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On 7/20/11 2:24 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 19/07/2011 8:11 PM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 18:47:26 -0700, "Califbill" wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 19/07/2011 12:27 AM, wrote: What a bunch of nonsense. Feel free to blame the poor for your problems. In part, you bet the poor are part of the problem. Stop voting for Obama greed appeal. When poor vote with their greed and envy, they get sucked into a debt whore like Obama, then Obama blows it on waste causing them to suffer. But being poor also in wisdom, they vote for the fool that wasted their futures. Obama doesn't give a cold dead rats ass about anybody, just his greed for power. Don't mistake his using your envy/greed against you for a vote for caring. If he cared, the budget balancing would have occurred 2 1/2 years ago and could have been small enough with less debt that SSI could be spared. But add $4++ trillion of corruption spend, now the cuts have to go deeper. Stupid poor voters cut their own throats with their envy and greed. "Obama will pay for may gas and mortgage..." Ya right. Just the stupid, greedy, envious poor with a vote voting stupid. Good grief. You're the one who needs to do a little research. SSI is not just about retirement money. There are lots of reasons why SSI is totally appropriate. Of course, since you're getting yours and nobody is talking about taking yours away, you have no problem taking other people's away. What a hypocrite. Sure.. get rid of supporting the arts. I'm sure that's going to solve our economic problems, but heck, don't touch big oil or farm subsidies, and for GOD SAKE don't penalize companies who ship jobs overseas! If the arts are worth saving, it would be because they are profitable and attract paying customers. Subsidies should all be cut permanently. So let me appeal to your greed here. Why should you do without because food is subsidized for export to other countries? Subsidies is just a form of evil corruption. It starts off meaning well but always ends up being a waste. Actually, your SSI is being taken away. Te whole idea of Bernanke fraud is to create inflation faster than government raises SSI benefits. Say I create 100% inflation but don't raise your SSI...then I have effectively in value terms reduced my SSI obligation in 1/2 the value. Yep, but you like Obama/Bernanke and other fraudsters and suck in their bull**** like a vacuum. Yep, screwed by the very people you worship. Makes you pathetic that you can't see it. Reply: Was originally for those who were exempt from Social Security taxes. Farmers mainly, not new immigrants, who are supposed to be sponsored and that means financially. Are you mentally incapable of learning how to post properly? Good grief! Most "farmers" these days have huge holdings. Feel free to blame immigrants. I suppose your ancestors were Native American. I doubt it. Too bad they didn't have an IQ test before you can vote. No doubt you would fail. Just a envious, greedy parasite. Please, Canuck...my toilet dumps have more IQ than you do. Stop trying to pass yourself off as smart or bright. You're a moron. |
posted to rec.boats
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:24:54 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 19/07/2011 8:11 PM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 18:47:26 -0700, "Califbill" wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 19/07/2011 12:27 AM, wrote: What a bunch of nonsense. Feel free to blame the poor for your problems. In part, you bet the poor are part of the problem. Stop voting for Obama greed appeal. When poor vote with their greed and envy, they get sucked into a debt whore like Obama, then Obama blows it on waste causing them to suffer. But being poor also in wisdom, they vote for the fool that wasted their futures. Obama doesn't give a cold dead rats ass about anybody, just his greed for power. Don't mistake his using your envy/greed against you for a vote for caring. If he cared, the budget balancing would have occurred 2 1/2 years ago and could have been small enough with less debt that SSI could be spared. But add $4++ trillion of corruption spend, now the cuts have to go deeper. Stupid poor voters cut their own throats with their envy and greed. "Obama will pay for may gas and mortgage..." Ya right. Just the stupid, greedy, envious poor with a vote voting stupid. Good grief. You're the one who needs to do a little research. SSI is not just about retirement money. There are lots of reasons why SSI is totally appropriate. Of course, since you're getting yours and nobody is talking about taking yours away, you have no problem taking other people's away. What a hypocrite. Sure.. get rid of supporting the arts. I'm sure that's going to solve our economic problems, but heck, don't touch big oil or farm subsidies, and for GOD SAKE don't penalize companies who ship jobs overseas! If the arts are worth saving, it would be because they are profitable and attract paying customers. Subsidies should all be cut permanently. So let me appeal to your greed here. Why should you do without because food is subsidized for export to other countries? Subsidies is just a form of evil corruption. It starts off meaning well but always ends up being a waste. Actually, your SSI is being taken away. Te whole idea of Bernanke fraud is to create inflation faster than government raises SSI benefits. Say I create 100% inflation but don't raise your SSI...then I have effectively in value terms reduced my SSI obligation in 1/2 the value. Yep, but you like Obama/Bernanke and other fraudsters and suck in their bull**** like a vacuum. Yep, screwed by the very people you worship. Makes you pathetic that you can't see it. Reply: Was originally for those who were exempt from Social Security taxes. Farmers mainly, not new immigrants, who are supposed to be sponsored and that means financially. Are you mentally incapable of learning how to post properly? Good grief! Most "farmers" these days have huge holdings. Feel free to blame immigrants. I suppose your ancestors were Native American. I doubt it. Too bad they didn't have an IQ test before you can vote. No doubt you would fail. Just a envious, greedy parasite. You have failed little man... at more than a few things. |
