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  #21   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
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Default Whiners

On 15/05/2011 6:29 AM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 07:53:12 -0400, wrote:

On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:09:05 -0400, L G
sent the following message
wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 14:29:53 -0500, Boating All Out

So I'm watching Fox "news" today, only day I watch it.

What I notice more than ever is the consistent, continual

You name it, they whine about it.
No solutions, just whining.

yep, that's the right. everything was fine when wall street was

all the money out of the economy. now that the middle class has

to do SOMETHING for itself the right is having a meltdown.

"wall street"...

Who is/are "wall street" you blind idiot?

Wall Street is you and me and everyone else who believes in the
Americano dream. Not a game for the faint of heart though. Or people
who havn't elevated themselves enough to punctuate and capitalize
their screed.

more right wing myth

virtually no middle class americans get their income from wall steet.
that's a right wing myth

Funny, I was American middle class, so are many of my friends. 401K,
IRA, ROTH investments, only a fool would lend it to uncle Sam at 1% or
less interest rates. Better off to buy gold, silver, or even cow
futures in Canada.

While the liberals and fleabaggers panicked, I bought stock.

wall street sucked 10 TRILLION out of the economy and cost 5 million
jobs in the last 3 years

Going to suck more too, 9/10 stocks on the NYSE are over valued.

Can't run the economy on BS forever. But if a country is going so far
into debt like the USA is, at some point it will collapse under DEBT.

Why would I invest in USA right now? Pending higher taxes be they
civic, state, county or federal...a depreciating dollar... low
returns... hey, too much risk/return raio for me and others. So we left.

Those liberal fleaggers invested in their style of "In Debt We Trust!"
got burned. Maybe you need to pick up some conservative 30's style
investment books and none of this Obama/Bernanke-feel good crap being

the american dream is dead. that's a fact. social mobility is better
in SWEDEN than it is in america

While no dead yet, it is crippled and is dying. Too much freaking debt,
dysfunction over priced debt laden governance. It is now harder, but
you need to get your crap together now. No free house.

the reason the right LOVES this myth of the american dream is it
prevents them from having to address the fact the US is a plutocracy

Probably is, and fleabaggers voted for it in Obama.

so you have, in a sentence, defined how the right is destroying this

Liberalism destroyed it. I do not know of any truly
conservative-libertarian type suffering. Not a one. Liberals and
fleabaggers overloaded with the worship of DEBT, well, different story.

the american dream...that the right uses to beat the middle class into

was destroyed by the american right

It is a earned right. You have to get off your fat lard fleabagger ass
and work for it. And when you loose the fleabagger attitude, save up
some money and invest it in a business or markets...then you are no
longer a fleabagger, but a investor.

Money is attracted to those that know how to manage it.
Take a look at ANY country, more debt is more problems. So why do we
allow our governments more debt? Selfishness, greed, denial, ignorance?
  #23   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
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Default Whiners

On Sun, 15 May 2011 16:15:47 -0600, Canuck57

On 15/05/2011 6:29 AM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 07:53:12 -0400, wrote:

"wall street"...

Who is/are "wall street" you blind idiot?

Wall Street is you and me and everyone else who believes in the
Americano dream. Not a game for the faint of heart though. Or people
who havn't elevated themselves enough to punctuate and capitalize
their screed.

more right wing myth

virtually no middle class americans get their income from wall steet.
that's a right wing myth

Funny, I was American middle class, so are many of my friends. 401K,
IRA, ROTH investments, only a fool would lend it to uncle Sam at 1% or
less interest rates. Better off to buy gold, silver, or even cow
futures in Canada.

gee. here in the US the right has destroyed pensions so the middle
class has NO retiremrent BUT 401k's....just the kind of ponzi scheme
to attack middle class income you right wingers like.

While the liberals and fleabaggers panicked, I bought stock.

keeps blaming the liberals even though the depression was caused by
right wing economic deregulation AND countries with strong CANADA...didnt get his as hard as the US did

his own country...where he moved...refutes his nonsense.

wall street sucked 10 TRILLION out of the economy and cost 5 million
jobs in the last 3 years

Going to suck more too, 9/10 stocks on the NYSE are over valued.

yep. america has drifted so far to the right there's no check on
corporate power. US uinon rates in the private sector are 7% vs 30% in

we have a right wing that is destroying our country. we have a
plutocracy. and you sit in canada, telling us how lucky we are to have
the rich, while in canada, the unions protect you.

ironic, aint it?

Can't run the economy on BS forever. But if a country is going so far
into debt like the USA is, at some point it will collapse under DEBT.

yep. as the US GINI coefficient SKYROCKETS to new records, and as more
and more of our weatlh goes to the richest 1%, our economy collapses

but tot he right that's great. it's the american dream

Why would I invest in USA right now? Pending higher taxes be they
civic, state, county or federal...a depreciating dollar... low
returns... hey, too much risk/return raio for me and others. So we left.

hey these are YOUR policies at work. you should be glad this is
happening. the rich in the US control more of our economy than they
ever have and we have people like YOU to thank for it!

