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  #11   Report Post  
John Q Adams
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

I try to avoid ducks when kayaking. Particularly in their more intimate
moments. Being even more circumspect about geese.

But seriously, now. The jerk, sorry, correspondent from the RC of A, has a
grant that the grantor hopes will produce new amusement park rides.

I would suggest strapping the customer into a one-person device that will be
rapidly hoisted 20 feet in the air and suddenly dropped free fall into a
pool of water and dragged down 10 feet below the surface of the pool and
then rolled end for end 5 or 6 times underwater. The ride device can then be
run through the process twice more before releasing the rider into a calm
pool one foot deep to crawl ashore. That should simulate nicely running a
series of 20 foot waterfalls blind and experiencing the runout.

More blase customers can choose to experience boulder pinning underwater in
a violent current. Or perhaps might enjoy the experience of being capsized
in very turbulent currents and held there for 30 seconds or even more. Maybe
a button could be provided for instant righting at any time. Then the tough
guys could see who could enjoy the process the longest.

Legal disclaimers are advised for the management. And attentive operators.

Best regards,

John Adams

"stevej" wrote in message
I'm terribly sorry, but I do not know the meaning of the word "thrill".
Is this the sound mud ducks make when copulating?

BW wrote:
Maybe my last THRILL posting appeared a bit like SPAM. Just to allay
any questions - I'm a researcher at the Royal College of Art, England.
I've got an arts grant to research this subject of thrill, and develop
ideas for how thrill could be engineered.

Who wants to visit my web site anyway! Here's the interview as you'd
have found it. I invite anyone connected with canoeing or kayaking to
be interviewed about your most thrilling encounters.

Feel free to complete the interview publicly in the user goup (please
send a copy to me via email), or do the whole thing privately in an

Thanks, in anticipation.

Brendan Walker
+44 (0)20 7590 4573

++++++++++++ THE INTERVIEW STARTS HERE +++++++++++++++


Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. Answer as many questions as you
can (the more the better) then email your interview to me at
interview@chromo11[dot]com. If there's anything else you want to say
just add a note at the bottom of the email.

You're obviously sat at your computer, so we'll make a start...


Just to get the record straight, could please tell me your name, age,
sex and where you were born (I'll only publish your surname and
birthplace unless otherwise instructed)


1.Q Tell me about the first time you remember being thrilled.

2.Q Which of your thrilling experiences has frightened you the most?

3.Q What's the smallest or slightest thing to have thrilled you?

4.Q Tell me why you're not a sensible person.

5.Q What were you doing the last time you were really bored?

6.Q What's the most uninhibited thing you've ever done?

7.Q What things have you considered doing for thrill, but were too
concerned about the risks?

8.Q I always dreamt about becoming a paramedic, speeding in an
ambulance and saving lives; what about you?

To answer these next 15 questions, you should think about a particular
time you were thrilled.

9.Q Describe this thrill in a nutshell, in one sentence. (there's time
to expand later)

the setting...
10.Q Where and when did it take place?

11.Q Tell me a bit about yourself around this time.

12.Q How did the moment arise? Was it planned?

your feelings...
13.Q List the sequence of events leading up to your thrill, and how
you felt at each stage. The smallest detail could be important (this
is your chance to expand).

14.Q At the exact moment of thrill, how did your mind and body feel?

15.Q What thoughts were going through your head?

16.Q What did you do immediately afterwards?

the risks...
17.Q What were the most likely things that could have put you off
going through with it?

other people...
18.Q How were other people important to your thrill?

19.Q What do you imagine other people were thinking throughout your
thrilling episode?

20.Q Some people probably don't understand how such a thing can thrill
you; explain it to them.

21.Q Why were certain objects or equipment important to your thrill?

repeat performance...
22.Q If you've done something like this before, how does the last time
compare to the first time you did it?

23.Q If you did it again, what things would you add or change to make
it even better?