posted to rec.boats
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:26:12 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 19/07/2011 10:08 AM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:39:33 -0600, wrote: On 18/07/2011 10:57 PM, Califbill wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 17/07/2011 6:06 PM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 12:46:52 -0600, wrote: On 17/07/2011 11:44 AM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 11:31:03 -0600, wrote: On 16/07/2011 6:00 PM, Q JINN wrote: AARP https://action.aarp.org/site/Advocac...Action&id=1293 Tell Congress: No Unfair Cuts to Medicare and Social Security Right now, Congress is considering deals to pay the nation's bills that would include dramatic cuts to Medicare and put the health of millions of older Americans at risk. We can't allow Congress to balance the budget on the backs of America's seniors Send a message to your members of Congress I do have a problem cutting social security. It soud be the last one chopped. While people had the misguided idea government would manage it well, it is an obligation that was paid for. Cut welfare first, as welfare didn't pay squat into it. Plus the payroll tax is there for social security. Welfare is already bare-bones. It's the final safety net for a society. Clinton scaled it back quite dramatically, but you don't care about facts. You just want to hurt the poor. But the say fact is that decades of fiscal mismanagement of SS has left it crippled. Government borrows and wastes the moneys, pays well below inflation diluting the value of it every year. Like a parasite sucking slowly and surely. There's little fiscal mismanagement in SS. As usual, you're devoid of actual facts. Medicare and medicaid, why not merge the two and lower the service levels, make it more efficient and less costly? Sorry, not everyone can go out costing $3 million for heart, lung, kidneys...there has to be rationed limits. You moron. Medicaid is a STATE run program. Medicare is FEDERAL. GET A CLUE! The big hack should be military, general administration and over all efficiencies. Michelle for example, 50+ staff? You're kidding right? No argument about the military, but the right-wing won't do that. And, you're a racist little pig. A good law to slide into government might be no raises for any civil servant until the budget is 100% balanced for one budget cycle. A little motivation to get the lead out. That's a noise-level "solution." If unions, governemnt or people sanely cared about pensions, pensions would be in your name, in your account and in your control, and if some central authority want big pools of money, they would have to borrow it from you at defined terms acceptable to you. No more skimming and bamboozling. Social security, employee and employers part, company pension, all go into the IRA/401K. Current pension plans are total bullship, except for government elite with the gold plated indexed plans. Sort of an eglitarian aristoracy to be government these days. They should get and use the same benefits as they provide. But big fat government is about milking and managing the herd for the egalitarianism in our societies. Taxation and government has turned out to be modern day slavery. As usual, you're totally ignorant. Ya well why have 8 different departments doing the same damn thing as Medicare and Medicaid? Government has to stop treating inefficiency as a goal. So, forget states rights then? You're really a dummy. You're the racist, Polly want a cracker? Or does Polly want a cracker to pay for it? I like the idea of tying civil servant pay check to performance goals in a non-subjective way. Lazy idealist fantastic dreamers in government need a stark wakeup call. Huh? Which civil servants? By the way, I once worked for US government sponsored organization once. What a CF, the idiots found the most inefficient ways to do the most simplistic of things in the most complex and stupidest ways possible. You're a known liar and a fool. Nobody would hire you for any gov't position. Every department, every job needs a review in government that asks the questions: 1) How does this benefit all Americans? (cut the racism hidden in special programs, it should not mater if you are bown, white, black, yellow, red or purple, it is "We the People...". 