Those liberal fleaggers invested in their style of "In Debt We Trust!"
got burned. Maybe you need to pick up some conservative 30's style
investment books and none of this Obama/Bernanke-feel good crap being

liberals dont run the US. it's 30 years of reagan supply side
economics that got us here

look at your handywork. happy?

the american dream is dead. that's a fact. social mobility is better
in SWEDEN than it is in america

While no dead yet, it is crippled and is dying. Too much freaking debt,
dysfunction over priced debt laden governance. It is now harder, but
you need to get your crap together now. No free house.

i notice you ignored the fact sweden has a lower GINI coefficient and
HIGHER social mobility than the US does.

no doubt you cant understand it because you think any place the rich
control as much of the economy as they do here, it's GOTTA be paradise

the reason the right LOVES this myth of the american dream is it
prevents them from having to address the fact the US is a plutocracy

Probably is, and fleabaggers voted for it in Obama.

ROFLMAO!! guess he thinks obama's been president since 1980!

so you have, in a sentence, defined how the right is destroying this

Liberalism destroyed it. I do not know of any truly
conservative-libertarian type suffering. Not a one. Liberals and
fleabaggers overloaded with the worship of DEBT, well, different story.

gee. how did it do this? he doesnt say

we've had 30 years of supply side economics. massive tax cuts for the
rich. destruction of unions

to him, that's liberalism!!

IOW he doesnt know a damn thing about the US except what he hears on
talk radio.

evidence? he's never pointed out a single piece of evidence in his
favor. he spouts cliches. and that's what the right does

Money is attracted to those that know how to manage it.

HAHAHAHAH guess that leaves out


  #24   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2011
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In article ,

On 15/05/2011 5:56 AM, Percy wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:50:18 -0400, wf3h sent the
following message
On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:09:05 -0400, L G


wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 14:29:53 -0500, Boating All Out

So I'm watching Fox "news" today, only day I watch it.

What I notice more than ever is the consistent, continual

You name it, they whine about it.
No solutions, just whining.
yep, that's the right. everything was fine when wall street was

all the money out of the economy. now that the middle class has

to do SOMETHING for itself the right is having a meltdown.
"wall street"...

Who is/are "wall street" you blind idiot?

now the right's so desperate they're denying wall street exists!

I've walked on wall street. It's not what yiou think it is.

Never been there. But been to Bay Street, Caanda's version. Just a big
city concrete and glass jungle. Feel sorry for those that have to live
like matrix junkies. In a work cubical, home to a rest cubical.
Concrete, pavement and crowds of too many people.

He "walked on Wall St.".. Holy ****, that's like me saying I am an
expert Marine Mechanic because I saw a boat once... snerk The truly
stupid deflections this whiny nerd comes with are much more interesting
than the Harrys...

Team Rowdy Mouse, Banned from the Mall for life!
  #26   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2011
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In article ,

On Sun, 15 May 2011 15:51:43 -0600, Canuck57

On 14/05/2011 9:50 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 23:09:05 -0400, L

wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 14 May 2011 14:29:53 -0500, Boating All Out

So I'm watching Fox "news" today, only day I watch it.

What I notice more than ever is the consistent, continual whining.
You name it, they whine about it.
No solutions, just whining.

yep, that's the right. everything was fine when wall street was taking
all the money out of the economy. now that the middle class has tried
to do SOMETHING for itself the right is having a meltdown.

"wall street"...

Who is/are "wall street" you blind idiot?

now the right's so desperate they're denying wall street exists!

You don't even know what Wall Street does do you?

gee. i live 80 miles from NYC and was there after 9/11 with the USCG

seems you dont know a whole lot about a whole lot, do you?

Don't worry, we know you have fleabaggers disease. A disease that
affects the rational capabilities of the infected.

if that were the case i'd be right wing. conservatives outnumber
liberals in the US by 2:1

and that's why we're collapsing. too many right wingers

Are you kidding me, you know what Wall St. is because you were on a boat
off the shore of NYC? I mean, if you want to tell us all how great you
are for doing your job, just come out and say it. You don't have to put
a bananas in with a trailer full of Ping Pong balls...

Team Rowdy Mouse, Banned from the Mall for life!
  #27   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
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Default Whiners

On Sun, 15 May 2011 22:58:19 -0400, I_am_Tosk

In article ,

On Sun, 15 May 2011 15:59:48 -0600, Canuck57

wall street doesnt count

Biggest cause of US downfall is fleabagger DEBT.

yep the right ran up the credit card and didnt figure out how to pay
for it.

meaningless. what 'ponzi schemes'? you talking about the CDS's
engineered by the right wing after deregulation of our economy? gee.
and your recipe it to put those guys back in power.

