you're right wing alright |
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On Sun, 15 May 2011 10:24:00 -0400, wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 06:48:25 -0400, wf3h wrote: On Sun, 15 May 2011 01:37:08 -0400, wrote: On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:56:39 -0400, wf3h wrote: unlike you, i go with evidence. the FACT is the dems benefitted from wall street money UNTIL they started talking reform. THEN the money started to flow to the GOP me? i go with EVIDENCE I gave you the numbers for 2101 and your assertion that the GOP got 80% was bull****. It was about even. well you're right wing so dont know the facts...as usual http://www.cnbc.com/id/38658570/Wall...nations_to_GOP CRP found that in March of 2009, people and political action committees associated with the securities and investment industry sent 70 percent of their federal-level contributions to Democratic candidates, party committees and leadership PACs. But by June of 2010, that dynamic had flipped . CRP reported their research shows that Republicans received 68 percent of all federal-level contributions from Wall Street. right wingers generally dont know math. but when the donations go from SEVENTY PERCENT TO THE DEMS to SEVENTY PERCENT TO THE GOP that's a shift. gee...you're wrong as usual |
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On Sun, 15 May 2011 11:33:51 -0400, wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 11:09:34 -0400, wf3h wrote: On Sun, 15 May 2011 10:24:00 -0400, wrote: On Sun, 15 May 2011 06:48:25 -0400, wf3h wrote: I gave you the numbers for 2101 and your assertion that the GOP got 80% was bull****. It was about even. SEVENTY PERCENT TO THE GOP that's a shift. gee...you're wrong as usual It wasn't "80%" was it? It wasn't even 70%, it was 68 but don't let facts get in the way of a good rant. HAHAHAH FIRST you said MOST money went to the DEMS THEN you backpedaled and said it was about EVEN and NOW you're all upset over 70 vs 80?? ROFLMAO!!! They switched their money from the dems because the dems were solidly in the bag for them It was the gop fighting the bailouts. the gop fighting the bailouts??? HENRY PAULSON AUTHORED THEM!! paulson was BUSH'S TREASURY SECRETARY and the bailouts were NECESSARY because the RIGHT ensured that we SOCIALIZED the RISK while PRIVATIZING reward in order to keep this bull**** MYTH of the 'american dream' alive you simply can't understand it, can you? it blows your head off your shoulders to think YOU have screwed america I hear you lefties bitching about money going to the top and CEO pay and bonuses but the financial industry has most of the millionaires and they made huge bonuses on the federal bailout money we gave them. Right now it is the right fighting the bailouts. lefties?? i believe in CAPITALISM. a WELL REGULATED FREE MARKET YOU RIGHT WINGERS believe in PLUTOCRACY and YES they made BILLIONS. because when OBAMA said this was IMMORAL the RIGHT said it was SOCIALISM to even TALK about CEO salaries JUST like the RIGHT was OFFENDED when obama slammed BP. the RIGHT DEFENDED OIL COMPANIES. As for Obama, he is far more vulnerable from the left than he is from the right.That is why the right has to come WRONG. there is NO LEFT in america. up with such stupid stuff to oppose him like the birther bull****. A guy like Bernie Sanders could seriously hurt him in a primary if he tried. The dems are just happy to keep their name on the white house, even if the guy there is a big business republican in democrat clothing. HAHAHAHA bernie sanders...you should have been a stand up comic! you right wingers turned this country over to wall street THEN got offended when they BANKRUPTED THE COUNTRY |
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![]() "wf3h" wrote in message ... On Fri, 13 May 2011 12:29:20 -0400, Harryk wrote: Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, declared his (third) candidacy for president Friday on ‘Good Morning America.’ The ‘intellectual grandfather’ of the tea party movement is a constitutional purist who’s as popular among his fervent followers as he is disliked by the GOP establishment. He’s a dark horse pushing for an upset victory. - - - Ah, yes...Crazy Ron...about as much chance of winning the presidency as, say, Newt, the Donald, the Sara, the Michele, the Mitt, et cetera. the GOP is so far right that ronald reagan would be unelectable today. ******************* I guess it's every man for themselves... and those lucky enough to be the winners like it like that. What I find hard to understand is why people at the bottom of the barrel would still go out and support that system. You'd think self interest would kick in for them just as it does for the ruling elite. |
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True North wrote:
"wf3h" wrote in message ... On Fri, 13 May 2011 12:29:20 -0400, Harryk wrote: Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, declared his (third) candidacy for president Friday on ‘Good Morning America.’ The ‘intellectual grandfather’ of the tea party movement is a constitutional purist who’s as popular among his fervent followers as he is disliked by the GOP establishment. He’s a dark horse pushing for an upset victory. - - - Ah, yes...Crazy Ron...about as much chance of winning the presidency as, say, Newt, the Donald, the Sara, the Michele, the Mitt, et cetera. the GOP is so far right that ronald reagan would be unelectable today. ******************* I guess it's every man for themselves... and those lucky enough to be the winners like it like that. What I find hard to understand is why people at the bottom of the barrel would still go out and support that system. You'd think self interest would kick in for them just as it does for the ruling elite. I'm hoping for heads on pikes...if I were in charge, I'd start with the boys on wall street, then the bankers, then the health insurance companies, then the holier than thou religious fanatics. |
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On Sun, 15 May 2011 10:56:33 -0500, Boating All Out
wrote: In article , says... You still ignore the 2 years when the GOP did not have the votes to filibuster. What happened then? Fact is the Dems had 60 Senate votes for 1 year. But you're off only 100% there. NOTHING can happen in this broken government without a majority in the House and 60 in the Senate. Because it's a broken, non-functional government. Verging on real banana-Republic broken. You and Bob whining about Dems and Reps is just the microcosm. NOTHING will get better until it gets much worse. And it will. You can take that to the bank. that's exactly my point. we have a broken system. which is to the benefit of the powerful and that aint the middle class. |
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