2) Is it cost effective and lean? 3) Is it really needed? Or just subsiding dysfunctional behavior? Yet, the Republicans typically block reform. They just want to kill everything. And, whatever "fat" that's left wouldn't amount to much money in the scheme of things. But, that doesn't matter to a racist little pig like you. Funny, your broke. As in debt welshing LOSER. I got a kick out of Timothy Geithner today going after the Euro default situation, man sure is a real hypocritical stupendous idiot. All a default means is that it is now pay as you go. Nothing more or less. -- What government fears the most is that the people correctly learn that they need government less than the government needs them. Say no more debt, no more debt-slave taxes. Economic freedom matters too! Reply: Social Security and Medicare need to be on the table also! We can not afford to give out money we do not have. How about change the law, so the SS and Medicare money does not go to the general fund. Any surplus goes to paying down the debt. No hiding overspending by stealing the SS money. Plus some means testing, and copay for doctor visits. All my medical plans for the last 30+ years had a copay. Medicare and United Health supplemental, go to the doctor any time you want. No cost. Want your blood pressure checked 3 times a week. Just go to the doctor or hospital. If you are really poor, not just what we call poor here in the states, then you get a credit at tax time. Poor here, seem to have cars, TV, game station of some sort and cable. And are overweight. Don’t believe it, then do a little research. Immigrants get SSI, and the minimum is more than the minimum Social Security. Why do they get SSI? There sponsor, promises to provide for them. My sister in law is from England. She brought her parents over shortly after he retired as an English Crown Corporation employee. Well he worked for the government. First thing they do is sign up for SSI. I thought it was wrong in 1969 and still think it is wrong now. Cut all NEA money. constitution does not call for the Federal Government to provide public artwork. Is a nice thing, but we are cutting services to handicapped, while still endowing the arts. As well as not cutting pay or number of employees of the government Actually we are cutting services while adding large number of employees. Why are you avoiding pain while heaping on debt for our grandchildren to pay for your excesses? Unfortunately you are right, no program anywhere should be spared. The easiest most fair way to solve Social Security screwing going forward is to phase it out and replace it with mandated savings but in your name, in your account and in your control -- failing that it is real a tax on income. I think they partially closed the SS loophole you mention, you need 40 points, can earn up to 4 per year depending if you pay enough taxes. I have 40. But still there in that someone can move from say India or Afghanistan, work 10 years and fully collect. Because the pool of money is skimmed and abused. Governemtn borrows it for 1% return in a 4% inflation environment and it looses 3% vlue every year!!! Then they also use it to subsidize those that don't pay enough for the benefits they get. Hey, I am not anti-socialist, if a vet or truly disabled person needs it fine. But many are no-pay collectors. Basically, like everything else government Social Security has been mismanaged. I suspect similarily medicare/medicaid too is like this. But for every $1 cut in these programs, I would want to see $3 from administration and $5 from the military. And pay freezes for all of government until the budget was balanced. Good part is intelligent people will see SSI people get screwed will eventually question why they pay the employment taxes. These employment taxes plus wages have grown over the years, but wages remain stagnant because of the employment tax creep. People don't see what isn't in their faces. Agree with co-pay. Needs to be a small charge even i they are poor. If you can't come up with $10 or $25, you have your priorities all wrong. Stuff like foreign aid corruption, bailouts, handouts for nothing programs all should be just scrapped including the civil servants that run them. That part of government is a waste. No need to duplicate medicare/medicaid, merge them either to the state or to the fed, but the duplication is insane. Also, the federal civil servants get that service as they get to eat their own dog food. Yep, cut their plans for the government plan. No egalitarianism. Some 500 departments and programs of low or no value have been identified, they should just be eliminated. Simplify, reduce costs and stop the bleeding here. 90% of these are targeted pork barrel programs anyways, it should be "We the People..." or not at all. It would not be tough provided the president actually managed the government and not let the government manage him. Worst sins of a civil employee are downsize and efficiency. Time it was fixed. Wow.. two more fools agreeing with each other. Call CNN! So what are you going to do when your greedy envious ass gets the boot off of socialist assistance? Hey, we know Obama be your sugar daddy. I'm going to continue to identify you as the moron you are. |
posted to rec.boats
On 20/07/2011 1:28 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:26:12 -0600, wrote: On 19/07/2011 10:08 AM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:39:33 -0600, wrote: On 18/07/2011 10:57 PM, Califbill wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 17/07/2011 6:06 PM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 12:46:52 -0600, wrote: On 17/07/2011 11:44 AM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 11:31:03 -0600, wrote: On 16/07/2011 6:00 PM, Q JINN wrote: AARP https://action.aarp.org/site/Advocac...Action&id=1293 Tell Congress: No Unfair Cuts to Medicare and Social Security Right now, Congress is considering deals to pay the nation's bills that would include dramatic cuts to Medicare and put the health of millions of older Americans at risk. We can't allow Congress to balance the budget on the backs of America's seniors Send a message to your members of Congress I do have a problem cutting social security. It soud be the last one chopped. While people had the misguided idea government