What Ponzi schemes? How about the dot com bubble, and the Global Warming
scams??? Both fleabagger schemes...

dot come bubble paled in comparison with wall street's latest attack
on the US.

and global warming..dont even go there.

so go ahead tell us how wonderful wall street's been for the US.
  #28   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2011
Posts: 1,051
Default Whiners

Don't worry, we know you have fleabaggers disease. A disease that
affects the rational capabilities of the infected.

if that were the case i'd be right wing. conservatives outnumber
liberals in the US by 2:1

and that's why we're collapsing. too many right wingers

Are you kidding me, you know what Wall St. is because you were on a boat
off the shore of NYC? I mean, if you want to tell us all how great you
are for doing your job, just come out and say it. You don't have to put
a bananas in with a trailer full of Ping Pong balls...

HAHAHAH you moving the goalposts again? your rhetorical question was
whether i'd been to wall street

as a matter of fact, i was helping to guard it after 9/11.

and now back to our regular program.
  #29   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2011
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Default Whiners

In article ,

Don't worry, we know you have fleabaggers disease. A disease that
affects the rational capabilities of the infected.

if that were the case i'd be right wing. conservatives outnumber
liberals in the US by 2:1

and that's why we're collapsing. too many right wingers

Are you kidding me, you know what Wall St. is because you were on a boat
off the shore of NYC? I mean, if you want to tell us all how great you
are for doing your job, just come out and say it. You don't have to put
a bananas in with a trailer full of Ping Pong balls...

HAHAHAH you moving the goalposts again? your rhetorical question was
whether i'd been to wall street

as a matter of fact, i was helping to guard it after 9/11.

and now back to our regular program.

Yes, we get that.. You did what you are paid to do.. Good job... I spent
most of the day on 9/12 with Governor Rolands office, and Julianis
office, the medical supply house down in the industrial park behind my
house, Lowes and Home Depot trying to arrange a trailer load (my
trailer) full of particle masks but the asshole down in the industrial
park backed out and wouldn't get involved. Eventually they got there but
it was days later... And I didn't get paid for what I did either... So,
yeah, there were a lot of folks who did what they could, you are not
that special...

Team Rowdy Mouse, Banned from the Mall for life!
  #30   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
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Default Whiners

On 15/05/2011 4:12 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 15:59:48 -0600,

On 15/05/2011 6:24 AM, wf3h wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2011 07:56:59 -0400, wrote:

now the right's so desperate they're denying wall street exists!

I've walked on wall street. It's not what yiou think it is.

america can see what you've done.

i hope you're proud of the wasteland you've made of this country

some people try to build america

wall street doesnt count

Biggest cause of US downfall is fleabagger DEBT.

yep the right ran up the credit card and didnt figure out how to pay
for it.

To fix will be fleabagger fear of:

- balance the budget without more taxes.
- borrow real money and cancel fraud/ponzi moneys.
- shake the parsites off of the taxpayers hind tits.
- make bailouts a federal corruption offense, rico like act on corruption.

meaningless. what 'ponzi schemes'? you talking about the CDS's
engineered by the right wing after deregulation of our economy? gee.
and your recipe it to put those guys back in power.

Here is a good one. Government needs $600B as some T-bills are coming
due and the holders want their money. This would be the equivelent of
1/2 the income taxes collectd in a year but due all at once, just one
months of t-bill renewals.

Now sich the government cannot borrow, as no one in their right mond
lends to US feds right now much less any other defunct debtor in the US
the US Fed gets involved. Now instead of letting its biggest creditor
default, or go to the markets and pay a fair rate of interest, the US
Fed creates $600 billion of new no-value money that is dilutive to the
currency, and also adds about 8% inflation for this one transaction.

Hell, China does not lend to DC any more, neither do Americans.

Now as an investor, be you a millionaire or billionaire you say wait,
why should I invest or loan money out at below inflation and be taxed
for insult, and loose value each year? Of course these see it. So they
move thier investment capital to China, Brazil, India, gold, silver or
where ever to preserve wealth during the pending currency collapse.

I say currency collapse, as like the Mexican peso 2 decades ago, it was
revalued, depreciated and revalued sever times. It is going to happen
in the US shortly. Rich know this. Prety bad today, the Mexico peso is
appreciating to the USD.

Yep, the Bernanke currency fraud, just waiting for the collapse of the
USD because Obama hasn't got the balls, neither does congress, to cut
government to fit what people can afford.

Little people get crushed in this, for many it will get down to food or
mortgage. Rich, we buy oil and gold.

Take a look at ANY country, more debt is more problems. So why do we
allow our governments more debt? Selfishness, greed, denial, ignorance?
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