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Nace October 26th 03 11:42 PM

Impex Currituck
Anybody have an impression of this boat they would care to write up?

John Fereira October 28th 03 01:22 AM

Impex Currituck
(Nace) wrote in news:89f813af.0310261442.29a0fa10

Anybody have an impression of this boat they would care to write up?

I've paddled one a few times and I like it quite a bit. The initial
stability is just a tad on the tippy side but the one I paddled had 1/2" of
foam on the seat so my center of gravity was up a bit. Secondary stability
is very good and predictable. It's quite manoeverable and responds well to
sweep strokes, bow and stern rudders, etc. When you want to go straight it
seems to track well. I haven't had it in rough water but the guy that owns
it has, and said that it handled some big wind waves really well. The only
drawback that I saw was that it felt a tad sluggish. If you haven't paddled
one it's definitely worth a try.

Nace November 6th 03 08:09 PM

Impex Currituck
The only
drawback that I saw was that it felt a tad sluggish. If you haven't paddled
one it's definitely worth a try.

snipThe only drawback that I saw was that it felt a tad sluggish.
If you haven't paddled one it's definitely worth a try.

John, thank you for your answer. I got so swamped here for awhile, I
forgot I had posted a question. I'm afraid that one drawback would
kill the boat for me. I live very close to a 7 mile long very narrow
lake, and even though I do get to take a few good multi-day trips a
year, the huge majority of my paddling is of the 2 or 3 HOUR variety
or very short 1 nighters where I leave late in the day, paddle in at
night, and come back out pretty early the next day, so I want a boat
that is very fast to paddle for a workout, but will still hold enough
gear for the occasional 2-3 dayers.

Speaking of trying boats, given the opportunity I'm about to break the
golden rule of boat buying. I have lots of time to run off and paddle,
because that's something I can get done in 3 1/2 or 4 hours, but I
have almost no time to go somewhere and rent or borrow boats to try.
So, if I get a shot at a good fast composite sea kayak between 17 & 18
feet for way cheaper than I deserve, I'm gonna jump on it & live w/
the consequences.

The little lake is so weird, there's a 9 1/2 horsepower limit so all
the traffic on the lake is limited to few little fishing boats which
is very good, but there is also an 18 foot limit and they actually
measure. Manufacturer's specs or the paddler's word mean zilch to
these Ricky Ranger dudes. A fiend of mine who lives about 7 minutes
from the lake got a great deal on an 18' plus racing skull and he
couldn't get a waiver for that boat try as he might for many

Thanks again. Must be a rare boat if no one else posted a review.
Unless just nobody comes here anymore?


John Fereira November 8th 03 12:12 AM

Impex Currituck
(Nace) wrote in

The only
drawback that I saw was that it felt a tad sluggish. If you haven't
paddled one it's definitely worth a try.

snipThe only drawback that I saw was that it felt a tad sluggish.
If you haven't paddled one it's definitely worth a try.

John, thank you for your answer. I got so swamped here for awhile, I
forgot I had posted a question. I'm afraid that one drawback would
kill the boat for me. I live very close to a 7 mile long very narrow
lake, and even though I do get to take a few good multi-day trips a
year, the huge majority of my paddling is of the 2 or 3 HOUR variety
or very short 1 nighters where I leave late in the day, paddle in at
night, and come back out pretty early the next day, so I want a boat
that is very fast to paddle for a workout, but will still hold enough
gear for the occasional 2-3 dayers.

To put my comments about the slugishness in perspective two of my kayaks are
18'6" long and 17'10" long and the other person I know that has the same
opinion about the Currituck has an Arctic Hawk. He also tends to paddle the
Currituck about as often as his Arctic Hawk. I wouldn't characterize the
Currituck as slow, but going from a 18'+ boat to a 17' boat will make most
17' boats feel a bit slugish.

If you're looking for a boat that provides a workout wouldn't paddling a
marginally slugish boat provide a workout better than a more efficient hull?

Speaking of trying boats, given the opportunity I'm about to break the
golden rule of boat buying. I have lots of time to run off and paddle,
because that's something I can get done in 3 1/2 or 4 hours, but I
have almost no time to go somewhere and rent or borrow boats to try.
So, if I get a shot at a good fast composite sea kayak between 17 & 18
feet for way cheaper than I deserve, I'm gonna jump on it & live w/
the consequences.

Do you have the time to travel to buy and pickup such a boat? How far are
you willing to travel to do so to pick up a boat that meets that criteria?

The little lake is so weird, there's a 9 1/2 horsepower limit so all
the traffic on the lake is limited to few little fishing boats which
is very good, but there is also an 18 foot limit and they actually
measure. Manufacturer's specs or the paddler's word mean zilch to
these Ricky Ranger dudes. A fiend of mine who lives about 7 minutes
from the lake got a great deal on an 18' plus racing skull and he
couldn't get a waiver for that boat try as he might for many

That's just stupid.

Thanks again. Must be a rare boat if no one else posted a review.
Unless just nobody comes here anymore?

The Impex boats are gaining in popularity and the Currituck is a model that
should help increase it even more.

Nace November 10th 03 01:49 AM

Impex Currituck
If you're looking for a boat that provides a workout wouldn't paddling a
marginally slugish boat provide a workout better than a more efficient hull?

Nah, it that was the case, I'd just keep paddling my canoe or jump
straddle a big log. Smoothly going fast makes the workout so much more
fun, helps keep the motivation level high, and makes it easier on your
body kinda like more & quicker reps w/ lighter weights instead of
bustin' a gut picking up the front end of a Volkswagon. At least,
that's the way I see it.

Do you have the time to travel to buy and pickup such a boat? How far are
you willing to travel to do so to pick up a boat that meets that criteria?

Now you're talking! A boat that would meet the criteria maybe
somewhere like Maine would make a perfect excuse for a good road trip.
If I locate the boat, I'll find some way to lay hands on it.

The Impex boats are gaining in popularity and the Currituck is a model that
should help increase it even more.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, okay, maybe later this week I'll go up and paddle
their demo. If there is a Currituck demo, that is.


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