would manage it well, it is an obligation that was paid for. Cut welfare first, as welfare didn't pay squat into it. Plus the payroll tax is there for social security. Welfare is already bare-bones. It's the final safety net for a society. Clinton scaled it back quite dramatically, but you don't care about facts. You just want to hurt the poor. But the say fact is that decades of fiscal mismanagement of SS has left it crippled. Government borrows and wastes the moneys, pays well below inflation diluting the value of it every year. Like a parasite sucking slowly and surely. There's little fiscal mismanagement in SS. As usual, you're devoid of actual facts. Medicare and medicaid, why not merge the two and lower the service levels, make it more efficient and less costly? Sorry, not everyone can go out costing $3 million for heart, lung, kidneys...there has to be rationed limits. You moron. Medicaid is a STATE run program. Medicare is FEDERAL. GET A CLUE! The big hack should be military, general administration and over all efficiencies. Michelle for example, 50+ staff? You're kidding right? No argument about the military, but the right-wing won't do that. And, you're a racist little pig. A good law to slide into government might be no raises for any civil servant until the budget is 100% balanced for one budget cycle. A little motivation to get the lead out. That's a noise-level "solution." If unions, governemnt or people sanely cared about pensions, pensions would be in your name, in your account and in your control, and if some central authority want big pools of money, they would have to borrow it from you at defined terms acceptable to you. No more skimming and bamboozling. Social security, employee and employers part, company pension, all go into the IRA/401K. Current pension plans are total bullship, except for government elite with the gold plated indexed plans. Sort of an eglitarian aristoracy to be government these days. They should get and use the same benefits as they provide. But big fat government is about milking and managing the herd for the egalitarianism in our societies. Taxation and government has turned out to be modern day slavery. As usual, you're totally ignorant. Ya well why have 8 different departments doing the same damn thing as Medicare and Medicaid? Government has to stop treating inefficiency as a goal. So, forget states rights then? You're really a dummy. You're the racist, Polly want a cracker? Or does Polly want a cracker to pay for it? I like the idea of tying civil servant pay check to performance goals in a non-subjective way. Lazy idealist fantastic dreamers in government need a stark wakeup call. Huh? Which civil servants? By the way, I once worked for US government sponsored organization once. What a CF, the idiots found the most inefficient ways to do the most simplistic of things in the most complex and stupidest ways possible. You're a known liar and a fool. Nobody would hire you for any gov't position. Every department, every job needs a review in government that asks the questions: 1) How does this benefit all Americans? (cut the racism hidden in special programs, it should not mater if you are bown, white, black, yellow, red or purple, it is "We the People...". 2) Is it cost effective and lean? 3) Is it really needed? Or just subsiding dysfunctional behavior? Yet, the Republicans typically block reform. They just want to kill everything. And, whatever "fat" that's left wouldn't amount to much money in the scheme of things. But, that doesn't matter to a racist little pig like you. Funny, your broke. As in debt welshing LOSER. I got a kick out of Timothy Geithner today going after the Euro default situation, man sure is a real hypocritical stupendous idiot. All a default means is that it is now pay as you go. Nothing more or less. -- What government fears the most is that the people correctly learn that they need government less than the government needs them. Say no more debt, no more debt-slave taxes. Economic freedom matters too! Reply: Social Security and Medicare need to be on the table also! We can not afford to give out money we do not have. How about change the law, so the SS and Medicare money does not go to the general fund. Any surplus goes to paying down the debt. No hiding overspending by stealing the SS money. Plus some means testing, and copay for doctor visits. All my medical plans for the last 30+ years had a copay. Medicare and United Health supplemental, go to the doctor any time you want. No cost. Want your blood pressure checked 3 times a week. Just go to the doctor or hospital. If you are really poor, not just what we call poor here in the states, then you get a credit at tax time. Poor here, seem to have cars, TV, game station of some sort and cable. And are overweight. Don’t believe it, then do a little research. Immigrants get SSI, and the minimum is more than the minimum Social Security. Why do they get SSI? There sponsor, promises to provide for them. My sister in law is from England. She brought her parents over shortly after he retired as an English Crown Corporation employee. Well he worked for the government. First thing they do is sign up for SSI. I thought it was wrong in 1969 and still think it is wrong now. Cut all NEA money. constitution does not call for the Federal Government to provide public artwork. Is a nice thing, but we are cutting services to handicapped, while still endowing the arts. As well as not cutting pay or number of employees of the government Actually we are cutting services while adding large number of employees. Why are you avoiding pain while heaping on debt for our grandchildren to pay