Thanks for doing the interview. I'll let you know when it's on the website. Is there anything you want to add?

  #12   Report Post  
William R. Watt
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

define "thrill"

BW ) writes:
Maybe my last THRILL posting appeared a bit like SPAM. Just to allay
any questions - I'm a researcher at the Royal College of Art, England.
I've got an arts grant to research this subject of thrill, and develop
ideas for how thrill could be engineered.

Who wants to visit my web site anyway! Here's the interview as you'd
have found it. I invite anyone connected with canoeing or kayaking to
be interviewed about your most thrilling encounters.

Feel free to complete the interview publicly in the user goup (please
send a copy to me via email), or do the whole thing privately in an

Thanks, in anticipation.

Brendan Walker
+44 (0)20 7590 4573

++++++++++++ THE INTERVIEW STARTS HERE +++++++++++++++


Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. Answer as many questions as you
can (the more the better) then email your interview to me at
interview@chromo11[dot]com. If there's anything else you want to say
just add a note at the bottom of the email.

You're obviously sat at your computer, so we'll make a start...


Just to get the record straight, could please tell me your name, age,
sex and where you were born (I'll only publish your surname and
birthplace unless otherwise instructed)


1.Q Tell me about the first time you remember being thrilled.

2.Q Which of your thrilling experiences has frightened you the most?

3.Q What's the smallest or slightest thing to have thrilled you?

4.Q Tell me why you're not a sensible person.

5.Q What were you doing the last time you were really bored?

6.Q What's the most uninhibited thing you've ever done?

7.Q What things have you considered doing for thrill, but were too
concerned about the risks?

8.Q I always dreamt about becoming a paramedic, speeding in an
ambulance and saving lives; what about you?

To answer these next 15 questions, you should think about a particular
time you were thrilled.

9.Q Describe this thrill in a nutshell, in one sentence. (there's time
to expand later)

the setting...
10.Q Where and when did it take place?

11.Q Tell me a bit about yourself around this time.

12.Q How did the moment arise? Was it planned?

your feelings...
13.Q List the sequence of events leading up to your thrill, and how
you felt at each stage. The smallest detail could be important (this
is your chance to expand).

14.Q At the exact moment of thrill, how did your mind and body feel?

15.Q What thoughts were going through your head?

16.Q What did you do immediately afterwards?

the risks...
17.Q What were the most likely things that could have put you off
going through with it?

other people...
18.Q How were other people important to your thrill?

19.Q What do you imagine other people were thinking throughout your
thrilling episode?

20.Q Some people probably don't understand how such a thing can thrill
you; explain it to them.

21.Q Why were certain objects or equipment important to your thrill?

repeat performance...
22.Q If you've done something like this before, how does the last time
compare to the first time you did it?

23.Q If you did it again, what things would you add or change to make
it even better?

Thanks for doing the interview. I'll let you know when it's on the website. Is there anything you want to add?

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
warning: non-freenet email must have "notspam" in subject or it's returned
  #13   Report Post  
William R. Watt
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

"riverman" ) writes:


Just to get the record straight, could please tell me your name, age,
sex and where you were born (I'll only publish your surname and
birthplace unless otherwise instructed)
name: riverman
age: 45
sex: M
birthplace: In the backseat of a greyhound bus, rolling down highway 59.
Just kidding man. It was a VW.

Did you ever find out who your old man was? He wasn't a tall dude with
light hair and a mole on his left shoulder?


1.Q Tell me about the first time you remember being thrilled.
1.A I was about 2, and climbed up the railings of my crib, and fell out on
my butt (no, not my head, dude!)

Far out. Was your mama a lively little girl with dark brown eyes and
freckles? Sharon? Was her name Sharon? Shelly? Geese, something like that.

2.Q Which of your thrilling experiences has frightened you the most?
2.A The time I spent a night hanging on a 3/8 inch rope on a cliff because a
big storm blew in and I did not have the time or strength to complete the
5.12b climb I had started that afternoon. That was pretty cool, but I was
really wet and hungry.