for your excesses? Unfortunately you are right, no program anywhere should be spared. The easiest most fair way to solve Social Security screwing going forward is to phase it out and replace it with mandated savings but in your name, in your account and in your control -- failing that it is real a tax on income. I think they partially closed the SS loophole you mention, you need 40 points, can earn up to 4 per year depending if you pay enough taxes. I have 40. But still there in that someone can move from say India or Afghanistan, work 10 years and fully collect. Because the pool of money is skimmed and abused. Governemtn borrows it for 1% return in a 4% inflation environment and it looses 3% vlue every year!!! Then they also use it to subsidize those that don't pay enough for the benefits they get. Hey, I am not anti-socialist, if a vet or truly disabled person needs it fine. But many are no-pay collectors. Basically, like everything else government Social Security has been mismanaged. I suspect similarily medicare/medicaid too is like this. But for every $1 cut in these programs, I would want to see $3 from administration and $5 from the military. And pay freezes for all of government until the budget was balanced. Good part is intelligent people will see SSI people get screwed will eventually question why they pay the employment taxes. These employment taxes plus wages have grown over the years, but wages remain stagnant because of the employment tax creep. People don't see what isn't in their faces. Agree with co-pay. Needs to be a small charge even i they are poor. If you can't come up with $10 or $25, you have your priorities all wrong. Stuff like foreign aid corruption, bailouts, handouts for nothing programs all should be just scrapped including the civil servants that run them. That part of government is a waste. No need to duplicate medicare/medicaid, merge them either to the state or to the fed, but the duplication is insane. Also, the federal civil servants get that service as they get to eat their own dog food. Yep, cut their plans for the government plan. No egalitarianism. Some 500 departments and programs of low or no value have been identified, they should just be eliminated. Simplify, reduce costs and stop the bleeding here. 90% of these are targeted pork barrel programs anyways, it should be "We the People..." or not at all. It would not be tough provided the president actually managed the government and not let the government manage him. Worst sins of a civil employee are downsize and efficiency. Time it was fixed. Wow.. two more fools agreeing with each other. Call CNN! So what are you going to do when your greedy envious ass gets the boot off of socialist assistance? Hey, we know Obama be your sugar daddy. I'm going to continue to identify you as the moron you are. Poll want a cracker? -- What government fears the most is that the people correctly learn that they need government less than the government needs them. Say no more debt, no more debt-slave taxes. Economic freedom matters too! |
posted to rec.boats
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 14:09:05 -0600, Canuck57
wrote: On 20/07/2011 1:28 PM, wrote: On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:26:12 -0600, wrote: On 19/07/2011 10:08 AM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:39:33 -0600, wrote: On 18/07/2011 10:57 PM, Califbill wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 17/07/2011 6:06 PM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 12:46:52 -0600, wrote: On 17/07/2011 11:44 AM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 11:31:03 -0600, wrote: On 16/07/2011 6:00 PM, Q JINN wrote: AARP https://action.aarp.org/site/Advocac...Action&id=1293 Tell Congress: No Unfair Cuts to Medicare and Social Security Right now, Congress is considering deals to pay the nation's bills that would include dramatic cuts to Medicare and put the health of millions of older Americans at risk. We can't allow Congress to balance the budget on the backs of America's seniors Send a message to your members of Congress I do have a problem cutting social security. It soud be the last one chopped. While people had the misguided idea government would manage it well, it is an obligation that was paid for. Cut welfare first, as welfare didn't pay squat into it. Plus the payroll tax is there for social security. Welfare is already bare-bones. It's the final safety net for a society. Clinton scaled it back quite dramatically, but you don't care about facts. You just want to hurt the poor. But the say fact is that decades of fiscal mismanagement of SS has left it crippled. Government borrows and wastes the moneys, pays well below inflation diluting the value of it every year. Like a parasite sucking slowly and surely. There's little fiscal mismanagement in SS. As usual, you're devoid of actual facts. Medicare and medicaid, why not merge the two and lower the service levels, make it more efficient and less costly? Sorry, not everyone can go out costing $3 million for heart, lung, kidneys...there has to be rationed limits. You moron. Medicaid is a STATE run program. Medicare is FEDERAL. GET A CLUE! The big hack should be military, general administration and over all efficiencies. Michelle for example, 50+ staff? You're kidding right? No argument about the military, but the right-wing won't do that. And, you're a racist little pig. A good law to slide into government might be no raises for any civil servant until the budget is 100% balanced for one budget cycle. A little motivation to get the lead out. That's a noise-level "solution." If unions, governemnt or people sanely cared