Bummer. That's no thrill. I've got something here you should try, man. No
hassels. Pure thrill. And a bunch of other really cool wierd stuff.

3.Q What's the smallest or slightest thing to have thrilled you?
3.A This cute girl I did not know grabbed my ass in a crowded bar once. I
still haven't gotten over it.

Karen? Did she dig in her nails real hard? Karen was always doing that.
Started out kissing guys in her folk's shed when she was 8 or 10, maybe
younger. Cute kid.

4.Q Tell me why you're not a sensible person.
4.A I suppose its because I march to the beat of a different drummer.

Who's your faourite drummer? Been to a drumming circle on a high? Drumming
isn't much of a thrill, more of a male bonding thing.

5.Q What were you doing the last time you were really bored?
5.A Not as long as you think. Like one question ago...

Right on.

6.Q What's the most uninhibited thing you've ever done?
6.A Hmmm, one time I showed up for a final exam wearing only a jock strap
and nylons. But that was on a dare, so it probably didn't count. However,
the dare was to show up wearing a *dress*, jockstrap and nylons, so maybe it

What's "uninhibited"? Hey, man, were're all part of the same universe, right?
What does it matter what anybody does. What happens, happens, right? Who's
this guy on the power tip trying to kid?

7.Q What things have you considered doing for thrill, but were too
concerned about the risks?
7.A Are you joking?? ANYTHING is worth the risk! The more risk, the more
fun!! I mean it, man, you gotta try it.

Define "risk". Hey, its all relative, right? I mean who's to say what's a
risk or what's a reward. This dude's trying to lay his value system on
you, man. Don't **** with his ****.

8.Q I always dreamt about becoming a paramedic, speeding in an
ambulance and saving lives; what about you?
8.A Dreamt?? I am a paramedic, but I don't work in no stinking AMBULANCE!
I work high-angle mountaineering rescues, where I rappel out of
helio-chopters to save yellowbellied flatlanders when they lose their nerve
on Everest above Camp 4. Or pulling wimpy Grand Canyon boaters out of
trivial situations where they get skeered of their shadows because the big
bad whitewater is gonna get them, boo hoo.

Damned straight. Do your thing. Peace and love.

To answer these next 15 questions, you should think about a particular
time you were thrilled.

Hey, dude. This is definitely not one of them.
Fifteen questions is, like, a life sentence, you know?
I'm outta here.

Somebody otta make a monument to the Greyhound bus. Drive on old gurl.
Don't forget your paddle. That's a drag. Very unthrilling.

William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
warning: non-freenet email must have "notspam" in subject or it's returned
  #14   Report Post  
Oci-One Kanubi
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

(BW) typed:

Maybe my last THRILL posting appeared a bit like SPAM. Just to allay
any questions - I'm a researcher at the Royal College of Art, England.
I've got an arts grant to research this subject of thrill, and develop
ideas for how thrill could be engineered.

I'd recommend you ask yer tutor about course offerings in research
methodology. The so-called "survey" you present offers nothing in the
way of scientific rigor. Or even rigour, for that matter. Have you
ever wondered why so many surveys you have seen include question after
question where you are asked to "pick the one (and only one) answer
that most closely matches tour feelings: agree strongly, agree
slightly, disagree slightly, disagree strongly", or "Pick the one (and
only one) answer that most closely describes youe experience: always,
often, sometimes, rarely, never"? Notice that these answers are fixed
and finite, and describe a continuum from one extreme to the other.