about pensions, pensions would be in your name, in your account and in your control, and if some central authority want big pools of money, they would have to borrow it from you at defined terms acceptable to you. No more skimming and bamboozling. Social security, employee and employers part, company pension, all go into the IRA/401K. Current pension plans are total bullship, except for government elite with the gold plated indexed plans. Sort of an eglitarian aristoracy to be government these days. They should get and use the same benefits as they provide. But big fat government is about milking and managing the herd for the egalitarianism in our societies. Taxation and government has turned out to be modern day slavery. As usual, you're totally ignorant. Ya well why have 8 different departments doing the same damn thing as Medicare and Medicaid? Government has to stop treating inefficiency as a goal. So, forget states rights then? You're really a dummy. You're the racist, Polly want a cracker? Or does Polly want a cracker to pay for it? I like the idea of tying civil servant pay check to performance goals in a non-subjective way. Lazy idealist fantastic dreamers in government need a stark wakeup call. Huh? Which civil servants? By the way, I once worked for US government sponsored organization once. What a CF, the idiots found the most inefficient ways to do the most simplistic of things in the most complex and stupidest ways possible. You're a known liar and a fool. Nobody would hire you for any gov't position. Every department, every job needs a review in government that asks the questions: 1) How does this benefit all Americans? (cut the racism hidden in special programs, it should not mater if you are bown, white, black, yellow, red or purple, it is "We the People...". 2) Is it cost effective and lean? 3) Is it really needed? Or just subsiding dysfunctional behavior? Yet, the Republicans typically block reform. They just want to kill everything. And, whatever "fat" that's left wouldn't amount to much money in the scheme of things. But, that doesn't matter to a racist little pig like you. Funny, your broke. As in debt welshing LOSER. I got a kick out of Timothy Geithner today going after the Euro default situation, man sure is a real hypocritical stupendous idiot. All a default means is that it is now pay as you go. Nothing more or less. -- What government fears the most is that the people correctly learn that they need government less than the government needs them. Say no more debt, no more debt-slave taxes. Economic freedom matters too! Reply: Social Security and Medicare need to be on the table also! We can not afford to give out money we do not have. How about change the law, so the SS and Medicare money does not go to the general fund. Any surplus goes to paying down the debt. No hiding overspending by stealing the SS money. Plus some means testing, and copay for doctor visits. All my medical plans for the last 30+ years had a copay. Medicare and United Health supplemental, go to the doctor any time you want. No cost. Want your blood pressure checked 3 times a week. Just go to the doctor or hospital. If you are really poor, not just what we call poor here in the states, then you get a credit at tax time. Poor here, seem to have cars, TV, game station of some sort and cable. And are overweight. Don’t believe it, then do a little research. Immigrants get SSI, and the minimum is more than the minimum Social Security. Why do they get SSI? There sponsor, promises to provide for them. My sister in law is from England. She brought her parents over shortly after he retired as an English Crown Corporation employee. Well he worked for the government. First thing they do is sign up for SSI. I thought it was wrong in 1969 and still think it is wrong now. Cut all NEA money. constitution does not call for the Federal Government to provide public artwork. Is a nice thing, but we are cutting services to handicapped, while still endowing the arts. As well as not cutting pay or number of employees of the government Actually we are cutting services while adding large number of employees. Why are you avoiding pain while heaping on debt for our grandchildren to pay for your excesses? Unfortunately you are right, no program anywhere should be spared. The easiest most fair way to solve Social Security screwing going forward is to phase it out and replace it with mandated savings but in your name, in your account and in your control -- failing that it is real a tax on income. I think they partially closed the SS loophole you mention, you need 40 points, can earn up to 4 per year depending if you pay enough taxes. I have 40. But still there in that someone can move from say India or Afghanistan, work 10 years and fully collect. Because the pool of money is skimmed and abused. Governemtn borrows it for 1% return in a 4% inflation environment and it looses 3% vlue every year!!! Then they also use it to subsidize those that don't pay enough for the benefits they get. Hey, I am not anti-socialist, if a vet or truly disabled person needs it fine. But many are no-pay collectors. Basically, like everything else government Social Security has been mismanaged. I suspect similarily medicare/medicaid too is like this. But for every $1 cut in these programs, I would want to see $3 from administration and $5 from the military. And pay freezes for all of government until the budget was balanced. Good part is intelligent people will see SSI people get screwed will eventually question why they pay the employment taxes. These employment taxes plus wages have grown over the years, but wages remain stagnant because of the employment tax creep. People don't see what isn't in their faces. Agree with co-pay. Needs to be a small charge even i they are poor. If you can't come up with $10 or $25, you have your priorities all wrong. Stuff like foreign aid corruption, bailouts, handouts for nothing programs all should be just scrapped including the civil servants that run them. That part of government is a waste. No need to duplicate medicare/medicaid, merge them either to the state or to the fed, but the duplication is insane. Also, the federal civil servants get that service as they get to eat their own dog food. Yep, cut their plans for the government plan. No egalitarianism. Some 500 departments and programs of low or no value have been identified, they should just be eliminated. Simplify, reduce costs and stop the bleeding here. 90% of these are targeted pork barrel programs anyways, it should be "We the People..." or not at all. It would not be tough provided the president actually managed the government and not let the government manage him. Worst sins of a civil employee are downsize and efficiency. Time it was fixed. Wow.. two more fools agreeing with each other. Call CNN! So what are you going to do when your greedy envious ass gets the boot off of socialist assistance? Hey, we know Obama be your sugar daddy. I'm going to continue to identify you as the moron you are. Poll want a cracker? What's the matter little man? Is that all you can say now? |
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says... On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 14:09:05 -0600, Canuck57 wrote: On 20/07/2011 1:28 PM, wrote: On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 12:26:12 -0600, wrote: On 19/07/2011 10:08 AM, wrote: On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:39:33 -0600, wrote: On 18/07/2011 10:57 PM, Califbill wrote: "Canuck57" wrote in message ... On 17/07/2011 6:06 PM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 12:46:52 -0600, wrote: On 17/07/2011 11:44 AM, wrote: On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 11:31:03 -0600, wrote: On 16/07/2011 6:00 PM, Q JINN wrote: AARP https://action.aarp.org/site/Advocac...Action&id=1293 Tell Congress: No Unfair Cuts to Medicare and Social Security Right now, Congress is considering deals to pay the nation's bills that would include dramatic cuts to Medicare and put the health of millions of older Americans at risk. We can't allow Congress to balance the budget on the backs of America's seniors Send a message to your members of Congress I do have a problem cutting social security. It soud be the last one chopped. While people had the misguided idea government would manage it well, it is an obligation that was paid for. Cut welfare first, as welfare didn't pay squat into it. Plus the payroll tax is there for social security. Welfare is already bare-bones. It's the final safety net for a society. Clinton scaled it back quite dramatically, but you don't care about facts. You just want to hurt the poor. But the say fact is that decades of fiscal mismanagement of SS has left it crippled. Government borrows and wastes the moneys, pays well below inflation diluting the value of it every year. Like a parasite sucking slowly and surely. There's little fiscal mismanagement in SS. As usual, you're devoid of actual facts. Medicare and medicaid, why not merge the two and lower the service levels, make it more efficient and less costly? Sorry, not everyone can go out costing $3 million for heart, lung, kidneys...there has to be rationed limits. You moron. Medicaid is a STATE run program. Medicare is FEDERAL. GET A CLUE! The big hack should be military, general administration and over all efficiencies. Michelle for example, 50+ staff? You're kidding right? No argument about the military, but the right-wing won't do that. And, you're a racist little pig. A good law to slide into government might be no raises for any civil servant until the budget is 100% balanced for one budget cycle. A little motivation to get the lead out. That's a noise-level "solution." If unions, governemnt or people sanely cared about pensions, pensions would be in your name, in your account and in your control, and if some central authority want big pools of money, they would have to borrow it from you at defined terms acceptable to you. No more skimming and bamboozling. Social security, employee and employers part, company pension, all go into the IRA/401K. Current pension plans are total bullship, except for government elite with the gold plated indexed plans. Sort of an eglitarian aristoracy to be government these days. They should get and use the same benefits as they provide. But big fat government is about milking and managing the herd for the egalitarianism in our societies. Taxation and government has turned out to be modern day slavery. As usual, you're totally ignorant. Ya well why have 8 different departments doing the same damn thing as Medicare and Medicaid? Government has to stop treating inefficiency as a goal. So, forget states rights then? You're really a dummy. You're the racist, Polly want a cracker? Or does Polly want a cracker to pay for it? I like the idea of tying civil servant pay check to performance goals in a non-subjective way. Lazy idealist fantastic dreamers in government need a stark wakeup call. Huh? Which civil servants? By the way, I once worked for US government sponsored organization once. What a CF, the idiots found the most inefficient ways to do the most simplistic of things in the most complex and stupidest ways possible. You're a known liar and a fool. Nobody would hire you for any gov't position. Every department, every job needs a review in government that asks the questions: 1) How does this benefit all Americans? (cut the racism hidden in special programs, it should not mater if you are bown, white, black, yellow, red or purple, it is "We the People...". 