Questions couched as yers (known as "open-ended questions" amongst
statistical researchers in the social sciences) evoke a collection of
anecdotal replies which cannot be normalized or subjected to rigorous
analysis. You need to design yer survey to ask questions that can be
answered as in the examples I've shown, such that a reply of "agree
strongly" can be assigned a value of 4 and "disagree strongly" can be
assigned a value of 1. You can then statistically determine that (for
example) "males aged 21-25 tended to agree slightly (the mean was
2.8), but urban white males disproportionately agreed fairly strongly

'Course, that is all irrelevant, since you are trying to "administer"
this "survey" in a totally uncontrolled fashion. Remember those
classes I typed of in research methodology? They will also train you
in how to select a qualified sample, how to control for bull****
responses, how to induce candidate respondents to co-operate

If you cannot quantify it in a way amenable to statistical analysis,
it ain't research. If you cannot show that yer sample was rigorously
selected, it ain't research. If you do not have a reliable control
(comparison) sample, equally rigorously selected, it ain't research
Yer Grants Committee oughta have its collective head examined for
giving research funding to someone with no training in survey

-Richard, His Kanubic Travesty
================================================== ====================
Richard Hopley, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net 1-301-775-0471
Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll.
rhopley[at]wfubmc[dot]edu 1-336-713-5077
OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters.
================================================== ====================
  #15   Report Post  
Bill Tuthill
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

Great post, Riverman! One of the funniest since the days of Grateful Ed.

John Q Adams wrote:

But seriously, now. The jerk, sorry, correspondent from the RC of A, has
a grant that the grantor hopes will produce new amusement park rides.

What's wrong with that? I respect people who can get grants.

The bottom line on the "thrill" thing is that everybody has a different
thrill threshold. I still get a kick out of pointing my boat into mere
class 2-3 waves, but maybe it's more aesthetic than danger-oriented.
On the other hand, an amusement-park log ride seems kind of tame, and
bumper-boat whitewater rides (e.g. Raging Whitewater at Great America)
make me worried about equipment failure, detracting from thrills.

David Elliott said it well:
"As river stories age, the boats get smaller and the water gets higher."

Stories are the best way to increase vicarious thrills. And having
boated flood-stage rivers before, in the future I'll try to to keep my
high-water thrills vicarious. And only vicarious.

  #16   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

BW wrote:

Maybe my last THRILL posting appeared a bit like SPAM....

What, just because you sent it to a couple of dozen groups, most of
which it was obvious that you'd never ever ever read before posting to

Why would we think of that as spam?

// The Volkl Conspiracy
  #18   Report Post  
William R. Watt
Posts: n/a
Default seriously, I AM researching thrill...

Oci-One Kanubi ) writes:
I'd recommend you ask yer tutor about course offerings in research
methodology. The so-called "survey" you present offers nothing in the
way of scientific rigor.


Everything written in that posting was true. However informal surveys are
still useful. Early in a formal research process there is a need for
information to define the scope and measureable aspects of the study, ie
to formulate one or more hypothese to be formally tested. Various informal
methods are used such as researching what has been done before,
interviews, focus groups, and surveys.

I once summarized the content of a survey of conference attendees.
It consisted of a form voluntarily completed. The form had rated
responses as well as areas for comments. Summarizing the comments
required some inferences on my part to come up with statements
such as "x out of y respondents liked the conference". The
information gathered was usefull to the conference planners.

We are all now problably used to student course evaluations, something
that became popular during the student activist days of the 1960's. They
are the same sort of thing as the conference survey. Its pretty obvious
that if a large proportion of the students in any course failed that would
influence the responses. In spite of the bias the information is still

I don't know what the purpose of the current survey is but it
should not be discarded because it is not formulated as a
scientific (statistical) test of an experimental hypothesis. Its
up to the researcher to interpret the responses appropriately.
All scientific publications referee (review) before publication
and return papers to the submitter for clarification or correction.
Its not easy to have research results published. I don't know how easy it
is to get some grants. It may not be a very formal process in some cases.

Fill out the questionnaire if you want to, or make fun of it which at
least gets some entertainment value for the grant money.
William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
warning: non-freenet email must have "notspam" in subject or it's returned
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