2) Is it cost effective and lean? 3) Is it really needed? Or just subsiding dysfunctional behavior? Yet, the Republicans typically block reform. They just want to kill everything. And, whatever "fat" that's left wouldn't amount to much money in the scheme of things. But, that doesn't matter to a racist little pig like you. Funny, your broke. As in debt welshing LOSER. I got a kick out of Timothy Geithner today going after the Euro default situation, man sure is a real hypocritical stupendous idiot. All a default means is that it is now pay as you go. Nothing more or less. -- What government fears the most is that the people correctly learn that they need government less than the government needs them. Say no more debt, no more debt-slave taxes. Economic freedom matters too! Reply: Social Security and Medicare need to be on the table also! We can not afford to give out money we do not have. How about change the law, so the SS and Medicare money does not go to the general fund. Any surplus goes to paying down the debt. No hiding overspending by stealing the SS money. Plus some means testing, and copay for doctor visits. All my medical plans for the last 30+ years had a copay. Medicare and United Health supplemental, go to the doctor any time you want. No cost. Want your blood pressure checked 3 times a week. Just go to the doctor or hospital. If you are really poor, not just what we call poor here in the states, then you get a credit at tax time. Poor here, seem to have cars, TV, game station of some sort and cable. And are overweight. Don?t believe it, then do a little research. Immigrants get SSI, and the minimum is more than the minimum Social Security. Why do they get SSI? There sponsor, promises to provide for them. My sister in law is from England. She brought her parents over shortly after he retired as an English Crown Corporation employee. Well he worked for the government. First thing they do is sign up for SSI. I thought it was wrong in 1969 and still think it is wrong now. Cut all NEA money. constitution does not call for the Federal Government to provide public artwork. Is a nice thing, but we are cutting services to handicapped, while still endowing the arts. As well as not cutting pay or number of employees of the government Actually we are cutting services while adding large number of employees. Why are you avoiding pain while heaping on debt for our grandchildren to pay for your excesses? Unfortunately you are right, no program anywhere should be spared. The easiest most fair way to solve Social Security screwing going forward is to phase it out and replace it with mandated savings but in your name, in your account and in your control -- failing that it is real a tax on income. I think they partially closed the SS loophole you mention, you need 40 points, can earn up to 4 per year depending if you pay enough taxes. I have 40. But still there in that someone can move from say India or Afghanistan, work 10 years and fully collect. Because the pool of money is skimmed and abused. Governemtn borrows it for 1% return in a 4% inflation environment and it looses 3% vlue every year!!! Then they also use it to subsidize those that don't pay enough for the benefits they get. Hey, I am not anti-socialist, if a vet or truly disabled person needs it fine. But many are no-pay collectors. Basically, like everything else government Social Security has been mismanaged. I suspect similarily medicare/medicaid too is like this. But for every $1 cut in these programs, I would want to see $3 from administration and $5 from the military. And pay freezes for all of government until the budget was balanced. Good part is intelligent people will see SSI people get screwed will eventually question why they pay the employment taxes. These employment taxes plus wages have grown over the years, but wages remain stagnant because of the employment tax creep. People don't see what isn't in their faces. Agree with co-pay. Needs to be a small charge even i they are poor. If you can't come up with $10 or $25, you have your priorities all wrong. Stuff like foreign aid corruption, bailouts, handouts for nothing programs all should be just scrapped including the civil servants that run them. That part of government is a waste. No need to duplicate medicare/medicaid, merge them either to the state or to the fed, but the duplication is insane. Also, the federal civil servants get that service as they get to eat their own dog food. Yep, cut their plans for the government plan. No egalitarianism. Some 500 departments and programs of low or no value have been identified, they should just be eliminated. Simplify, reduce costs and stop the bleeding here. 90% of these are targeted pork barrel programs anyways, it should be "We the People..." or not at all. It would not be tough provided the president actually managed the government and not let the government manage him. Worst sins of a civil employee are downsize and efficiency. Time it was fixed. Wow.. two more fools agreeing with each other. Call CNN! So what are you going to do when your greedy envious ass gets the boot off of socialist assistance? Hey, we know Obama be your sugar daddy. I'm going to continue to identify you as the moron you are. Poll want a cracker? What's the matter little man? Is that all you can say now? Gee, you and I are catty bitches, eh? |
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